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Individual dispersal,landscape connectivity and ecological networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Connectivity is classically considered an emergent property of landscapes encapsulating individuals' flows across space. However, its operational use requires a precise understanding of why and how organisms disperse. Such movements, and hence landscape connectivity, will obviously vary according to both organism properties and landscape features. We review whether landscape connectivity estimates could gain in both precision and generality by incorporating three fundamental outcomes of dispersal theory. Firstly, dispersal is a multi‐causal process; its restriction to an ‘escape reaction’ to environmental unsuitability is an oversimplification, as dispersing individuals can leave excellent quality habitat patches or stay in poor‐quality habitats according to the relative costs and benefits of dispersal and philopatry. Secondly, species, populations and individuals do not always react similarly to those cues that trigger dispersal, which sometimes results in contrasting dispersal strategies. Finally, dispersal is a major component of fitness and is thus under strong selective pressures, which could generate rapid adaptations of dispersal strategies. Such evolutionary responses will entail spatiotemporal variation in landscape connectivity. We thus strongly recommend the use of genetic tools to: (i) assess gene flow intensity and direction among populations in a given landscape; and (ii) accurately estimate landscape features impacting gene flow, and hence landscape connectivity. Such approaches will provide the basic data for planning corridors or stepping stones aiming at (re)connecting local populations of a given species in a given landscape. This strategy is clearly species‐ and landscape‐specific. But we suggest that the ecological network in a given landscape could be designed by stacking up such linkages designed for several species living in different ecosystems. This procedure relies on the use of umbrella species that are representative of other species living in the same ecosystem.  相似文献   
Aim Small (< 1 km2) alpine glaciers are likely to disappear in this century, resulting in decreased regional habitat heterogeneity in associated streams. Both heterogeneity within and spatial isolation among glacier‐influenced streams can enhance beta diversity of stream‐dwelling organisms. We measured beta at both community and population‐genetic levels within and among streams currently influenced by small Pyrenean glaciers. We aimed to evaluate whether patterns are analogous between the two levels, to apply various approaches for characterizing beta, and to infer the outcome of future glacier loss on regional biodiversity. Location Four glacier‐fed basins in the Parc National des Pyrénées, France. Methods We classified each of 18 stream reaches across the basins into either high‐, mid‐ or low‐‘glaciality’ (glacial influence) groups according to four physicochemical characteristics. At each reach, we collected macroinvertebrate communities and evaluated mitochondrial DNA haplotypes for 11–13 individuals of Baetis alpinus Pictet. Using taxa/haplotypes as basic units, we evaluated community and population‐genetic beta diversity simultaneously. We measured beta diversity in three major ways: as multivariate (Sørensen's dissimilarity, Jost D) and ‘classical’ (gamma/alpha) variation to compare among glaciality groups, and as turnover along the glaciality gradient within each basin. Results For most approaches at both organizational levels, beta was greatest among high‐glaciality reaches, absolute values of variation of beta in high‐glaciality streams were strikingly similar between levels, and the steepest turnover within basins occurred between high‐ and mid‐glaciality reaches. Therefore, high‐glaciality reaches contained assemblages and populations that were unique both within that stream type (among basins) and compared with other stream types within basins. Main conclusions Parallel beta diversity patterns at population‐genetic and community levels suggested that environmental drivers influence these levels analogously. Extreme conditions (e.g. low temperature, high instability, isolation) in high‐glaciality streams probably enhance beta at both levels. Stream beta diversity is likely to decrease substantially with continued glacial reduction in this system.  相似文献   
We evaluated the status of 16 of 22 recognized Sri Lankan Cnemaspis Strauch species, and flagged overlooked diversity with two mitochondrial (cyt b & ND2) and two nuclear markers (RAG1 & PDC) totalling 2829 base pairs. A fossil-calibrated timetree and sampling of other South Asian Cnemaspis provide insights into the diversification of the genus in peninsular India and Sri Lanka. Phylogenetic analyses consistently inferred two broad clades within South Asian Cnemaspis, with Sri Lankan species in two clades, which we call the podihuna and kandiana clades. Each Sri Lankan clade as a whole is sister to Indian taxa and nested within Indian lineages. Cnemaspis modigliani Das from Indonesia is a member of the kandiana clade. This suggests a minimum of two dispersal events between India and Sri Lanka and one between Sri Lanka/India and South-east Asia. South Asian Cnemaspis date back to at least the Eocene, in Sri Lanka to the early Miocene, with late Miocene diversification in the kandiana clade. All but one of the named species we sampled is likely to be valid, and 10 divergent unnamed lineages may warrant specific recognition. A resolution of Sri Lankan Cnemaspis taxonomy will require thorough sampling and the use of both morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   
The Guayana Highlands (GH) constitute a highly diverse, but relatively poorly studied Neotropical biome, comprised of ~50 flat-topped mountain summits (called tepuis). Previous studies based on warming forecasts for the region suggested that an upward displacement of environmental conditions of 500–700 m could occur by 2100, potentially resulting in the extinction of c. 50% of its endemic flora due to total habitat loss. To assess the ecological responses of the species to climate change, and select the appropriate conservation measures, long-term monitoring of the GH plant communities will be necessary. In this study, the baseline state for future comparisons was established for the best explored tepui in terms of its flora, Roraima-tepui (2810 m), through a floristic characterization of its different vegetation types. We also identified the environmental gradients underlying the major plant communities, and assessed the effects of human activities on the chemistry of soils and water at three field camps. Our results yielded five main community types: three meadows, one shrubland, and one forest, with their corresponding diagnostic species. The herbaceous communities were mainly influenced by the presence of flat sandy soils, with varying flooding capacity. Shrublands and forests were characterized by irregular organic soils with very low pH. Finally, pH values below 3 were measured on an organic soil of a field camp, although further studies will be necessary to attribute this deviation to human activities.  相似文献   
Following microbial pathogen invasion, the human immune system of activated phagocytes generates and releases the potent oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which contributes to the killing of menacing microorganisms. Though tightly controlled, HOCl generation by the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system of neutrophils/monocytes may occur in excess and lead to tissue damage. It is thus of marked importance to delineate the molecular pathways underlying HOCl cytotoxicity in both microbial and human cells. Here, we show that HOCl induces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), apoptotic cell death and the formation of specific HOCl-modified epitopes in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Interestingly, HOCl cytotoxicity can be prevented by treatment with ROS scavengers, suggesting oxidative stress to mediate the lethal effect. The executing pathway involves the pro-apoptotic protease Kex1p, since its absence diminishes HOCl-induced production of ROS, apoptosis and protein modification. By characterizing HOCl-induced cell death in yeast and identifying a corresponding central executor, these results pave the way for the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in HOCl research, not least given that it combines both being a microorganism as well as a model for programmed cell death in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Prion diseases exhibit different disease phenotypes in their natural hosts and when transmitted to rodents, and this variability is regarded as indicative of prion strain diversity. Phenotypic characterization of scrapie strains in sheep can be attempted by histological, immunohistochemical and biochemical approaches, but it is widely considered that strain confirmation and characterization requires rodent bioassay. Examples of scrapie strains obtained from original sheep isolates by serial passage in mice include ME7, 79A, 22A and 87V. In order to address aspects of prion strain stability across the species barrier, we transmitted the above murine strains to sheep of different breeds and susceptible Prnp genotypes. The experiment included 40 sheep dosed by the oral route alone and 36 sheep challenged by combined subcutaneous and intracerebral routes. Overall, the combined route produced higher attack rates (~100%) than the oral route (~50%) and 2–4 times shorter incubation periods. Uniquely, 87V given orally was unable to infect any sheep. Overall, scrapie strains adapted and cloned in mice produce distinct but variable disease phenotypes in sheep depending on breed or Prnp genotype. Further re-isolation experiments in mice are in progress in order to determine whether the original cloned murine disease phenotype will reemerge.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is one of the most important processes for cancer cell survival, tumor growth and metastasis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor, particularly VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2, or kinase insert domain-containing receptor, KDR), play critical roles in tumor-associated angiogenesis. We developed TTAC-0001, a human monoclonal antibody against VEGFR-2/KDR from a fully human naïve single-chain variable fragment phage library. TTAC-0001 was selected as a lead candidate based on its affinity, ligand binding inhibition and inhibition of VEGFR-2 signal in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). TTAC-0001 inhibited binding of VEGF-C and VEGF-D to VEGFR-2 in addition to VEGF-A. It binds on the N-terminal regions of domain 2 and domain 3 of VEGFR-2. It could inhibit the phosphorylation of VEGFR-2/KDR and ERK induced by VEGF in HUVEC. TTAC-0001 also inhibited VEGF-mediated endothelial cell proliferation, migration and tube formation in vitro, as well as ex vivo vessel sprouting from rat aortic rings and neovascularization in mouse matrigel model in vivo. Our data indicates that TTAC-0001 blocks the binding of VEGFs to VEGFR-2/KDR and inhibits VEGFR-induced signaling pathways and angiogenesis. Therefore, these data strongly support the further development of TTAC-0001 as an anti-cancer agent in the clinic.  相似文献   

In recent years, capillary electrophoresis–sodium dodecyl sulfate (cSDS) has been widely used for high resolution separation and quantification of the fragments and aggregates of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to ensure the quality of mAb therapeutics. However, identification of the low-molecular-weight (LMW) and high-molecular-weight (HMW) species detected in cSDS electropherograms has been based primarily on the approximate MWs calculated from standard curves using known MW standards and correlations with fragments and aggregates identified by other methods. It is not easy to collect sufficient amounts of H/LMW species from cSDS for analysis by orthogonal methods and the direct coupling of cSDS with mass spectrometry (MS) is very difficult due to interference from SDS. In this study, we describe the precise identification of H/LMW species detected by cSDS using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) coupled with top-down tandem MS analysis. The H/LMW species were first identified by on-line RP-HPLC MS analysis and the RP-HPLC fractions were then analyzed by cSDS to connect the identified H/LMW species with the peaks in the cSDS electropherogram. With this method, 58 unique H/LMW species were identified from an immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) mAb. The identified fragments ranged from 10 kDa single chain fragments to 130 kDa triple chain fragments, including some with post-translational modifications. This is the first study to clearly identify the antibody fragments, including the exact clipping sites, observed in cSDS electropherograms. The methodology and results presented here should be applicable to most other IgG1 mAbs.  相似文献   
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