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Assessing broad‐scale changes in seabird populations across the North Atlantic requires an integration of available datasets to understand the spatial extent of potential drivers and demographic change. Here, we compared survival of Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis from a Scottish and an Irish colony from 1974 to 2009. Despite lower recapture probabilities of monel‐ringed Irish birds compared with colour‐ringed Scottish birds, survival probability decreased at both colonies. The extent to which the decline in survival is related to density‐dependent processes or other external drivers remains uncertain, but our results suggest that these changes in survival are possibly indicative of larger‐scale processes and are not confined to local colony dynamics.  相似文献   
RNase E is a major intracellular endoribonuclease in many bacteria and participates in most aspects of RNA processing and degradation. RNase E requires a divalent metal ion for its activity. We show that only Mg2+ and Mn2+ will support significant rates of activity in vitro against natural RNAs, with Mn2+ being preferred. Both Mg2+ and Mn2+ also support cleavage of an oligonucleotide substrate with similar kinetic parameters for both ions. Salts of Ni2+ and Zn2+ permitted low levels of activity, while Ca2+, Co3+, Cu2+, and Fe2+ did not. A mutation to one of the residues known to chelate Mg2+, D346C, led to almost complete loss of activity dependent on Mg2+; however, the activity of the mutant enzyme was fully restored by the presence of Mn2+ with kinetic parameters fully equivalent to those of wild-type enzyme. A similar mutation to the other chelating residue, D303C, resulted in nearly full loss of activity regardless of metal ion. The properties of RNase E D346C enabled a test of the ionic requirements of RNase E in vivo. Plasmid shuffling experiments showed that both rneD303C (i.e., the rne gene encoding a D-to-C change at position 303) and rneD346C were inviable whether or not the selection medium was supplied with MnSO4, implying that RNase E relies on Mg2+ exclusively in vivo.  相似文献   
The role of the G1-phase Cyclin D-CDK 4/6 regulatory module in linking germline stem cell (GSC) proliferation to nutrition is evolutionarily variable. In invertebrate Drosophila and C. elegans GSC models, G1 is nearly absent and Cyclin E is expressed throughout the cell cycle, whereas vertebrate spermatogonial stem cells have a distinct G1 and Cyclin D1 plays an important role in GSC renewal. In the invertebrate, chordate, Oikopleura, where germline nuclei proliferate asynchronously in a syncytium, we show a distinct G1-phase in which 2 Cyclin D variants are co-expressed. Cyclin Dd, present in both somatic endocycling cells and the germline, localized to germline nuclei during G1 before declining at G1/S. Cyclin Db, restricted to the germline, remained cytoplasmic, co-localizing in foci with the Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor, CKIa. These foci showed a preferential spatial distribution adjacent to syncytial germline nuclei at G1/S. During nutrient-restricted growth arrest, upregulated CKIa accumulated in arrested somatic endoreduplicative nuclei but did not do so in germline nuclei. In the latter context, Cyclin Dd levels gradually decreased. In contrast, the Cyclin Dbβ splice variant, lacking the Rb-interaction domain and phosphodegron, was specifically upregulated and the number of cytoplasmic foci containing this variant increased. This upregulation was dependent on stress response MAPK p38 signaling. We conclude that under favorable conditions, Cyclin Dbβ-CDK6 sequesters CKIa in the cytoplasm to cooperate with Cyclin Dd-CDK6 in promoting germline nuclear proliferation. Under nutrient-restriction, this sequestration function is enhanced to permit continued, though reduced, cycling of the germline during somatic growth arrest.  相似文献   
Following translocation, bacterial lipoproteins are lipidated by lipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase (Lgt) and cleaved of their signal peptides by lipoprotein signal peptidase (Lsp). In Gram-negative bacteria and mycobacteria, lipoproteins are further lipidated by lipoprotein N-acyl transferase (Lnt), to give triacylated lipoproteins. Streptomyces are unusual amongst Gram-positive bacteria because they export large numbers of lipoproteins via the twin arginine protein transport (Tat) pathway. Furthermore, some Streptomyces species encode two Lgt homologues and all Streptomyces species encode two homologues of Lnt. Here we characterize lipoprotein biogenesis in the plant pathogen Streptomyces scabies and report that lgt and lsp mutants are defective in growth and development while only moderately affected in virulence. Lipoproteins are lost from the membrane in an S. scabies lgt mutant but restored by expression of Streptomyces coelicolor lgt1 or lgt2 confirming that both encode functional Lgt enzymes. Furthermore, lipoproteins are N-acylated in Streptomyces with efficient N-acylation dependent on Lnt1 and Lnt2. However, deletion of lnt1 and lnt2 has no effect on growth, development or virulence. We thus present a detailed study of lipoprotein biogenesis in Streptomyces, the first study of Lnt function in a monoderm bacterium and the first study of bacterial lipoproteins as virulence factors in a plant pathogen.  相似文献   
The societal benefits of hydropower systems (e.g., relatively clean electrical power, water supply, flood control, and recreation) come with a cost to native stream fishes. We reviewed and synthesized the literature on hydropower-related pulsed flows to guide resource managers in addressing significant impacts while avoiding unnecessary curtailment of hydropower operations. Dams may release pulsed flows in response to needs for peaking power, recreational flows, reservoir storage adjustment for flood control, or to mimic natural peaks in the hydrograph. Depending on timing, frequency, duration, and magnitude, pulsed flows can have adverse or beneficial short and long-term effects on resident or migratory stream fishes. Adverse effects include direct impacts to fish populations due to (1) stranding of fishes along the changing channel margins, (2) downstream displacement of fishes, and (3) reduced spawning and rearing success due to redd/nest dewatering and untimely or obstructed migration. Beneficial effects include: (1) maintenance of habitat for spawning and rearing, and (2) biological cues to trigger spawning, hatching, and migration. We developed a basic conceptual model to predict the effects of different types of pulsed flow, identified gaps in knowledge, and identified research activities to address these gaps. There is a clear need for a quantitative framework incorporating mathematical representations of field and laboratory results on flow, temperature, habitat structure, fish life stages by season, fish population dynamics, and multiple fish species, which can be used to predict outcomes and design mitigation strategies in other regulated streams experiencing pulsed flows.  相似文献   
Disposal of operationally exhausted metalworking fluids (MWFs) is enormously challenging. In this study the feasibility of employing a sequential Fenton-biological oxidation for the treatment of recalcitrant components of MWF wastewater was investigated. A statistical experimental design was employed to address Fenton reagent (H?O?, Fe2?) dose optimisation which ensured minimal concentrations of the reagents, thus making the treatment environmentally less toxic to subsequent biological steps and economically viable. This was achieved by employing a five-level-two-variable central composite experimental design. The results demonstrated that Fenton pre-treatment of the MWF effluent greatly improved biodegradability index (BOD?)/COD increased from 0.160 to 0.538) with a synchronous lowering in the toxicity of the wastewater, making the recalcitrant component more amenable to subsequent biological treatment. An overall decrease of 92% and 86% in chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC), respectively, was achieved by the two-step treatment method developed.  相似文献   
Plasmalogens are phospholipids containing a vinyl-ether linkage at the sn-1 position of the glycerophospholipid backbone. Despite being quite abundant in humans, the biological role of plasmalogens remains speculative. It has been postulated that plasmalogens are physiological antioxidants with the vinyl-ether functionality serving as a sacrificial trap for free radicals and singlet oxygen. However, no quantitative data on the efficiency of plasmalogens at scavenging these reactive species are available. In this study, rate constants of quenching of singlet oxygen, generated by photosensitized energy transfer, by several plasmalogens and, for comparison, by their diacyl analogs were determined by time-resolved detection of phosphorescence at 1270nm. Relative rates of the interactions of singlet oxygen with plasmalogens and other lipids, in solution and in liposomal membranes, were measured by electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry and product analysis using HPLC-EC detection of cholesterol hydroperoxides and iodometric assay of lipid hydroperoxides. The results show that singlet oxygen interacts with plasmalogens significantly faster than with the other lipids, with the corresponding rate constants being 1 to 2 orders of magnitude greater. The quenching of singlet oxygen by plasmalogens is mostly reactive in nature and results from its preferential interaction with the vinyl-ether bond. The data suggest that plasmalogens could protect unsaturated membrane lipids against oxidation induced by singlet oxygen, providing that the oxidation products are not excessively cytotoxic.  相似文献   
The synthesis, evaluation, and structure-activity relationships of a class of γ-lactam 1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol transition-state isostere inhibitors of BACE are discussed. Two strategies for optimizing lead compound 1a are presented. Reducing the overall size of the inhibitors resulted in the identification of γ-lactam 1i, whereas the introduction of conformational constraint on the prime-side of the inhibitor generated compounds such as the 3-hydroxypyrrolidine inhibitor 28n. The full in vivo profile of 1i in rats and 28n in Tg 2576 mice is presented.  相似文献   
A potent series of substituted (2S,4S)-benzylproline α2δ ligands have been designed from the readily available starting material (2S,4R)-hydroxy-l-proline. The ligands have improved pharmacokinetic profile over the (4S)-phenoxyproline derivatives described previously and have potential for development as oral agents for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Compound 16 has been progressed to clinical development.  相似文献   
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