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The purpose of this study was to evaluate seminal liquefaction and quality of ejaculated camel semen during storage in different extenders at room (23 degrees C) and refrigeration (4 degrees C) temperature. Semen was collected using an artificial vagina and diluted immediately (1:1), using a split-sample technique, in five extenders [(1) Tris-tes egg yolk, (2) Tris-lactose egg yolk, (3) citrate egg yolk, (4) sucrose egg yolk and (5) Tris-fructose egg yolk], while one fraction was kept without an extender to act as control. The semen was transported to the lab at 37 degrees C, in a portable incubator within half an hour, and thereafter liquefaction of semen was monitored every 15 min. After complete liquefaction of the semen it was evaluated for sperm concentration and morphology and then was extended to a final ratio of 1:3. Aliquots of each semen sample were then stored at refrigeration and room temperature. The average volume of an ejaculate was 4.3+/-0.4 mL and it had a very viscous consistency. The average concentration of spermatozoa was 230.4+/-10.7 x 10(6)mL(-1) and the proportion of spermatozoa with protoplasmic droplets averaged 1.02+/-0.2, while 2.7+/-0.6 and 9.7+/-2.9% had mid-piece and tail abnormalities, respectively. All extended semen samples liquefied within 1.5h at 37 degrees C, however, there was slow liquefaction in the sample without an added extender (control). Best liquefaction was observed in Tris-lactose extender followed by Tris-fructose and citrate egg yolk diluents whereas in the other two extenders there was head-to-head agglutination of the spermatozoa. There was no difference in the initial motility of the spermatozoa in extenders 1-5 after its liquefaction, however, after 24 and 48 h of storage a higher proportion of spermatozoa were motile in extenders 1, 2 and 4 (P<0.05) at both the temperatures. There was a gradual decline in viability of the spermatozoa in all extenders at both the temperatures, although, a high portion of the spermatozoa had intact acrosomes throughout the storage period. It may be concluded that dromedary semen, when added to an extender (1:1) immediately after collection, liquefies within 60-90 min at 37 degrees C. It maintains a high proportion of motile and viable spermatozoa that can survive storage up to 48 h in Tris-lactose egg yolk, Tris-tes egg yolk and sucrose egg yolk diluents. However, best liquefaction and progressive sperm motility is achieved in Tris-lactose egg yolk extender.  相似文献   
An extensive study of vegetation changes as a consequence of fire and grazing pressure and their effect on small mammal populations inside the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, was carried out during May–June 1997. Comparison of vegetation maps from 1979 and 1998 suggested that vegetation in 46% of the Reserve area converted from shrubland to grassland, possibly as a result of fire and grazing pressure. We tested the hypothesis that in areas with high fire and grazing impact the population of small mammals was negatively affected. A low density of rodents was recorded in all habitats except in areas of human activity, where artificial resources are constantly present. Capture efforts were unsuccessful in grasslands. Our results confirm those of Norton‐Griffiths (1979) and Dublin (1995) , i.e. that fire and grazing pressure impact the vegetation of the Serengeti–Mara ecosystem and limit the natural regeneration of woodlands. This indirectly affects the small mammal community, which is limited in its long‐term establishment.  相似文献   
Chemotaxis to many compounds by Rhodobacter sphaeroides requires transport and at least partial metabolism of the chemoeffector. Previous investigations using phototrophically grown cells have failed to find any homologues of the MCP chemoreceptors identified in Escherichia coli. However, using an antibody raised against the highly conserved domain of E. coli Tsr, MCP-like proteins were identified in R. sphaeroides WS8N. Analysis using Western blotting and immunogold electron microscopy showed that expression of these MCP-like proteins is environmentally regulated and that receptors are targeted to two different cellular locations: the poles of the cells and the cytoplasm. In aerobically grown cells, these proteins were shown by immunoelectron microscopy to localize predominantly to the cell poles and to an electron-dense body in the cytoplasm. Western blot analysis indicated a 17-fold reduction in protein concentration when cells were grown in the light. The number of immunogold particles was also dramatically reduced in anaerobically light-grown cells and their cellular distribution was altered. Fewer receptors localized to the cell poles and more particles randomly distributed within the cell, but the cytoplasmic cluster remained. These trends were more pronounced in cells grown anaerobically under dim light than in those grown anaerobically under bright light, suggesting that expression is controlled by redox state and either light intensity or the extent of photosynthetic membrane synthesis. Recent work on E. coli chemosensing suggests that oligomerization of receptors and chemosensory proteins is important for sensory signalling. The data presented here suggest that this oligomerization can occur with cytoplasmic receptors and also provides an explanation for the multiple copies of chemosensory proteins in R. sphaeroides.  相似文献   
Recent theoretical studies have shown that spatial redistribution of surface water may explain the occurrence of patterns of alternating vegetated and degraded patches in semiarid grasslands. These results implied, however, that spatial redistribution processes cannot explain the collapse of production on coarser scales observed in these systems. We present a spatially explicit vegetation model to investigate possible mechanisms explaining irreversible vegetation collapse on coarse spatial scales. The model results indicate that the dynamics of vegetation on coarse scales are determined by the interaction of two spatial feedback processes. Loss of plant cover in a certain area results in increased availability of water in remaining vegetated patches through run-on of surface water, promoting within-patch plant production. Hence, spatial redistribution of surface water creates negative feedback between reduced plant cover and increased plant growth in remaining vegetation. Reduced plant cover, however, results in focusing of herbivore grazing in the remaining vegetation. Hence, redistribution of herbivores creates positive feedback between reduced plant cover and increased losses due to grazing in remaining vegetated patches, leading to collapse of the entire vegetation. This may explain irreversible vegetation shifts in semiarid grasslands on coarse spatial scales.  相似文献   
As model compounds for the biologically important heparan sulfate, eight systematically modified heparin derivatives were studied by synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD), which is sensitive to uronic acid conformation. Substitution pattern altered uronic acid conformation, even when structural changes were made in adjacent glucosamine residues (e.g. 6-O-desulfation) and did not involve a chromophore. SRCD spectra of these derivatives following conversion to the Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ and Fe3+ cation forms revealed that almost all substitution/cation combinations resulted in unique spectra, showing that each was structurally distinct. The detailed effects that binding Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions had on a 2-de-O-sulfated derivative was also studied by NMR, revealing that subtle changes in conformation (by NOE) and flexibility (by T2 measurements) resulted. Conversion to the K+ and Cu2+ ion forms also drastically modified biological activity, from inactive to active, in a cell-based assay of fibroblast growth factor-receptor (FGF2/FGFR1c) signalling and this effect was not reproduced by free cations. These observations could explain the often-contradictory data concerning structure-activity relationships for these derivatives in the literature and, furthermore, argue strongly against the established trend of considering sequence as a complete structural definition. It also provides additional means of modifying the activity of these polysaccharides and suggests a possible additional level of control in biological systems. There are also obvious potential applications for these findings in the biotechnology sphere.  相似文献   
Microbial Life beneath a High Arctic Glacier   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The debris-rich basal ice layers of a high Arctic glacier were shown to contain metabolically diverse microbes that could be cultured oligotrophically at low temperatures (0.3 to 4°C). These organisms included aerobic chemoheterotrophs and anaerobic nitrate reducers, sulfate reducers, and methanogens. Colonies purified from subglacial samples at 4°C appeared to be predominantly psychrophilic. Aerobic chemoheterotrophs were metabolically active in unfrozen basal sediments when they were cultured at 0.3°C in the dark (to simulate nearly in situ conditions), producing 14CO2 from radiolabeled sodium acetate with minimal organic amendment (≥38 μM C). In contrast, no activity was observed when samples were cultured at subfreezing temperatures (≤−1.8°C) for 66 days. Electron microscopy of thawed basal ice samples revealed various cell morphologies, including dividing cells. This suggests that the subglacial environment beneath a polythermal glacier provides a viable habitat for life and that microbes may be widespread where the basal ice is temperate and water is present at the base of the glacier and where organic carbon from glacially overridden soils is present. Our observations raise the possibility that in situ microbial production of CO2 and CH4 beneath ice masses (e.g., the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets) is an important factor in carbon cycling during glacial periods. Moreover, this terrestrial environment may provide a model for viable habitats for life on Mars, since similar conditions may exist or may have existed in the basal sediments beneath the Martian north polar ice cap.  相似文献   
The binding of core histone proteins to DNA, measured as a function of [NaCl[ is a reversible process. Dissociation and reassociation occurs in two stages. Between 0.7 and 1.2 M NaCl H2a H2b bind non-cooperatively as an equimolar complex with deltaGo = 1.6 Kcals/mole at 4 degree C and 1.0 M NaCl. Between 1.2 and 2.0 M NaCl H3 and H4 bind cooperatively as an equimolar complex with delta Go = 7.4 Kcal/mole at 4 degree C and 1.0 M NaCl. The proper binding of H2a and H2b requires the presence of bound H3 and H4. Nuclease digestion of the H3-H4 DNA produces a tetramer of H3-H4 bound to fragments of DNA 145, 125 and 104 base pairs long. Thus an H3-H4 tetramer can protect fragments of DNA as long as those found in complete core particles and must therefore span the nucleosome core particle.  相似文献   
Viable microbes have been detected beneath several geographically distant glaciers underlain by different lithologies, but comparisons of their microbial communities have not previously been made. This study compared the microbial community compositions of samples from two glaciers overlying differing bedrock. Bulk meltwater chemistry indicates that sulfide oxidation and carbonate dissolution account for 90% of the solute flux from Bench Glacier, Alaska, whereas gypsum/anhydrite and carbonate dissolution accounts for the majority of the flux from John Evans Glacier, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. The microbial communities were examined using two techniques: clone libraries and dot blot hybridization of 16S rRNA genes. Two hundred twenty-seven clones containing amplified 16S rRNA genes were prepared from subglacial samples, and the gene sequences were analyzed phylogenetically. Although some phylogenetic groups, including the Betaproteobacteria, were abundant in clone libraries from both glaciers, other well-represented groups were found at only one glacier. Group-specific oligonucleotide probes were developed for two phylogenetic clusters that were of particular interest because of their abundance or inferred biochemical capabilities. These probes were used in quantitative dot blot hybridization assays with a range of samples from the two glaciers. In addition to shared phyla at both glaciers, each glacier also harbored a subglacial microbial population that correlated with the observed aqueous geochemistry. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that microbial activity is an important contributor to the solute flux from glaciers.  相似文献   
Efforts to curb elephant poaching have focused on reducing demand, confiscating ivory and boosting security patrols in elephant range. Where land is under multiple uses and ownership, determining the local poaching dynamics is important for identifying successful conservation models. Using 2,403 verified elephant, Loxodonta africana, mortality records collected from 2002 to 2012 and the results of aerial total counts of elephants conducted in 2002, 2008 and 2012 for the Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem of northern Kenya, we sought to determine the influence of land ownership and use on diurnal elephant distribution and on poaching levels. We show that the annual proportions of illegally killed (i.e., poached) elephants increased over the 11 years of the study, peaking at 70% of all recorded deaths in 2012. The type of land use was more strongly related to levels of poaching than was the type of ownership. Private ranches, comprising only 13% of land area, hosted almost half of the elephant population and had significantly lower levels of poaching than other land use types except for the officially designated national reserves (covering only 1.6% of elephant range in the ecosystem). Communal grazing lands hosted significantly fewer elephants than expected, but community areas set aside for wildlife demonstrated significantly higher numbers of elephants and lower illegal killing levels relative to non-designated community lands. While private lands had lower illegal killing levels than community conservancies, the success of the latter relative to other community-held lands shows the importance of this model of land use for conservation. This work highlights the relationship between illegal killing and various land ownership and use models, which can help focus anti-poaching activities.  相似文献   
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