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Grand canonical molecular dynamics (GCMD) simulations are used to study the adsorption and desorption of Lennard-Jones nitrogen in three slit pore junction models of microporous graphite. These networks consist of two narrow pores separated by a wider (cavity) pore. We report results for cases where the narrow pore has a width of only two or three molecular diameters. Using the GCMD technique, a novel freezing transition is observed which results in pore blocking in the narrow pores of the network, which are less than 1 nm wide. This freezing results from the adsorption energy barrier at the junction between the narrow and wider pores. This type of pore blocking could account for the apparent increase in pore volume with increasing temperature that has been experimentally observed in microporous graphite systems. For networks in which the narrower pores are somewhat larger, with a width of 1.28 nm, this pore blocking effect is much reduced, and adsorbate molecules enter and fill the central cavity. In such cases, however, desorption is incomplete, some residual adsorbate remaining in the central cavity even at the lowest pressures.  相似文献   
In this article, we present a set of computational tools for systematic characterisation of ordered and disordered porous materials. These tools include calculation of the accessible surface area and geometric pore size distribution, analysis of the structure connectivity and percolation analysis of the porous space. We briefly discuss the algorithms behind these calculations. To demonstrate the capabilities of the tools and the type of insights that can be gained from their application, we consider a series of case studies. These case studies include small molecular fragments, several crystalline metal-organic materials, and variants of these materials with induced defects and disorder in their structure. The simulation package is available upon request.  相似文献   
Grand canonical Monte Carlo and equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations were used to assess the performance of an rht-type metal–organic framework (MOF), Cu-TDPAT, in adsorption-based and membrane-based separation of CH4/H2, CO2/CH4 and CO2/H2 mixtures. Adsorption isotherms and self-diffusivities of pure gases and binary gas mixtures in Cu-TDPAT were computed using detailed molecular simulations. Several properties of Cu-TDPAT such as adsorption selectivity, working capacity, diffusion selectivity, gas permeability and permeation selectivity were computed and compared with well-known zeolites and MOFs. Results showed that Cu-TDPAT is a very promising adsorbent and membrane material especially for separation of CO2 and it can outperform traditional zeolites and MOFs such as DDR, MFI, CuBTC, IRMOF-1 in adsorption-based CO2/CH4 and CO2/H2 separations.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the adsorption mechanisms at the interface between carbon nanotubes and metal electrodes that can influence the Schottky barrier (SB). We developed a theoretical model based on the first-principles density functional theory for the interaction of an armchair single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) with either Au(111) or Pd(111) surface. We considered the side-wall contact by modelling the full SWNT as well as the end-contact geometry using the graphene ribbon model to mimic the contact with very large diameter nanotubes. Strong interaction has been found for the Pd–SWNT interface where the partial density of states (DOS) shows that d-orbitals of palladium are dominant at the Fermi energy so that the hybrid Pd-orbitals have the correct symmetry to overlap with π-electrons and form covalent bonds. The SWNT can only be physisorbed on the gold surface for which the contribution to the DOS of the d-orbitals is very low. Moreover, the filling of antibonding states makes the Au–SWNT bond unstable. The average and ‘atom to atom’ energy barriers at the interface have been evaluated. The matching of open-edge carbon dimers with metal lattice in the end-contact geometry is more likely for large diameter SWNTs and this makes lower the SB at the interface.  相似文献   
In the present work, the adsorption kinetics of extended ligands on DNA duplexes at small fillings when molecules of DNA duplexes are on the underlayer within diffusion layer has been investigated. Both diffusion of ligands in solution (diffusion stage) and adsorption of ligands (kinetic stage) are taken into consideration at adsorption of ligands on DNA duplexes. Nonlinear system of differential equations describing adsorption of ligands where not only diffusion stage but also kinetic stage is taken into account, is obtained, moreover the equations allow localizing duplexes in arbitrary place within diffusion layer. Numeric solution of the equations makes possible to investigate the filling kinetics of DNA duplexes by ligands depending on parameters controlling adsorption process. It has been shown that depending on relation between adsorption parameters different kinetic regimes of adsorption – kinetic, complex, and diffusion regimes may be realized.  相似文献   


Hypertension is associated with the impairment of renal cyclooxygenase (COX) activity, which regulates vascular tone, salt and water balance and renin release. We aimed to evaluate the functional role of COX isoforms in kidneys isolated from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) after α1-adrenoceptor (α1-AR) stimulation.

Main methods

Male six-month-old SHR and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) were used. The kidneys were isolated to measure perfusion pressure and COX-1- or COX-2-derived prostanoids in response to α1-AR activation.

Key findings

The basal perfusion pressure was higher in SHR kidneys compared with WKY kidneys (95 ± 11 vs. 68 ± 6 mm Hg, P < 0.05). Phenylephrine induced a greater vasopressor response in SHR kidneys (EC50 of 1.89 ± 0.58 nmol) than WKY kidneys (EC50 of 3.30 ± 0.54 nmol, P < 0.05 vs. SHR). COX-1 inhibition decreased the α1-AR-induced vasoconstrictor response in WKY but did not affect SHR response, while COX-2 inhibition diminished the response in SHR. Both basal prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane A2 (TxA2) values were higher in SHR kidney perfusates (P < 0.05) and were reduced by COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors in both strains. Furthermore, phenylephrine increased PGI2 through COX-2 in WKY and through COX-1 in SHR, but the agonist did not significantly modify TxA2 in both strains.


The data suggest that COX-1contributes to vasoconstrictor effects in WKY kidneys and that COX-2 has the same effect in SHR kidneys. The results also suggest that basal release of COX-2-derived vasoconstrictor prostanoids is involved in renal vascular hypersensitivity in SHR.  相似文献   
Social interest reflects the motivation to approach a conspecific for the assessment of social cues and is measured in rats by the amount of time spent investigating conspecifics. Virgin female rats show lower social interest towards unfamiliar juvenile conspecifics than virgin male rats. We hypothesized that the neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) may modulate sex differences in social interest because of the involvement of OT in pro-social behaviors. We determined whether there are sex differences in OT system parameters in the brain and whether these parameters would correlate with social interest. We also determined whether estrus phase or maternal experience would alter low social interest and whether this would correlate with changes in OT system parameters. Our results show that regardless of estrus phase, females have significantly lower OT receptor (OTR) binding densities than males in the majority of forebrain regions analyzed, including the nucleus accumbens, caudate putamen, lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial amygdala, and ventromedial hypothalamus. Interestingly, male social interest correlated positively with OTR binding densities in the medial amygdala, while female social interest correlated negatively with OTR binding densities in the central amygdala. Proestrus/estrus females showed similar social interest to non-estrus females despite increased OTR binding densities in several forebrain areas. Maternal experience had no immediate or long-lasting effects on social interest or OT brain parameters except for higher OTR binding in the medial amygdala in primiparous females. Together, these findings demonstrate that there are robust sex differences in OTR binding densities in multiple forebrain regions of rats and that OTR binding densities correlate with social interest in brain region- and sex-specific ways.  相似文献   
The interactions of mouse thymocytes with unilamellar phospholipid vesicles comprised of dimyristyl lecithin (DML), dipalmitoyl lecithin (DPL), dioleoyl lecithin (DOL), and egg yolk lecithin (EYL) were examined in vitro.

In cells treated with [3H]DML or [3H]DPL vesicles, electron microscope (EM) autoradiographic analysis showed most of the radioactive lipids to be confined to the cell surface. Transmission EM studies showed the presence of intact vesicles (DPL) and collapsed or ruptured vesicle fragments (DML) adsorbed to the surfaces of treated cells. In cells treated with DPL vesicles containing a watersoluble dye (6-carboxyfluorescein; 6-CF), most of the fluorescent vesicles were localized at the periphery of the treated cells. Furthermore, substantial fractions of the cell-associated DPL and DML could be released by a mild trypsinization without damaging the cells. These results suggest that the uptake of DML and DPL is primarily due to vesicle-cell adsorption. Such an adsorption process appears to be enhanced at or below the thermotropic-phase transition temperature of the vesicle lipid. Under certain conditions these adherent vesicles also formed patches or caps on the cell surface.

In cells treated with DOL or EYL vesicles, transmission EM and EM autoradiography showed relatively little exogenous vesicle lipid located at the cell surface. Thymocytes incubated (37°C) with [14C] EYL vesicles containing a trapped marker, [3H]inulin, incor porated both isotopes at identical rates. In separate experiments it was found that this marker was located inside the treated cells. Thymocytes treated with DOL vesicles containing 6-CF exhibited a uniform and diffuse distribution of dye in the internal volume of the cells. Little cell-associated EYL or DOL could be released by trypsinization. Evidence against endocytosis of intact vesicles as a major pathway of vesicle uptake is also presented. These observations, coupled with the demonstration of vesicle-cell lipid exchange as a minor component of vesicle uptake suggest that incorporation of EYL and DOL vesicles by thymocytes is primarily by vesicle-cell fusion.  相似文献   
Peptide affinity tags have become efficient tools for the purification of recombinant proteins from biological mixtures. The most commonly used ligands in this type of affinity chromatography are immobilized metal ions, proteins, antibodies, and complementary peptides. However, the major bottlenecks of this technique are still related to the ligands, including their low stability, difficulties in immobilization, and leakage into the final products. A model approach is presented here to overcome these bottlenecks by utilizing macroporous ceramic fluorapatite (CFA) as the stationary phase in chromatography and the CFA‐specific short peptides as tags. The CFA chromatographic materials act as both the support matrix and the ligand. Peptides that bind with affinity to CFA were identified from a randomized phage display heptapeptide library. A total of five rounds of phage selection were performed. A common N‐terminal sequence was found in two selected peptides: F4‐2 (KPRSMLH) and F5‐4 (KPRSVSG). The peptide F5‐4, displayed by more than 40% of the phages analyzed in the fifth round of selection, was subjected to further studies. Selectivity of the peptide for the chemical composition and morphology of CFA was assured by the adsorption studies. The dissociation constant, obtained from the F5‐4/CFA adsorption isotherm, was in the micromolar range, and the maximum capacity was 39.4 nmol/mg. The chromatographic behavior of the peptides was characterized on a CFA stationary phase with different buffers. Preferential affinity and specific retention properties suggest the possible application of the phage‐derived peptides as a tag in CFA affinity chromatography for enhancing the selective recovery of proteins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Waste sugar beet pulp has been used as adsorbent for the removal of a hazardous cationic dye, Basic violet 16, from its aqueous solution. Adsorption of the dye was studied as function of time, pH of the solution, dosage of the adsorbent, sieve size of the particles, concentration of the dye, and temperature. The initial pH of the dye solution did not affect the chemistry of the dye molecule and the surface of beet pulp. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were successfully employed, and on the basis of these models, the thermodynamic parameters were evaluated. Adsorption of Basic violet 16 on beet pulp was found to be an exothermic reaction. Time contact studies showed that more than 80% adsorption of the dye is achieved in less than 1 h. Kinetics investigations confirmed both pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order behaviors; on the other hand, it shows that the intraparticle diffusion step is not the only rate-controlling step in all concentrations.  相似文献   
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