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Neuroblastoma is a malignant childhood cancer arising from the embryonic sympathoadrenal lineage of the neural crest. Retinoic acid (RA) is included in the multimodal therapy of patients with high-risk neuroblastoma to eliminate minimal residual disease. However, the formation of RA-resistant cells substantially lowers 5-year overall survival rates. To examine mechanisms that lead to treatment failure, we chose human SH-SY5Y cells, which are known to tolerate incubation with RA by activating the survival kinases Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2. Characterization of downstream pathways showed that both kinases increased the phosphorylation of the ubiquitin ligase mouse double minute homolog 2 (Mdm2) and thereby enhanced p53 degradation. When p53 signaling was sustained by blocking complex formation with Mdm2 or enhancing c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, cell viability was significantly reduced. In addition, Akt-mediated phosphorylation of the cell-cycle regulator p21 stimulated complex formation with caspase-3, which also contributed to cell protection. Thus, treatment with RA augmented survival signaling and attenuated basal apoptotic pathways in SH-SY5Y cells, which increased cell viability.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of production of the bacteriocin propionicin T1 and the protease-activated antimicrobial peptide (PAMP) and their corresponding genes in 64 isolates of classical propionibacteria. This study revealed that these genes are widespread in Propionibacterium jensenii and Propionibacterium thoenii but absent from the remaining species of classical propionibacteria that were studied. The pro-PAMP-encoding gene (pamA) was found in 63% of the P. jensenii strains and 61% of the P. thoenii strains, and all of these strains displayed PAMP activity. The propionicin T1-encoding gene (pctA) was present in 89% of the P. thoenii strains and 54% of the P. jensenii strains. All P. thoenii strains containing the pctA gene exhibited antimicrobial activity corresponding to propionicin T1 activity, whereas only 38% of the pctA-containing P. jensenii strains displayed this activity. Sequencing of the pctA genes revealed the existence of two allelic variants that differed in a single nucleotide in six strains of P. jensenii; in these strains the glycine at position 55 of propionicin T1 was replaced by an aspartate residue (A variant). No strains harboring the A variant showed any antimicrobial activity against propionicin T1-sensitive bacteria. An open reading frame (orf2) located immediately downstream from the pctA gene was absent in three strains containing the G variant of propionicin T1. Two of these strains showed low antimicrobial activity, while the third strain showed no antimicrobial activity at all. The protein encoded by orf2 showed strong homology to ABC transporters, and it has been proposed previously that this protein is involved in the producer immunity against propionicin T1. The limited antimicrobial activity exhibited by the strains lacking orf2 further suggests that this putative ABC transporter plays an important role in propionicin T1 activity.  相似文献   
Population genetic patterns of species at their range margin have important implications for species conservation. We performed allozyme electrophoresis of 19 loci to investigate patterns of the genetic structure of 17 populations (538 individuals) of the butterfly Polyommatus coridon, a monophagous habitat specialist with a patchy distribution. The butterfly and its larval food plant Hippocrepis comosa reach their northern distribution margin in the study region (southern Lower Saxony, Germany). Butterfly population size increased with host plant population size. The genetic differentiation between populations was low but significant (FST = 0.013). No isolation-by-distance was found. Hierarchical F-statistics revealed significant differentiation between a western and an eastern subregion, separated by a river valley. The combination of genetic and ecological data sets revealed that the expected heterozygosity (mean: 18.5%) decreased with increasing distance to the nearest P. coridon population. The population size of P. coridon and the size of larval food plant population had no effect on the genetic diversity. The genetic diversity of edge populations of P. coridon was reduced compared to populations from the centre of its distribution. This might be explained by (i). an increasing habitat fragmentation towards the edge of the distribution range and/or (ii). a general reduction of genetic variability towards the northern edge of its distribution.  相似文献   
In mammalian skeletal muscle,neuronal-type nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is found to be enriched atneuromuscular endplates. Here we demonstrate the colocalization of thenicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR, stained with -bungarotoxin)and nNOS (stained with a specific antibody) in murineC2C12 myotubes. However, coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated no evidence for a direct protein-protein association between the nAChR and nNOS in C2C12myotubes. An antibody to the 1-subunit of the nAChR didnot coprecipitate nNOS, and an nNOS-specific antibody did notprecipitate the 1-subunit of the nAChR. Treatment ofmice with bacterial LPS downregulated the expression of nNOS inskeletal muscle, and treatment of C2C12 cellswith bacterial LPS and interferon- markedly decreased nNOS mRNA andprotein expression. In contrast, mRNA and protein of the nAChR (-,-, and -subunits) remained unchanged at the mRNA and proteinlevels. These data demonstrate that nNOS and the nAChR are colocalizedin murine skeletal muscle and C2C12 cells but differ in their expressional regulation.

Pollination, seed set and seed predation on a landscape scale   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We analysed the combined effects of pollination and seed predation on seed set of Centaurea jacea in 15 landscapes differing in structural complexity. In the centre of each landscape, a patch of Centaurea plants was established for standardized measurements of flower visitation, seed predation and seed set. Both the number of flower-visiting bees and the proportion of flower heads damaged by seed predators increased with landscape complexity, which was measured as the proportion of semi-natural habitats. The mean number of seeds per flower head did not increase with the proportion of semi-natural habitats, presumably because of the counterbalancing effects of pollination and seed predation. For a subset of undamaged flower heads, the number of seeds per flower head was positively correlated with the number of flower visits. Further reasons for the unexpected failure to detect a correlation between landscape complexity and seed set appeared to be changes in flower-visitor behaviour and the contrasting responses of honeybees and wild bees to habitat context. Landscape analyses at eight spatial scales (radius of landscape sectors, 250-3000 m) showed that different groups perceived the landscape at different spatial scales. Changes in pollinator numbers could be explained only at small scales (up to 1000 m), while the seed predators also responded to large scales (up to 2500 m).  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: We present an extensive evaluation of different methods and criteria to detect remote homologs of a given protein sequence. We investigate two associated problems: first, to develop a sensitive searching method to identify possible candidates and, second, to assign a confidence to the putative candidates in order to select the best one. For searching methods where the score distributions are known, p-values are used as confidence measure with great success. For the cases where such theoretical backing is absent, we propose empirical approximations to p-values for searching procedures. RESULTS: As a baseline, we review the performances of different methods for detecting remote protein folds (sequence alignment and threading, with and without sequence profiles, global and local). The analysis is performed on a large representative set of protein structures. For fold recognition, we find that methods using sequence profiles generally perform better than methods using plain sequences, and that threading methods perform better than sequence alignment methods. In order to assess the quality of the predictions made, we establish and compare several confidence measures, including raw scores, z-scores, raw score gaps, z-score gaps, and different methods of p-value estimation. We work our way from the theoretically well backed local scores towards more explorative global and threading scores. The methods for assessing the statistical significance of predictions are compared using specificity--sensitivity plots. For local alignment techniques we find that p-value methods work best, albeit computationally cheaper methods such as those based on score gaps achieve similar performance. For global methods where no theory is available methods based on score gaps work best. By using the score gap functions as the measure of confidence we improve the more powerful fold recognition methods for which p-values are unavailable. AVAILABILITY: The benchmark set is available upon request.  相似文献   
The antimicrobial effect obtained upon combining the prokaryotic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs; more commonly referred to as bacteriocins) pediocin PA-1, sakacin P, and curvacin A (all produced by lactic acid bacteria [LAB]) with the eukaryotic AMP pleurocidin (from fish) has been investigated. The three LAB AMPs alone were active against gram-positive Listeria ivanovii bacteria at nanomolar concentrations, whereas they were inactive against gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria. Pleurocidin alone was active against both of these types of bacteria at micromolar concentrations. Little if any synergy between the LAB AMPs and pleurocidin against the gram-positive L. ivanovii strain was obtained. In contrast, the LAB AMPs and pleurocidin acted highly synergistically against the gram-negative E. coli strain. Nanomolar concentrations of LAB AMPs increased the growth inhibitory potency of pleurocidin by about fourfold. When micromolar concentrations of LAB AMPs were combined with 2 micro g of pleurocidin/ml, 100% growth inhibition was attained, whereas pleurocidin alone at a concentration of 2 micro g/ml gave no growth inhibition. Most noteworthy, when high concentrations (128 micro g/ml) of pleurocidin in the absence of LAB AMPs were used over a long period of incubation (1 week), some growth of E. coli was observed, whereas 16 micro g of pleurocidin/ml completely abolished growth in the presence of 64 to 128 ng of LAB AMPs/ml over the same period of time. The results clearly demonstrate that combining eukaryotic and prokaryotic AMPs can greatly increase the specific activity and broaden the target-cell range of these peptides.  相似文献   
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