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Myocardial contractile dysfunction in sepsis is associated with the increased morbidity and mortality. Although the underlying mechanisms of the cardiac depression have not been fully elucidated, an exaggerated inflammatory response is believed to be responsible. Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor containing pyrin domain 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is an intracellular platform that is involved in the maturation and release of interleukin (IL)-1β. The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether sepsis activates NLRP3 inflammasome/caspase-1/IL-1β pathway in cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) and whether this cytokine can subsequently impact the function of cardiomyocytes (cardiac fibroblast-myocyte cross-talk). We show that treatment of CFs with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces upregulation of NLRP3, activation of caspase-1, as well as the maturation (activation) and release of IL-1β. In addition, the genetic (small interfering ribonucleic acid [siRNA]) and pharmacological (glyburide) inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome in CFs can block this signaling pathway. Furthermore, the inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome in cardiac fibroblasts ameliorated the ability of LPS-chalenged CFs to impact cardiomyocyte function as assessed by intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) responses in cardiomyocytes. Salient features of this the NLP3 inflammasome/ caspase-1 pathway were confirmed in in vivo models of endotoxemia/sepsis. We found that inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome attenuated myocardial dysfunction in mice with LPS and increased the survival rate in mice with feces-induced peritonitis. Our results indicate that the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in cardiac fibroblasts is pivotal in the induction of myocardial dysfunction in sepsis.  相似文献   
Studies with hepatic progenitor cells from non-human primates would allow better understanding of their human counterparts. In this study, rhesus monkey liver epithelial progenitor cells (mLEPCs) were derived from a small piece of newborn livers in chemical defined serum-free medium. Digested hepatic cells were treated in Ca2+-containing medium to form cell aggregates. Two types of cell aggregates were generated: elongated spindle cells and polygonal epithelial cells. Elongated spindle cells were expressed as vimentin and brachyury, and they were disappeared within 5 d in our cultures. The remaining type consisted of small polygonal epithelial cells that expressed cytokeratin 7 (CK7), CK8, CK18, nestin, CD49f, and E-cad, the markers of hepatic stem cells, but were negative for α-fetoprotein, albumin, and CK19. They can proliferate and be passaged, if on laminin or rat tail collagen gel, to initiate colonies. When cultured with dexamethasone and oncostatin M, the expression of mature hepatocyte markers, such as α-1-antitrypsin, intracytoplasmic glycogen storage, indocyanine green uptake, and lipid droplet generation, were induced in differentiated cells. If transferred onto mouse embryonic fibroblasts feeders, they gave rise to CK19-positive cholangiocytes with formation of doughnut-like structure. Thus, mLEPCs with bipotency were derived from newborn monkey liver and may serve as a preclinical model for assessment of cell therapy in humans.  相似文献   
Phenol red is widely used in cell culture as a pH indicator. Recently, it also has been reported to have estrogen-like bioactivity and be capable of promoting cell proliferation in different cell lines. However, the effect of phenol red on primary neuronal culture has never been investigated. By using patch clamp technique, we demonstrated that hippocampal pyramidal neurons cultured in neurobasal medium containing no phenol red had large depolarization-associated epileptiform bursting activities, which were rarely seen in neurons cultured in phenol red-containing medium. Further experiment data indicate that the suppressive effect of the phenol red on the abnormal epileptiform burst neuronal activities was U-shape dose related, with the most effective concentration at 28 µM. In addition, this concentration related inhibitory effect of phenol red on the epileptiform neuronal discharges was mimicked by 17-β-estradiol, an estrogen receptor agonist, and inhibited by ICI-182,780, an estrogen receptor antagonist. Our results suggest that estrogen receptor activation by phenol red in the culture medium prevents formation of abnormal, epileptiform burst activity. These studies highlight the importance of phenol red as estrogen receptor stimulator and cautions of careful use of phenol red in cell culture media.  相似文献   
Current patterns of floral design in Pedicularis must have undergone an evolutionary process of interacting among components of floral traits, and then formed internal relationships among these traits. To detect such correlations, which may provide insight to understand flower evolution, 40 Pedicularis species representing all corolla types of the genus were studied. Results show that, interspecifically, pollen size correlates negatively with pollen number, but positively with pistil length. This suggests that plants evolve an optimal pollen size, which balances the advantages of large pollen size for gametophytic competition against the fecundity disadvantages of fewer pollen grains. In contrast to sex allocation theory, this study does not find a trade-off, but an interspecific positive correlation between pollen and ovule number. This is consistent with the hypothesis that genetic variation for resource acquisition may in part be responsible for the lack of negative correlation between male and female function.This work was supported by the State Key Basic Research and Development Plan, China (Grant No. G2000046804) to YHG. The authors would like to thank Peter K. Endress and two anonymous reviewers for providing critical comments and helpful suggestions, Qing-Feng Wang, Jing-Yuan Wang and Jin-Ming Chen for their helpful suggestions. Shi-Guo Sun, Jing Xia, and Qian Yu are thanked for their assistance in both the field work and laboratory phases of the project.  相似文献   
I.CORRELATIONBETWEENL0ESSSECTI0NAND0XYGENIS0TOPESTAGESIntheYuanloessarea,manyscientiststhinkthatthesedimentsarecontinuousandtheclimaticrecordsareperfect.Thisdoesnotappeartobeaccurate.Sedimentationwasdiscontinuousinmanysections.Forexample,manyscientistsarguethatS2corresp0ndstooxygenisot0peStage7(Liu,l985,KuklaandAn,l989;Dingetal.,l990).lnfact,S2includesthreelayersfS2SSl,S2LLlandS2SS2.Dingetal.(l990)reportedthatthereisathickunitofloessbetweenS2SSlandS2SS2intheBaicao…  相似文献   
Calcium uptake and (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity in canine cardiac microsomes were found to be stimulated by heparin and various other polyanions. Prior treatment of the microsomes with the ionophores alamethicin or A23187 produced no change in the extent of stimulation of the ATPase activity by heparin yet eliminated net calcium uptake. This finding and a lack of change in the stoichiometric ratio of mol of calcium transported/mol of ATP hydrolyzed (calcium:ATP) suggest that the effect of heparin is on the calcium pump rather than on a parallel calcium efflux pathway. Certain polycationic compounds including poly-L-arginine and histone inhibited both cardiac and fast skeletal muscle microsomal calcium uptake and also produced no change in the stoichiometric ratio of calcium to ATP. Several lines of evidence indicate that the polyanionic compounds tested stimulate calcium uptake by interacting with phospholamban, the putative phosphorylatable regulator of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump, whereas polycationic compounds appear to interact with the pump. (i) Heparin stimulated calcium uptake to the same extent as protein kinase A or trypsin, whereas prior phosphorylation or tryptic cleavage of phospholamban from the membrane abolished the stimulatory effect of heparin. (ii) Calcium uptake and (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity in fast skeletal muscle microsomes, which lack phospholamban, were unaffected by heparin. (iii) Purified cardiac (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity was no longer stimulated by heparin yet was still inhibited by polycationic compounds. The heparin-induced stimulation of calcium uptake was dependent on the pH and ionic strength of the heparin-containing preincubation medium, hence electrostatic interactions appear to play a significant role in heparin's stimulatory action. The data are consistent with an inhibitory role of the positively charged cytoplasmic domain of phospholamban with respect to calcium pump activity and the relief of the inhibition upon reduction in phospholamban's positive charge by phosphorylation or binding of polyanions.  相似文献   
The garlic stalk is a byproduct of garlic production and normally abandoned or burned, both of which cause environmental pollution. It is therefore appropriate to determine the conditions of efficient decomposition, and equally appropriate to determine the impact of this decomposition on soil properties. In this study, the soil properties, enzyme activities and nutrient dynamics associated with the decomposition of garlic stalk at different temperatures, concentrations and durations were investigated. Stalk decomposition significantly increased the values of soil pH and electrical conductivity. In addition, total nitrogen and organic carbon concentration were significantly increased by decomposing stalks at 40°C, with a 5∶100 ratio and for 10 or 60 days. The highest activities of sucrase, urease and alkaline phosphatase in soil were detected when stalk decomposition was performed at the lowest temperature (10°C), highest concentration (5∶100), and shortest duration (10 or 20 days). The evidence presented here suggests that garlic stalk decomposition improves the quality of soil by altering the value of soil pH and electrical conductivity and by changing nutrient dynamics and soil enzyme activity, compared to the soil decomposition without garlic stalks.  相似文献   
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