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Santalum album L. is an economically important tropical tree species. Owing to extensive logging, changes in land-use patterns and poor natural regeneration, the natural sandal populations are rapidly dwindling. It is feared that such threats could easily undermine the genetic diversity of sandal populations. Effective measures to prevent such loss are prerequisite. We have developed baseline data on the levels of genetic diversity and its distribution on a geographic scale for sandal in India. Based on Geographic Information System, distribution map of sandal was developed and found that the populations were geographically more concentrated in the Deccan plateau. It was found that, for past 53 years, there was a monotonic decrease in the extraction of sandal in the state of Karnataka, India. Using allozyme markers, the genetic diversity of 19 sandal populations in peninsular India were determined and over all observed heterzygosity (Ho) was found to be 31%. The percent Ho was positively correlated with the density of the sandal populations (r = 0.44) and with increasing longitude it was found to be negatively correlated (r = −0.51). The dendrogram analysis indicated a clear clustering of sandal populations based on their geographic occurrence. The Deccan plateau populations were found to be genetically the most diverse and seemed to represent the ‘hot-spot’ of sandal genetic resources in peninsular India. Our results have important implications for the conservation strategies for sandal populations in peninsular India and can be applied for the conservation of other taxa as well.  相似文献   
Leukemoid reaction like leukemia indicates noticeable increased count of WBCs (White Blood Cells) but the cause of it is due to severe inflammation or infections in other body regions. In automatic diagnosis in classifying leukemia and leukemoid reactions, ALL IDB2 (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Image Data Base) dataset has been used which comprises 110 training images of blast cells and healthy cells. This paper aimed at an automatic process to distinguish leukemia and leukemoid reactions from blood smear images using Machine Learning. Initially, automatic detection and counting of WBC is done to identify leukocytosis and then an automatic detection of WBC blasts is performed to support classification of leukemia and leukemoid reactions. Leukocytosis is commonly observed both in leukemia and leukemoid hence physicians may have chance of wrong diagnosis of malignant leukemia for the patients with leukemoid reactions. BCCD (blood cell count detection) Dataset has been used which has 364 blood smear images of which 349 are of single WBC type. The Image segmentation algorithm of Hue Saturation Value color based on watershed has been applied. VGG16 (Visual Geometric Group) CNN (Convolution Neural Network) architecture based deep learning technique is being incorporated for classification and counting WBC type from segmented images. The VGG16 architecture based CNN used for classification and segmented images obtained from first part were tested to identify WBC blasts.  相似文献   
Two multisubunit protein complexes for membrane protein insertion were recently identified in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER): the guided entry of tail anchor proteins (GET) complex and ER membrane complex (EMC). The structures of both of their hydrophobic core subunits, which are required for the insertion reaction, revealed an overall similarity to the YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family members found in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. This suggests that these membrane insertion machineries all share a common ancestry. To test whether these ER proteins can functionally replace Oxa1 in yeast mitochondria, we generated strains that express mitochondria-targeted Get2–Get1 and Emc6–Emc3 fusion proteins in Oxa1 deletion mutants. Interestingly, the Emc6–Emc3 fusion was able to complement an Δoxa1 mutant and restored its respiratory competence. The Emc6–Emc3 fusion promoted the insertion of the mitochondrially encoded protein Cox2, as well as of nuclear encoded inner membrane proteins, although was not able to facilitate the assembly of the Atp9 ring. Our observations indicate that protein insertion into the ER is functionally conserved to the insertion mechanism in bacteria and mitochondria and adheres to similar topological principles.

Redirecting the core subunits of the protein membrane insertion complex EMC into mitochondria rescues cells deficient for the mitochondrial Oxa1 system; this supports the hypothesis that the machinery for protein insertion into the ER membrane is functionally analogous to the YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family of bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts.  相似文献   
Both the systemic and the uteroplacental renin-angiotensin system (RAS) display dramatic changes during pregnancy. However, whether gestational protein insufficiency affects the expressions of RAS in the placenta remains unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that the expression of Ace2 in the placental labyrinth was reduced by maternal protein restriction. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a normal diet or a low-protein diet (LP) from Day 1 of pregnancy until they were killed at Day 14 or Day 18. The labyrinth zone (LZ) of the placenta was then dissected and snap frozen for expression analysis by quantitative real-time PCR of Ace, Ace2, Agtr1a, Agtr1b, and Agtr2. Formalin-fixed placentas were used for immunohistochemical analysis on ACE and ACE2 proteins. The findings include 1) the expression of Ace2 in rat LZ was reduced by maternal protein restriction in late pregnancy; 2) ACE protein was mainly present in syncytiotrophoblasts, whereas ACE2 protein was found predominantly in fetal mesenchymal tissue and fetal capillaries; 3) Agtr1a was predominant in the rat LZ, and its mRNA levels, but not protein levels, were reduced by LP; 4) expressions of Ace, Ace2, and Agtr1a in the rat LZ and their response to LP occurred in a gender-dependent manner. These results may indicate that a reduced expression of Ace2 and perhaps an associated reduction in angiotensin (1-7) production in the placenta by maternal protein restriction may be responsible for fetal growth restriction and associated programming of adulthood hypertension.  相似文献   
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a well-known endocrine disruptor (ED) which represents a major toxicological and public health concern due to its widespread exposure to humans. BPA has been reported to induce DNA adduct and aneuploidy in rodents. Recent studies in humans depicted its association with recurrent miscarriages and male infertility due to sperm DNA damage indicating that BPA might have genotoxic activity. Hence, the present study was designed to determine genotoxic and mutagenic effects of BPA using in-vivo and in-vitro assays. The adult male and female rats were orally administered with various doses of BPA (2.4 μg, 10 μg, 5mg and 50mg/kgbw) once a day for six consecutive days. Animals were sacrificed, bone marrow and blood samples were collected and subjected to series of genotoxicity assay such as micronucleus, chromosome aberration and single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay respectively. Mutagenicity was determined using tester strains of Salmonella typhimurium (TA 98, TA 100 and TA 102) in the presence and absence of metabolically active microsomal fractions (S9). Further, we estimated the levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, lipid per-oxidation and glutathione activity to decipher the potential genotoxic mechanism of BPA. We observed that BPA exposure caused a significant increase in the frequency of micronucleus (MN) in polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs), structural chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells and DNA damage in blood lymphocytes. These effects were observed at various doses tested except 2.4 μg compared to vehicle control. We did not observe the mutagenic response in any of the tester strains tested at different concentrations of BPA. We found an increase in the level of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in the plasma and increase in lipid per-oxidation and decrease in glutathione activity in liver of rats respectively which were exposed to BPA. In conclusion, the data obtained clearly documents that BPA is not mutagenic but exhibit genotoxic activity and oxidative stress could be one of the mechanisms leading to genetic toxicity.  相似文献   
To date, malignant pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PHEOs/PGLs) cannot be effectively cured and thus novel treatment strategies are urgently needed. Lovastatin has been shown to effectively induce apoptosis in mouse PHEO cells (MPC) and the more aggressive mouse tumor tissue-derived cells (MTT), which was accompanied by decreased phosphorylation of mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) pathway players. The MAPK pathway plays a role in numerous aggressive tumors and has been associated with a subgroup of PHEOs/PGLs, including K-RAS-, RET-, and NF1-mutated tumors. Our aim was to establish whether MAPK signaling may also play a role in aggressive, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) B mutation-derived PHEOs/PGLs. Expression profiling and western blot analysis indicated that specific aspects of MAPK-signaling are active in SDHB PHEOs/PGLs, suggesting that inhibition by statin treatment could be beneficial. Moreover, we aimed to assess whether the anti-proliferative effect of lovastatin on MPC and MTT differed from that exerted by fluvastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin, or rosuvastatin. Simvastatin and fluvastatin decreased cell proliferation most effectively and the more aggressive MTT cells appeared more sensitive in this respect. Inhibition of MAPK1 and 3 phosphorylation following treatment with fluvastatin, simvastatin, and lovastatin was confirmed by western blot. Increased levels of CASP-3 and PARP cleavage confirmed induction of apoptosis following the treatment. At a concentration low enough not to affect cell proliferation, spontaneous migration of MPC and MTT was significantly inhibited within 24 hours of treatment. In conclusion, lipophilic statins may present a promising therapeutic option for treatment of aggressive human paragangliomas by inducing apoptosis and inhibiting tumor spread.  相似文献   
The human mutation rate is an essential parameter for studying the evolution of our species, interpreting present-day genetic variation, and understanding the incidence of genetic disease. Nevertheless, our current estimates of the rate are uncertain. Most notably, recent approaches based on counting de novo mutations in family pedigrees have yielded significantly smaller values than classical methods based on sequence divergence. Here, we propose a new method that uses the fine-scale human recombination map to calibrate the rate of accumulation of mutations. By comparing local heterozygosity levels in diploid genomes to the genetic distance scale over which these levels change, we are able to estimate a long-term mutation rate averaged over hundreds or thousands of generations. We infer a rate of 1.61 ± 0.13 × 10−8 mutations per base per generation, which falls in between phylogenetic and pedigree-based estimates, and we suggest possible mechanisms to reconcile our estimate with previous studies. Our results support intermediate-age divergences among human populations and between humans and other great apes.  相似文献   

Background and Question

The harvesting of medicinal plants from wild sources is escalating in many parts of the world, compromising the long-term survival of natural populations of medicinally important plants and sustainability of sources of raw material to meet pharmaceutical industry needs. Although protected areas are considered to play a central role in conservation of plant genetic resources, the effectiveness of protected areas for maintaining medicinal plant populations subject to intense harvesting pressure remain largely unknown. We conducted genetic and demographic studies of Nothapodytes nimmoniana Graham, one of the extensively harvested medicinal plant species in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India to assess the effectiveness of protected areas in long-term maintenance of economically important plant species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The analysis of adults and seedlings of N. nimmoniana in four protected and four non-protected areas using 7 nuclear microsatellite loci revealed that populations that are distributed within protected areas are subject to lower levels of harvesting and maintain higher genetic diversity (He = 0.816, Ho = 0.607, A = 18.857) than populations in adjoining non-protected areas (He = 0.781, Ho = 0.511, A = 15.571). Furthermore, seedlings in protected areas had significantly higher observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.630) and private alleles as compared to seedlings in adjoining non-protected areas (Ho = 0.426). Most populations revealed signatures of recent genetic bottleneck. The prediction of long-term maintenance of genetic diversity using BOTTLESIM indicated that current population sizes of the species are not sufficient to maintain 90% of present genetic diversity for next 100 years.


Overall, these results highlight the need for establishing more protected areas encompassing a large number of adult plants in the Western Ghats to conserve genetic diversity of economically and medicinally important plant species.  相似文献   
Squash (Cucurbita moschata) is one of the most important crops in tropical countries. Geminiviruses are an important group of plant pathogens. In 2002 a new begomovirus was reported to naturally infect squash and some other crops in Costa Rica. Our objective was to compare, using molecular techniques, the extraction and further purification of DNA from squash by different extraction protocols and storage methods. A single infected sample was collected, half of the material was stored frozen at ?70°C, and the remainder was stored dehydrated in silica gel (SG). Total nucleic acids (TNAs) were extracted by three different protocols and were quantified by fluorometry, and the quality was analysed by electrophoresis in agarose gels, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the virus genome, dot blot and Southern blot hybridization. Even though the tissue stored in SG yielded a higher amount of TNAs, the genetic material exhibited lower integrity and this made it useful exclusively for the detection of geminiviral DNA by PCR amplification of short viral sequences and by hybridization with short viral probes. The Dellaporta method proved to be the most effective for the detection of geminiviral DNA in infected squash tissue. Although the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide method showed similar results, the procedure is more time‐consuming. Surprisingly, the citrate method showed either similar or worse results than the other methods.  相似文献   
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