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AGMA1, a prevailingly cationic amphoteric polyamidoamine obtained by polyaddition of (4-aminobutyl)guanidine (agmatine) to 2,2-bis(acrylamido)acetic acid, was studied as a potential DNA carrier and transfection promoter. Fluorescein-labeled AGMA1 was prepared by conjugation with fluorescein isothiocyanate and its cell uptake, blood permanence, and body distribution studied. In spite of its cationic character, AGMA1 is neither toxic nor hemolytic in the pH range 4.0-7.4, circulates for a long time in the blood without preferentially localizing in the liver, easily enters HT-29 cells, gives stable complexes with DNA, and is endowed with good transfection efficiency, suggesting the ability to transport in the cytoplasm a DNA payload without any measurable membranolytic activity. If compared with other transfection promoters, including polyamidoamines of different structures, AGMA1 is apparently endowed with a unique combination of desirable requirements for a nonviral DNA polymer carrier and warrants potential as a transfection agent in vivo.  相似文献   
The tau protein is central to the etiology of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer''s disease, a subset of frontotemporal dementias, progressive supranuclear palsy and dementia following traumatic brain injury, yet the proteins it interacts with have not been studied using a systematic discovery approach. Here we employed mild in vivo crosslinking, isobaric labeling, and tandem mass spectrometry to characterize molecular interactions of human tau in a neuroblastoma cell model. The study revealed a robust association of tau with the ribonucleoproteome, including major protein complexes involved in RNA processing and translation, and documented binding of tau to several heat shock proteins, the proteasome and microtubule-associated proteins. Follow-up experiments determined the relative contribution of cellular RNA to the tau interactome and mapped interactions to N- or C-terminal tau domains. We further document that expression of P301L mutant tau disrupts interactions of the C-terminal half of tau with heat shock proteins and the proteasome. The data are consistent with a model whereby a higher propensity of P301L mutant tau to aggregate may reflect a perturbation of its chaperone-assisted stabilization and proteasome-dependent degradation. Finally, using a global proteomics approach, we show that heterologous expression of a tau construct that lacks the C-terminal domain, including the microtubule binding domain, does not cause a discernible shift of the proteome except for a significant direct correlation of steady-state levels of tau and cystatin B.The tau protein is a member of the family of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs)1 that in humans is coded by the MAPT gene on chromosome 17q21.31 (1). Initially, described as a factor that binds to and stabilizes microtubules (MTs) (2), interest in the tau protein grew when it was shown to represent the main constituent of intracellular protein aggregates, termed neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), observed in Alzheimer''s disease (3, 4). Similar tau aggregates have since been described in other, less common dementias, including progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), Pick''s disease and dementia pugilistica, a form of dementia observed in athletes who had been exposed to repeated traumatic brain injury (5).Despite its early recognition as a MT binding molecule, the physiological function of the tau protein is still being debated (6). At least, in part, this uncertainty is born from the observation that tau knockout mice are rather nonconspicuous in their phenotype (7, 8). Ongoing attempts to define additional roles for this protein have, over the years, generated several hypotheses, including that the tau protein modulates neurite outgrowth and axonogenesis (8, 9), bridges the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons (10), and acts as a scaffold for tethering the Src family tyrosine kinase Fyn to PSD-95/NMDA receptor complexes (11). The predominant expression of tau in neuronal axons suggests a role in brain function. Significantly, in all tauopathies, a group term used to describe dementias with pathological tau protein involvement, the tau protein is observed to detach from microtubules and to form aggregates. There also is compelling evidence from a body of work with transgenic models that the cellular toxicity observed in the aforementioned dementias relies on the presence of the tau protein (12). Consequently, it seems plausible that the cellular toxicity observed in AD and other dementias does not relate to a loss of function of the tau protein but represents a gain of toxic function the protein exhibits in its microtubule-detached form.The tau molecule can be crudely subdivided into an amino-terminal projection domain (PD), a microtubule-binding domain (MTB), and a carboxy-terminal domain (C'') (13). The protein has long been known to exhibit some remarkable biochemical characteristics, including an ability to withstand harsh acid and heat treatments that would cause a majority of other proteins to precipitate (2, 14). These characteristics have been attributed to tau being natively unfolded and possessing a highly dynamic character (15). The tau protein is also known to be a substrate for several post-translational modifications (PTMs), and the list of tau modifying enzymes that have been described is long. In particular, tau phosphorylation has been recognized to occur in vivo and in disease, and tau hyperphosphorylation at sites within the MTB domain and at nearby sites flanking the MTB has been shown to promote detachment of tau from microtubules (16). There further is broad agreement in the field that levels of several other tau PTMs are raised in tauopathies, including nitration (17), ubiquitination (18), sumoylation (19), and truncation (20, 21). Less agreement exists on the degree to which specific PTMs contribute to disease manifestation in individual tauopathies (22). Lacking also are insights into other physiological protein interactions the tau protein engages in and, surprisingly, to our knowledge, no systematic screen for tau binders has been reported. Thus, except for its well-established binding to microtubules (2), members of the Src family of protein kinases (23, 24), Hsp70 (25)/Hsp90 (26, 27), and reports on its interaction with F-actin (28), ApoE3 (29), a subset of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases (30, 31), α-synuclein (32), PACSIN1 (33), and negatively charged polymers, including nucleic acids (34, 35), relatively little is known about other nonenzymatic interactions the protein engages in.In an attempt to address this unmet need, we set out to define molecular interactors of the tau protein in the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell model. The study made use of advanced instrumentation and workflows that included comparative mass spectrometry based on isobaric tags. We observed that the tau interactome is dramatically enriched in cellular components involved in the regulation and execution of RNA-processing and translation. We document that the previously known ability of the tau protein to bind to nucleic acids is partially responsible but not sufficient by itself to explain this binding propensity of the tau protein. We narrowed down the binding preference of individual binders to N- and C-terminal domains within tau and document that several interactors, including 14-3-3 proteins, heat shock proteins, and the proteasome, exhibit a strong binding preference for the C terminus of tau. When comparing the interactomes of wild-type and mutant tau (P301L) linked to frontotemporal dementia, we observed that interactions with the aforementioned C-terminal tau binding partners are diminished for mutant tau. Despite the strong binding of tau to the ribonucleoproteome, its overexpression does not seem to affect the global steady-state levels of cellular proteins, and only the levels of cystatin B, a natural inhibitor of cysteine proteases, were modified and correlated directly with the levels of heterologously expressed tau.  相似文献   
Elevated CO(2) is generally detrimental to animal cells, suggesting an interaction with core processes in cell biology. We demonstrate that elevated CO(2) blunts G protein-activated cAMP signaling. The effect of CO(2) is independent of changes in intracellular and extracellular pH, independent of the mechanism used to activate the cAMP signaling pathway, and is independent of cell context. A combination of pharmacological and genetic tools demonstrated that the effect of elevated CO(2) on cAMP levels required the activity of the IP(3) receptor. Consistent with these findings, CO(2) caused an increase in steady state cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentrations not observed in the absence of the IP(3) receptor or under nonspecific acidotic conditions. We examined the well characterized cAMP-dependent inhibition of the isoform 3 Na(+)/H(+) antiporter (NHE3) to demonstrate a functional relevance for CO(2)-mediated reductions in cellular cAMP. Consistent with the cellular biochemistry, elevated CO(2) abrogated the inhibitory effect of cAMP on NHE3 function via an IP(3) receptor-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   
Determination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy for the diagnosis of patients with mitochondrial disorders is a difficult task due to the coexistence of wild-type and mutant genomes. We have developed a new method for genotyping and quantification of heteroplasmic point mutations in mtDNA based on the SNaPshot technology. We compared the data of this method with the widely used "last hot-cycle" PCR-RFLP method by studying 15 patients carrying mtDNA mutations. We showed that SNaPshot is an accurate, reproducible, and sensitive technique for the determination of heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations in different tissues from patients, and it is a promising system to be used in prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of mtDNA-associated disorders.  相似文献   
Genetic testing of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD/BMD) is a difficult task due to the occurrence of deletions or duplications within dystrophin (DMD) gene that requires dose sensitive tests. We developed three multiplex quantitative real-time PCR assays for dystrophin exon 5, 45, and 51 within two major hotspots of deletion/duplication. Each exon was co-amplified with a reference X-linked gene and the copy number of the target fragment was calculated by comparative threshold cycle method (delta deltaC(t)). We compared the performance of this method with previously described end-point PCR fluorescent analysis (EPFA) by studying 24 subjects carrying DMD deletions or duplications. We showed that Q-PCR is an accurate and sensitive technique for the identification of deletions and duplications in DMD/BMD. Q-PCR is a valuable tool for independent confirmation of EPFA screening, particularly when deletions/duplications of single exons occur or for rapid identification of known mutations in at risk carriers.  相似文献   
The interactions of model proteins with the templates of porous carriers in biosensors were analyzed in terms of events occurring during the molecular contact of biopolymers with a solid. The viscoelastic properties of casein and albumin at small widths of the layer of the solution applied to the crystal were estimated using the dynamic method of piezoqartz resonator. The experimental data on the viscoelastic characteristics of protein solutions of different concentrations were compared with the characteristics of their tangential motion in porous carriers from cellulose nitrate. It was found that the parameters of dynamic viscosity correlate with the time of motion of protein solution in a porous polymeric carrier.  相似文献   
In this report, we have developed a novel method to identify compounds that rescue the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) in patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. Briefly, freshly isolated skeletal muscle biopsies (termed skeletal muscle explants) from patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy were maintained under defined cell culture conditions for a 24-h period in the absence or presence of a specific candidate compound. Using this approach, we have demonstrated that treatment with a well-characterized proteasome inhibitor, MG-132, is sufficient to rescue the expression of dystrophin, -dystroglycan, and -sarcoglycan in skeletal muscle explants from patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. These data are consistent with our previous findings regarding systemic treatment with MG-132 in a dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse model (Bonuccelli G, Sotgia F, Schubert W, Park D, Frank PG, Woodman SE, Insabato L, Cammer M, Minetti C, and Lisanti MP. Am J Pathol 163: 1663–1675, 2003). Our present results may have important new implications for the possible pharmacological treatment of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy in humans. muscular dystrophy; membrane proteins; MG-132  相似文献   
Flor strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae form a biofilm on the surface of wine at the end of fermentation, when sugar is depleted and growth on ethanol becomes dependent on oxygen. Here, we report greater biofilm formation on glycerol and ethyl acetate and inconsistent formation on succinic, lactic, and acetic acids.Flor or velum formation by certain wine strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (flor strains) is a form of cellular aggregation observed as an air-liquid interfacial biofilm at the end of the alcoholic fermentation. Formation of the biofilm appears to be an adaptive mechanism because it ensures access to oxygen and therefore permits continued growth on nonfermentable ethanol. In general, nonbuoyant cells cease growth at the end of completed wine fermentations not for lack of carbon but for lack of oxygen. Biofilm cells have been found to have an elevated and/or altered lipid content and increased surface hydrophobicity (3, 5, 8, 9, 11). While both Hsp12, a small heat shock protein (13), and Muc1 (also known as Flo11), a hydrophobic cell wall mannoprotein (4, 6), have been shown to be required for the flor biofilm (10, 12, 14), other genetic or environmental requirements, other than an absence of glucose and the presence of ethanol and oxygen, have not been demonstrated. Here, we asked whether flor formation could be induced during growth on nonfermentable substrates other than ethanol. On the basis of dry weight of biofilm formed per mg of available carbon, the best carbon sources were found to be glycerol, ethyl acetate, and ethanol, in descending order. While subsurface growth occurred on acetic, dl-lactic, and succinic acids, an air-liquid interfacial biofilm did not always form. Microarray analysis of cells shifted from growth on glucose to growth on ethanol did not detect significant changes in expression of known biofilm formation-associated genes.  相似文献   
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