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Two experiments were run to examine the effects of dynamic displays of facial expressions of emotions on time judgments. The participants were given a temporal bisection task with emotional facial expressions presented in a dynamic or a static display. Two emotional facial expressions and a neutral expression were tested and compared. Each of the emotional expressions had the same affective valence (unpleasant), but one was high-arousing (expressing anger) and the other low-arousing (expressing sadness). Our results showed that time judgments are highly sensitive to movements in facial expressions and the emotions expressed. Indeed, longer perceived durations were found in response to the dynamic faces and the high-arousing emotional expressions compared to the static faces and low-arousing expressions. In addition, the facial movements amplified the effect of emotions on time perception. Dynamic facial expressions are thus interesting tools for examining variations in temporal judgments in different social contexts.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA) is an age-related degenerative joint disease. To date, its management is focused on symptoms (pain and inflammation). Studies suggest that fatty acids can reduce the expression of inflammatory and catalytic mediators, and improve in vivo joint function. Free fatty acid receptors (FFARs) such as G-protein coupled receptor 40 (GPR40) are proposed as attractive therapeutic targets to counteract inflammation and cartilage degradation observed in OA. This study aims to elucidate the involvement of GPR40 in OA. In this study, we used an in vitro model of OA, and surgically induced OA by ligament transection and partial meniscectomy in wild-type and GPR40 deficient mice. OA phenotype was investigated in vivo by histology and genes expression. We demonstrate that IL-1β-treated GPR40−/− chondrocytes secret more inflammatory mediators (nitric oxide, interleukin-6, prostaglandin E2) and active catabolic enzymes (metalloproteinase-2, -9 [MMP-2, MMP-9]), and show decreased anabolism (glycoaminoglycan) compared to GPR40+/+ cells. In accordance with these results, we show that GPR40−/− mice exhibit an aggravated OA-induced phenotype characterized by higher tidemark exposure, frequency of osteophyte formation and subchondral bone sclerosis. Altogether our results demonstrate that GPR40 deficiency leads to an extended OA phenotype, providing evidence that increasing GPR40 activity, by natural or synthetic ligands, could be a new strategy in the management of OA.  相似文献   
Medicago truncatula has all the characteristics required for a concerted analysis of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis withRhizobium using the tools of molecular biology, cellular biology and genetics.M. truncatula is a diploid and autogamous plant has a relatively small genome, and preliminary molecular analysis suggests that allelic heterozygosity is minimal compared with the cross-fertilising tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa). TheM. truncatula cultivar Jemalong is nodulated by theRhizobium meliloti strain 2011, which has already served to define many of the bacterial genes involved in symbiosis with alfalfa. A genotype of Jemalong has been identified which can be regenerated after transformation byAgrobacterium, thus allowing the analysis ofin-vitro-modified genes in an homologous transgenic system. Finally, by virtue of the diploid, self-fertilising and genetically homogeneous character ofM. truncatula, it should be relatively straightforward to screen for recessive mutations in symbiotic genes, to carry out genetic analysis, and to construct an RFLP map for this plant.  相似文献   
Meiosis consists of a single round of DNA replication followed by two consecutive nuclear divisions. During the first division (MI), sister kinetochores must orient toward the same pole to favor reductional segregation. Correct chromosome segregation during the second division (MII) requires the retention of centromeric cohesion until anaphase II. The spindle checkpoint protein Bub1 is essential for both processes in fission yeast . When bub1 is deleted, the Shugoshin protein Sgo1 is not recruited to centromeres, cohesin Rec8 does not persist at centromeres, and sister-chromatid cohesion is lost by the end of MI. Deletion of bub1 also affects kinetochore orientation because sister centromeres can move to opposite spindle poles in approximately 30% of MI divisions. We show here that these two functions are separable within the Bub1 protein. The N terminus of Bub1 is necessary and sufficient for Sgo1 targeting to centromeres and the protection of cohesion, whereas the C-terminal kinase domain acts together with Sgo2, the second fission-yeast Shugoshin protein, to promote sister-kinetochore co-orientation during MI. Additional analyses suggest that the protection of centromeric cohesion does not operate when sister kinetochores attach to opposite spindle poles during MI. Sgo1-mediated protection of centromere cohesion might therefore be regulated by the mode of kinetochore attachment.  相似文献   
The Symbiotic Anthozoan: A Physiological Chimera between Alga and Animal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The symbiotic life style involves mutual ecological, physiological,structural, and molecular adaptations between the partners.In the symbiotic association between anthozoans and photosyntheticdinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp., also called zooxanthellae),the presence of the endosymbiont in the animal cells has constrainedthe host in several ways. It adopts behaviors that optimizephotosynthesis of the zooxanthellae. The animal partner hashad to evolve the ability to absorb and concentrate dissolvedinorganic carbon from seawater in order to supply the symbiont'sphotosynthesis. Exposing itself to sunlight to illuminate itssymbionts sufficiently also subjects the host to damaging solarultraviolet radiation. Protection against this is provided bybiochemical sunscreens, including mycosporine-like amino acids,themselves produced by the symbiont and translocated to thehost. Moreover, to protect itself against oxygen produced duringalgal photosynthesis, the cnidarian host has developed certainantioxidant defenses that are unique among animals. Finally,living in nutrient-poor waters, the animal partner has developedseveral mechanisms for nitrogen assimilation and conservationsuch as the ability to absorb inorganic nitrogen, highly unusualfor a metazoan. These facts suggest a parallel evolution ofsymbiotic cnidarians and plants, in which the animal host hasadopted characteristics usually associated with phototrophicorganisms.  相似文献   
We recently showed that expressing an H2O-NADH oxidase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae drastically reduces the intracellular NADH concentration and substantially alters the distribution of metabolic fluxes in the cell. Although the engineered strain produces a reduced amount of ethanol, a high level of acetaldehyde accumulates early in the process (1 g/liter), impairing growth and fermentation performance. To overcome these undesirable effects, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the impact of oxygen on the metabolic network of the same NADH oxidase-expressing strain. While reducing the oxygen transfer rate led to a gradual recovery of the growth and fermentation performance, its impact on the ethanol yield was negligible. In contrast, supplying oxygen only during the stationary phase resulted in a 7% reduction in the ethanol yield, but without affecting growth and fermentation. This approach thus represents an effective strategy for producing wine with reduced levels of alcohol. Importantly, our data also point to a significant role for NAD+ reoxidation in controlling the glycolytic flux, indicating that engineered yeast strains expressing an NADH oxidase can be used as a powerful tool for gaining insight into redox metabolism in yeast.  相似文献   


Aging is associated with increased oxidative stress levels and impaired neovascularization following ischemia. CuZnSOD has an important role to limit oxidative stress in the vasculature. Here we investigated the role of CuZnSOD for the modulation of ischemia-induced neovascularisation during aging.

Methods and Results

Hindlimb ischemia was surgically induced in young (2- month-old) or older (8-month-old) wild type (WT) and CuZnSOD−/− mice. We found that blood flow recovery after ischemia and vascular density in ischemic muscles were significantly reduced in older compared to young WT mice. Both in young and older mice, CuZnSOD deficiency led to a further reduction of neovascularization. Accordingly, the resulting neovascularisation potential in a young CuZnSOD−/− mouse was similar to that of an older WT mouse. Oxidative stress levels were also increased to similar levels in the ischemic muscles of young CuZnSOD−/− and older WT mice. To identify potential mechanisms involved, we investigated the effect of aging and CuZnSOD deficiency on the number and the function of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Both aging and CuZnSOD deficiency were associated with reduced number of bone marrow and peripheral EPCs. The effect of moderate aging alone on specific functional activities of EPCs (migration, integration into tubules) was modest. However, CuZnSOD deficiency was associated with severe age-dependent defects in EPC functional activities.


CuZnSOD deficiency is associated with accelerated vascular aging and impaired ischemia-induced neovascularization. Our results suggest that in the context of aging, CuZnSOD has an essential role to protect against excessive oxidative stress in ischemic tissues and preserve the function of EPCs.  相似文献   
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