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A HPLC method utilizing solid phase extraction was developed to analyze doripenem (formerly S-4661) in human and mouse serum. A reversed-phase column was used with a UV detector set at 295 nm. The mobile phase consisted of methanol and phosphate buffer at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min. Meropenem was used as the internal standard. The standard curve was linear over a range of 0.5-40 microg/ml. The assay is simple, reproducible, and accurate and has been used successfully to analyze doripenem concentrations from a murine pharmacokinetic study.  相似文献   
Non-somatic synaptic and axonal compartments of neurons are primary pathological targets in many neurodegenerative conditions, ranging from Alzheimer disease through to motor neuron disease. Axons and synapses are protected from degeneration by the slow Wallerian degeneration (Wld(s)) gene. Significantly the molecular mechanisms through which this spontaneous genetic mutation delays degeneration remain controversial, and the downstream protein targets of Wld(s) resident in non-somatic compartments remain unknown. In this study we used differential proteomics analysis to identify proteins whose expression levels were significantly altered in isolated synaptic preparations from the striatum of Wld(s) mice. Eight of the 16 proteins we identified as having modified expression levels in Wld(s) synapses are known regulators of mitochondrial stability and degeneration (including VDAC1, Aralar1, and mitofilin). Subsequent analyses demonstrated that other key mitochondrial proteins, not identified in our initial screen, are also modified in Wld(s) synapses. Of the non-mitochondrial proteins identified, several have been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases where synapses and axons are primary pathological targets (including DRP-2 and Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta). In addition, we show that downstream protein changes can be identified in pathways corresponding to both Ube4b (including UBE1) and Nmnat1 (including VDAC1 and Aralar1) components of the chimeric Wld(s) gene, suggesting that full-length Wld(s) protein is required to elicit maximal changes in synaptic proteins. We conclude that altered mitochondrial responses to degenerative stimuli are likely to play an important role in the neuroprotective Wld(s) phenotype and that targeting proteins identified in the current study may lead to novel therapies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in humans.  相似文献   
Three bioassays were used to examine the oviposition behaviour of the hoverfly, Episyrphus balteatus (Degeer) in which various stimuli purported to influence host assessment and choice were tested. Episyrphus balteatus failed to exhibit enhanced behavioural responses, in terms of approaches and landings, to artificial leaves with the highest numbers of aphids, suggesting that females are merely responding to the colour of the artificial leaves. A density-dependent oviposition response was reported in a second bioassay using whole bean plants, although there was an asymptotic relationship. Syrphid responses, which were measured by oviposition over a five-day period, were greatest towards those plants with the highest number of aphids. In a final series of trials, gravid female E. balteatus showed a behavioural preference for filter papers treated with the greatest honeydew concentrations (0.26 mg microl(-1) honeydew). More time was spent in the treated areas and syrphids demonstrated more proboscis and ovipositor extensions in these treatments. These bioassays provided an opportunity to isolate some of the individual components of decision-making by female E. balteatus during egg-laying behaviour. A greater understanding of natural enemy behaviour is essential before enhanced control of pest populations in the field can be established.  相似文献   
A laboratory study investigated development of teratocytes derived from the parasitoid Microctonus aethiopoides Loan in the natural host, Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal, and in three novel hosts, the introduced weed biological control agent Rhinocyllus conicus (Froehlich), and two New Zealand native species Nicaeana cervina Broun and Irenimus stolidus Broun. Weevils were exposed to parasitoids and then examined 6, 10 and 15 days post-parasitism for parasitoid stage and size, and teratocyte number and size. In all hosts, teratocyte numbers decreased and size increased as parasitoid development progressed, although 6 days after parasitism, fewer, larger teratocytes were found in I. stolidus than S. discoideus or N. cervina. In weevils containing second-third instar parasitoid larvae, the most permissive hosts, S. discoideus and N. cervina contained more teratocytes than the least permissive hosts I. stolidus and R. conicus. Host gender influenced some aspects of parasitoid and teratocyte development. Total teratocyte volume was greater in female than male S. discoideus at all sampling times, and at 10 days post-parasitism in N. cervina. A possible relationship between host suitability and teratocyte development is discussed.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that nickel (Ni)-silenced expression of the URA3 gene in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and gpt transgene in G12 Chinese hamster cells. In both cases, close proximity to a heterochromatic region was required for gene silencing. Yeast exposed to Ni exhibited reduced acetylation of the lysine residues in the N-terminal tail of histone H4. Ni-induced silencing of the gpt gene in mammalian cells involved hypermethylation of promoter region DNA. Yeast do not employ DNA methylation to silence gene expression. To determine if histone deacetylation participates in Ni-induced silencing of the URA3 and gpt genes, we exposed yeast and G12 hamster cells to the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) prior to and concurrently with Ni. Treatment of yeast cells with 0.2-0.6mM NiCl(2) resulted in reduced expression of the URA3 gene as assessed by increased resistance to 1g/l 5-fluorotic acid (5-FOA). This effect was lessened when yeast were pre-treated with 50 microg TSA/ml. Similarly, treatment of G12 cells with 5 ng/ml TSA during and after exposure to 0.3 microg Ni(3)S(2)/cm(2) reduced silencing of the gpt gene as gauged by resistance to 10 microg/ml 6-thioguanine (6-TG). The ability of TSA alone and in combination with the DNA-demethylating agent (5-AzaC) to reactivate the gpt gene in Ni-silenced variants was also assessed. Although treatment with 100 ng/ml TSA for 48 h was partially effective in reactivating the gpt gene, treatment with 5 microM 5-AzaC was more efficacious. The greatest gpt gene reversion frequencies were observed following a sequential 5-AzaC/TSA treatment. Taken all together, our data from mammalian cells suggests that both DNA methylation and histone deacetylation participate in Ni-induced silencing of the gpt gene with DNA hypermethylation playing the more dominant role in maintaining the silenced state.  相似文献   
We describe the molecular cloning and characterization of a novel giant human cytoplasmic protein, trabeculin-alpha (M(r) = 614,000). Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence reveals homologies with several putative functional domains, including a pair of alpha-actinin-like actin binding domains; regions of homology to plakins at either end of the giant polypeptide; 29 copies of a spectrin-like motif in the central region of the protein; two potential Ca(2+)-binding EF-hand motifs; and a Ser-rich region containing a repeated GSRX motif. With similarities to both plakins and spectrins, trabeculin-alpha appears to have evolved as a hybrid of these two families of proteins. The functionality of the actin binding domains located near the N terminus was confirmed with an F-actin binding assay using glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins comprising amino acids 9-486 of the deduced peptide. Northern and Western blotting and immunofluorescence studies suggest that trabeculin is ubiquitously expressed and is distributed throughout the cytoplasm, though the protein was found to be greatly up-regulated upon differentiation of myoblasts into myotubes. Finally, the presence of cDNAs similar to, yet distinct from, trabeculin-alpha in both human and mouse suggests that trabeculins may form a new subfamily of giant actin-binding/cytoskeletal cross-linking proteins.  相似文献   
A new technique for molar use-wear analysis is applied to samples of all 16 species of extinct lemurs with known dentitions, as well as to a large comparative sample of extant primates. This technique, which relies on the light refractive properties of wear pits and scratches as seen under a standard stereoscopic microscope, has shown itself to be effective in distinguishing the diets of ungulates and extant primates. We draw dietary inferences for each of the 16 extinct lemur species in our database. There is a strong phylogenetic signal, with the Palaeopropithecidae showing use-wear signatures similar to those of the Indriidae; extinct lemurids (Pachylemur spp.) showing striking similarities to extant lemurids (except Hapalemur spp.); and Megaladapis showing similarities to Lepilemur spp. Only the Archaeolemuridae have dietary signatures unlike those of any extant lemurs, with the partial exception of Daubentonia. We conclude that the Archaeolemuridae were hard-object feeders; the Palaeopropithecidae were seed predators, consuming a mixed diet of foliage and fruit to varying degrees; Pachylemur was a fruit-dominated mixed feeder, but not a seed predator; and all Megaladapis were leaf browsers. There is no molar use wear evidence that any of the extinct lemurs relied on terrestrial foods (C4 grasses, tubers, rhizomes). This has possible implications for the role of the disappearance of wooded habitats in the extinction of lemurs.  相似文献   
The ovine stifle joint is a promising animal model for investigation of joint mechanobiology. A method for in vivo measurement of dynamic 3-D kinematics of the ovine stifle joint is described (accuracy: 0.36 +/- 0.39 mm). Inter-subject variability in kinematics is greater than both intra-subject and inter-session variability. For future studies in which joint kinematics are measured prior to and following controlled orthopaedic interventions, pooling of data should be avoided and each subject should act as its own control.  相似文献   
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