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The infection of R. Thames flounders, Platichthys flesus L., at Fulham by the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevix (Müller) is described in terms of parasite population structure, life-cycle organization, reproductive biology and host microhabitat utilization. The parasites demonstrated 100% prevalence in this tidal but essentially freshwater locality (intestinal intensity 34.47) and were overdispersed in the flounder population (variance/mean ratio = 10.39, k= 1.04). Overall about 11% of the worms occurred in peritoneal cavity sites, the remainder being firmly attached to the gut wall in the posterior region of the intestine and rectum. The P. laevis populations were reproductively active, demonstrating that the flounder acts as a significant final host in this locality. Viable larval stages were identified in Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, a predominantly estuarine amphipod, indicating that P. laevis is likely to be able to complete its life cycle at Fulham. Over half the female parasites examined were gravid and many of the non-gravid worms were inseminated but had not yet started egg production. The proportion of females gravid, the number of ovarian balls and the number of eggs in gravid females was seen to increase with worm size. Both the identity of the intermediate host and the reproductive status of P. laevis in the Thames flounders differ from the Pomphorhynchus/flounder system studied by Kennedy (1984) in the R. Avon, suggesting that the two P. laevis populations may belong at least to discrete subspecies or strains. Parasites in flounders maintained under laboratory conditions in fresh water, 50% sea water and 100% sea water showed similar population, microhabitat and reproductive characteristics to those observed in the field. This suggests that increased salinity has a negligible effect on established parasites in the short term, and therefore that salinity may not form a barrier to the survival and dispersal of the R. Thames parasite when the flounders return to sea.  相似文献   
A five year study was conducted in a 100–120 year old even-aged sugar maple stand in southern Quebec (46°07N 73° 56W; 305 m altitude) to explore the effect of different fertilization formulations aimed at 1) correcting the most common nutrient deficiencies observed in declining maple stands (K and Mg), 2) decreasing soil acidity, and 3) simulating enrichment with atmospheric N. Seven fertilizer mixtures were applied in the spring of 1987: 400 kg ha-1 of K2SO4, CaCO3, CaMg(CO3)2, (NH4)2SO4, complete fertilizer (Maplegro) and 800 kg ha-1 of an equal mixture of K2SO4+CaCO3 or K2SO4+CaMg(CO3)2. The site was divided into twenty-four 25×25 m plots and treatments including control were replicated three times. Leaves and soils (organic and mineral) were sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. Trees were cored at 1.2 m to measure their response in diameter growth. The application of K2SO4+CaMg(CO3)2 was the only treatment that significantly increased (+13%) the average growth rate over the five year period after fertilization. The application of (NH4)2SO4, Maplegro, CaMg(CO3)2 and K2SO4 reduced growth relative to the control for the five year period by 29, 24, 20 and 12 %, respectively. Positive and negative effects on growth can be explained mainly in terms of changes in leaf K. Both the application of Maplegro and (NH4)2SO4 increased soil P availability. Overall, the rate of growth showed a cubic pattern of change over the 5 year period with peaks in 1988 and 1991. Trees in control plots went from a limiting foliar status of Ca and Mg, and surplus N in 1987 to a surplus of Ca and Mg, and lower N concentration in 1991. Our results suggest that nutrient deficiencies observed at our site were associated with a disturbance of the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients rather than soil nutrient depletion.Abbreviations BS base saturation - CEC cation exchange capacity - DRIS diagnosis and recommendation integrated system  相似文献   
The internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA, ITS2, was sequenced from a singlé specimen of S. hippopotami collected from a pulmonary artery of the hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius in South Africa. The nucleotide sequence was aligned with those of S. mansoni, S. rodhaini, S. haematobium, S. intercalatum, S. curassoni. S bovis and S. japonicum. Both maximum parsimony and genetic distance analyses were performed on these data sets. Using S. japonicum as outgroup to the African schistosomes, a single most-parsimonious tree was obtained of length 64 steps with a consistency index of 1. S. hippopotami was the sister-group to the remaining African species. This species has lateral-spined eggs and its basal position in the tree suggests that this condition is primitive and that terminal-spined eggs developed secondarily. Molecular data clearly show that S. hippopotami cannot be considered synonymous with S. mansoni. Assuming the hippopotamus is the normal host of S. hippopotami, phylogenetic analysis is consistent with an ancient association between schistosomes and ungulates.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that early maturation of barley affords it some resistance to cereal aphids, the colonisation, survival, growth, reproduction and emigration of M. dirhodum on barley was measured and compared with previously published results for this aphid on wheat.
Barley plants were colonised as readily as wheat plants. Survival to maturity was similar on both hosts. Relative growth rate was higher on wheat than on barley for most of the season while reproduction was similar on both. Emigration, measured alate production, was significantly higher on mature wheat than on mature barley.
It is proposed that the increase of M. dirhodum populations on barley is normally terminated early in the year directly plant maturation and consequent drying out of the leaves, resulting in the death of aphids. This is different to the situation on wheat, which matures later, and where emigration following plant induced alate induction has been shown to be the major factor affecting the decline in population growth.
These results support the hypothesis that early maturation of barley provides some resistance to M. dirhodum.  相似文献   
Expansion growth is limited if the difference between day and night temperature (DIF) is negative. Growth is also limited high salinity. Expansion growth of tomato seedlings was studied under day/night temperatures of 16/24°C and 24/16°C, and nutrient solution salinities of 3 and 15 mS cm-1 to ascertain whether interactions exist between the two stress forms. Water status was also studied in order to assess possible mechanisms of growth retardation. A significant interaction between DIF and salinity was found for all recorded growth variables. Hypocotyl length, plant height, leaf area and fresh and dry weight were lower at negative DIF than at positive, the reduction being greater at low salinity than at high. Increased salinity also reduced growth, more so at positive DIF than at negative. Growth reduction at negative DIF was accompanied increased shoot water and osmotic potentials. Pressure potential was unaffected DIF. Growth reduction at high salinity was accompanied reduced water and osmotic potentials. Pre-dawn pressure potential was increased at high salinity, whereas no effect of salinity on pressure potential at midday was found. The differences in effects on water status between the two stress forms may suggest differing mechanisms of growth retardation.  相似文献   
Depleted mucosal antioxidant defences in inflammatory bowel disease   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Experimental approaches designed to define the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by inflammatory cells in the tissue injury seen in inflammatory bowel disease rarely consider the chemical antioxidant defences against such increased oxidant stress in the mucosa. In this investigation, we have analysed components of the aqueous and lipid phase antioxidant mucosal defences by measuring the total peroxyl radical scavenging capacity and the levels of urate, glutathione, -tocopherol, and ubiquinol-10 in paired noninflamed and inflamed mucosal biopsies from inflammatory bowel disease patients. Compared to paired noninflamed mucosa, decreases were observed in inflamed mucosa for total peroxyl radical scavenging capacity (55%, p = 0.0031), urate [Crohn's disease (CD), 62.2%, p = 0.066; ulcerative colitis (UC), 47.3%, p = 0.031], glutathione (UC, 59%, 7/8 patients, ns), total glutathione (UC 65.2%, 6/8 patients, ns), ubiquinol-10 (CD, 75.7%, p = 0.03; UC, 90.5%, p = 0.005). The mean -tocopherol content was unchanged. These observations support our earlier findings of decreased reduced and total ascorbic acid in inflamed IBD mucosa and demonstrate that the loss of chemical antioxidant defences affects almost all the major components. The decreased antioxidant defences may severely compromise the inflamed mucosa, rendering it more susceptible to oxidative tissue damage, hindering recovery of the mucosa and return of epithelial cell layer integrity. The loss of chemical antioxidant components provides a strong rationale for developing novel antioxidant therapies for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   
Glyceraldehyde induces changes in the flux of glucose oxidised through the hexose monophosphate pathway, the concentrations of intermediates in the Embden-Meyerhoff pathway, the oxidative status of haemoglobin and levels of reduced and oxidised pyridine nucleotides and glutathione in red cells. Glyceraldehyde autoxidises in the cellular incubations, consuming oxygen and producing glyoxalase I- and II-reactive materials. Major fates of glyceraldehyde in red cells appear to be: (i) adduct formation with reduced glutathione and cellular protein; (ii) autoxidation and reaction with oxyhaemoglobin and pyridine nucleotides, and (iii) phosphorylation of d-glyceraldehyde and entry into the glycolytic pathway as glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The production of glycerol from glyceraldehyde by red cell l-hexonate dehydrogenase appears not to be a major reaction of glyceraldehyde in red cells. These results indicate that high concentrations of glyceraldehyde (1–50 mM) may induce oxidative stress in red cells by virtue of the spontaneous autoxidation of glyceraldehyde, forming hydrogen peroxide and α-ketoaldehydes (glyoxalase substrates). The implications of glyceraldehyde-induced oxidative stress for the in vitro anti-sickling effect of dl-glyceraldehyde and for the polyol pathway metabolism of glyceraldehyde are discussed.  相似文献   
Described in this paper is a rapid, isocratic assay for serum indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The sample preparation involves only protein precipitation using sulfosalicylic acid, and the sensitivity of amperometric detection is in the picogram range. The chromatographic analysis time is approximately 4 min. The devised method was used for a longitudinal study of IAA levels in serum samples from control subjects and newly abstinent alcoholics. Dietary variations were eliminated by administering a 2.0-g loading dose of L-Trp to all subjects investigated. The results are presented in the form of cumulative frequency polygons. Preliminary data indicate no differences in IAA levels between newly abstinent alcoholics and control subjects.  相似文献   
A simple three-enzyme treatment of collagenase, dispase and hyaluronidase on finely minced chick oviduct yields clumps of 50-150 cells. These cells attach to collagen-treated dishes and survive in culture for at least 2 weeks without subculturing. Oviduct cell cultures can also be induced to grow. Estradiol or epidermal growth factor (EGF) induce a 40% increase in cells in 4 days when cultures are grown in serum levels that do not support growth. Serum from estrogen-stimulated chicks promotes rapid cellular proliferation (doubling times of 1-2 days). Sera from estrogen withdrawn chicks, laying hen or horse do not support as rapid proliferation. The oviduct growth-promoting factors in serum from estrogen-stimulated chicks are not steroids or fibroblast growth factors (FGF). Removal of steroids from these sera by charcoal treatment or delipidization does not decrease the rate of growth. The addition of 1-100 nM estradiol does not increase a serum's ability to promote growth. Purified FGF or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) do not induce oviduct proliferation. These results were reproduced in oviduct cell cultures started from estrogen-stimulated and withdrawn chicks as well as laying hens. Thus the factors in serum from estrogen-stimulated chicks that promote rapid oviduct growth are induced by estrogen treatments in vivo, but do not seem to be only steroids.  相似文献   
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