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In species with indeterminate growth, differential growth rates can lead to animals adopting alternative reproductive tactics such as sneak–guard phenotypes, which is partially predicted by variation in growth during the juvenile life‐history stage. To investigate sources of growth variation, we examined the independent and joint effects of paternal reproductive tactic (G) and rearing environment (E) on juvenile growth in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), hypothesizing G and E effects are partially mediated through differences in behaviour such as aggressive interactions and resulting foraging behaviours. We created maternal half‐sibling families with one‐half of the female's eggs fertilized by the milt of a sneaker “jack” and the other half by a guarder “hooknose”. At the exogenous feeding stage, each split‐clutch family was then divided again and reared in a rationed diet or growth‐promotion diet environment for approximately 6 months, during which growth parameters were measured. Before saltwater transfer at 9 months of age, social interactions were observed in groups of six fish of various competitor origins. We found ration restricts growth rate and juvenile mass, and evidence of genetic effects on growth depensation, where jack‐sired individuals grew less uniformly over time. These growth‐related differences influenced an individual's level of aggression, with individuals raised on a restricted diet and those whose families experienced greatest growth being most aggressive. These individuals were more likely to feed than not and feed most often. Jack‐sired individuals were additionally aggressive in the absence of food, and when raised on a rationed diet outcompeted others to feed most. These results show how individuals may achieve higher growth rates via intrinsic (G) or induced (E) aggressive behavioural phenotypes, and eventually attain the threshold body size necessary during the saltwater phase to precociously sexually mature and adopt alternative reproductive phenotypes.  相似文献   
Tall shrubs and trees are advancing into many tundra and wetland ecosystems but at a rate that often falls short of that predicted due to climate change. For forest, tall shrub, and tundra ecosystems in two pristine mountain ranges of Alaska, we apply a Bayesian, error‐propagated calculation of expected elevational rise (climate velocity), observed rise (biotic velocity), and their difference (biotic inertia). We show a sensitive dependence of climate velocity on lapse rate and derive biotic velocity as a rigid elevational shift. Ecosystem presence identified from recent and historic orthophotos ~50 years apart was regressed on elevation. Biotic velocity was estimated as the difference between critical point elevations of recent and historic logistic fits divided by time between imagery. For both mountain ranges, the 95% highest posterior density of climate velocity enclosed the posterior distributions of all biotic velocities. In the Kenai Mountains, mean tall shrub and climate velocities were both 2.8 m y?1. In the better sampled Chugach Mountains, mean tundra retreat was 1.2 m y?1 and climate velocity 1.3 m y?1. In each mountain range, the posterior mode of tall woody vegetation velocity (the complement of tundra) matched climate velocity better than either forest or tall shrub alone, suggesting competitive compensation can be important. Forest velocity was consistently low at 0.1–1.1 m y?1, indicating treeline is advancing slowly. We hypothesize that the high biotic inertia of forest ecosystems in south‐central Alaska may be due to competition with tall shrubs and/or more complex climate controls on the elevational limits of trees than tall shrubs. Among tall shrubs, those that disperse farthest had lowest inertia. Finally, the rapid upward advance of woody vegetation may be contributing to regional declines in Dall's sheep (Ovis dalli), a poorly dispersing alpine specialist herbivore with substantial biotic inertia due to dispersal reluctance.  相似文献   
1. A partially purified UDP-glucuronyltransferase was obtained by extracting rat liver microsomal preparations with Lubrol, a non-ionic detergent. 2. The soluble enzyme catalysed conjugation of both o-aminophenol and p-nitrophenol and was extremely stable when compared with untreated microsomal preparations. 3. The characteristics of the conjugation of the two phenols were found to differ with respect to pH optimum, bivalent cation requirement and Michaelis constants, suggesting that more than one enzyme is involved in the conjugation reaction.  相似文献   
Oat (Avena sativa L.) seed is a rich resource of beneficial lipids, soluble fiber, protein, and antioxidants, and is considered a healthful food for humans. Little is known regarding the genetic controllers of variation for these compounds in oat seed. We characterized natural variation in the mature seed metabolome using untargeted metabolomics on 367 diverse lines and leveraged this information to improve prediction for seed quality traits. We used a latent factor approach to define unobserved variables that may drive covariance among metabolites. One hundred latent factors were identified, of which 21% were enriched for compounds associated with lipid metabolism. Through a combination of whole-genome regression and association mapping, we show that latent factors that generate covariance for many metabolites tend to have a complex genetic architecture. Nonetheless, we recovered significant associations for 23% of the latent factors. These associations were used to inform a multi-kernel genomic prediction model, which was used to predict seed lipid and protein traits in two independent studies. Predictions for 8 of the 12 traits were significantly improved compared to genomic best linear unbiased prediction when this prediction model was informed using associations from lipid-enriched factors. This study provides new insights into variation in the oat seed metabolome and provides genomic resources for breeders to improve selection for health-promoting seed quality traits. More broadly, we outline an approach to distill high-dimensional “omics” data to a set of biologically meaningful variables and translate inferences on these data into improved breeding decisions.  相似文献   
Periodic flooding of perennial crops such as lucerne (Medicago sativa,L) is a major cause of lowered productivity and leads in extreme cases to plant death. In this study, effects of waterlogging and subsequent recovery on plant nutrient composition and PSII photochemistry were studied to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of recovery as they relate to leaf photochemistry (chlorophyll fluorescence) and nutrient dynamics. Three lucerne cultivars and one breeding line were flooded for 20 d, drained and left to recover for another 16 d under glasshouse conditions. Leaf and root nutrient composition (P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu and Zn) of waterlogged lucerne was significantly lower than in freely drained controls, leaf N concentrations were also significantly lower in waterlogged lucerne. At the same time, there were significantly (5-fold) higher concentrations of Fe in waterlogged roots and Na in leaves (2-fold) of stressed plants. PS II photochemistry, which was impaired due to waterlogging, recovered almost fully after 16 d of free drainage in all genotypes. Alongside fluorescence recovery, concentrations of several nutrients also increased in recovered plants. Growth parameters, however, remained suppressed after draining. The latter was due to both the smaller capacity of CO2 assimilation in previously waterlogged plants (caused in part by nutrient deficiency and associated inhibition of PSII) and the plants need to re-direct available nutrient and assimilate pools to repair the damage to the photosynthetic apparatus and roots. It is concluded, that for any lucerne-breeding program it is important to determine not only the degree of tolerance to waterlogging but also the potential for recovery of different genotypes, as well as look for outstanding individuals within each population.  相似文献   
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is routinely used to compare levels of diversity of microbial communities and to monitor population dynamics. While using PCR-DGGE to examine the bacteria in wine fermentations, we noted that several commonly used PCR primers for amplifying bacterial 16S rDNA also coamplified yeast, fungal, or plant DNA present in samples. Unfortunately, amplification of nonbacterial DNA can result in a masking of bacterial populations in DGGE profiles. To surmount this problem, we developed two new primer sets for specific amplification of bacterial 16S rDNA in wine fermentation samples without amplification of eukaryotic DNA. One primer set, termed WLAB1 and WLAB2, amplified lactic acid bacteria, while another, termed WBAC1 and WBAC2, amplified both lactic acid bacterial and acetic acid bacterial populations found in wine. Primer specificity and efficacy were examined with DNA isolated from numerous bacterial, yeast, and fungal species commonly found in wine and must samples. Importantly, both primer sets effectively distinguished bacterial species in wine containing mixtures of yeast and bacteria.  相似文献   
Purine and pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism in higher plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gross primary production (GPP) by terrestrial ecosystems is a key quantity in the global carbon cycle. The instantaneous controls of leaf-level photosynthesis are well established, but there is still no consensus on the mechanisms by which canopy-level GPP depends on spatial and temporal variation in the environment. The standard model of photosynthesis provides a robust mechanistic representation for C3 species; however, additional assumptions are required to “scale up” from leaf to canopy. As a consequence, competing models make inconsistent predictions about how GPP will respond to continuing environmental change. This problem is addressed here by means of an empirical analysis of the light use efficiency (LUE) of GPP inferred from eddy covariance carbon dioxide flux measurements, in situ measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and remotely sensed estimates of the fraction of PAR (fAPAR) absorbed by the vegetation canopy. Focusing on LUE allows potential drivers of GPP to be separated from its overriding dependence on light. GPP data from over 100 sites, collated over 20 years and located in a range of biomes and climate zones, were extracted from the FLUXNET2015 database and combined with remotely sensed fAPAR data to estimate daily LUE. Daytime air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, diffuse fraction of solar radiation, and soil moisture were shown to be salient predictors of LUE in a generalized linear mixed-effects model. The same model design was fitted to site-based LUE estimates generated by 16 terrestrial ecosystem models. The published models showed wide variation in the shape, the strength, and even the sign of the environmental effects on modeled LUE. These findings highlight important model deficiencies and suggest a need to progress beyond simple “goodness of fit” comparisons of inferred and predicted carbon fluxes toward an approach focused on the functional responses of the underlying dependencies.  相似文献   
The Nicaraguan population of Spodoptera frugiperda multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus, SfMNPV-NIC, is structured as a mixture of nine genotypes (A-I). Occlusion bodies (OBs) of SfMNPV-C, -D and -G pure genotypes are incapable of oral transmission; a phenotype which in SfMNPV-C and -D is due to the absence of pif1 and pif2 genes. The complete sequence of the SfMNPV-G genome was determined to identify possible factors involved in this phenotype. Deletions of 4860 bp (22,366-27,225) and 60 bp (119,759-119,818) were observed in SfMNPV-G genome compared with that of the predominant complete genotype SfMNPV-B (132,954 bp). However no genes homologous to previously described per os infectivity factors were located within the deleted sequences. Significant differences were detected in the nucleotide sequence in sf58 gene (unknown function) that produced changes in the amino acid sequence and the predicted secondary structure of the corresponding protein. This gene is conserved only in lepidopteran baculoviruses (alpha- and betabaculoviruses). To determine the role of sf58 in peroral infectivity a deletion mutant was constructed using bacmid technology. OBs of the deletion mutant (Sf58null) were not orally infectious for S. frugiperda larvae, whereas Sf58null rescue virus OBs recovered oral infectivity. Sf58null DNA and occlusion derived virions (ODVs) were as infective as SfMNPV bacmid DNA and ODVs in intrahemocelically infected larvae or cell culture, indicating that defects in ODV or OB morphogenesis were not involved in the loss of peroral infectivity. Addition of optical brightener or the presence of the orally infectious SfMNPV-B OBs in mixtures with SfMNPV-G OBs did not recover Sf58null OB infectivity. According to these results sf58 is a new per os infectivity factor present only in lepidopteran baculoviruses.  相似文献   
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