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Host range is a key element of a parasite's ecology and evolution and can vary greatly depending on spatial scale. Generalist parasites frequently show local population structure in relation to alternative sympatric hosts (i.e. host races) and may thus be specialists at local scales. Here, we investigated local population specialization of a common avian nest‐based parasite, the hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank), exploiting two abundant host species that share the same breeding sites, the great tit Parus major (Linnaeus) and the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis (Temminck). We performed a cross‐infestation experiment of fleas between the two host species in two distinct study areas during a single breeding season and recorded the reproductive success of both hosts and parasites. In the following year, hosts were monitored again to assess the long‐term impact of cross‐infestation. Our results partly support the local specialization hypothesis: in great tit nests, tit fleas caused higher damage to their hosts than flycatcher fleas, and in collared flycatcher nests, flycatcher fleas had a faster larval development rates than tit fleas. However, these results were significant in only one of the two studied areas, suggesting that the location and history of the host population can modulate the specialization process. Caution is therefore called for when interpreting single location studies. More generally, our results emphasize the need to explicitly account for host diversity in order to understand the population ecology and evolutionary trajectory of generalist parasites.  相似文献   
Preen oil, the secretion of the uropygial gland, may be an important source of body odour in birds. By characterizing the chemical composition of preen oil, we can describe the olfactory phenotypes of birds and investigate whether odours could have a function in sexual signalling or other chemical communication. Here we analysed the preen oil of a wild passerine, the European Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, to find out whether it holds socially relevant information. We sampled both the female and male of breeding pairs during nestling rearing to test for sex differences and within-pair similarity. We additionally sampled the females during incubation to test for changes across breeding stages and for individual repeatability of chemical profiles. Pair mates had similar chemical profiles in comparison with other breeding adults. Furthermore, we found evidence for sex differences and for changes across breeding stages. Notably, the preen oil of females was more diverse and more volatile than that of males, and the preen oil secreted by females during incubation was more volatile than that secreted during nestling rearing. However, we found no evidence for individual repeatability of chemical profiles across breeding stages in females. Our results point towards a function of preen oil in sexual signalling, although other functions should not be excluded. Our study is a first step towards understanding the role of odours in the social life of an important avian model species used in the study of mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   
2005年4月7日在广州中山大学康乐园校区竹园内观测到一只黄眉姬鹟琉球亚种Ficedula narcissina owstoni的first-spring雄性个体,并以照片记录了该种,是中国大陆的鸟类亚种新纪录.本文对比了该亚种与指名亚种first-spring雄鸟的外形特征,并对该亚种的分布进行了简要讨论.  相似文献   
Quantitative genetic theory predicts that evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) will be a slow process if the genetic correlation in size between the sexes is close to unity, and the heritability of size is similar in both sexes. However, there are very few reliable estimates of genetic correlations and sex-specific heritabilities from natural populations, the reasons for this being that (1) offspring have often been sexed retrospectively, and hence, selection acting differently with respect to body size in the two sexes between measuring and sex identification can bias estimates of SSD; and (2) in many taxa, parents may be incorrectly assigned to offspring either because of assignment errors or because of extrapair paternity. We used molecular sex and paternity identification to overcome these problems and estimated sex-specific heritabilities and the genetic correlation in body size between the two sexes in the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis. After exclusion of the illegitimate offspring, the genetic correlation in body size between the sexes was 1.00 (SE = 0.22), implying a severe constraint on the evolution of SSD in this species. Furthermore, sex-specific heritability estimates were very similar, indicating that neither sex will be able to evolve faster than the other. By using estimated genetic parameters, together with empirically derived estimates of sex-specific selection gradients, we further demonstrated that the predicted selection response in female tarsus length is displaced about 200% in the opposite direction from that to be expected if there were no genetic correlation between the sexes. The correspondence between the biochemically estimated rate of extrapair paternity (about 15 % of the young) and that estimated from the “heritability method” (11%) was good. However, the estimated rate of extrapair paternity with the heritability method after exclusion of the illegitimate young was 22%, adding to increasing evidence that factors other than extrapair paternity (e.g., maternal effects) may be resposible for the commonly observed higher mother-offspring than father-offspring resemblance.  相似文献   
We present evidence of differential maternal allocation to eggs in response to manipulated male attractiveness in the migratory pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). We manipulated the size of a male secondary sexual trait, the white forehead patch, right after male arrival to the breeding area and before female arrival. Patch size was (1) enlarged to the maximum observed in the population, (2) reduced by 40% or (3) kept constant by painting with indelible felt markers over the natural feather patch. Male behaviour was affected by the experimental manipulation, as individuals with enlarged patches performed more approaches to the nestbox in response to song playback during the territory occupation and nest-site presentation phases. Females paired with males with reduced forehead patches laid significantly smaller eggs than those paired with males in the control and enlarged-patch treatments. Laying date and clutch size did not differ among the experimental groups. We discuss that manipulations of ornaments designed to study differential allocation at laying should reduce as well as enlarge their expression.  相似文献   
Capsule Predation is a major factor influencing the breeding success of Red-breasted Flycatchers under natural conditions.

Aims To examine the breeding success of Red-breasted Flycatchers in relation to nest-site characteristics and time of breeding.

Methods Data were collected during seven breeding seasons under natural conditions in Bia?owie?a National Park. We used survival time analysis to estimate changes in survival probability over time and breeding success in relation to first-egg date and nest-site characteristics.

Results Offspring fledged successfully from 51% of clutches, but the Kaplan–Meier estimate of survival was lower at 0.43. Of the unsuccessful clutches, 82% were lost to predators. The highest probability of loss was during egg-laying and in the second half of incubation. Breeding success was influenced by the height of the nest above the ground, but no relation to other nest-site characteristics was found.

Conclusion To avoid predation Red-breasted Flycatchers build nests in various sites that are more open than most cavity-nesting species. The position of the nest-sites allows the sitting female to observe her surroundings and to escape rapidly from the nest, giving the chance for a replacement clutch.  相似文献   
Variation in relative fitness of competing recently formed species across heterogeneous environments promotes coexistence. However, the physiological traits mediating such variation in relative fitness have rarely been identified. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is tightly associated with life history strategies, thermoregulation, diet use, and inhabited latitude and could therefore moderate differences in fitness responses to fluctuations in local environments, particularly when species have adapted to different climates in allopatry. We work in a long‐term study of collared (Ficedula albicollis) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a recent hybrid zone located on the Swedish island of Öland in the Baltic Sea. Here, we explore whether differences in RMR match changes in relative performance of growing flycatcher nestlings across environmental conditions using an experimental approach. The fitness of pied flycatchers has previously been shown to be less sensitive to the mismatch between the peak in food abundance and nestling growth among late breeders. Here, we find that pied flycatcher nestlings have lower RMR in response to higher ambient temperatures (associated with low food availability). We also find that experimentally relaxed nestling competition is associated with an increased RMR in this species. In contrast, collared flycatcher nestlings did not vary their RMR in response to these environmental factors. Our results suggest that a more flexible nestling RMR in pied flycatchers is responsible for the better adaptation of pied flycatchers to the typical seasonal changes in food availability experienced in this hybrid zone. Generally, subtle physiological differences that have evolved when species were in allopatry may play an important role to patterns of competition, coexistence, or displacements between closely related species in secondary contact.  相似文献   
Models of sexual selection suggest that populations may easily diverge in male secondary sexual characters. Studies of a Spanish population of the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, and a Swedish population of the closely related collared flycatcher, F. albicollis, have indicated that the white forehead patch of males is a sexually selected trait. We studied the white forehead patch of male pied flycatchers (n = 487) in a Norwegian population over seven years. Males with large forehead patches were in general more brightly colored, but patch height was not correlated to body mass, body size, or parasite loads. Conditions during the nestling period did not seem to influence patch height as an adult. Patch height increased slightly from the first to the second year as adults, but then remained relatively constant at higher ages. Patch height was not related to survival. Year-to-year changes showed that males who increased in patch height also increased in body mass, suggesting that expression of the forehead patch may be partly condition dependent. However, changes in body mass explained only a small proportion of the variance in patch height between males. Thus, patch height would not be a good indicator of male quality. Furthermore, patch size was also not related to male ability to feed nestlings, indicating that females would not obtain direct benefits by choosing males with large patches. However, patch height could be a Fisher trait, but this requires heritability and there was no significant father-son resemblance in patch height. Comparisons of the males visited by each female during the mate sampling period indicated that chosen males did not have larger forehead patches than rejected males. Experimental manipulation of patch height did not affect male mating success. These results indicate that females do not use patch size as a mate choice cue. Finally, patch height did not predict the outcome of male contests for nestboxes, suggesting that the forehead patch is not an intrasexually selected cue of status. Norwegian pied flycatchers have smaller forehead patches than both Spanish pied flycatchers and Swedish collared flycatchers. We suggest that this pattern may be explained by the lack of sexual selection on the forehead patch in the Norwegian population as compared to the other populations, where the patch is apparently sexually selected. We discuss possible reasons for these population divergences, such as female choice on an alternative secondary sexual character (general plumage color) and speciation among Ficedula flycatchers.  相似文献   
Four external skeletal and three feather dimensions were measured on adult collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) and their adult offspring. By using mid-offspring-midparent regressions, all traits were found to be heritable with an arithmetic mean heritability of 0.46. Heritability estimates from full-sib analyses were about 1.5 times higher (mean 0.67), indicating that variation in traits was affected by shared nest environment among full-sibs. The overall body size as measured by principal component one (PC1) was found to be heritable (h2 = 0.40). However, this multivariate measure of heritability was not significant in offspring-father comparison, while highly so in offspring-mother comparison (h2 = 0.60). Low offspring-father resemblance was evident also in univariate estimates of heritability. Possible causes of this (extra-pair copulations, maternal effects, sex-linked variance) are discussed. Genetic correlations among seven traits were estimated to be low (mean 0.22), and of similar magnitude or higher than phenotypic correlations (mean 0.18). All genetic correlations were positive. Genetic and phenotypic correlations as well as covariances were fairly similar to each other (r = 0.85 and r = 0.87, respectively). Environmental correlations did not follow the pattern of genetic correlations (r = 0.11), but were more similar to phenotypic correlations (r = 0.60). Given the low genetic correlations and moderate heritabilities, the overall conclusion is that the external morphology of collared flycatchers is largely under additive genetic control and that there is a strong potential for evolutionary change in morphology even under complex multivariate selection.  相似文献   
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