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2008年8月底到10月初,用现场稀释法对虾塘中≤200 μm、≤100 μm和≤20 μm 3个粒级的微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食压力进行了研究。共进行了三次培养实验,结果表明:浮游植物的生长率为0.0834~0.4498 d-1,微型浮游动物的摄食率为0.1212~0.2998 d-1,微型浮游动物摄食率对浮游植物生长率比值(g:k)为0.4271~3.4901,占浮游植物现存量的11.41%~25.90%,对初级生产力的摄食压力为48.20%~314.69%。≤20 μm微型浮游动物的摄食率、对浮游植物现存量和初级生产力的摄食压力,占微型浮游动物(≤200 μm)的相关比例范围为73.85%~97.69%、76.67%~97.91%、78.87%~98.59%。这表明≤20 μm微型浮游动物比≥20 μm的微型浮游动物在对虾养殖中后期虾塘能量流动和物质循环方面起到更重要的作用。  相似文献   
Differences between the effects of training at sea level and at simulated altitude on performance and muscle structural and biochemical properties were investigated in 8 competitive cyclists who trained for 3-4 weeks, 4-5 sessions/week, each session consisting of cycling for 60-90 min continuously and 45-60 min intermittently. Four subjects, the altitude group (AG), trained in a hypobaric chamber (574 torr = 2300 m above sea level), and the other four at sea level (SLG). Before and after training work capacity was tested both at simulated altitude (574 torr) and at sea level, by an incremental cycle ergometer test until exhaustion. Work capacity was expressed as total amount of work performed. Venous blood samples were taken during the tests. Leg muscle biopsies were taken at rest before and after the training period. AG exhibited an increase of 33% in both sea level and altitude performance, while SLG increased 22% at sea level and 14% at altitude. Blood lactate concentration at a given submaximal load at altitude was significantly more reduced by training in AG than SLG. Muscle phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity decreased with training in AG but increased in SLG. All AG subjects showed increases in capillary density. In conclusion, work capacity at altitude was increased more by training at altitude than at sea level. Work capacity at sea level was at least as much improved by altitude as by sea level training. The improved work capacity by training at altitude was paralleled by decreased exercise blood lactate concentration, increased capillarization and decreased glycolytic capacity in leg muscle.  相似文献   
Brain metabolism and intracellular pH were studied during and after episodes of incomplete cerebral ischaemia in lambs under sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia. 31P and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to monitor brain pHi and brain concentrations of inorganic phosphate (Pi), phosphocreatine (PCr), beta-nucleoside triphosphate (beta NTP), and lactate. Simultaneous measurements were made of arterio-cerebral venous concentration differences (AVDs) for oxygen, glucose, and lactate. Cerebral ischaemia was induced by a combination of bilateral carotid clamping and hypotension, and the acute effects of systemic administration of glucose and sodium bicarbonate were examined. The molar ratio of glucose to oxygen uptake by the brain (6G/O2) increased above unity during cerebral ischaemia. Statistically significant AVDs for lactate were not observed. Cerebral ischaemia was associated with a reduction in brain pHi PCr/Pi ratio, and an increase in brain lactate. No effect of arterial plasma glucose on brain lactate concentration or brain pHi was evident during cerebral ischaemia or in the postischaemic period. Administration of sodium bicarbonate systemically in the postischaemic period was associated with a rise in arterial and brain tissue PCO2. A fall in brain pHi occurred which was attributable in part to coincidental brain lactate accumulation. The increase in brain lactate measured by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance in vivo during ischaemia was insufficient to account for the change in buffer base calculated to have occurred from previous estimates of brain buffering capacity.  相似文献   
目的:观察进入西藏大学学习一年的内地汉族学生在高原低氧环境下的肺活量、血氧饱和度、心率、血压等生理指标,为促进高原习服提供参考数据。方法:于2016年10月15日至11月30日检测入藏1年后的西藏大学2015级的121名汉族学生血压、肺功能、心率、血氧饱和度等相关生理指标,以同年入学的147名世居藏族学生作为对照;同时于2017年10月15日至11月30日再次检测汉族学生寒假回内地返藏后的上述生理指标。结果:与藏族学生相比,在西藏学习一年的内地汉族学生的肺活量、血氧饱和度等生理指标无显著差异,但血压和心率明显升高(P<0.05);汉族学生在寒假期间回内地返藏后用力肺活量(FVC)和血压较入藏1年后的数据显著增高(P<0.05)。结论:平原汉族学生在高原居住第2年所检测的高原习服相关生理指标肺活量、血氧饱和度等与世居藏族学生无显著差异;然而假期平原生活引起的脱习服使汉族学生再次进入高原后引起FVC和血压的调节性反应。  相似文献   
目的:研究血清Fractalkine(FKN)、爱帕琳肽(Apelin)水平与糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)患者血糖、血脂以及病程的关系。方法:选取我院于2015年1月至2016年12月收治的160例糖尿病患者为研究对象,行眼底荧光造影、裂隙灯显微镜检查,按照检查结果将其区分为非增生型DR组(稳定组,43例)、背景期DR组(背景组,62例)和增殖期DR组(增殖组,55例),另外于同期选取我院40例健康体检者为健康对照组(健康组),测量4组血清FKN、Apelin、空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2h血糖(2hPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、甘油三酯(TG)和总胆固醇(TC)水平,使用Pearson相关性分析分析血清FKN、Apelin与FPG、2hPG、HbA1c、HDL-C、LDL-C、TG、TC、糖尿病病程的相关性。结果:血清FKN、Apelin水平比较:增殖组背景组稳定组健康组,各组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);血清FPG、2hPG、HbA1c、LDL-C、TG、TC水平比较:增殖组背景组稳定组健康组,各组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);血清HDL-C水平比较:健康组稳定组背景组增殖组,各组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);采用Pearson相关性分析显示,血清FKN水平与FPG、2hPG、HbA1c、LDL-C、TG、TC、糖尿病病程呈正相关性(r=0.321、0.215、0.645、0.154、0.215、0.325、0.578,P0.05),与HDL-C呈负相关性(r=-0.547,P0.05);血清Apelin水平与FPG、2hPG、HbA1c、LDL-C、TG、TC、糖尿病病程呈正相关性(r=0.245、0.574、0.951、0.357、0.357、0.159、0.546,P0.05),与HDL-C呈负相关性(r=-0.459,P0.05);糖尿病病程、HbA1c、LDL-C、HDL-C、FKN和Apelin为DR病程的相关影响因素。结论:糖尿病伴发DR患者血清FKN、Apelin水平随着病程的加重逐渐增加,且这两种因子的水平与患者血糖、血脂代谢关系密切。  相似文献   
无论是正常还是病生理条件下女性尿道的闭合机制还未完全了解清楚。近10余年来,尿道压声反射测量(UPR)得以发展并主要应用于女性压力性尿失禁。UPR利用声波反射检测的原理连续测量整个尿道的压力和相应的截面积,其最大优势在于检测时不改变尿道的自然形状和走向,遵循物理定律。这是常用的检测手段如尿道压力分布测定(UPP)难以实现的。本文介绍了该方法和有关UPR的相关研究,在男性和女性其它尿道疾病应用的可能性及其发展趋势。  相似文献   
笼养绿尾虹雉血液生理生化指标分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解人工饲养绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)血液生理生化指标及特点,以四川宝兴蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区笼养的9只成年非繁殖期绿尾虹雉为研究对象,测定了34项血液生理生化指标,按性别分组统计进行差异显著性检验。结果表明,绿尾虹雉血液生理指标不同性别间无显著差异(P0.05)。血液生化指标中的血液总蛋白雄性显著低于雌性(P0.05),血清尿素雄性显著高于雌性(P0.05),但血液中的其他有机物(白蛋白、球蛋白、肌酐、葡萄糖、尿素、酶、总胆固醇、甘油三酯等)及无机离子(钾、钠、镁、氯、钙、磷、铁)不同性别之间无显著差异(P0.05)。说明本实验条件下,笼养绿尾虹雉非繁殖期血液生理指标与性别没有相关性,血清总蛋白、血清尿素含量可能与性别有关。  相似文献   
在动物离心机上测定了7只轻度麻醉家免暴露于+G_Z时心、眼水平动脉压和心率的变化。+G_Z作用5-12s时、心水平动脉压(HABP)降至最低水平,然后开始代偿性回升。当+G_Z增大到一定值时,于加速度达峰值后,HABP降为0 mmHg、并在峰值后5.5±1.7s降到最大负值,继之代偿性升为正值,并常再度降为负值。我们称HABP的这种变化状态为“临界状态”。+G_Z暴露时,心率以两种型式发生改变:第一种,随着G值增大,心率发生不同程度增快,当加速度达某一G值时,心率突然减慢至2次/秒左右;第二种,当G值≥3时,在暴露过程中,心率逐渐减慢,并在某一G值,心率减慢到2次/秒左右。心率和HABP关系密切。当HABP达临界状态时,心率减慢至2次/秒左右并出现明显节律不整。以心率减慢到2次/秒左右作为家免+G_Z耐力终点是合适的,该指标规律性强,重复性好,实验方法对动物无损伤又易实施。按此标准,测得7只家免的+G_Z耐力为4.85±0.47G。  相似文献   
Abstract. Measurements of the water-relation parameters of the giant subepidermal cells (volume, V = 0.119 to 1.658 mm3; = 0.53±0.35 mm3, SD, n = 23) and the smaller mesocarp parenchyma cells ( V = 0.10 to 0.79×10−3 mm3; = 0.36±0.27×10−3 mm3, SD, n = 6) of the inner pericarp surface of Capsicum annuum L. were made using the Jülich pressure probe. The volumetric elastic modulus ɛ for the large cells was between 1.5 and 27 MPa for a pressure range of 0.09 to 0.41 MPa. For the small cells ɛ was 0.1 to 0.6 MPa for a pressure range of 0.22 to 0.39 MPa. The turgor pressure P , the half-time of water exchange T 1/2, and the hydraulic conductivity L p were as follows, with SD and number of replicates: large cells, P = 0.27±0.06 MPa (23), T 1/2=2.7±2.2 s (46), L p=5.8±3.7 pm s−1 Pa (46); small cells, P = 0.33±0.07 MPa (6), T 1/2= 33±10s (12), L p=0.21±0.07 pm s−1 Pa−1 (12). The determination of these basic water-relation parameters is considered as a prerequisite for future ecotoxicological and phytopathological studies. The differences between the large and the small cells are discussed in relation to a desirable biophysical definition of succulence. Further, for the large cells a pressure and volume dependence of ɛ was demonstrated.  相似文献   
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