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A product isolated from a reaction mixture of Br2 and Ph3 Sn(CH2)13CH3 (3:1 mole ratio) in CHCl3 solution in air was bis{di-μ-hydroxobis[fac-tribromoaquotin(IV)]} heptahydrate, 2[Br3 (H2O)Sn(μ-OH)2 Sn(O2H)Br3] · 7H2O, 2[fac-(1: X = Br)] · 7H2O. Previous reports had indicated that the tin complexes, [fac-(1: X = Cl or Br)], had been obtained in various solvated forms from hydrolysis or oxidation/hydrolysis of appropriate tin(IV) or tin(II) halides. The crystal structure determination, reported here, provides an improved refinement of the core, i.e., [fac-(1: X = Br)], of 2[fac-(1: X = Br)] · 7H2O compared to previous attempts. The solid state structure consists of a central rhomboidal planar Sn2O2 ring. The tin centres have distorted octahedral geometries, with each Br ligand trans to an O atom. The Br ligands, trans to the aqua ligands, form longer bonds to tin at 2.5556(7) and 2.5544(6) Å, than those trans to the bridging OH ligands, between 2.5021(7) and 2.5127(7) Å. The Br, OH and H2O ligands as well as the solvate water molecules are all involved in an extensive hydrogen bonding system in 2[fac-(1: X = Br)] · 7H2O.  相似文献   
Hybridoma batch cultures were extended using feed formulations based on nutrient consumption measured during different batch culture phases when (a) growth but negligible antibody production was taking place; (b) maximum antibody production rate and declining viable cell growth rate were observed. Strategy (a) was the more successful (2.8-fold compared with 1.8-fold antibody titer increase) and maintained cell viability for longer. Analysis of the effects of omitting individual amino acids yielded results which were consistent with those from the feeding experiment (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Bounded by ocean and desert, the isolated, predominately Mediterranean‐climate region of south‐western Australia (SWA) includes nine bioregions (circa 44 million hectares). The ecological integrity of the landscapes in this global biodiversity hotspot has been compromised by deforestation, fragmentation, exploitation, and introduced biota. Nature and degree of transformation varies between four interconnected landscapes (Swan Coastal Plain; South‐west Forests; Wandoo Woodlands; and Great Western Woodlands). A Gondwanan perspective emphasizes a venerable biota and a cultural component to deep time. The particular importance of remnants and protected areas is recognized in restoring ecological integrity to Gondwanan landscapes. The nature and magnitude of the restoration task in these ancient, and neighboring, landscapes require higher levels of investment and more time than do recent landscapes. The protection, conservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of ecological integrity require multiple approaches in each landscape as well as consideration of the whole. Active conservation of biota and minimizing the impact of industrial‐ and agricultural‐use are priorities. Integrating a climate focus and rethinking fire are critical restoration considerations to future trajectories under anthropogenic climate change. A legislative mandate to coordinate industrial‐scale restoration and active conservation to build from protected areas must become a societal priority to restore ecological integrity.  相似文献   
A preliminary investigation was conducted to identify the presence of bacteria in fuel‐contaminated Antarctic soil that could potentially be used to bioremediate the contaminated soil at McMurdo Station and other sites in Antarctica. The ability of soil microorganisms to metabolize fuels under the extreme climatic and oligotrophic conditions of Antarctica was of concern. Bacteria were isolated from fuel‐contaminated soil on site at McMurdo Station. Bacteria from noncontaminated soil near the station were also studied for comparison. The Antarctic soil microorganisms exhibited the ability to endure cold and oligotrophic environments. Experiments also showed that bacteria from the fuel spill site were active in their contaminated environment and that acclimation to xenobiotic compounds was necessary. Application of bioremediation in the extreme environmental conditions found at McMurdo Station, Antarctica, were also considered. The possibility of altering environmental factors necessary to adequately support in situ bioremediation in this extreme climate is discussed.  相似文献   
Question: Does the introduced pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi change Banksia woodland α‐ or β‐diversity and what are the implications for species re‐colonization? Location: High rainfall zone of the Southwest Australian Floristic Region (SWAFR). Methods: We measured pathogen‐induced floristic change along a disease chronosequence, and re‐sampled historic quadrats in Banksia attenuata woodlands of the SWAFR. The chronosequence represents three disease stages: (1) healthy vegetation with no disease expression; (2) the active disease front; and (3) diseased vegetation infected for at least 15 years. Comparative data were obtained by resampling diseased plots that were historically disease‐free when established in 1990. Results: β‐diversity differed substantially for both chronosequence and historic data, while α‐diversity was maintained, as measured by plot species richness and Simpson's reciprocal index. Species of known pathogen susceptibility were significantly reduced in cover–abundance, including the structurally dominant species; Banksia attenuata, B. ilicifolia and Allocasuarina fraseriana. Although these species remained present on diseased sites, there were overall reductions in canopy closure, leaf litter and basal area. These declines were coupled with an increase of species with unknown susceptibility, suggesting potential resistance and capacity to take advantage of altered site conditions. Conclusions: This study highlights the ability of an introduced plant pathogen to alter community floristics and associated stand variables. Species cover–abundances are unlikely to recover due to a reduced seed source, altered site conditions and pathogen persistence at the landscape level. However, maintenance of α‐diversity suggests continued biological significance of Phytophthora‐affected sites and the formation of novel ecosystems, themselves worthy of conservation.  相似文献   
The effects of altering extracellular Ca(2+) levels on the electrical and adaptive properties of toad rods have been examined. The retina was continually superfused in control (1.6 mM Ca(2+)) or test ringer’s solutions, and rod electrical activity was recorded intracellularly. Low-calcium ringer’s (10(-9)M Ca(2+)) superfused for up to 6 min caused a substantial depolarization of the resting membrane potential, an increase in light-evoked response amplitudes, and a change in the waveform of the light-evoked responses. High Ca(2+) ringer’s (3.2 mM) hyperpolarized the cell membrane and decreased response amplitudes. However, under conditions of either low or high Ca(2+) superfusion for up to 6 min, in both dark-adapted and partially light-adapted states, receptor sensitivity was virtually unaffected; i.e., the V-log I curve for the receptor potential was always located on the intensity scale at a position predicted by the prevailing light level, not by Ca(2+) concentration. Thus, we speculate that cytosol Ca(2+) concentration is capable of regulating membrane potential levels and light-evoked response amplitudes, but not the major component of rod sensitivity. Low Ca(2+) ringer’s also shortened the period of receptor response saturation after a bright but nonbleaching light flash, hence accelerating the onset of both membrane potential and sensitivity recovery during dark adaptation.

Exposure of the retina to low Ca(2+) (10(-9)M) ringer’s for long periods (7-15 min) caused dark-adapted rods to lose responsiveness. Response amplitudes gradually decreased, and the rods became desensitized. These severe conditions of low Ca(2+) caused changes in the dark-adapted rod that mimic those observed in rods during light adaptation. We suggest that loss of receptor sensitivity during prolonged exposure to low Ca(2+) ringer’s results from a decrease of intracellular (intradisk) stores of Ca(2+); i.e., less Ca(2+) is thereby released per quantum catch.

Seven members of the methyl-6-O-(n-acyl)-α-d-glucopyranosides have been synthesised and their transitional properties determined. The undecanoyl and octadecanoyl members do not exhibit liquid crystallinity while the members having chain lengths between dodecanoyl and hexadecanoyl exhibit a monotropic smectic A phase. Variable temperature infrared spectroscopy reveals that the hydrogen bonding within the system shows a marked change at the melting point but apparently no change at the smectic A-isotropic transition. This observation is interpreted in terms of Goodby's model for the smectic A phase in which the carbohydrate moieties are located at the centre of the smectic bilayer and assuming that hydrogen bonded aggregates persist into the isotropic phase. Within this framework, the unusually low values of the entropy change associated with the smectic A-isotropic transition may also be accounted for.  相似文献   
Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase is present in several types of bacteria and undergoes degradation of environmental pollutants through an important key biochemical pathways. Specifically, this enzyme cleaves aromatic rings of several environmental pollutants such as toluene, xylene, naphthalene and biphenyl derivatives. Hence, the importance of Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase and its role in the degradation of environmental pollutants made us to predict the three-dimensional structure of Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase from Burkholderia cepacia. The 10ns molecular dynamics simulation was carried out to check the stability of the modeled Catechol 2, 3- dioxygenase. The results show that the model was energetically stable, and it attains their equilibrium within 2000 ps of production MD run. The docking of various petroleum hydrocarbons into the Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase reveals that the benzene, O-xylene, Toluene, Fluorene, Naphthalene, Carbazol, Pyrene, Dibenzothiophene, Anthracene, Phenanthrene, Biphenyl makes strong hydrogen bond and Van der waals interaction with the active site residues of H150, L152, W198, H206, H220, H252, I254, T255, Y261, E271, L276 and F309. Free energy of binding and estimated inhibition constant of these compounds demonstrates that they are energetically stable in their binding cavity. Chrysene shows positive energy of binding in the active site atom of Fe. Except Pyrene all the substrates made close contact with Fe atom by the distance ranges from 1.67 to 2.43 Å. In addition to that, the above mentioned substrate except pyrene all other made π-π stacking interaction with H252 by the distance ranges from 3.40 to 3.90 Å. All these docking results reveal that, except Chrysene all other substrate has good free energy of binding to hold enough in the active site and makes strong VdW interaction with Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase. These results suggest that, the enzyme is capable of catalyzing the above-mentioned substrate.  相似文献   
藏药七十味珍珠丸(ratanasampil,RNSP)可改善大脑氧化应激水平,改善大脑功能,有安神和促进学习记忆的功效,然而RNSP是否可改善阿尔茨海默症(AD)小鼠的学习记忆功能,尚缺乏系统研究。本研究采用APP/PS 1转基因小鼠为研究对象,并随机将其分为实验组和对照组。对实验组进行为期12周的RNSP灌胃给药,对照组进行12周的蒸馏水灌胃,采用Morris水迷宫与开场实验评价小鼠学习记忆能力,比较小鼠体重与相关器官质量,并比较器官质量指数,通过分子生物学检测指标评价小鼠脑内老年斑数量,Aβ生成量及BACE1表达水平。本研究证实,与对照组相比,给药组小鼠定位航行潜伏期明显缩短(22.60±13.26 vs. 46.44±8.41, P<0.01, day 5),穿越平台次数明显增加(1.29±0.37 vs. 0.54±0.29, P<0.01),探洞次数明显增加(32.11±9.85 vs. 20.89±8.78, P<0.05),表明RNSP提高了APP/PS 1小鼠的学习记忆能力和空间探索能力。与对照组相比,给药组小鼠大脑重量及脑质量指数均增高(0.4135±0.0102 vs. 0.3833±0.0254, P<0.05;2.04±0.08 vs. 1.84±0.15, P<0.05),脑内老年斑数量减少(18.70±7.88 vs. 38.83±6.15, P<0.05),Aβ1- 42水平及BACE1表达均显著降低(0.19±0.08 vs. 0.41±0.12, P<0.05; 0.136±0.04 vs. 0.206±0.02, P<0.05),表明RNSP延缓了APP/PS 1小鼠的脑萎缩进程,降低脑内老年斑的形成,下调脑内Aβ1-42水平和BACE1裂解酶的蛋白质表达量。本研究提示,RNSP可改善APP/PS 1小鼠的学习记忆能力,其机制可能和RNSP抑制脑萎缩,降低BACE1蛋白表达以及减少脑内Aβ沉积有关。  相似文献   
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