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We present 3 adult cases of visceral toxocariasis from the same family, who each consumed thin slices of raw bovine liver weekly, and developed eosinophilia and multiple small lesions in their livers and lungs. Serological examinations using the larval excretory–secretory product of Toxocara canis strongly indicated infection with Toxocara species larvae. The patients responded well to treatment with albendazole. Ingestion of raw liver from paratenic animals is considered to be a common transmission route of human toxocariasis, especially in adults.  相似文献   
缘脊叶蝉亚科生物地理学研究(同翅目,叶蝉科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对缘脊叶蝉亚科的组成,族、属和种的地理分布,以及起源与扩散途径进行了研究.结果表明:缘脊叶蝉亚科由7族57属323种组成,只分布于旧世界(Old World).7个族在非洲区均有分布,古北区有4个族、东洋区3个族、澳洲区2个族.依种类分布情况对4大动物区的相似性分析表明,东洋区与古北区关系最为密切,其次是澳洲区,与非洲区的相关性较小,这与地球演化历史是相吻合的.通过对各族地理分布及起源时间分析,它们的起源时间依次是:Drabescini、Paraboloponini、Selenocephalini、Ianeirini、Adamini、Dwightiini和Hypacostemmini.文中给出了各族的地理分布图.  相似文献   
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is associated with gastrointestinal disease, systemic immune activation and changes in the gut microbiota. Here, we aim to investigate the gut microbiota patterns of HIV‐infected individuals and HIV‐uninfected individuals in populations from South China. We enrolled 33 patients with HIV (14 participants treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy [HAART] for more than 3 months; the remaining 19 individuals had not received treatment) and 35 healthy controls (HC) for a cross‐sectional comparison of gut microbiota using stool samples. Gut microbial communities were profiled by sequencing the bacterial 16S rRNA genes. Dysbiosis was more common among patients with AIDS compared with healthy individuals. Dysbiosis was characterized by decreased α‐diversity, low mean counts of Bacteroidetes, Faecalibacterium, Prevotella, Bacteroides vulgatus, Dialister and Roseburia inulnivorans, and high mean counts of Proteobacteria, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Lachnociostridium, Ruminococcus gnavus and Streptococcus vestibularis. Increased abundance of Bacilli was observed in homosexual patients. Proteobacteria were higher among heterosexual patients with HIV infections. Tenericutes were higher among patients with history of intravenous drug abuse. Restoration of gut microbiota diversity and a significant increase in abundance of Faecalibacterium, Blautia and Bacteroides were found in patients receiving HAART compared to those who did not receive. HIV infection‐associated dysbiosis is characterized by decreased levels of α‐diversity and Bacteroidetes, increased levels of Proteobacteria and the alterations of gut microbiota correlate with the route of HIV transmission. The imbalanced faecal microbiota of HIV infection is partially restored after therapy.  相似文献   
近年来,随着城市交通拥堵和环境污染等问题的日益凸显,自行车作为通勤出行方式的地位逐渐上升,通勤者对建立不受机动车干扰的、连续的、具备通勤功能的城市绿色道路的需求也在不断增加。绿色道路的线路建设不仅要保障空间可实施性和交通环境质量,还要与居民的通勤出行需求紧密结合,实现绿道使用的综合效益最大化。基于此,研究以北京市回龙观地区为对象,采用与居民出行行为有关的数据,识别郊区居民中短程通勤特征,划定主要通勤范围,探究基于居民真实出行的多源大数据的选线方法,通过基于通勤出行需求强度与吸引强度的绿道节点甄选与路段适宜性的评价分析。最后,通过GIS网络分析功能进行最优线路选择,并结合城市公园、绿地、河流等资源的分布情况进行修正,形成一条满足居民通勤需求的、完整互联的、安全的且具备较强实施性的绿色通道。最终达到降低居民通勤时耗、提升区域可达性、完善城市慢行系统网络的目的。  相似文献   
论松科植物的地理分布、起源和扩散   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
李楠 《植物分类学报》1995,33(2):105-130
松科有10属,约235种,是现存球果类中最大的一群,广泛分布于北半球,在北温带及亚热带山地针叶林中占有重要地位。本文根据植物的地理分布与系统发育统一的原理,在利用松科系统发育方面的研究资料的基础上,尤其着重于对化石资料的分析,同时综合古地理、古气候及古植物区系资料,对松科的种系发生及地理分布的有关问题进行讨论,主要观点如下:a)松科在地质时期是一个很庞大的类群,有过很多属。中生代以后其中很多属都相继绝灭,现代松科只是其祖先中少部分喜温性分支的后裔;却异军突起,后来居上,发展成现今北温带针叶林的主要组成成分。其兴旺与温带成分的出现密不可分,这就决定了它与其它主要分布于热带、亚热带的原始裸子植物科属有一定的区别。因为温带成分主要是现以衍生科属为主,而现代松科即是这样一类衍生类群。b)松科的起源时间虽然可追溯到侏罗纪甚至三叠纪,但现代松科各属的出现却是在早白垩期纪至第三纪之间。c)松科各属可能并非是在同一阶段、同一地点起源的。松属可能是现存的分化最早的类群,于侏罗纪至早白垩纪期间起源于欧美古陆,其它属则到晚白垩纪至第三纪早期(有1—2属至中期)才陆续从其祖先复合体中分化出来,分化地仍限于劳亚古陆,但有向太平洋植物区转移的倾向,该区至今仍是现代松科植物分布最为集中和丰富的地区。d)现代松科的早期扩散可能存在以下三条主要的迁徙路线,即:欧美路线、欧亚路线和古白令路线。e)松科遍布北半球的现代分布格局的形成是以上述三条迁徒路线为基础的。此外,还受到自第三纪以来古地质、古气候、古区系的变迁,植物自身的适应能力,以及植物与植物之间或植物与环境之间的相互作用和人类活动等诸多因素的影响。f)将松科划分为6区、4亚区,并附有分区图、各区所分布种数的统计表以及各属目前的地理分布和化石分布图。  相似文献   
本文系统分析了各大动物地理界叶蜂总科特有属现象、特有属间亲缘关系及其分布,并探讨了其起源与传播途径。叶蜂总科在世界各大动物地理界的分布格局为:一个东亚主要分布和分化中心,4个次级分化中心:非洲中部、南美中偏西北部、北美、地中海地区。各个次级中心均与主要中心具有相当密切的联系。北美的特有属集中分布现象不显著。叶蜂总科的起源地区可能位于东亚中南部或其附近。非洲界和新热带界分布的叶蜂总科属数比较少,但特有属比例很高,说明其隔离分化程度较大。新北亚界和西古北区分布的叶蜂总科属数较多,但特有率较低,表明隔离分化程度较小。东方界的叶蜂区系既贫乏且特化程度很低,所分布的属除个别特有属外均与东亚区共有,可能是由东亚区系向南衰减弱化而成。澳洲界处于叶蜂总科区系的外缘,区系成分十分贫乏。  相似文献   
Celebochoerus is a unique suid having extremely large upper tusks, and which was to date only known from the Pliocene-Pleistocene of Sulawesi Island in Indonesia. Here, we report on the discovery of a canine fragment referable to Celebochoerus from the Cagayan Valley of Luzon, Northern Philippines. We name a new species, Celebochoerus cagayanensis nov. sp., which differs from the Sulawesi species Celebochoerus heekereni in having mesial and distal enamel bands on the upper canines. We see these characteristics as symplesiomorphic in suids and propose a migration route from the Philippines to Sulawesi, possibly out of Taiwan, which would have occurred independently from the better known Pleistocene migration route from India into Java.  相似文献   
粉红聚端孢Trichothecium roseum引致的苹果霉心病发生严重。对于新红星品种,T. roseum的侵染过程尚未明确。本研究利用T. roseum荧光标记菌株TR45分析其在新红星品种上的侵染时期和侵入通道。发现T. roseum可以侵染花器组织,引起枯萎坏死;落花后10-15 d,受侵染的花器残体被萼片包裹于萼筒内,随后T. roseum从离生花柱合并处的孔口部位入侵进入合生花柱,沿花柱内的多细胞毛状体间扩展;花后30 d左右,花柱缝逐渐开裂,随果实膨大心室腔壁也开裂,逐渐形成一条贯通萼筒与心室开放通道——萼窦;花后60 d左右,T. roseum的菌丝沿着萼窦扩展进入心室腔,从心室上的裂缝进入果肉组织,最终引起果实霉心。本研究结果有助于解析新红星苹果品种发病重以及难防治的原因,对苹果霉心病防控新策略构建具有重要理论意义。  相似文献   
In this study, six N‐1, N‐2, or N‐11 derivatives of TD‐34 (a cationic cyclic cell‐penetrating peptide [CPP], ACSSKKSKHCG) were designed and synthesized including both linear peptides and cyclic peptides, such as DL‐1 (KWSSKKSKHCG), DLCC‐1 (cyclopeptide, KWSSKKSKHCG), DL‐2 (KWSSKKSKHCG‐NH2), DLCC‐2 (cyclopeptide, KWSSKKSKHCG‐NH2), DL‐3 (RWSSKKSKHCG), and DLCC‐3 (cyclopeptide, RWSSKKSKHCG). The cyclic peptides were synthesized by disulfide bound linkages formed by N‐2 and N‐10 cysteine. In vitro penetration experiment was conducted to investigate the transdermal enhancement ability of these derivatives, using triptolide (TP) as model drug. The results display that at the presence of DLCC‐2, the accumulative penetration amount of TP increased 1.71‐fold (P < .05) within 12 hours, displaying better transdermal enhancing ability than TD‐34. Meanwhile, DL‐3 and DLCC‐3 slightly decreased the transdermal delivery of TP, and the presence of DL‐1 and DLCC‐1 shows no obvious effect. In order to clarify the factors on the transdermal ability of peptides, the solubility of TP in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) at the presence of different peptides and the mechanism of transdermal delivery of CPPs was investigated. The result shows that most of these peptides have no significant effect on the solubility of TP except DLCC‐3 (the solubility of TP slightly increased). And in order to investigate transdermal absorption route of DLCC‐2, polyarginine linked to rhodamine b (Rh b) derivative is used. The result proved that the transdermal route of polyarginine is via hair follicle, which may change the transdermal route of its cargo molecule (TP). Our group previously proved that polyarginine and TD‐34 have similar transdermal enhancing mechanism (changing the transdermal route of their cargo molecule); it is reasonably speculated that the transdermal route of DLCC‐2 is the same as polyarginine and then changes the transdermal absorption route of TP. Furthermore, such results have laid a solid foundation for further investigation of CPPs and paved a way for both designing and synthesizing of new drug delivery system for therapy molecules.  相似文献   
李继峰  李仁杰 《生态学报》2012,32(13):3998-4006
引入景观感知敏感度模型中的可视范围、最佳观赏距离、最佳观赏方位等视域感知影响因子,和景观类型、资源价值等生态感知影响因子,并增加地形坡度和起伏度因子,建立了生态旅游地观光线路选址综合权重计算模型,用于观光线路的自动选址。以武安国家地质公园奇峡谷景区为例,基于ArcGIS软件平台,实现了景区旅游观光最佳线路自动选址;通过景区野外考察,并综合考虑其它修正因子,对计算结果进行了专家修正,获得了一条旅游者景观感知较好且容易实施的观光线路。观光线路自动选址为微观尺度下的生态旅游地规划、景观设计提供了定量分析方法,为景区管理和生态保护提供了思路和参考。  相似文献   
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