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During embryonic development of segmented animals, body segments are thought to arise from the so-called "posterior growth zone" and the occurrence of this "zone" has been used to support the homology of segmentation between arthropods, annelids, and vertebrates. However, the term "posterior growth zone" is used ambiguously in the literature, mostly referring to a region of increased proliferation at the posterior end of the embryo. To determine whether such a localised posterior proliferation zone is an ancestral feature of Panarthropoda (Onychophora + Tardigrada + Arthropoda), we examined cell division patterns in embryos of Onychophora.  相似文献   
Animals that forage for food or dig burrows by biopedturbation can alter the biotic and abiotic characteristics of their habitat. The digging activities of such ecosystem engineers, although small at a local scale, may be important for broader scale landscape processes by influencing soil and litter properties, trapping organic matter and seeds, and subsequently altering seedling recruitment. We examined environmental characteristics (soil moisture content, hydrophobicity and litter composition) of foraging pits created by the southern brown bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus; Peramelidae), a digging Australian marsupial, over a 6‐month period. Fresh diggings typically contained a higher moisture content and lower hydrophobicity than undisturbed soil. A month later, foraging pits contained greater amounts of fine litter and lower amounts of coarse litter than adjacent undug surfaces, indicating that foraging pits may provide a conducive microhabitat for litter decomposition, potentially reducing litter loads and enhancing nutrient decomposition. We tested whether diggings might affect seedling recruitment (seed removal by seed harvesters and seed germination rates) by artificially mimicking diggings. Although there were no differences in the removal of seeds, seedling recruitment for three native plant species (Acacia saligna, Kennedia prostrata and Eucalyptus gomphocephala) was higher in plots containing artificial diggings compared with undug sites. The digging actions of bandicoots influenced soil moisture and hydrophobicity, the size distribution of litter and seedling recruitment at a local scale. The majority of Australian digging mammals are threatened, with many suffering substantial population and range contraction. However, their persistence in landscapes plays an important role in maintaining the health and function of ecosystems.  相似文献   
The positively charged side chains of cationic antimicrobial peptides are generally thought to provide the initial long-range electrostatic attractive forces that guide them towards the negatively charged bacterial membranes. Peptide analogs were designed to examine the role of the four Arg side chains in the cathelicidin peptide tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR). The analogs include several noncoded Arg and Lys derivatives that offer small variations in side chain length and methylation state. The peptides were tested for bactericidal and hemolytic activities, and their membrane insertion and permeabilization properties were characterized by leakage assays and fluorescence spectroscopy. A net charge of +5 for most of the analogs maintains their high antimicrobial activity and directs them towards preferential insertion into model bacterial membrane systems with a similar extent of burial of the Trp side chains. However the peptides exhibit significant functional differences. Analogs with methylated cationic side chains cause lower levels of membrane leakage and are associated with lower hemolytic activities, making them potentially attractive pharmaceutical candidates. Analogs containing the Arg guanidinium groups cause more membrane disruption than those containing the Lys amino groups. Peptides in the latter group with shorter side chains have increased membrane activity and conversely, elongating the Arg residue causes slightly higher membrane activity. Altogether, the potential for strong hydrogen bonding between the four positive Arg side chains with the phospholipid head groups seems to be a determinant for the membrane disruptive properties of tritrpticin and many related cationic antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   
Polyhydroxybutyrate production from lactate using a mixed microbial culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we investigated the use of lactate and a lactate/acetate mixture for enrichment of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) producing mixed cultures. The mixed cultures were enriched in sequencing batch reactors (SBR) that established a feast-famine regime. The SBRs were operated under conditions that were previously shown to enable enrichment of a superior PHB producing strain on acetate (i.e., 12 h cycle length, 1 day SRT and 30°C). Two new mixed cultures were eventually enriched from activated sludge. The mixed culture enriched on lactate was dominated by a novel gammaproteobacterium. This enrichment can accumulate over 90 wt% PHB within 6 h, which is currently the best result reported for a bacterial culture in terms of the final PHB content and the biomass specific PHB production rate. The second mixed culture enriched on a mixture of acetate and lactate can produce up to 84 wt% PHB in just over 8 h. The predominant bacterial species in this culture were Plasticicumulans acidivorans and Thauera selenatis, which have both been reported to accumulate large amounts of PHB. The data suggest that P. acidivorans is a specialist on acetate conversion, whereas Thauera sp. is a specialist on lactate conversion. The main conclusion of this work is that the use of different substrates has a direct impact on microbial composition, but has no significant effect on the functionality of PHB production process.  相似文献   
C reactive protein (CRP) values in blood are a good indicator of the likelihood of acute coronary and cerebral events in both healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease. This indicates that atherosclerotic lesions rich in inflammatory cells and cytokines are more likely to produce acute events either through vasospasm and/or thrombosis and also can be readily detected through elevations in CRP when measured using a high sensitivity assay (hsCRP). However the arterial wall is only one potential source of cytokines which induce CRP production. Fat cells also produce cytokines, in particular IL-6 which induces the synthesis of CRP by the liver. Obesity, especially abdominal obesity, is associated with elevations of hsCRP. This may be of pathogenic significance as CRP stimulates the uptake of LDL by macrophages, induces complement activation which may cause cellular damage in the artery, and enhances monocyte production of tissue factor, thus enhancing the risk of thrombosis. Caloric restriction and weight loss lowers IL-6 and CRP levels and may beneficially suppress an immune response. Whether particular dietary macronutrients or micronutrients alter IL-6 or CRP is unknown but this issue is clearly becoming more important.  相似文献   
Sorting objects and events into categories and concepts is an important cognitive prerequisite that spares an individual the learning of every object or situation encountered in its daily life. Accordingly, specific items are classified in general groups that allow fast responses to novel situations. The present study assessed whether bamboo sharks Chiloscyllium griseum and Malawi cichlids Pseudotropheus zebra can distinguish sets of stimuli (each stimulus consisting of two abstract, geometric objects) that meet two conceptual preconditions, i.e., (1) “sameness” versus “difference” and (2) a certain spatial arrangement of both objects. In two alternative forced choice experiments, individuals were first trained to choose two different, vertically arranged objects from two different but horizontally arranged ones. Pair discriminations were followed by extensive transfer test experiments. Transfer tests using stimuli consisting of (a) black and gray circles and (b) squares with novel geometric patterns provided conflicting information with respect to the learnt rule “choose two different, vertically arranged objects”, thereby investigating (1) the individuals’ ability to transfer previously gained knowledge to novel stimuli and (2) the abstract relational concept(s) or rule(s) applied to categorize these novel objects. Present results suggest that the level of processing and usage of both abstract concepts differed considerably between bamboo sharks and Malawi cichlids. Bamboo sharks seemed to combine both concepts—although not with equal but hierarchical prominence—pointing to advanced cognitive capabilities. Conversely, Malawi cichlids had difficulties in discriminating between symbols and failed to apply the acquired training knowledge on new sets of geometric and, in particular, gray-level transfer stimuli.  相似文献   
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