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The effects of the platelet-activating factor antagonist BN 50739 and a free radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide on the accumulation of free fatty acids in post-ischemic canine brain are reported. Following 14 min of complete normothermic ischemia and 60 min of reperfusion, the total brain FFAs were approximately 150% higher than in the control group (p<0.05). Perfusion with the platelet-activating factor antagonist BN50739 in its diluent dimethyl sulfoxide during 60 min of post-ischemic reoxygenation resulted in a 61.8% (p<0.01) reduction in the total brain free fatty acid accumulation. Palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and arachidonic acids decreased by 53.8%, 63.5%, 69.0%, 47.4%, and 57.2%, respectively. Although dimethyl sulfoxide alone caused stearic and arachidonic acids to return to the normal concentration range, BN 50739 had a significant influence on recovery of palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids and was previously shown to provide significant therapeutic protection against damage to brain mitochondria following an ischemic episode. Because free fatty acid accumulation is one of the early phenomena in cerebral ischemia, this study provides evidence to support the hypothesis that both platelet-activating factor and free radicals are involved in initiating cerebral ischemic injury.  相似文献   
Bryde's-like whales are a complex of medium-sized baleen whales that occur in tropical waters of all three major ocean basins. Currently, a single species of Bryde's whale, Balaenoptera edeni Anderson, 1879, is recognized, with two subspecies, Eden's whale, B. edeni edeni and Bryde's whale, B. edeni brydei (Olsen, 1913), although some authors have recognized these as separate species. Recently, a new, evolutionarily divergent lineage of Bryde's-like whale was identified based on genetic data and was found to be restricted primarily to the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOMx). Here, we provide the first morphological examination of a complete skull from these whales and identify diagnostic characters that distinguish it from the other medium-sized baleen whale taxa. In addition, we have increased the number of genetic samples of these Bryde's-like whales in the GOMx from 23 to 36 individuals, all of which matched the GOMx lineage. A review of Bryde's-like whale records in the Caribbean and greater Atlantic supports an isolated distribution for this unique lineage, augmenting the genetic and morphological body of evidence supporting the existence of an undescribed species of Balaenoptera from the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
Microarrays have rapidly become an indispensable tool for gene analysis. Microarray experiments can be cost prohibitive, however, largely due to the price of the arrays themselves. Whilst different methods for stripping filter arrays on membranes have been established, only very few protocols are published for thermal and chemical stripping of microarrays on glass. Most of these protocols for stripping microarrays on glass were developed in combination with specific surface chemistry and different coatings for covalently immobilizing presynthesized DNA in a deposition process. We have developed a method for stripping commercial in situ microarrays using a multi-step procedure. We present a method that uses mild chemical degradation complemented by enzymatic treatment. We took advantage of the differences in biochemical properties of covalently linked DNA oligonucleotides on in situ synthesized microarrays and the antisense cRNA hybridization probes. The success of stripping protocols for microarrays on glass was critically dependent on the type of arrays, the nature of sample used for hybridization, as well as hybridization and washing conditions. The protocol employs alkali hydrolysis of the cRNA, several enzymatic degradation steps using RNAses and Proteinase K, combined with appropriate washing steps. Stripped arrays were rehybridized using the same protocols as for new microarrays. The stripping method was validated with microarrays from different suppliers and rehybridization of stripped in situ arrays yielded comparable results to hybridizations done on unused, new arrays with no significant loss in precision or accuracy. We show that stripping of commercial in situ arrays is feasible and that reuse of stripped arrays gave similar results compared to unused ones. This was true even for biological samples that show only slight differences in their expression profiles. Our analyses indicate that the stripping procedure does not significantly influence data quality derived from post-primary hybridizations. The method is robust, easy to perform, inexpensive, and results after reuse are of comparable accuracy to new arrays.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate where neurologists look when they view brain computed tomography (CT) images and to evaluate how they deploy their visual attention by comparing their gaze distribution with saliency maps. Brain CT images showing cerebrovascular accidents were presented to 12 neurologists and 12 control subjects. The subjects' ocular fixation positions were recorded using an eye-tracking device (Eyelink 1000). Heat maps were created based on the eye-fixation patterns of each group and compared between the two groups. The heat maps revealed that the areas on which control subjects frequently fixated often coincided with areas identified as outstanding in saliency maps, while the areas on which neurologists frequently fixated often did not. Dwell time in regions of interest (ROI) was likewise compared between the two groups, revealing that, although dwell time on large lesions was not different between the two groups, dwell time in clinically important areas with low salience was longer in neurologists than in controls. Therefore it appears that neurologists intentionally scan clinically important areas when reading brain CT images showing cerebrovascular accidents. Both neurologists and control subjects used the "bottom-up salience" form of visual attention, although the neurologists more effectively used the "top-down instruction" form.  相似文献   
Carbohydrates were extracted from a sample of milk from a mink, Mustela vison (Family Mustelidae). Free neutral and acidic oligosaccharides were isolated from the carbohydrate fraction and their chemical structures were compared with those of white-nosed coati (Nasua narica, Procyonidae) and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina, Phocidae) that we had studied previously. The ratio of free lactose to milk oligosaccharides was similar to that in milk of the white-nosed coati; in both species, this ratio was much lower than that in the milk of most eutherians. The neutral oligosaccharides of mink milk had alpha(1-3)-linked Gal or alpha(1-2)-linked Fuc residues at their non-reducing ends, as in the neutral oligosaccharides of white-nosed coati milk. Some of the neutral and acidic oligosaccharides, determined here, had been found also in harbour seal milk, but the harbour seal oligosaccharides did not contain alpha(1-3)-linked Gal residues.  相似文献   
We report here the isolation of three isoforms of a novel C-terminally amidated peptide from the gills of red sea bream, Chrysophrys (Pagrus) major. Peptide sequences were determined by a combination of Edman degradation, MS and HPLC analysis of native and synthetic peptides. Three peptides, named chrysophsin-1, chrysophsin-2, and chrysophsin-3, consist of 25, 25, and 20 amino acids, respectively, and are highly cationic, containing an unusual C-terminal RRRH sequence. The alpha-helical structures of the three chrysophsin peptides were predicted from their secondary structures and were confirmed by CD spectroscopy. The synthetic peptides displayed broad-spectrum bactericidal activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria including Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and fish and crustacean pathogens. The three peptides were also hemolytic. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that chrysophsins were localized in certain epithelial cells lining the surface of secondary lamellae and eosinophilic granule cell-like cells at the base of the secondary lamellae in red sea bream gills. Their broad ranging bactericidal activities, combined with their localization in certain cells and eosinophilic granule cell-like cells in the gills, suggest that chrysophsins play a significant role in the innate defense system of red sea bream gills.  相似文献   
Acidic oligosaccharides were separated by dialysis, ion-exchange, preparative paper and gel chromatography from caprine colostrum. Four sialyl trisaccharides were characterized by 1H-NMR spectrometry as follows: α-N-acetylneuraminyl-(2,6)-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1,4)-2-N-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glucopyranose (Neu5Ac α 2-6Gal β 1-4GlcNAc), α-N-acetylneuraminyl-(2,3)-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1,4)-d-glucopyranose (Neu5Ac α 2-3Gal β-1-4Glc), α-N-acetylneuraminyl-(2,6)-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1,4)-d-glucopyranose (Neu5Ac α 2-6Gal β 1-4Glc) and α-N-glycolylneuraminyl-(2,6)-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1,4)-d-glucopyranose (Neu5Gc α 2-6Gal β 1-4Glc).  相似文献   
Hsp70 plays an important role in cytoprotection against tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α-mediated cytotoxicity. To investigate the role of Hsp70 in cytoprotein during Salmonella infection, we examined endogenous Hsp70 induction and TNF-α production in a monocyte/macrophage line, J774A.1, after infection with a virulent strain of Salm.choleraesuis RF-1 carrying a 50 kb virulent plasmid or the plasmid-cured avirulent strain 31N-1. Intracellular bacteria progressively increased in J774A.1 cells phagocytosing avirulent 31N-1 bacteria, whereas such progressive growth was not evident in J774A.1 cells phagocytosing avirulent 31N-1 bacteria. On the contrary, J774A.1 cells infected with virulent RF-1 bacteria expressed less Hsp70 than those infected with avirulent 31N-1 bacteria. The level of TNF-α production by J774A.1 infected with virulent RF-1 was much the same as that by J774A.1 infected with avirulent 31N-1. J774A.1 infected with virulent RF-1 died spontaneously; death was inhibited by the addition of anti-TNF-α mAb. Although the frequency of dead J774A.1 with hypodiploid DNA content increased only marginally after infection with avirulent 31N-1, treatment with Hsp70 anti-sense oligonucleotide resulted in a dramatic increase of dead cells in the infected macrophages. Taken together, these results suggest that Hsp70 induced macrophages plays an important role in host defense against Salmonella infection by protecting the macrophages against TNF α-induced cell death. Furthermore, cell death due to impaired endogenous Hsp synthesis in the phagocytes implies a novel pathogenic mechanism for virulence of Salm. choleraesuis RF-1.  相似文献   
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