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Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) occurring in suspension-cultured rice (Oryza saliva L.) cells, their conditioned medium and at the rice root apex were investigated using monoclonal antibodies and the AGP-binding -glucosyl Yariv reagent ( GlcY). A monoclonal antibody, LM2, was generated that recognized an acidic carbohydrate epitope common to two soluble AGPs occurring in the conditioned medium of proliferating rice cells, membrane-associated AGPs (rmAGP) in the cultured cells and two AGPs at the rice root apex. In addition, LM2 recognized AGPs secreted by suspensioncultured carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells. The two AGPs of the rice culture medium, srAGP1 and srAGP2, were discriminated by their mobilities during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, reaction with GlcY, the presence of arabinogalactan epitopes and anion-exchange chromatography. The association of rmAGP with the plasma membrane was investigated by Triton-X-114/aqueous partitioning of both microsomal and plasma-membrane preparations and rmAGP was found to partition into the detergent phase, indicating that AGPs are hydrophobic plasma-membrane proteins in rice. This was in contrast to plasma-membrane AGPs of suspension-cultured carrot cells that partitioned into the aqueous phase. At the rice root apex most of the AGP was associated with the microsomal fraction and also partitioned into the detergent phase, although a distinct highmolecular-mass AGP entered the aqueous phase.Abbreviations AGP arabinogalactan-protein - GlcY -glucosyl Yariv reagent - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay We gratefully acknowledge support from the Leverhulme Trust, the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Royal Society.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure and composition of the extracellular matrices (ECMs) associated with germ tubes and appressoria ofColletotrichum lindemuthianum have been examined. Flexuous fibres (fimbriae), up to 6 m long and 4–30 nm in diameter, protruded from the surface of germ tubes and appressoria. Anionic colloidal gold and lectin cytochemistry showed that ECMs of germ tubes and appressoria contain basic proteins, -D-mannose and -D-galactose residues. A monoclonal antibody, UB26, was raised to infection structures isolated from leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris infected withC. lindemuthianum. UB26 recognised a protein epitope on two glycoproteins (Mr 133,000 and 146,000). Reductions in the Mr of these proteins after treatment with peptide-N-glycosidase and trifluoromethane sulphonic acid suggest that they carry N- and O-linked side-chains. Immunofluorescence and EM-immunogold labelling showed that glycoproteins recognised by UB26 were restricted to the ECMs around germ tubes and appressoria but fimbriae were not labelled. Unlike appressorial germ tubes formed in vitro, intracellular infection hyphae were not labelled, suggesting that the glycoproteins recognised by UB26 are not present on fungal structures formed within host cells. In liquid culture, these glycoproteins were not released into the medium, suggesting they are physically linked to the cell wall. Also, the glycoproteins were not removed from glass surfaces by ultrasonication. These results suggest that glycoproteins recognised by UB26 may be involved in the adhesion of germ tubes and appressoria to substrata. Our results show that the ECMs of germ tubes and appressoria differ markedly in structure and composition from those of conidia and intracellular hyphae, and that extracellular glycoproteins are associated with specific regions of the fungal cell surface.Abbreviations ECM extracellular matrix - BPA Bauhinia purpurea agglutinin - BSA bovine serum albumin - DIC differential interference contrast - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - GNL Galanthus nivalis lectin - GSI-B4 Griffonia simplicifolia isolectin B4 - HEPES (N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N-(2-ethanesulphonic acid) - IIF indirect immunofluorescence - IPC isopycnic centrifugation - MAb monoclonal antibody - PEG polyethylene glycol - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PNGase peptideN-glycosidase - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TCS tissue culture supernatant - TEM transmission electron microscopy - TFMS trifluoromethane sulphonic acid  相似文献   
Separate polyclonal antibodies have previously been developed against the domoic-acid-producingPseudonitzschia multiseries (=Pseudo-nitzschia pungens f.multiseries) and the non-toxicP. pungens (=P. pungens f.pungens). These antibodies bind to the surface of the diatoms as shown by immunofluorescence studies. Here we examine the molecular nature of the antigens by Western blotting (electro-immunoblotting) analysis. The major antigens for both polyclonal antibodies migrated as high molecular-weight diffuse bands, mostly remaining in the stacking gel, using an SDS-PAGE system. The antibodies prepared againstP. multiseries strongly labelled the high molecular-weight antigens of allP. multiseries strains tested and showed little reactivity towardsP. pungens extracts on Western blots.P. pungens antibodies strongly labelled high molecular-weightP. pungens antigens and faintly labelled a fewP. multiseries antigens. The selectivity of the antibodies for their respective species correlates with the results of the immunofluorescence experiments, suggesting that the antigens examined in this study are responsible for the selective labelling in immunofluorescence studies. The electrophoretic mobility and the antibody labelling of antigens were not altered by proteolytic digestion of cell pellets. However, disruption of carbohydrates in the pellets by treatment with periodic acid resulted in loss of the antigen. These data suggest that the major antigens of toxicP. multiseries and non-toxicP. pungens are high molecular-weight (°>100kDa) polysaccharides located on the surface of these diatoms.Author for correspondence  相似文献   
汉滩病毒毒力标志的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱建明  宋干 《病毒学报》1995,11(4):298-304
本文比较了用HSV-1(IEA)和B病毒(IFA)的方法检查猴B病毒相关抗体和B病毒抗体的结果:IEA检查出的B病毒相关抗体阴性猴,经IFA检查,全部为B病毒抗体阴性。用IFA检查了B病毒相关抗体阴性的恒河猴,在单笼隔离饲养六个月后,有98.3%的动物B病毒相关抗体仍为阴性,表明IRA的阴性结果有较好的一致性。本文讨论了建立无B病毒感染猴群的可行性。  相似文献   
We found an intra-acrosomal antigen of about 155,000 daltons (155 kDa) in a survey using the monoclonal antibody MC101 raised against mouse cauda epididymal spermatozoa. Morphological studies by means of indirect immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy localized the antigen to the cortex region of the anterior acrosome. Avidin biotin complex immunocytochemistry initially demonstrated a faint signal at the anterior acrosome in the testis spermatozoa that increased in intensity as the sperm moved toward the distal epididymis. This incremental immunoreactivity was also confirmed by immunoblotting following one-dimensional SDS-PAGE. The 155 kDa protein band was immunostained, and it was much more intense in the cauda epididymal than in the caput and corpus epididymal spermatozoa. Only a trace or no immunostain was evident in the caput or testis spermatozoa. The antigen localization did not change during passage through the epididymis, being confined at the cortex region of the anterior acrosome. The epididymal epithelial cells were not immunostained. These findings suggested that the 155 kDa protein is biochemically modified, further implying that the biochemical alteration of intra-acrosomal material is involved in sperm maturation in the epididymis. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
An in vitro assay that measures the activation level of ex vivo activated (EVA) T cells currently being used in the adoptive immunotherapy of metastatic renal cell carcinoma has been developed. This assay is based on the ability of activated, but not resting. T cells to proliferate in response to the protein kinase C activator, phorbol myristate (PMA). To utilize this assay for in-process monitoring and control, we have begun an initial validation of the overall reproducibility of this assay. The proliferation of activated T cells in response to PMA, as measured by the mean cpm values of (3)H-thymidine incorporated, was demonstrated to have intra-assay coefficients of variation (cv's) for individual analysts that were typically less than 10% and rarely exceeded 20%. Activated T cells could be frozen and stored for at least 6 weeks with little or no deterioration in their ability to proliferate in response to PMA. Using these cells, inter-assay cv's that were typically less than 15% were obtained by individual analysts, and overall cv's of 10% to 25% were obtained for different samples assayed by different analysts at different times. This level of variability is very reasonable for a cellular assay. Furhter validation of this assay will address the issues of sensitivity, linearity and selectivity. To date, this assay has been used to analyze over 90 patient EVA cell samples and has revealed a broad range of proliferative responses to PMA. Taken together, these results suggest that this assay may be useful in defining the potency of the activated T cell used therapeutically.  相似文献   
The specific monoclonal antibody productivity (q(Mab)) of a murine hybridoma (CC9C10) increased with incubation temperature in the range 33 degrees C to 39 degrees C. q(Mab) was constant at each temperature and was independent of the phase of culture. The q(Mab) increased 97% at 39 degrees C and decreased by 21% at 33 degrees C compared with controls at 37 degrees C. Specific rates of substrate (glucose and glutamine) utilization and byproduct (lactate and ammonia) formation also increased with temperature but the yield coefficient, Y(Lac/Llc') was constant for 33 degrees C to 39 degrees C and Y(Amm/Gin) was constant for 37 degrees C to 39 degrees C. Y(Amm/Gin) at 33 degrees C was lower than the control. Changes in specific nucleotide concentrations and ratios were monitored by analysis of intracellular nucleotide pools. The NTP ratio, (ATP + GTP)/(UTP + CTP), increased and the U-ratio (UTP/UDP-GNac) decreased during the course of each culture, whereas the adenylate energy charge, (ATP + 0.5ADP)/(ATP + ADP + AMP), remained relatively constant at a value 0.8. The relative content of UDP-/N acetyl galactosamine, UDP-N acetyl glucosamine, and NAD increased with incubation temperature, whereas the relative ATP content, SA(ATP + ADP + AMP)/SU (UTP + UDP-sugars) ratio, purine/pyrimidine, ATP/GTP, and U-ratio decreased at higher incubation temperatures. It is possible that these nucleotide parameters may have a regulatory role in the changes of q(Mab) observed at the higher temperatures. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A new polyclonal antibody was raised against centrin isolated from the flagellate green alga Spermatozopsis similis (Chlorophyta; anti-SSC). It stains by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy well-known reference systems for centrin like the nucleus–basal body connectors in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyta) and the system II fibers (rhizoplasts) of Scherffelia dubia (Chlorophyta). In addition, it recognizes in immunoblots a single 20-kDa protein in isolated cytoskeletons of Spermatozopsis similis and Tetraselmis striata (Chlorophyta) as well as purified centrin isolated from Tetraselmis striata. Using this antibody, centrin was localized in whole cells and isolated cytoskeletons of Oxyrrhis marina Dujardin (Dinophyceae) by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy. In the flagellar apparatus of O. marina, five different structures were antigenic. Four short fibers (connectives 1–4) link the basal bodies to the four major fibrous flagellar roots, which do not cross-react with anti-centrin. The most prominent of the labeled structures (connective 5), a crescent-shaped fiber, extends from the flagellar canal of the transverse flagellum along the base of the tentacle to the flagellar canal of the longitudinal flagellum, interconnecting the distal parts of the microtubular roots/bands in the basal apparatus. For most of its length, it underlies and is connected to a transversely oriented subamphiesmal microtubular band. In immunoblot analyses, anti-SSC recognizes only a single 20-kDa protein in cytoskeletons of O. marina. Functional and phylogenetic aspects of centrin-containing structures in dinoflagellates are discussed.  相似文献   
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