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An investigation of allelopathic effects of Daphnia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The hypothesis is tested that large daphnids are able to suppress their own and other species' feeding and reproduction by means of excreting an inhibitory chemical (or chemicals).
  • 2 In laboratory experiments with an Australian species, Daphnia carinata, water preconditioned with 3–67 daphnids 1-?1 for 30 h had the effect of reducing feeding rates of D. carinata and D. lumholtzi provided with Selenastrum capricornutum.
  • 3 For the two Daphnia species, there were highly significant negative correlations between feeding rate and the preconditioning density of D. carinata.
  • 4 Water preconditioned with 20–30 daphnids 1-?1 for 1–2 weeks reduced the grazing rates of Daphnia, Moina, and Diaphanosoma 2–3-fold.
  • 5 Moina kept in such water for 2 days stopped feeding. Conditioned water kept for 3 days without animals still inhibited grazing by Moina. Hearing to 100°C removed the inhibitory effect.
  • 6 Given excess food, and in non-renewed water, a gradient of D. carinata densities developed a strong negative correlation between clutch size and daphnid density after a 6-day time lag. This result may help explain the direct density-dependent regulation of cladoceran reproduction observed earlier in a subtropical lake.
Tardigrades of the Taimyr peninsula with descriptions of two new species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This is the first report on tardigrades from the Taimyr peninsula. Seventy-one species of tardigrades were recorded, new to Russian fauna and two of which are new to science. Diphascon boreale sp. nov. is closely related to D. brevipes (Marcus, 1936) but easily distinguished from it by claw structure and the absence of cuticular bars on the legs. Isohypsibius roberti sp. nov. belongs to the elegans group of the genus Isohypsibius ; it diners from other species in the group by having a long and thin buccal tube and large lunulae with small teeth on leg IV. The eggs of Ramazzottius montivagus are here described for the first time. The almost complete absence of tardigrades in and around Norilsk is noted. This is related to the heavy industrial pollution from a local nickel-copper plant.  相似文献   
水稻土施硅对土壤-水稻系统中镉的降低效果   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
水稻中镉的积累造成人类健康的风险,增加水稻硅素能减轻镉中毒症状,降低稻米镉积累,但是硅对重金属的作用机理尚不清楚。主要研究了在中度和高度镉污染的土壤中,通过施用固态和液态的富硅物质对土壤-水稻系统中镉的吸收和转运的影响,探明决定镉和硅在根与芽的质外体和共质体中的作用机理。试验结果表明:(1)在中度和高度污染的土壤中,镉在土壤-作物系统中的转移和积累情况是不同的,可以通过富硅物质中的单硅酸与镉离子的相互作用,增加镉在硅物质表面的吸附来减少镉在土壤中的流动;(2)富硅物质可以降低水稻根和芽中镉的积累,在高度镉污染的情况下,施用硅可以使镉大量积累在水稻根及其共质体中,并降低根及其共质体中镉的转换和积累;(3)新鲜土壤中水萃取态的单硅酸含量与镉在土壤-作物系统中的流动性、转运以及积累等主要参数密切相关。  相似文献   
This study examines interrelationships between eight leaf attributes (specific leaf mass, area, dry mass, lamina thickness, mesophyll cell number per cm2, mesophyll cell volume, chloroplast volume, and number of chloroplasts per mesophyll cell) in field-grown plants of 94 species from the Eastern Pamir Mountains, at elevations between 3800 and 4750 m. Unlike most other mountain areas, the Eastern Pamirs, Karakorum system, Tadjikistan provide localities where low temperatures and radiation combine with moisture stress at high altitudes. For all the attributes measured, significant differences were found between plants with different mesophyll types. Leaves with dorsiventral palisade structure (dorsal palisade, ventral spongy mesophyll cells) had thicker leaves with larger but fewer mesophyll cells, containing more and larger chloroplasts. These differences in mesophyll type are reflected in differences in the total surface of mesophyll cells per unit leaf area ( A mes/ A ) or volume ( A mes/ V ). Plants with isopalisade leaf structure (palisade cells under both dorsal and ventral surfaces) are more commonly xerophytes and their increased values of A mes/ A and A mes/ V decrease CO2 mesophyll resistance, which is an important adaptation to drought. Path analysis shows the critical importance of mesophyll cell volume in leading to the covariance between the different leaf attributes and hence to specific leaf mass (SLM), even though mesophyll cell volume is not itself strongly correlated with SLM. This is because mesophyll cell volume increases SLM through its effects on leaf thickness and chloroplast number per cell, but decreases SLM through its negative effect on mesophyll cell density.  相似文献   
Hybridization is a significant threat for endangered species and could potentially even lead to their extinction. This concern applies to the globally vulnerable Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, a species that co‐occurs, and potentially interbreeds, with the more common Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in a vast area of Eastern Europe. We applied single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and microsatellite markers in order to study hybridization and introgression in 14 European spotted eagle populations. We detected hybridization and/or introgression in all studied sympatric populations. In most regions, hybridization took place prevalently between A. pomarina males and A. clanga females, with introgression to the more common A. pomarina. However, such a pattern was not as obvious in regions where A. clanga is still numerous. In the course of 16 years of genetic monitoring of a mixed population in Estonia, we observed the abandonment of A. clanga breeding territories and the replacement of A. clanga pairs by A. pomarina, whereby on several occasions hybridization was an intermediate step before the disappearance of A. clanga. Although the total number of Estonian A. clanga × A. pomarina pairs was twice as high as that of A. clanga pairs, the number of pairs recorded yearly were approximately equal, which suggests a higher turnover rate in interbreeding pairs. This study shows that interspecific introgressive hybridization occurs rather frequently in a hybrid zone at least 1700‐km wide: it poses an additional threat for the vulnerable A. clanga, and may contribute to the extinction of its populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 725–736.  相似文献   
The genus Archaeoellipsoides Horodyski & Donaldson comprises large (up to 135 μ long) ellipsoidal and rod-shaped microfossils commonly found in silicified peritidal carbonates of Mesoproterozoic age. Based on morphometric and sedimentary comparisons with the akinetes of modern bloom-forming Anabaena species, Archaeoellipsoides is interpreted as the fossilized remains of akinetes produced by planktic heterocystous cyanobacteria. These fossils set a minimum date for the evolution of derived cyanobacteria capable of marked cell differentiation, and they corroborate geochemical evidence indicating that atmospheric oxygen levels were well above 1% of present day levels 1,500 million years ago. Akinetes, atmospheric oxygen, cyanobacteria, heterocyst, microbial fossils, nitrogen fixation, peritidal, Proterozoic.  相似文献   
This is the first study to comprehensively address the phylogeny of the tribe Oxypodini Thomson and its phylogenetic relationships to other tribes within the staphylinid subfamily Aleocharinae. Using the hitherto largest molecular dataset of Aleocharinae comprising of 4599 bp for representatives of 22 tribes, the Oxypodini are recovered as non‐monophyletic. Members of the tribe belong to three distantly related lineages within the Aleocharinae: (i) the Amarochara group as sister clade to the tribe Aleocharini, (ii) the subtribe Tachyusina within a clade that also includes the tribes Athetini and Hygronomini, (iii) all other Oxypodini in a clade that also includes the tribes Placusini, Hoplandriini and Liparocephalini. Based on the inferred phylogeny, five subtribes of the Oxypodini are recognized: Dinardina Mulsant & Rey, Meoticina Seevers, Microglottina Fenyes, Oxypodina Thomson and Phloeoporina Thomson. The following changes in the classification of the Aleocharinae are proposed: (i) Amarochara Thomson is removed from the Oxypodini and placed in the tribe Aleocharini; (ii) the subtribe Taxicerina Lohse of the Athetini is reinstated as tribe Taxicerini to include Discerota Mulsant & Rey, Halobrecta Thomson (both removed from the Oxypodini) and Taxicera Mulsant & Rey; (iii) the subtribe Tachyusina Thomson is excluded from the Oxypodini and provisionally treated as tribe Tachyusini; (iv) the oxypodine subtribe name Blepharhymenina Klimaszewski & Peck is placed in synonymy with the subtribe name Dinardina Mulsant & Rey.  相似文献   
Molecular study of mitochondrial and nuclear genes and cytogenetic analysis were performed to examine possible patterns of speciation in the diverse Lophuromys flavopunctatus species complex of Ethiopia. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA data resulted in an unresolved bush of ten deeply diverged haplotype groups corresponding to potential species either well supported by various types of character or 'cryptic'. The cytogenetic analysis showed representatives of five of these mtDNA lineages to share an identical karyotype (2 n  = 70, NFa = 84), that has not been found previously in Ethiopia. One of them, L.  cf.  sikapusi , being a member of the L. flavopunctatus species complex, demonstrates remarkable morphological similarity to representatives of another species complex, L. sikapusi s.l ., which might be considered as a result of convergent evolution in analogous environments. Analysis of RAPD data suggests that at least two mtDNA types might have been subject to interspecific transfer due to hybridization. In the case of two sympatric haplotypes of L. brunneus we may assume that the contemporary pattern of variation between them can be explained by relatively recent hybridization with another distinct species, L. flavopunctatus . The formation of two groups belonging to distinct mitochondrial lineages within northern populations could be associated with more complex processes including ancient hybridization.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 301–316.  相似文献   
In some hole nesting passerine species, long‐term monitoring data are available for several geographically independent populations. Climate forcing can then be documented and predictions made on the scale of distribution ranges. Several demographic studies of Paridae report dramatic impacts of wintertime climatic factors. However, these studies were undertaken in populations located in the northern parts of the species' ranges. Studies on the survival of Paridae in their southern ranges are necessary in order to assess potential latitudinal variation in climate forcing on survival. Based on monitoring of individual adult blue tits (Parus caeruleus), the effects of climatic factors on annual survival were assessed in three distinct Mediterranean populations. In these regions, climatic conditions in early summer might be expected to have a strong impact because they can be extremely hot and dry and because at this time of year Paridae are subjected to intrinsic constraints that stem from energetically costly postbreeding moult, recovery from reproductive costs, and from population densities inflated by the new cohort of fledglings. The impact of climatic conditions in early summer was, thus, addressed in addition to that prevailing in winter. In order to consider a large number of local climatic variables while limiting statistical power loss, integrative indices of local climate were built using multivariate techniques. In addition, the NAO and three large‐scale factors that are closely linked with atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the intertropical zone were considered as potentially influential factors in winter and early summer. Relationships between blue tit survival and indices of local temperature and precipitation in winter and in early summer were detected. Adult survival also correlated with a large‐scale tropical index in early summer: rainfall in the Sahel. This is one of the first quantitative indications that fluctuations in summer climatic conditions explain a significant part of the temporal variation in adult survival in unconnected populations of a sedentary European vertebrate. Furthermore, the results support the hypothesis that summertime local climates in Western Europe are closely linked with atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the intertropical zone.  相似文献   
Haploid chromosome numbers (n) of parasitic Hymenoptera (= traditional Parasitica + Chrysidoidea) vary from 2 to 23. However, this range can be subdivided into three intervals with n= 14–23 (less derived parasitic wasps, e.g., some Ichneumonidae and Braconidae as well as Gasteruptiidae), 8–13 (many other parasitic Hymenoptera) and 2–7 (Dryinidae, the majority of Chalcidoidea and some advanced Braconidae, e.g. Aphidiinae). The symmetric karyotype with a relatively high chromosome number (n= 14–17) and the prevalence of biarmed chromosomes must be considered as a groundplan feature of parasitic Hymenoptera. Independent reductions of chromosome numbers (n≤ 10–11) occurred in some groups of the superfamily Ichneumonoidea as well as in the common ancestor of the Proctotrupoidea sensu lato, Ceraphronoidea, Cynipoidea and Chalcidoidea. Further multiple decreases in chromosome numbers (n≤ 4–6) took place in some Braconidae, various lineages of the superfamily Chalcidoidea as well as in the family Dryinidae. Two main trends prevailed in the karyotype evolution of parasitic wasps: the reduction of chromosome numbers (mainly due to tandem fusions and less frequently due to centric ones) and karyotypic dissymmetrization (through an increase in size differentiation of chromosomes and/or in the share of acrocentrics in a chromosome set). Although karyotypic features of parasitic Hymenoptera can be used for solving taxonomic problems at various levels, this method is the most effective at the species level.  相似文献   
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