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Studies on antigens of human lung adenocarcinoma with McAb LC-1]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S J Lin  X R Ge  J Wang  Y Gu 《实验生物学报》1990,23(2):233-238
The soluble antigens extracted from both human lung adenocarcinoma cell line SPC-A-1, and normal adult lung tissue with non-idet P-40 were subjected to 10% SDS-PAGE. The number of bands distinguishable by naked eyes of lung adenocarcinoma are 57, in which 4 bands are more significant. The bands of normal human lung tissue are 52, in which 2 bands are more significant. The molecular weights of these bands mainly are within 30 to 94 KD The thin layer chromatographs of these two antigenic extracts have shown that there is difference in their sugar content, but both of them shown little sialic acid. The Immunoblot pattern of McAb LC-1 reacted with the extracts of SPC-A-1 cells shows that all of 3 bands detected can be stained by alcian blue, indicating that they are glycoproteins. However, of them two bands, M. W. of 70 KD and 51 KD can also be stained by Sudan Black B, indicating that these two bands are glycolipoproteins. The ganglioside and neutral glycolipid can inhibit the binding of LC-1 with the extract of SPC-A-1 cells. The results indicate that the epitopes of SPC-A-1 cell extract reacted with McAb LC-1 are probably located in the polysaccharide.  相似文献   
用免疫细胞化学和原位杂交技术探讨G、D细胞及胃泌素mRNA与肠化生的关系。标本来自胃镜活检的胃粘膜。结果显示,在与大肠化生区相邻的胃粘膜,G细胞突变消失,假幽门腺化生也缺乏G细胞,而淖肠化生仍保留少数G细胞;D细胞不仅见于小肠化生,而且也出现在假幽门腺化生以及某些大肠化生区。胃泌素mRNA仅限于G细胞分布区,未出现在大肠化生区和假幽门腺化生区,G细胞及胃泌素mRNA在大肠化生区的消失,可能由于局部杯状细胞分泌的硫酸粘蛋白改变了局部的微环境,从而影响了G细胞的分化与发育,至于假幽门腺化生区G细胞及胃泌素mRNA消失的原因还不清楚,应继续研究。  相似文献   
Liu J  Yin M  Wang M  Zhang X  Ge B  Liu S  Lu J  Cui Z 《Photosynthesis research》2011,107(2):187-193
The isolation of photosystem-I (PS-I) from spinach has been conducted using ultrafiltration with 300 kDa molecular weight cut-off polyethersulfone membranes. The effects of ultrafiltration operating conditions on PS-I activity were optimized using parameter scanning ultrafiltration. These conditions included solution pH, ionic strength, stirring speed, and permeate flux. The effects of detergent (Triton X-100 and n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside) concentration on time dependent activity of PS-I were also studied using an O2 electrode. Under optimized conditions, the PS-I purity obtained in the retentate was about 84% and the activity recovery was greater than 94% after ultrafiltration. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the isolation of a membrane protein using ultrafiltration alone.  相似文献   
影响类弹性蛋白多肽(ELPs)自组装成微球的因素较多,目前尚缺乏系统研究。以类弹性蛋白多肽[KV8F]n为对象,利用动态光散射仪测定了不同条件下其自组装成微球的粒径。结果表明:随着分子量的增加ELPs形成的微球粒径也随之增大,粒径的均一度减小;当盐浓度低于0.4 mol/L时,盐浓度的增加,微球粒径相应增加,而盐浓度高于0.4 mol/L则呈减少的趋势,但粒径均大于1.1μm;而当ELPs末端融合木聚糖酶和1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶后,其自组装形成的微球粒径急剧减小,约为游离ELPs的1/10,分别为151.0 nm和174.2 nm。导致这种现象的原因可能是酶分子和ELPs通过静电引力相互作用后,酶分子的空间位阻妨碍了ELPs分子的聚集。  相似文献   
1. A probe-based insulated isothermal PCR (iiPCR) assay was developed for rapid and onsite detection of ASFV.
2. The developed iiPCR showed similar sensitivity and specificity with OIE recommended real-time PCR.
3. Blood samples could be directly applied as PCR template in iiPCR without DNA extraction.  相似文献   
<正>Dear Editor,Soybean(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) provides more than half of the oilseeds and more than a quarter of protein worldwide. It is estimated that the production of soybean has to be doubled by 2050 to meet the needs of the rapidly increasing consumption of soybean seeds along with a continuously increasing population(Ray et al., 2013). As such, development of a genotyping platform with high throughput, high efficiency and high precision but low-cost is urgently needed to accelerate...  相似文献   
以‘嘎啦/八棱海棠’为试材,借助15N同位素示踪技术,研究了撒施(T1)、滴灌施氮(T2)和渗灌施氮(T3)对嘎啦苹果氮素吸收利用、分配特性和产量品质的影响,以期进一步完善苹果园水肥一体化技术,挖掘提高氮素利用率的途径。结果表明: T3处理苹果叶片的叶面积、叶绿素和氮含量显著高于T1和T2处理。各时期土壤矿化氮(Nmin)含量在20~40 cm土层表现为T3>T2>T1处理,在0~20 cm土层表现为T2>T3>T1处理。同一器官的Ndff值(树体各器官从肥料中吸收到的15N占该器官全氮量的比例)在各时期均以T3处理最高,T2其次,T1处理最低。果实成熟期的树体15N利用率表现为T3>T2>T1处理,其中T3处理的树体15N利用率为24.2%,分别是T2和T1处理的1.19和1.65倍。果实成熟期T1处理的15N分配率在营养器官最高,T2处理在贮藏器官最高,T3处理在生殖器官最高。各处理的单果重、产量、可溶性固形物、硬度、可溶性糖及糖酸比均以T3处理最高,T2其次,T1处理最低。渗灌施氮处理显著促进了嘎啦苹果树体叶片生长和氮素利用,并提高了果实产量和品质。  相似文献   
用苗期症状观察和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)两种方法检查了大豆种子内的大豆花叶病毒(sMV)的传毒率及带毒率,并对两种方法所得的结果进行了比较。带毒大豆种子产生的病苗,其症状主要有花叶、卷叶、叶脉束状、叶脉坏死、凸斑和单叶扭曲等类型。苗期症状观察得到的种子传毒率,与用ELISA法检查去种皮大豆种子的带毒率高度吻合,相关系数r=0.92(n=31),说明此两种方法检查种子传(带)毒率具有相同的生物学和病理学意义。 本文提出了种子“群体病毒浓度”的概念。“群体病毒浓度”=群体内病毒总量/群体内种子总数。38个处理组合和3,591粒种子逐粒用ELISA法检查表明,“群体病毒浓度”与该群体的种子传毒率呈正相关,r=0.93(n=38)。将种子群体作为一个整体用ELISA法检查的结果也证明,“群体病毒浓度”与种子传毒率呈直线相关。因此认为可以用ELISA法对种子群体直接进行测定来估计种子的传毒率。  相似文献   
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