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NADPH dependent activation of microsomal glutathione transferase 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microsomal glutathione transferase 1 (MGST1) can become activated up to 30-fold by several mechanisms in vitro (e.g. covalent modification by reactive electrophiles such as N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)). Activation has also been observed in vivo during oxidative stress. It has been noted that an NADPH generating system (g.s.) can activate MGST1 (up to 2-fold) in microsomal incubations, but the mechanism was unclear. We show here that NADPH g.s treatment impaired N-ethylmaleimide activation, indicating a shared target (identified as cysteine-49 in the latter case). Furthermore, NADPH activation was prevented by sulfhydryl compounds (glutathione and dithiothreitol). A well established candidate for activation would be oxidative stress, however we could exclude that oxidation mediated by cytochrome P450 2E1 (or flavine monooxygenase) was responsible for activation under a defined set of experimental conditions since superoxide or hydrogen peroxide alone did not activate the enzyme (in microsomes prepared by our routine procedure). Actually, the ability of MGST1 to become activated by hydrogen peroxide is critically dependent on the microsome preparation method (which influences hydrogen peroxide decomposition rate as shown here), explaining variable results in the literature. NADPH g.s. dependent activation of MGST1 could instead be explained, at least partly, by a direct effect observed also with purified enzyme (up to 1.4-fold activation). This activation was inhibited by sulfhydryl compounds and thus displays the same characteristics as that of the microsomal system. Whereas NADPH, and also ATP, activated purified MGST1, several nucleotide analogues did not, demonstrating specificity. It is thus an intriguing possibility that MGST1 function could be modulated by ligands (as well as reactive oxygen species) during oxidative stress when sulfhydryls are depleted.  相似文献   
丛枝菌根真菌伴生细菌的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龙良鲲  姚青  艾云灿  朱红惠 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5345-5351
在丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)的孢子、菌丝的表面或内部栖息着细菌,称之为AMF伴生细菌。AMF伴生细菌种类多样、分布广泛,生态位点包括孢子壁的表面或内部、细胞质、菌丝、孢子果等。其可能的生物学意义包括影响AMF孢子萌发、菌丝生长、菌根形成等过程。由于伴生细菌与AMF联系紧密,其对AMF和土壤微生物生态学具有重要的意义。国际上在该领域的研究已有30多年的历史,就其研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   
以绵羊BMPR-IB基因为候选基因,应用PCR-RFLP方法通过分析湖羊、夏洛来、陶赛特、萨福克、罗米丽、中国美利奴羊、中国美利奴肉用多胎品系以及陶赛特×中国美利奴羊和萨福克×中国美利奴羊杂交后代共615只个体的FecB基因多态性,以及BMPR-IB基因多态性对产羔数、体尺和体重的影响.结果表明,BMPR-IB基因在不同品种(系)绵羊中共有3种基因型(BB、B+和++),但基因型频率分布在各品种(系)间差异极显著(P<0.01).在湖羊中仅有BB基因型;在中国美利奴肉用多胎品系中BB、B+和++基因型频率分别为51%、30%和19%;而其他品种(系)羊中则仅有++基因型.对中国美利奴羊肉用多胎品系研究,发现BB和B+基因型群体平均产羔数分别为2.8和2.3,显著高于++基因型群体(1.2,P<0.01).在90日龄时,BB和B+基因型群体的体重分别为18.6±3.70 kg和18.0±3.31 kg,显著高于++基因型群体(15.6±2.22kg,P<0.05);此外,90日龄时,BB和B+基因型群体比++基因型群体胸围、胸宽较大(P<0.05);但这些差异在120日龄时消失.另外,我们还发现不同地区群体的第一胎产羔数存在明显差别.这些结果表明,BMPR-IB基因为影响绵羊产羔数的主效基因,并首次证明该基因对后代羔羊出生后生长发育具有加性效应.  相似文献   
雪莲PBP基因表达载体的构建   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:利用新疆雪莲特殊功能基因磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白基因(XLPBP)与基础质粒构建植物表达载体pXLPBP,为介导该基因在植物中表达,以期提高植物抗寒力的转基因研究打下基础。方法:利用设计好的两端加有EcoRⅠ酶切位点的引物,对XLPBP全长基因片段进行PCR扩增,获得700bp左右大小的片段,将其纯化回收并与同样经过EcoRⅠ酶切的质粒pCAMBIA3301连接;然后采用冻融法和电击法,将含XLPBP基因的载体pCAMBIA3301转入根癌农杆菌中。结果:通过一系列分子克隆方法获得含雪莲XLPBP基因的植物表达载体,并经PCR实验证实。结论:利用以自身携带的非编码区为调控序列的XLPBP全长基因和双向表达载体pCAMBIA3301为基础构建植物表达载体,可望提高外源基因表达量。  相似文献   
Pomatoschistus minutus show paternal care in a resource defence mating system. We investigated the effect of nest-site availability on parasitic spawning. Each experimental pool contained four potentially nest-building males, four females and nests-sites in shortage (2) or excess (6). Both treatments were conducted in two populations; one with natural nest-sites in excess, one with a nest-site shortage. Microsatellite-DNA revealed that all nest-holders had fertilized most of the eggs they tended. Yet, 35% of the nests contained eggs fertilized by another male and 14.4% of the males had performed parasitic spawning. There was no site or treatment effect. Several females spawned in two nests, which coincided with parasitic spawnings, suggesting a cost to the nest-holder in terms of lost mating success. Nest-holders with and without eggs and non-nesting males all spawned parasitically, generating a significantly lower opportunity for sexual selection compared to if there had been no parasitic spawning.  相似文献   
报道了鲎试剂在抗淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白内毒素检查中的应用。在用鲎试剂检测细菌内毒素时 ,按中国药典的要求对鲎试剂灵敏度进行标定 ,并作干扰实验 (增强或抑制实验 ) ,然后用鲎试法与家兔法同时测定 15批抗淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白。结果发现三批鲎试剂的灵敏度标示值均正确 ,五批抗淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白半成品在最大有效稀释度 (MVD)时对试验无干扰 ,这两种方法测定结果的符合率达到 91.7%。从而表明鲎试法很有可能代替家兔法  相似文献   
目的 :获得具有生物学活性的重组人生长激素 (rhGH)。方法 :PBV -GH/DH5α菌体经超声破菌、反复洗涤后获得包涵体。将包涵体变性、复性 ,用硫酸铵盐析 ,离子交换层析和凝胶层析进行纯化。产物经SDS -PAGE、HPLC、N末端 15个氨基酸序列检测验证。结果 :终产物rhGH纯度达 98.2 % ,比活性大于 3.0IU/mg。分子量为 2 2kDa ,N末端氨基酸序列与DNA序列推导的氨基酸序列完全一致。结论 :从自构建的PBV -GH/DH5α工程菌中获得高纯度、高活性重组人生长激素。其纯化工艺为中试生产提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
分子伴侣GroE系统能量传递机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用SwissPDBViewer软件对分子伴侣GroE系统与底物的相互作用进行了模拟 ,结果表明 :GroEL顶端结构域在GroES和靶蛋白结合之后发生了明显的变化 ;GroEL的cis环上有与三磷酸腺苷ATP相结合的位点 ,ATP水解之后形成的ADP与活性中心的残基相结合 ,而这种结合除导致残基Thr30的构型发生了变化之外 ,其它残基的空间位置和构型基本保持不变 ,暗示其它残基在能量传递过程中形成了刚性骨架 ,而与ADP分子磷酸键结合的残基Thr30则是能量传递的力点。  相似文献   
The structure of the O-specific side-chains of the cell-wall lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli O 75 has been investigated, using methylation analysis and Smith degradation as the principal methods. The O-specific side-chain was found to be composed of a tetrasaccharide repeating-unit of the following structure:
利用重合度的延拓定理,导出了具有一般形式饱和接触率SEIS模型周期解的存在性准则.  相似文献   
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