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Two hours after a single intraperitoneal injection of dexamethasone (20 micrograms/Kg b.w.) into adult male rats, a typical ladder of DNA fragments was detectable upon separation on agarose gels of DNA from thymocytes. This became maximally evident at 4 hours. Accumulation of sulfated glycoprotein-2 (SGP-2) mRNA, whose rate of expression has been associated to the processes of programmed cell death, preceded the appearance of DNA degradation, starting to increase as early as 30 min after steroid injection, and maintained higher than controls until 8 hrs; a different time course was shown by changes in the levels of beta-actin mRNA. In the spleen, under the same conditions, the SGP-2 message also increased at 30 min, prior to DNA fragmentation, but decreased thereafter below the control value.  相似文献   
To refine the linkage map of distal mouse Chromosome 12, we have identified DNA restriction fragment variants associated with a creatine kinase gene (Ck-3), the Akt proto-oncogene, an Abelson proviral integration site (D12N1), and the immunoglobulin heavy chain VH3609 variable region family (Igh-V36). The patterns of inheritance of these markers in backcross progeny and recombinant inbred mouse strains allowed their localization with respect to previously mapped genes to yield the linkage map: Aat-15.8 cM-Ck-3-0.9 cM-(Crip, Akt, Igh-C)-0.3 cM-(D12N1, Igh-V). This map confirms genetically the localization of the Igh-V gene complex distal to Igh-C on the chromosome. It differs from previous maps in placing D12N1 distal to Igh-C, and in suggesting that the Igh-V gene complex spans less than one centiMorgan (cM).Other DNA sequence variants detected with the creatine kinase probe allowed definition of four additional genetic loci: Ck-1 near Lmyc-1 on Chromosome 4; Ck-2 between Upg-1 and Hprt-ps1 (D17Rp10) on distal Chromosome 17; Ck-4 near Mpmv-17 and Mls-3 on Chromosome 16; and Ck-5 near Hba on Chromosome 11.  相似文献   
Chloride transport, presumably via a Cl-2H+ co-transport system, was investigated in Chara corallina. At pH 6.5, the control influx (3.1 picomoles per centimeter2 per second) was stimulated 4-fold by an 18-hour Cl starvation. The stimulated influx was inhibited to 4.7 picomoles per centimeter2 per second after a 60-minute pre-exposure to 0.5 millimolar 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-disulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS). This compares with a nonsignificant inhibition of the control under similar conditions. At 2 millimolar DIDS, both stimulated and control influx were inhibited to values of 1.1 and 2.2 picomoles per centimeter2 per second, respectively; in all cases, DIDS inhibition was reversible. Over the pH range 4.8 to 8.5, the control and DIDS-inhibited influx showed only slight pH sensitivity; in contrast, the stimulated flux was strongly pH dependent (pH 6.5 optimum). Inasmuch as changes in pH alter membrane potential, N-ethylmaleimide was used to depolarize the membrane; this had no effect on Cl influx. A transient depolarization of the membrane (about 20 millivolts) was observed on restoration of Cl to starved cells. The membrane also depolarized transiently when starved cells were exposed to 0.5 millimolar DIDS, but the depolarization associated with Cl restoration was inhibited by a 40-minute pretreatment with DIDS. Exposure of control cells to DIDS caused only a small hyperpolarization (about 7 millivolts). DIDS may have blocked Cl influx by inhibiting the putative plasmalemma H+-translocating ATPase. Histochemical studies on intact cells revealed no observable effect of DIDS on plasmalemma ATPase activity. However, DIDS application after fixation resulted in complete inhibition of ATPase activity.

The differential sensitivity of the stimulated and control flux to inhibition by DIDS may reflect an alteration of transport upon stimulation, but could also result from differences in pretreatment. The stimulated cells were pretreated with DIDS in the absence of Cl, in contrast to the presence of Cl during pretreatment of controls. The differential effect could result from competition between Cl and DIDS for a common binding site. Our histochemical ATPase results indicate that Cl transport and membrane ATPase are separate systems, and the latter is only inhibited by DIDS from the inside of the cell.

The intensity of light scattered at 90° to the incident beam and the effective hydrodynamic radii of mitochondria incubated under a variety of conditions have been measured. Addition of high concentrations of uncouplers to respiring mitochondria resulted in a decrease in scatter which was not due to swelling. Addition of valinomycin to mitochondria depleted of substrate in K+-free medium produced an increase in scatter that was not due to shrinking. It is concluded that changes in the intensity of scattered light are not reliable indices of changes of volume of mitochondria, and that changes in conformation with changes in metabolic state dominate changes in light scatter. A molecular mechanism for the effect of metabolic state upon the scattered intensity is suggested.  相似文献   
Chemical modifications of sea anemone toxin II from Anemonia sulcata have been used to study the residues involved in its toxic action on crabs and mice and in its binding properties to the Na+ channel of rat brain synaptosomes. Guanidination of th epsilon-amino groups of lysines 35, 36, and 46 with O-methylisourea hydrogen sulfate did not change the net charge of the toxin molecule and had no effect upon its toxic and binding properties. Either acetylation or fluorescamine treatment of the toxin that destroyed the positive charges of the three epsilon-amino groups and of the alpha-amino function of Gly produced an almost complete loss of toxicity and a considerable decrease in the binding activity. Iodination of the toxin on His induced practically no loss of toxic or binding properties. Carbethoxylation of both histidines 32 and 37 with diethyl pyrocarbonate provoked an important decrease of both the toxicity and the binding activity. Modifications of the guanidine side chain of Arg with 1,2-cyclohexanedione fully destroyed both toxicity and binding of the toxin to the Na+ channel. Modification of the carboxylate functions of Asp, Asp, and of the COOH-terminal Gln with glycine ethyl ester in the presence of a soluble carbodiimide completely abolished the toxicity but left the affinity for the sea anemone toxin receptor unchanged. The antagonist character of this carboxylate-modified derivative was further confirmed by electrophysiological and Na+ flux experiments. The theoretical and practical significance of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
Two basic cell types occur in the hemolymph of Bulinus truncatus rohlfsi: granulocytes and hyalinocytes. Granulocytes are divided into three subtypes: (1) Granulocytes I, which account for 19% of the hemocytes, are small, young amoebocytes with 1–20 filopodia and small numbers of cytoplasmic granules, including some lysosomes; (2) granulocytes II, which account for 78% of the cells, are large, fully developed amoebocytes that possess 1–20 filopodia and many granules, both acidophilic and basophilic, including numerous lysosomes, phagosomes, and mitochondria; and (3) spent granulocytes, which are rare, have few filopodia, large accumulations of glycogen granules and prominent vacuoles in addition to lysosomes in the cytoplasm. These three subtypes of granulocytes probably represent ontogenetic stages within a single cell line. In addition, granulocytes with 40 or more filopodia and little ectoplasm, found in only 1 of 45 snails examined, probably reflect a pathologic condition. Hyalinocytes, which account for 3% of all hemocytes, are similar in size to mature granulocytes, but have few or no cytoplasmic granules and lack filopodia and glycogen granules. Total hemocyte concentration in hemolymph is 328,000 ± 188,000 cells/ml.  相似文献   
Summary The binding of the anionic fluorescent probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalene-sulfonate (ANS) was used to estimate the surface potential of fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) derived from rabbit skeletal muscle. The method is based on the observation that ANS is an obligatory anion whose equilibrium constant for binding membranes is proportional to the electrostatic function of membrane surface potential, exp(e0/kT, where 0 is the membrane surface potential,e is the electronic charge, andkT has its usual meaning. The potential measured is characteristic of the ANS bindings of phosphatidylcholine head groups and is about one-third as large as the average surface potential predicted by the Gouy-Chapman theory. At physiological ionic strength the surface potentials, measured by ANS, referred to as the aqueous phase bathing the surface, were in the range –10 to –15 mV. This was observed for the outside and inside surfaces of the Ca2+-ATPase-rich fraction of theSR and for both surfaces of theSR fraction rich in acidic Ca2+ binding proteins. The inside and outside surfaces were differentiated on the basis of ANS binding kinetics observed in stopped-flow rapid mixing experiments. A mechanism by which changes in Ca2+ concentration could give rise to an electrostatic potential across the membrane and possibly result in changes in Ca2+ permeability.The dependence of the surface potential on the monovalent ion concentration in the medium was used together with the Gouy-Chapman theory to determine the lower limits for the surface charge density for the inside and outside surfaces of the two types ofSR. Values for the Ca2+-ATPase richSR fraction were between 2.9×103 and 3.8×103 esu/cm2, (0.96×10–6 and 1.26×10–6 C/cm2) with no appreciable transmembrane asymmetry. A small amount of asymmetry was observed in the values for the inside and outside surfaces of the fraction rich in acidic binding proteins which were ca. 6.6×103 and ca. 2.2×103 esu/cm2 (2.2×10–6 and 0.73×10–6 C/cm). The values could be accounted for by the known composition of negatively-charged phospholipids in theSR. The acidic Ca2+ binding proteins were shown to make at most a small contribution to the surface charge, indicating that their charge must be located at least several tens of Å from the membrane surface. The experiments gave evidence for a Donnan effect on the K+ distribution in the fraction rich in acidic binding proteins. This could be accounted for by the known concentration of acidic binding proteins in thisSR fraction.The equilibrium constant for ANS was shown to be more sensitive to changes in the divalent cation concentration than to changes in the monovalent cation concentration, as predicted by the Gouy-Chapman theory. Use of these findings together with the stopped-flow rapid mixing techniques constitutes a method for rapid and continuous monitoring of changes in ion concentrations in theSR lumen.  相似文献   
The effect of tunicamycin (TM) on the synthesis and secretion of sulfated proteoglycans and hyaluronate was examined in chick embryo fibroblasts and chondrocytes. The incorporation of the precursors [3H]glucosamine, [3H]mannose and [35S]sulfate into glycoconjugates in both the cell layer and medium of cultures was determined. In the chick embryo fibroblast, but not in the chondrocyte, synthesis of sulfated proteoglycan was inhibited 60–75% by TM (5 × 10−8 M), while synthesis of hyaluronate and protein was only inhibited slightly. The inhibition of sulfate incorporation into glycosaminoglycans of the chick embryo fibroblast was overcome to a great extent by addition of β-xyloside, which provides an exogenous initiator for chondroitin sulfate synthesis. TM treatment also altered cell shape and surface morphology in chick embryo fibroblasts, as observed by phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cells treated with TM became rounded, and increased numbers of microvilli and blebs appeared on the cell surface. These alterations in cell morphology were reversed by removal of TM, but not by exogenous addition of xyloside, chondroitin sulfate or the adhesive cell surface glycoprotein fibronectin. These results demonstrate that TM inhibits synthesis of sulfated proteoglycans in the chick embryo fibroblast and causes a dramatic alteration in cell shape and surface morphology.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet light-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in primary cultures of human placentae examined as a function of radiation-dose and repair-incubation period was found to be dependent upon cell type and independent of gestational age. Primary cultures obtained by continuous harvesting of enzymatically released cells from fragments of 11-week and term specimens contained cytotrophoblasts and fibroblasts. Fibroblasts exhibited 3-fold more repair than did cytotrophoblasts from the same organ at both 11 weeks and term.  相似文献   
Variants isolated from mutagenized Chinese hamster fibroblasts by a single cycle of exposure to ara-C distributed into two classes: (1) deoxycytidine (dC) kinase deficient clones with a high level of resistance, this phenotype was recessive in hybrids; and (2) clones exhibiting joint resistance to thymidine (dT) and to "low" ara-C concentration, this phenotype was accounted for by an increased dCTP pool. The incorporation of exogenous dC into macromolecules was markedly altered in these variants. In hybrids, the phenotype of joint resistance to dT and ara-C was semidominant. Through a second selection step, variants cumulating recessive high resistance to ara-C and semidominant dT resistance were recovered. The identification of these two classes of ara-C-resistant variants suggests an interpretation of the known phenotypes of ara-C resistance as manifestations of chromosomal gene mutations. Dominant resistance mutations might contribute to the survival of cancer cells during prolonged ara-C chemotherapy.  相似文献   
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