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DNA replication in all eukaryotes starts with the process of loading the replicative helicase MCM2–7 onto chromatin during late mitosis of the cell cycle. MCM2–7 is a key component of the prereplicative complex (pre-RC), which is loaded onto chromatin by the concerted action of origin recognition complex, Cdc6, and Cdt1. Here, we demonstrate that And-1 is assembled onto chromatin in late mitosis and early G1 phase before the assembly of pre-RC in human cells. And-1 forms complexes with MCM2–7 to facilitate the assembly of MCM2–7 onto chromatin at replication origins in late mitosis and G1 phase. We also present data to show that depletion of And-1 significantly reduces the interaction between Cdt1 and MCM7 in G1 phase cells. Thus, human And-1 facilitates loading of the MCM2–7 helicase onto chromatin during the assembly of pre-RC.  相似文献   
Two pathways have been proposed for eukaryotic Okazaki fragment RNA primer removal. Results presented here provide evidence for an alternative pathway. Primer extension by DNA polymerase δ (pol δ) displaces the downstream fragment into an RNA-initiated flap. Most flaps are cleaved by flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) while short, and the remaining nicks joined in the first pathway. A small fraction escapes immediate FEN1 cleavage and is further lengthened by Pif1 helicase. Long flaps are bound by replication protein A (RPA), which inhibits FEN1. In the second pathway, Dna2 nuclease cleaves an RPA-bound flap and displaces RPA, leaving a short flap for FEN1. Pif1 flap lengthening creates a requirement for Dna2. This relationship should not have evolved unless Pif1 had an important role in fragment processing. In this study, biochemical reconstitution experiments were used to gain insight into this role. Pif1 did not promote synthesis through GC-rich sequences, which impede strand displacement. Pif1 was also unable to open fold-back flaps that are immune to cleavage by either FEN1 or Dna2 and cannot be bound by RPA. However, Pif1 working with pol δ readily unwound a full-length Okazaki fragment initiated by a fold-back flap. Additionally, a fold-back in the template slowed pol δ synthesis, so that the fragment could be removed before ligation to the lagging strand. These results suggest an alternative pathway in which Pif1 removes Okazaki fragments initiated by fold-back flaps in vivo.  相似文献   
The DNA helicase encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 forms a hexameric ring in the presence of dTTP, allowing it to bind DNA in its central core. The oligomerization also creates nucleotide-binding sites located at the interfaces of the subunits. DNA binding stimulates the hydrolysis of dTTP but the mechanism for this two-step control is not clear. We have identified a glutamate switch, analogous to the glutamate switch found in AAA+ enzymes that couples dTTP hydrolysis to DNA binding. A crystal structure of T7 helicase shows that a glutamate residue (Glu-343), located at the subunit interface, is positioned to catalyze a nucleophilic attack on the γ-phosphate of a bound nucleoside 5'-triphosphate. However, in the absence of a nucleotide, Glu-343 changes orientation, interacting with Arg-493 on the adjacent subunit. This interaction interrupts the interaction of Arg-493 with Asn-468 of the central β-hairpin, which in turn disrupts DNA binding. When Glu-343 is replaced with glutamine the altered helicase, unlike the wild-type helicase, binds DNA in the presence of dTDP. When both Arg-493 and Asn-468 are replaced with alanine, dTTP hydrolysis is no longer stimulated in the presence of DNA. Taken together, these results suggest that the orientation of Glu-343 plays a key role in coupling nucleotide hydrolysis to the binding of DNA.  相似文献   
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) represents a substantial threat to human health worldwide. The virus expresses a dual-function protein, NS3 having both protease and RNA helicase activities that are essential for productive viral replication and sustained infections. While viral protease and polymerase inhibitors have shown great successes in treating chronic HCV infections, drugs that specifically target the helicase activity have not advanced. A robust and quantitative 96-well plate-based fluorescent DNA unwinding assay was used to screen a class of indole thio-barbituric acid (ITBA) analogs using the full-length, recombinant HCV NS3, and identified three naphthoyl-containing analogs that efficiently inhibited NS3 helicase activity in a dose-dependent manner, with observed IC50 values of 21–24?µM. Standard gel electrophoresis helicase assays using radiolabeled duplex DNA and RNA NS3 substrates confirmed the inhibition of NS3 unwinding activity. Subsequent anisotropy measurements demonstrated that the candidate compounds did not disrupt NS3 binding to nucleic acids. Additionally, the rate of ATP hydrolysis and the protease activity were also not affected by the inhibitors. Thus, these results indicate that the three ITBA analogs containing N-naphthoyl moieties are the foundation of a potential series of small molecules capable of inhibiting NS3 activity via a novel interaction with the helicase domain that prevents the productive unwinding of nucleic acid substrates, and may represent the basis for a new class of therapeutic agents with the potential to aid in the treatment and eradication of hepatitis C virus.  相似文献   
Efficient DNA replication involves coordinated interactions among DNA polymerase, multiple factors, and the DNA. From bacteriophage T4 to eukaryotes, these factors include a helicase to unwind the DNA ahead of the replication fork, a single-stranded binding protein (SSB) to bind to the ssDNA on the lagging strand, and a helicase loader that associates with the fork, helicase, and SSB. The previously reported structure of the helicase loader in the T4 system, gene product (gp)59, has revealed an N-terminal domain, which shares structural homology with the high mobility group (HMG) proteins from eukaryotic organisms. Modeling of this structure with fork DNA has suggested that the HMG-like domain could bind to the duplex DNA ahead of the fork, whereas the C-terminal portion of gp59 would provide the docking sites for helicase (T4 gp41), SSB (T4 gp32), and the ssDNA fork arms. To test this model, we have used random and targeted mutagenesis to generate mutations throughout gp59. We have assayed the ability of the mutant proteins to bind to fork, primed fork, and ssDNAs, to interact with SSB, to stimulate helicase activity, and to function in leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis. Our results provide strong biochemical support for the role of the N-terminal gp59 HMG motif in fork binding and the interaction of the C-terminal portion of gp59 with helicase and SSB. Our results also suggest that processive replication may involve the switching of gp59 between its interactions with helicase and SSB.  相似文献   
Members of the RecQ family of DNA helicases are involved in the cellular response to DNA damage and are regulated in the cell-cycle. However, little is known about RecQ5, one of these members. The level of RECQ5/QE, Drosophila melanogaster RecQ5, was increased after the exposure of cultured cells to methyl-methanesulfonate. Transgenic flies that overexpressed RECQ5/QE in their developing eye primordia showed mild roughening of the ommatidial lattice. DNA-damaging agents and the mei-41 mutation enhanced the phenotype caused by RECQ5/QE overexpression. Overexpression of RECQ5/QE perturbed the progression of the cell-cycle in response to DNA damage in the eye imaginal discs. These results suggest that RECQ5/QE interacts with components of the cell-cycle during its progression in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   
SARS coronavirus, SCV, has been recently responsible of a sudden and widespread infection which caused almost 800 victims. The limited amount of SCV protein structural information is partially responsible of the lack of specific drugs against the virus. Coronavirus helicases are very conserved and peculiar proteins which have been proposed as suitable targets for antiviral drugs, such as bananins, which have been recently shown to inhibit the SCV helicase in vitro. Here, the quaternary structure of SCV helicase has been predicted, which will provide a solid foundation for the rational design of other antiviral helicase inhibitors.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protein has two enzymatic activities of helicase and protease that are essential for viral replication. The helicase separates the strands of DNA and RNA duplexes using the energy from ATP hydrolysis. To understand how ATP hydrolysis is coupled to helicase movement, we measured the single turnover helicase translocation-dissociation kinetics and the pre-steady-state Pi release kinetics on single-stranded RNA and DNA substrates of different lengths. The parameters of stepping were determined from global fitting of the two types of kinetic measurements into a computational model that describes translocation as a sequence of coupled hydrolysis-stepping reactions. Our results show that the HCV helicase moves with a faster rate on single stranded RNA than on DNA. The HCV helicase steps on the RNA or DNA one nucleotide at a time, and due to imperfect coupling, not every ATP hydrolysis event produces a successful step. Comparison of the helicase domain (NS3h) with the protease-helicase (NS3-4A) shows that the most significant contribution of the protease domain is to improve the translocation stepping efficiency of the helicase. Whereas for NS3h, only 20% of the hydrolysis events result in translocation, the coupling for NS3-4A is near-perfect 93%. The presence of the protease domain also significantly reduces the stepping rate, but it doubles the processivity. These effects of the protease domain on the helicase can be explained by an improved allosteric cross-talk between the ATP- and nucleic acid-binding sites achieved by the overall stabilization of the helicase domain structure.  相似文献   
DNA polymerase α-primase (pol-prim) plays a central role in DNA replication in higher eukaryotes, initiating synthesis on both leading and lagging strand single-stranded DNA templates. Pol-prim consists of a primase heterodimer that synthesizes RNA primers, a DNA polymerase that extends them, and a fourth subunit, p68 (also termed B-subunit), that is thought to regulate the complex. Although significant knowledge about single-subunit primases of prokaryotes has accumulated, the functions and regulation of pol-prim remain poorly understood. In the SV40 replication model, the p68 subunit is required for primosome activity and binds directly to the hexameric viral helicase T antigen, suggesting a functional link between T antigen-p68 interaction and primosome activity. To explore this link, we first mapped the interacting regions of the two proteins and discovered a previously unrecognized N-terminal globular domain of p68 (p68N) that physically interacts with the T antigen helicase domain. NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the solution structure of p68N and map its interface with the T antigen helicase domain. Structure-guided mutagenesis of p68 residues in the interface diminished T antigen-p68 interaction, confirming the interaction site. SV40 primosome activity of corresponding pol-prim mutants decreased in proportion to the reduction in p68N-T antigen affinity, confirming that p68-T antigen interaction is vital for primosome function. A model is presented for how this interaction regulates SV40 primosome activity, and the implications of our findings are discussed in regard to the molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic DNA replication initiation.  相似文献   
Mutations in the human ChlR1 gene are associated with a unique genetic disorder known as Warsaw breakage syndrome characterized by cellular defects in sister chromatid cohesion and hypersensitivity to agents that induce replication stress. A role of ChlR1 helicase in sister chromatid cohesion was first evidenced by studies of the yeast homolog Chl1p; however, its cellular functions in DNA metabolism are not well understood. We carefully examined the DNA substrate specificity of purified recombinant human ChlR1 protein and the biochemical effect of a patient-derived mutation, a deletion of a single lysine (K897del) in the extreme C terminus of ChlR1. The K897del clinical mutation abrogated ChlR1 helicase activity on forked duplex or D-loop DNA substrates by perturbing its DNA binding and DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Wild-type ChlR1 required a minimal 5' single-stranded DNA tail of 15 nucleotides to efficiently unwind a simple duplex DNA substrate. The additional presence of a 3' single-stranded DNA tail as short as five nucleotides dramatically increased ChlR1 helicase activity, demonstrating the preference of the enzyme for forked duplex structures. ChlR1 unwound G-quadruplex (G4) DNA with a strong preference for a two-stranded antiparallel G4 (G2') substrate and was only marginally active on a four-stranded parallel G4 structure. The marked difference in ChlR1 helicase activity on the G4 substrates, reflected by increased binding to the G2' substrate, distinguishes ChlR1 from the sequence-related FANCJ helicase mutated in Fanconi anemia. The biochemical results are discussed in light of the known cellular defects associated with ChlR1 deficiency.  相似文献   
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