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Summary A genomic clone of a wheat -amylase gene (Amy3/33) was identified, on the basis of hybridisation properties, as different from -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes which had been characterised previously. The nucleotide sequence revealed that this gene has the normal sequence motifs of an active gene and an open reading frame interrupted by two introns. The protein sequence encoded by this open reading frame is recognisably similar to that of -amylase from the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes and there is high sequence homology in all three proteins at the putative active sites and Ca++ binding region. In addition, the introns are at positions equivalent to the position of introns in the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes. However, the sequence was less similar to -Amy1 and -Amy2 than these are to each other. Southern blot analysis showed that the Amy3/33 DNA is one of a small multigene family carried on a different chromosome (group 5) from either the -Amy1 or -Amy2 genes. A further difference from the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes was the pattern of expression. Amy3/33 was expressed only in immature grains and, unlike the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes, not at all in germinating aleurones. These data suggested therefore that this gene represents a third type of -amylase gene, not described before, which shares a common evolutionary ancestor with the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes.  相似文献   
Summary A method for transposon mutagenesis in Azospirillum lipoferum 29708 is reported with transposon Tn5. The suicide plasmid pSUP2021 was used to deliver Tn5 in A. lipoferum using Escherichia coli SM10 as the donor. Neomycin-resistant transconjugants were detected at a frequency of 6x10-6 per recipient. Different types of mutants were isolated, e.g. auxotrophic, coloured, IAA-negative, and IAA-overproducers. Among the auxotrophic mutants, cysteine and methionine requirers prevailed. Random Tn5-insertion with only one copy per mutant was demonstrated by Southern blotting and hybridization. Tn5-induced mutants are relatively stable, with reversion rates of 2–20×10-8. A gene which is a part of the carotenoid pathway is closely linked to the histidine genes. The existence of two pathways for IAA production in A. lipoferum is discussed.  相似文献   
Methylation of 2-125I-lysergic acid diethylamide (125I-LSD) at the N1 position produces a new derivative, N1-methyl-2-125I-lysergic acid diethylamide (125I-MIL), with improved selectivity and higher affinity for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors. In rat frontal cortex homogenates, specific binding of 125I-MIL represents 80-90% of total binding, and the apparent dissociation constant (KD) for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors is 0.14 nM (using 2 mg of tissue/ml). 125I-MIL also displays a high affinity for serotonin 5-HT1C receptors, with an apparent dissociation constant of 0.41 nM at this site. 125I-MIL exhibits at least 60-fold higher affinity for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors than for other classes of neurotransmitter receptors, with the dopamine D2 receptor as its most potent secondary binding site. Studies of the association and dissociation kinetics of 125I-MIL reveal a strong temperature dependence, with very slow association and dissociation rates at 0 degree C. Autoradiographic experiments confirm the improved specificity of 125I-MIL. Selective labeling of serotonin receptors was observed in all brain areas examined. In vivo binding studies in mice indicate that 125I-MIL is the best serotonin receptor label yet described, with the highest frontal cortex to cerebellum ratio of any serotonergic radioligand. 125I-MIL is a promising ligand for both in vitro and in vivo labeling of serotonin receptors in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   
Transformation of a specific clone of Fischer rat embryo (CREF) cells with wild-type 5 adenovirus (Ad5) or the E1a plus E1b transforming gene regions of Ad5 results in epithelioid transformants that grow efficiently in agar but that do not induce tumors when inoculated into nude mice or syngeneic Fischer rats. In contrast, CREF cells transformed by a host-range Ad5 mutant, H5hrl, which contains a single base-pair deletion of nucleotide 1055 in E1a resulting in a 28-kd protein (calculated) in place of the wild-type 51-kd acidic protein, display a cold-sensitive transformation phenotype and an incomplete fibroblastic morphology but surprisingly do induce tumors in nude mice and syngeneic rats. Tumors develop in both types of animals following injection of CREF cells transformed by other cold-sensitive Ad5 E1a mutants (H5dl101 and H5in106), which contain alterations in their 13S mRNA and consequently truncated 289AA proteins. CREF cells transformed with only the E1a gene (0-4.5 m.u.) from H5hrl or H5dl101 also produce tumors in these animals. To directly determine the role of the 13S E1a encoded 289AA protein and the 12S E1a encoded 243AA protein in initiating an oncogenic phenotype in adenovirus-transformed CREF cells, we generated transformed cell lines following infection with the Ad2 mutant pm975, which synthesizes the 289AA E1a protein but not the 243AA protein, and the Ad5 mutant H5dl520 and the Ad2 mutant H2dl1500, which do not produce the 289AA E1a protein but synthesize the normal 243AA E1a protein. All three types of mutant adenovirus-transformed CREF cells induced tumors in nude mice and syngeneic rats. Tumor formation by these mutant adenovirus-transformed CREF cells was not associated with changes in the arrangement of integrated adenovirus DNA or in the expression of adenovirus early genes. These results indicate, therefore, that oncogenic transformation of CREF cells can occur in the presence of a wild-type 13S E1a protein or a wild-type 12S E1a protein when either protein is present alone, but does not occur when both wild-type E1a proteins are present.  相似文献   
Summary We have developed a method for the dissociation and purification of myosatellite cells from white epaxial muscle of carp. The dissociated myosatellite cells were identified by their morphology, their ultrastructure, the formation of multinucleated myotubes containing myofibrils and the immunocytochemical demonstration of desmin. Desmin and 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) were used to identify terminally differentiated and proliferating myosatellite cells, respectively. The in vitro behavior of myosatellite cells dissociated from carp of 5 cm standard length differed from that described for myosatellite cells of mammals and birds. No substantial proliferation of the myosatellite cells could be observed. Most cells were differentiated (desmin-positive, BrdU-negative) 17 h after plating, regardless of the medium used. This indicates that the investigated white epaxial muscle of carp of 5 cm standard length contains subpopulations of myosatellite cells, arrested at various stages of differentiation.  相似文献   
We isolated the small subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO SSu) from a fern,Asplenium cataractarum and determined its 34 N-terminal amino acid sequence. We obtained a cDNA clone that contains the entire coding region of the SSu from the same fern species, using synthetic oligonucleotide probes derived from the above amino acid sequence. It contains a 525 bp open reading frame capable of coding for a polypeptide with 174 amino acids, 31 bp 5′-and 206 bp 3′-noncoding regions. It was also elucidated that the precursor to the SSu contains a transit peptide of 53 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 121 residues. We compared the deduced amino acid sequence of the fern SSu with those of 11 other vascular plant species (including gymnosperms, monocots and dicots). As low as 55% homology was observed between those of a fern and seed plants. Constancy of the amino acid substitution rate in RuBisCO SSu was supported by our relative rate test. Amino acid substitution rate per year per site for RuBisCO SSu was calculated to be 0.81×10−9 assuming that the separation between pteridophytes and seed plants arose 380 million years ago.  相似文献   
Summary Escherichia coli Rl is an Ag+-resistant strain that, as we have shown recently, harbours at least two large plasmids, pJT1 (83 kb) and pJT2 (77 kb). Tn5-Mob was introduced into theE. coli Rl host replicon via conjugation on membrane filters. The transfer functions of plasmid RP4-4 were provided in this process and Tn5-Mob clones mated withE. coli C600 yielded Ag+-resistant transconjugants. This mobilization procedure allowed transfer and expression of pJT1 Ag+ resistance inE. coli C600. Prior to use of Tn5-Mob mobilization, it was not possible to transfer Ag+-resistant determinant(s) intoE. coli by conjugation or transformation including high-voltage electroporation.E. coli C600 containing PJTI and PJT2 displayed decreased accumulation of Ag+ similar toE. coli R1.E. coli C600 could not tolerate 0.1 and 0.5 mM Ag+, rapidly accumulated Ag+ and became non-viable. Tn5-Mob mobilization may be useful in the study of metal resistance in bacteria, especially in strains not studied for resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   
We have studied the mechanisms of breakdown of 2'-5' oligoadenylates. We monitored the time-courses of degradation of ppp(A2'p5')nA (dimer to tetramer) and of 5'OH-(A2'p5')nA (dimer to pentamer) in unfractionated L1210 cell extract. The 5' triphosphorylated 2'-5' oligoadenylates are converted by a phosphatase activity. However, 2'-5' oligoadenylates are degraded mainly by phosphodiesterase activity which splits the 2'-5' phosphodiester bond sequentially at the 2' end to yield 5' AMP and one-unit-shorter oligomers. The nonlinear least-squares curve-fitting program CONSAM was used to fit these kinetics and to determine the degradation rate constant of each oligomer. Trimers and tetramers, whether 5' triphosphorylated or not, are degraded at the same rate, whereas 5' triphosphorylated dimer is rapidly hydrolyzed and 5'-OH dimer is the most stable oligomer. The interaction between degradation enzymes and the substrate strongly depends on the presence of a 5' phosphate group in the vicinity of the phosphodiester bond to be hydrolyzed; indeed, when this 5' phosphate group is present, as in pp/pA2'p5'A/or A2'/p5'A2'p5'A/, affinity is high and maximal velocity is low. Such a degradation pattern can control the concentration of 2'-5' oligoadenylates active on RNAse L either by limiting their synthesis (5' triphosphorylated dimer is the primer necessary for the formation of longer oligomers) and/or by converting them into inhibitory (e.g., monophosphorylated trimer) or inactive (e.g., nonphosphorylated oligomers) molecules.  相似文献   
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