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Manzala Lake, as one of the main Egyptian wetland ecosystems, is facing risks of pollution. An in vitro cytotoxicity test using a mammalian cell line was employed to determine the toxicity of multiple pollutants in the water and Tilapia zillii fish sampled from the lake. The concentrations of seven polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and ten polychlorinated dibenzofurans were investigated in water and muscle of the fish in 2014. Cytotoxicity testing showed that the percentage inhibition of cell viability in the studied sites ranged between 56.16% and 83.22%. Dioxin analysis indicated that the average concentrations of 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorodibenzofuran, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorodibenzofuran and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachlorodibenzofuran were higher than the toxic equivalence quotients (TEQs) set by the World Health Organization (WHO) in all water and fish muscle samples; however, the average concentration of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran was higher only in fish muscle samples. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) ranged dramatically between 2 and 58.5 for the detected dioxins. Adverse human health effects through the consumption of fish are not expected, because dioxin levels in fish muscle are deemed safe for human consumption. Implementation of a strategic multidisciplinary action plan is strongly recommended to sustain this delta wetland ecosystem.  相似文献   
The implication of protein phosphorylation in the mitogenic action of high density lipoproteins (HDL) on bovine vascular endothelial cells was investigated by incubating endothelial cell cultures in the presence of 32P-labeled phosphoric acid. The incorporation of 32P into proteins was measured after fractionation by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and autoradiography of the gel. In endothelial cells seeded at low density and made quiescent by serum starvation, HDL markedly and consistently enhanced the degree of phosphorylation of a Mr 27,000 protein in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Using 500 micrograms/ml HDL, 32P labeling of the 27-kDa protein was already measurable after 10 min of incubation and reached a maximum at 20-30 min. Minimal effective dose of HDL during a 30-min incubation period was in the range of 5-10 micrograms/ml. While the apolipoprotein moiety of HDL was able to mimic the effect of total HDL, the lipid part of HDL was not. Furthermore, fibroblast growth factor appeared to potentiate the effect of HDL on 27-kDa protein phosphorylation, in agreement with the synergism observed between fibroblast growth factor and HDL on endothelial cell proliferation. Two activators of protein kinase C, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate and 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol also induced the phosphorylation of the 27-kDa protein. These results suggest that the 27-kDa protein may be a physiological substrate for protein kinase C and that HDL could exert their mitogenic effect on endothelial cells through activation of protein kinase C and subsequent protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   
During the period of 1895-1910, immunology was preoccupied with defining the cellular (Elie Metchnikoff's phagocytosis theory) as opposed to the humoral basis of bactericidal defense. Although initial discovery of immunopathologic phenomena had been made (e.g., relating to transplantation, autoimmunity, allergy), focus on microbicidal therapy and diagnosis of infectious diseases remained the major stimuli of inquiry. The debate concerning the relative roles of phagocytes, complement, amboceptors (sensibilizing factors, antibody, antitoxins), various lysins (e.g., bacteriolysins, spermatolysins, hemolysins), agglutinins, stimulines, and then Almoth Wright's opsonins reflects the ambiguity of a scientific language being created in an era still struggling with a poorly defined experimental system, for the language, both its vocabulary (newly studied phenomena) and grammar (operational mechanisms) was yet to be codified. The joint award of the Nobel Prize to Metchnikoff and Paul Ehrlich in 1908 for their respective contributions to the "theory of immunity" appeared to proclaim a consensus, but the secret Nobel Committee reports that evaluated Metchnikoff's contributions reveal only a grudging acceptance of his position, and the award was clearly made on the basis of an apparent complementarity between the theoretical views of the humoralists and those elements of the phagocytosis theory that fit the then current discussion of immunity. In this regard, opsonins played an especially important role as both an experimental and conceptual bridge between the competing schools. What was no longer under consideration (and in fact never was explicitly debated) concerned the intellectual foundation of Metchnikoff's original concept of immunity as those activities that defined organismal identity, (developed from Metchnikoff's research in developmental biology) and which regarded host defense mechanisms as only subordinate to this primary function. Immunology in the first half of the 20th century pursued issues pertinent to chemically characterizing immune specificity and only later returned to the Metchnikovian question of how the immune identity was established. This latter venture has achieved molecular sophistication, but even such a formulation may be an inadequate answer to the Metchnikovian postulate. The theoretical discussion between cellularists and humoralists continues in new guises, for the essential debate remains unresolved.  相似文献   
Summary Comparative ecological, physiological and genetic data from two hybridizable predacious species (Chrysopa quadripunctata andC. slossonae) illustrate that host (prey) specificity is based on a broad variety of genetically controlled traits. The array of traits parallels that found in host specific herbivores, and it includes: (i) female choice of oviposition site, (ii) adult dietary requirements for mating, (iii) large egg size, (iv) specialized larval behavior, (v) enhanced larval development, and (vi) univoltinism.Considerable genetic variation, in both quantitative, polygenically controlled characters, as well as qualitative traits, underlies the differences between the general predator,C. quadripunctata, and the monophagousC. slossonae. The interaction between the predators and their prey is more consistent with the sympatric than the allopatric model of speciation, and theC. quadripunctata/C. slossonae case provides an excellent opportunity for testing various assumptions underlying the sympatric model of speciation.  相似文献   
In the companion paper (Holmquist et al. 1988), we concluded that there is no agreement on either the correct branching order or differential rates of evolution among the higher primates, and we examined in depth why this uncertainty in the evolutionary understanding of our closest living relatives persists. Recently, Lake developed two novel methods, based on group properties of transition and transversion operators, that (a) permit, in principle, objective resolution of problems of the above type and (b) attach a statistical significance level to the conclusions drawn. In the present paper, we develop formulas for using these two methods in tandem and apply them to study transversion differences in (1) nuclear DNA for a 7-kb segment of the psi eta-globin locus and a 3-kb intergenic region between the psi beta- and delta- globin loci and (2) mitochondrial DNA for the 896-bp fragment of Brown et al. Although each of these nucleotide sequence regions has its characteristic tempo and mode of evolution, the nuclear and mitochondrial data together, comprising a total of 10,939 base positions, support a Homo/Pan clade at the 97% confidence level. If we calibrate the divergence point for humans and chimpanzees at 5 Myr, consideration of the transversion branch lengths for the combined nuclear data indicates that the gorilla lineage branched off 600,000- 900,000 years prior to that, although the 2 sigma sampling errors do not preclude either a temporal trifurcation for the three species or a considerably more ancient branch point for the gorilla. To resolve the length of this central branch to a relative accuracy of 25% and 30% will require a factor of 16 and nine times more data, respectively-- i.e., in excess of 100,000 homologous nucleotides for each of the four primates. For the nuclear genes, heterogeneity in evolutionary rates between different parts of the genome is mostly restricted to the human lineage for these two segments. The lineage leading to chimpanzees has evolved 0.4 (3-kb fragment) to 3.5 (7-kb segment) times as rapidly as the lineage leading to humans, and that leading to the gorilla has evolved approximately one-fifth to one-half as rapidly as that leading to chimpanzees. Thus, even local molecular clocks can "tick" badly. As significant is the fact that virtually contiguous parts of the genome tick at markedly different rates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)   相似文献   
Plasma membrane glycoproteins of rat hepatocytes undergo a rapid terminal deglycosylation in that the terminal sugars of the oligosaccharide side chains are rapidly removed from the otherwise intact glycoproteins [Tauber, R., Park, C.S. & Reutter, W. (1983) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 80, 4026-4029]. The present paper demonstrates that this rapid intramolecular turnover of plasma membrane glycoproteins is not restricted to peripheral sugars but, in contrast to liver, in hepatoma the core sugars of the oligosaccharide chains are also involved. Intramolecular turnover was measured in Morris hepatoma 7777 in five plasma membrane glycoproteins with Mr of 85,000 (hgp85), 105,000 (hgp105), 115,000 (hgp115), 125,000 (hgp125), 175,000 (hgp175) (hgp = hepatoma glycoprotein) that were isolated and purified to homogeneity by concanavalin-A--Sepharose affinity chromatography and semipreparative SDS gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the carbohydrates of hgp85, hgp105, hgp115 and hgp125 revealed the presence of N-linked oligosaccharides containing L-fucose, D-galactose, D-mannose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, but only of trace amounts of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine; hgp175 additionally contained significant amounts of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, indicating the presence of both N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. As shown by digestion with endoglucosaminidase H, the N-linked oligosaccharides of hgp105, hgp115, hgp125 and hgp175 were of the complex type, whereas hgp85 also contained oligosaccharides of the high-mannose type. Half-lives of the turnover of the oligosacharide chains and of the protein backbone of the five glycoproteins were measured in the plasma membrane in pulse-chase experiments in vivo, using L-[3H]fucose as a marker of terminal sugars, D-[3H]mannose as marker of a core sugar and L-[3H]leucine for labelling the protein backbone. Protein backbones of the five glycoproteins were degraded with individual half-lives ranging over 41-90 h with a mean of 66 h. Compared to the degradation of the polypeptide backbone, both the terminal sugar L-fucose and the core sugar D-mannose turned over with much shorter half-lives averaging about 20 h in the five glycoproteins. The data show that, conversely to liver, within plasma membrane glycoproteins of hepatoma not only peripheral sugars but also core sugars of the oligosaccharides are split off during the life-span of the protein backbone. It may therefore be assumed that this reprocessing of plasma membrane glycoproteins is sensitive to malignant transformation.  相似文献   
Telenomus lobatus Johnson & Bin (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), previously known only from the eggs of a berothid species, emerged from field-collected eggs of the chrysopid Mallada macleodi. In the laboratory, host species differentially influenced development, survival, and size of the parasitoid. Females parasitized between 55 and 65% of the available eggs of Chrysoperla (C. carnea, C. harrisii, and C. rufilabris), and these yielded 98 to 100% adult parasitoids within an average of 13 days. In contrast, eggs of Chrysopa were parasitized less frequently, (C. chi: 50%; C. oculata: 16%; C. quadripunctata: 1.3%) and relatively few (C. chi: 5.6%; C. oculata: 21%) or no (C. quadripunctata) parasitoids survived to adult emergence. Preimaginal development of T. lobatus in eggs of C. chi and C. oculata was approximately two days longer than in eggs of Chrysoperla spp. Although eggs of Meleoma dolicharthra were parasitized infrequently (approx. 16%), they yielded 100% adult parasitoids. Anomalochrysa maclachlani eggs were parasitized at low rates (1.8%) and parasitoid survival was intermediate (40.7%). Among all species, size of the host egg was positively related to the size of the emerging parasitoid adult.
Résumé T. lobatus Johnson & Bin (Hym. Scelionidae) connu jusqu'ici uniquement comme parasitoïde des ufs de Berothidae, a étè obtenu d'ufs du chrysope, Mallada macleodi récoltés dans la nature. Au laboratoire, l'espèce de l'hôte influe sur le développement, la survie et la taille du parasitoïde. Les femellles ont parasité 55 à 65% des ufs disponibles de Chrysoperla (C. carnea, C. harrisii, C. rufilabris) et ceux-ci ont donné 98 à 100% de parasitoïdes adultes en 13 jours en moyenne. Par contre, les ufs de Chrysopa étaient moins souvent parasités,-C. chi: 50%; C. oculata: 16%; C. quadripunctata: 1,3%-, et relativement peu de parasitoïdes avaient survecu jusqu'à l'émergence,-C. chi: 5,6%; C. oculata: 21%; C. quadripunctata: 0. Le développment préimaginal est approximativement 2 jours plus long dans les ufs de C. chi et C. oculata que dans ceux de Chrysoperla spp. Bien que les ufs de Meleoma dolicharthra aient été peu parasités,-environ 16%-, 100% ont donné des parasitoïdes adultes. Les ufs de Anomalochrysa maclachlani ont été peu parasités,-1,8%-, et le taux de survie a été moyen: 40,7%. Pour toutes les espèces, la taille de l'uf de l'hôte était liée positivement à la taille du parasitoïde obtenu.
In HIV, the polyprotein precursor Gag orchestrates the formation of the viral capsid. In the current view of this viral assembly, Gag forms low-order oligomers that bind to the viral genomic RNA triggering the formation of high-ordered ribonucleoprotein complexes. However, this assembly model was established using biochemical or imaging methods that do not describe the cellular location hosting Gag–gRNA complex nor distinguish gRNA packaging in single particles. Here, we studied the intracellular localization of these complexes by electron microscopy and monitored the distances between the two partners by morphometric analysis of gold beads specifically labeling Gag and gRNA. We found that formation of these viral clusters occurred shortly after the nuclear export of the gRNA. During their transport to the plasma membrane, the distance between Gag and gRNA decreases together with an increase of gRNA packaging. Point mutations in the zinc finger patterns of the nucleocapsid domain of Gag caused an increase in the distance between Gag and gRNA as well as a sharp decrease of gRNA packaged into virions. Finally, we show that removal of stem loop 1 of the 5′-untranslated region does not interfere with gRNA packaging, whereas combined with the removal of stem loop 3 is sufficient to decrease but not abolish Gag-gRNA cluster formation and gRNA packaging. In conclusion, this morphometric analysis of Gag-gRNA cluster formation sheds new light on HIV-1 assembly that can be used to describe at nanoscale resolution other viral assembly steps involving RNA or protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   
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