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Based on a dataset comprising coding DNA sequences of 23 anthropoid primates, we herein investigate if rates of sequence evolution of SPerm Adhesion Molecule1 (SPAM1, also PH-20), which participates in sperm-egg interaction, is lower in more sexually dimorphic species. For comparison, we analyze sequence evolution of apolipoproteinA-IV (APOA4) and apolipoprotein A-V (APOA5), which should evolve under less or even no sexual selection given their expression in blood, digestive tract, liver, and lungs. Regression analyses provides significant support for a negative dependence of SPAM1 derived branch-specific ratios of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution rates (dN/dS) on sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in a subsample comprising New World and Old World monkeys. We moreover observed a tendency for a positive correlation of substitution rates of SPAM1 with relative testes weight (RTW) and significantly lowered dN/dS estimates in uni-male and uni-male/multi-male breeding monkeys. Importantly, the pattern was not reproduced when analyzing partial APOA4 and APOA5 sequences. These findings illustrate that different levels of sperm competition, probably fueled by female cryptic choice, account for species-specific sequence evolution of SPAM1 in monkeys. Remarkably, present data do not support a correlation of species-specific sequence evolution of SPAM1 with sexual selection levels in hominoids (apes including humans). This can partly be ascribed to a relaxation of functional constraint of SPAM1 in some hominoid species. Additional factors confounding regression analyses specifically in hominoids might be higher levels of sperm competition than reflected by SSD and RTW in some species, a rather strong effect of female mate choice on paternity rates in others, and - in particular in humans - socio-cultural factors not measurable by SSD and RTW.  相似文献   
Two formerly geographically separated lineages of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha had been given the opportunity to mix extensively across the newly built German Main–Danube canal. We had monitored this admixture of mussel lineages and had described spatial patterns in different genetic measures [Müller et al. 2001 (Heredity, 86: 103); 2002 (Proc. R. Soc. Lond., 269: 1139)]. Here, we present an individual-based model to assess the potential of spatial genetic patterns of detecting and quantifying admixture of mussel lineages. Genetic measures studied are (1) allele frequencies, (2) deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations of loci (deficit of heterozygotes, HWD) and (3) linkage disequilibria between unlinked loci (LD). For allele frequencies, we observed a cline over the zone of admixture in all simulations of mixing mussel lineages suggesting that these are appropriate for verification of their mixture. The point of the first contact between lineages was always detectable from their intermediate allele frequencies. LD and HWD were only spatially informative for diagnostic loci or loci with very strong differences in allele frequencies of lineages. For such loci, the probability of disequilibria was highest where lineages had met and decreased towards both sources of lineages Main and Danube. The overall probability of detecting any disequilibrium was higher for LD than for HWD and increased with an increasing rate of genetic interchange. Our simulation results are corroborated by our zebra mussel data and studies from literature. They are applicable to any case of two known linearly mixing genetic lineages.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) is the most important source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mammalian cells. To assess its relevance to the endogenous generation of oxidative DNA damage in the nucleus, we have compared the background (steady-state) levels of oxidative DNA base modifications sensitive to the repair glycosylase Fpg (mostly 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine) in wild-type HeLa cells and HeLa rho0 cells. The latter are depleted of mitochondrial DNA and therefore are unable to produce ROS in the ETC. Although the levels of ROS measured by flow cytometry and redox-sensitive probes in rho0 cells were only 10-15% those of wild-type cells, steady-state levels of oxidative DNA base modifications were the same as in wild-type cells. Mitochondrial generation of ROS was then stimulated in HeLa wild-type cells using inhibitors interfering with the ETC. Although mitochondrial ROS production was raised up to 6-fold, none of the substances nor their combinations induced additional oxidative base modifications in the nuclear DNA. This was also true for glutathione-depleted cells. The results indicate that the contribution of mitochondria to the endogenously generated background levels of oxidative damage in the nuclear DNA is negligible.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the gene that encodes receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium, which belongs to the most ancient and simple metazoan groups, the Porifera. RTKs are enzymes found only in metazoa. The sponge gene contains two introns in the extracellular part of the protein. However, the rest of the protein (transmembrane and intracellular part), including the tyrosine kinase (TK)-domain, is encoded by a single exon. In contrast, all TK genes, so far known only from higher animals (vertebrates), contain several introns especially in the TK-domain. The TK-domain of G. cydonium shows similarity with numerous members of receptor as well as nonreceptor TKs. Phylogenetic analysis of the sponge TK-domain indicates that this enzyme branched off first from the common tree of metazoan TK proteins. Consequently, we assume that introns, found in the TK-domains of genes from higher animals, were inserted into these genes after splitting off the sponge taxa from other metazoan organisms (over 600 million years ago). Our results support the view that ancient genes were not ``in pieces.' Received: 8 August 1996 / Accepted: 4 November 1996  相似文献   
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and isozyme variation were analyzed over a range of populations of two infraspecific taxa of the tetraploidSenecio vulgaris. The isozyme data were supportive of the hypothesis that the weedy and cosmopolitanS. vulgaris var.vulgaris is an evolutionary derivative ofS. vulgaris subsp.denticulatus from the coasts of W Europe and montane altitudes in S Spain and Sicily. The two taxa exhibited a very high genetic identity with subsp.denticulatus containing slightly more isozyme diversity than was found in var.vulgaris. — Three cpDNA haplotypes (A, B, C) already known from other Mediterranean diploid species ofSenecio were resolved in var.vulgaris, and an additional fourth haplotype (E) was found in subsp.denticulatus. Two alternative hypotheses were chosen to account for the origin and maintenance of the observed cpDNA composition ofS. vulgaris. It either reflects (1) the retention of an ancestral polymorphism which stems from the recurrent and polytopic formation of ancestral tetraploid lineages; or (2)S. vulgaris originally was characterized by haplotype E, and haplotypes A, B and C were acquired through repeated introgressive hybridization with related diploid species. The finding that very low levels of nuclear (isozyme) diversity were present in both taxa ofS. vulgaris examined supports the second of these two hypotheses; however, more detailed analysis of nuclear genetic diversity is required before a firm conclusion can be reached on this matter.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
The "thread keratins (TK)" alpha and gamma so far have been considered highly specialized intermediate filament (IF) proteins restricted to hagfish. From lamprey, we now have sequenced five novel IF proteins closely related to TKalpha and TKgamma, respectively. Moreover, we have detected corresponding sequences in EST and genomic databases of teleosts and amphibians. The structure of the TKalpha genes and the positions of their deduced amino acid sequences in a phylogenetic tree clearly support their classification as type II keratins. The genes encoding TKgamma show a structure typical for type III IF proteins, whereas their positions in phylogenetic trees favor a close relationship to the type I keratins. Considering that most keratin-like sequences detected in the lancelet also exhibit a gene structure typical for type III IF proteins, it seems likely that the keratin gene(s) originated from an ancient type III IF protein gene. According to EST analyses, the expression of the thread keratins in teleost fish and amphibians may be particularly restricted to larval stages, which, in conjunction with the observed absence of TKalpha and TKgamma genes in any of the available Amniota databases, indicates a thread keratin function closely related to larval development in an aquatic environment.  相似文献   
Strictosidine beta-D-glucosidase (SG) follows strictosidine synthase (STR1) in the production of the reactive intermediate required for the formation of the large family of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids in plants. This family is composed of approximately 2000 structurally diverse compounds. SG plays an important role in the plant cell by activating the glucoside strictosidine and allowing it to enter the multiple indole alkaloid pathways. Here, we report detailed three-dimensional information describing both native SG and the complex of its inactive mutant Glu207Gln with the substrate strictosidine, thus providing a structural characterization of substrate binding and identifying the amino acids that occupy the active site surface of the enzyme. Structural analysis and site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrate the essential role of Glu-207, Glu-416, His-161, and Trp-388 in catalysis. Comparison of the catalytic pocket of SG with that of other plant glucosidases demonstrates the structural importance of Trp-388. Compared with all other glucosidases of plant, bacterial, and archaeal origin, SG's residue Trp-388 is present in a unique structural conformation that is specific to the SG enzyme. In addition to STR1 and vinorine synthase, SG represents the third structural example of enzymes participating in the biosynthetic pathway of the Rauvolfia alkaloid ajmaline. The data presented here will contribute to deciphering the structure and reaction mechanism of other higher plant glucosidases.  相似文献   
Silicateins are enzymes, which are restricted to sponges (phylum Porifera), that mediate the catalytic formation of biosilica from monomeric silicon compounds. The silicatein protein is compartmented in the sponges in the axial filaments which reside in the axial canals of the siliceous spicules. In the present study silicatein has been isolated from the freshwater sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis where it occurs in isoforms with sizes of 23 kDa, 24 kDa and 26 kDa. Since the larger protein is glycosylated we posit that it is a processed form of one of the smaller size forms. The silicatein isoforms are post-translationally modified by phosphorylation; at least four isoforms exist with pI's of 5.4, of 5.2, of 4.9 and of 4.7. Surprisingly silicatein not only mediates polymerization of silicate, but also displays proteolytic activity which is specific for cathepsin L enzymes, thus underscoring the high relationship of the silicateins to cathepsin L. The cDNAs from L. baicalensis for silicatein and cathepsin L, as well as the respective genes, were cloned. It was found that the five introns present in the sponge genes are highly conserved up to human cathepsin L. This analysis has been completed by sequencing of two silicatein genes (both for silicatein-alpha and -beta) and of cathepsin L from another demosponge, Suberites domuncula. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis with these new sequences shed new light upon the evolution of cathepsin L and silicatein families which occurred at the base of the metazoan phyla. It is concluded, that in parallel with the emergence of these enzymes at first the number of introns increased, especially in the coding region of the mature enzyme. Later in evolution the number of introns decreased again. We postulate that modification of the catalytic triad, especially of its first amino acid, is a suitable target for a chemical modulation of enzyme function of the silicateins/cathepsin L.  相似文献   
The endocannabinoid system has emerged as a versatile neuromodulatory system, implicated in a plethora of physiological and pathophysiological processes. Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1 receptor) and endocannabinoids are widely distributed in the brain. Their roles in learning and memory have been well documented, using rodents in various memory tests. Depending on the test, the endocannabinoid system is required in the acquisition and/or extinction of memory. In particular, the activation of CB1 receptor-mediated signaling is centrally involved in the facilitation of behavioral adaptation after the acquisition of aversive memories. As several human psychiatric disorders, such as phobia, generalized anxiety disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) appear to involve aberrant memory processing and impaired adaptation to changed environmental conditions, the hope has been fuelled that the endocannabinoid system might be a valuable therapeutic target for the treatment of these disorders. This review summarizes the current data on the role of the endocannabinoid system in the modulation of extinction learning.  相似文献   
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