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为探究施氮量和不同肥料调控措施对露地菜地土壤氨(NH3)挥发和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的影响,在华北地区典型露地菜地设置了不同施氮水平和肥料调控措施的田间试验.结果表明: 春播黄瓜生育期内减氮20%和50%分别比常规施氮量降低氨挥发25.7%和48.0%;添加抑制剂(脲酶抑制剂+硝化抑制剂)和生物炭分别比等氮量氮肥处理氨挥发降低10.0%和6.1%;春播黄瓜生育期内减氮20%和50%分别使N2O排放量比常规施肥处理降低28.8%和61.0%;等氮量条件下添加联合抑制剂使N2O排放降低58.9%,而添加生物炭处理的N2O排放增加14.1%;在同样的条施覆土施肥方法下,与纯化学氮肥处理相比,有机肥替代30%氮肥对氨挥发和N2O减排的作用效果都不显著.对于集约化菜地,合理控制氮肥用量是降低土壤氨挥发及N2O排放的最有效措施.  相似文献   
The organization of the higher order structure of chromatin in chicken erythrocytes has been examined with tapping-mode scanning force microscopy under conditions close to their native envirinment.Reproducible highresolution AFM images of chromatin compaction at several levels can be demonstrated.An extended beads-on-astring (width of - 15-20nm,height of - 2-3nm for each individual nucleosome) can be consistently observed.Furthermore,superbeade (width of - 40nm,height of - 7nm) are demonstrated.Visualization of the solenoid conformation at the level of 30nm chromatin fiber is attained either by using AFM or by using electron microscopy.In addition,tightly coiled chromatin fibers (- 50-60nm and - 90-110nm) can be revealed.Our data suggest that the chromatin in the interphase nucleus of chicken erythrocyte represents a high-order conformation and AFM provides useful high-resolution structural information concerning the folding pattern of interphase chromatin fibers.  相似文献   
The effect of Hg treatment on hemolymph and tissue ferritin in the wax moth Galleria mellonella was examined by western blotting. At 48 h after feeding HgCl2, the level of hemolymph ferritin increased approximately 1.8‐fold over that of control insects that were not fed HgCl2, while there was a small increase in tissue ferritin. Time series experiments showed that tissue ferritin had a typically saturated pattern, with a maximum level from 24 to 72 h, although it decreased 12 h following HgCl2 feeding, while hemolymph ferritin first decreased but subsequently increased. Tissue ferritin in the fat body, gut and Malpighian tubules, the main tissues of ferritin expression, was upregulated over time following treatment with Hg, and in particular, tissue ferritin in the gut increased by a large amount at 12–48 h. The results suggest that in G. mellonella, the ferritin‐inducible mechanisms following treatment with HgCl2 are different for hemolymph and tissue ferritin, as are their biochemical properties.  相似文献   
Change in the concentration of endogenous IAA was monitored with enzyme-linked immunesorbent assay (ELISA), and IAA localization in the tissues was demonstrated by means of immunogold-silver microscopy, with authors' modification, during the regeneration after removal of xylem in Broussonetia popyrifera (L.) Vent. The stimulation exerted from xylem removal produced a rapid increase of about 70% of the endogenous IAA concentration. However, the concentration decreased during differentiation of the vascular tissues. Although removal of the tree crown inhibited the regeneration of vascular tissues, the change tendency in the concentration of endogenous IAA during the regeneration remained the same as if the tree crown was intact. This suggested that rapid increase of endogenous IAA induced by wounding could be a result from a release of the combined form into free IAA. Tissue-localization showed that there were more silver-grains labelled in the rays, callus and the regenerated differentiating vascular tissue cells than in other tissues. It could suggest that the high concentration of endogenous IAA triggered the dedifferentiation of the vascular tissues after removal of xylem, and the less concentrated IAA flow could promote the initiation and activity of the regenerated cambium.  相似文献   
杜仲雌雄株细胞学,顶芽及叶含胶量的比较   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
杜仲(EucommiaulmoidesOliv.)为严格的雌雄异株植物,其雌雄株的比例近似于1:1,说明其性别可能由性染色体决定。但在形态上看不到特异的性染色体,雄株花粉母细胞整个减数分裂过程中,同源染色体的配对和分离是正常的。偶尔可发现个别细胞有染色体桥和环状或链状四价体。从1993年和1994年的12月到翌年4月芽完全展开前对顶芽的测量说明,雄株顶芽的长度和最大直径都明显大于雌株的(P<0.01),而整个生长季节中雌株叶子的杜仲胶含量却明显高于雄株的(P<0.01)。不管雄株还是雌株,其叶的含胶量都随季节变化和叶子的长大而降低。实践证明可用芽的大小鉴别杜仲幼株的性别。  相似文献   
小麦族植物DNA重复序列研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来从小麦族植物中分离到了许多DNA重复序列,并对其组织结构特点,物种分布特异性和在染色体上的分布特征做了广泛的研究,其中一些重复序列已被成功地用于检测遐入小麦的外源染色质和小麦族有关种属的进化研究,本文就以上诸方面进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   
牛抗菌肽Bac7和Bac5是一种线性阳离子小分子多肽,在机体天然免疫和获得性免疫中都发挥着重要作用。本研究根据Gen bank中公布的牛抗菌肽bac7和bac5成熟肽基因序列,人工合成了融合基因Bac7-Bac5片段,克隆于原核表达载体pET32(a+)中构建了重组表达载体(pET-B7-B5),将其转化于E coli BL21(DE3) 中实现了重组蛋白B7-B5(rB7-B5)的过表达,表达的rB7-B5以包涵体形式存在,rB7-B5表达量约占细菌总蛋白的36.6%,分子量大小为33kD,与预测大小相符。以经Ni亲和层析柱纯化和多步透析法复性的rB7-B5,对猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌和耐药性大肠杆菌具有很好的抑菌活性,本研究为新型抗菌制剂的研制和开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   
木材(次生木质部)是树木形成层细胞分化的产物,形成层的活动方式不仅影响木材的产量,而且影响木材的结构和性质.利用透射电子显微镜观察了生长在北京地区的毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)枝条形成层带细胞一个完整活动周期的超微结构变化.在木质部母细胞完全恢复活动之前,形成层纺锤状原始细胞的分裂和韧皮部细胞的分化已经开始.枝条上芽的展开和幼叶的生长可能决定了形成层带细胞的这种活动方式.透射电镜观察更清楚地揭示了树木形成层细胞在活动初期的分化特点.活动期形成层细胞中的大液泡在进入休眠期后逐渐分成许多小液泡分散在细胞质中.随着液泡融合逐渐消失的深色蛋白类物质又重新充满了大部分液泡.油滴和淀粉颗粒的年变化情况同液泡中的蛋白类物质基本相似.无论在活动期还是休眠期,形成层纺锤形细胞的质膜上都发现有许多可能与物质运输有关的小泡状内折.由核膜、内质网和高尔基体及其分泌小泡组成的细胞内膜系统,在形成层活动周期的不同阶段,其形态和分布明显不同,尤其在形成层细胞的恢复活动及其衍生木质部细胞次生壁的沉积过程中发挥着重要作用.整个活动周期中,形成层纺锤形细胞的径向壁都比弦向壁厚,处在休眠期的形成层带细胞,其径向壁与弦向壁的差别则更明显.形成层恢复活动时,径向壁上特别是与弦向壁相连的角隅处出现部分自溶现象.细胞壁特别是径向壁的变薄是形成层细胞恢复活动的重要特征.  相似文献   
程惠娟  汪长中  官妍  王艳  云云 《中国微生态学杂志》2012,24(11):1044-1045,1050
形成性评价注重的是学习过程和师生互动,由反馈-鼓励-指导三个环节组成.形成性评价有利于对学生自主学习和创新思维能力的培养.本文就医学微生物教学中形成性评价的应用从提高教师的认识、具体实施过程以及应用过程中的收获谈了自己的体会.  相似文献   
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