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When microbes evolve in a continuous, nutrient-limited environment, natural selection can be predicted to favor genetic changes that give cells greater access to limiting substrate. We analyzed a population of baker's yeast that underwent 450 generations of glucose-limited growth. Relative to the strain used as the inoculum, the predominant cell type at the end of this experiment sustains growth at significantly lower steady-state glucose concentrations and demonstrates markedly enhanced cell yield per mole glucose, significantly enhanced high-affinity glucose transport, and greater relative fitness in pairwise competition. These changes are correlated with increased levels of mRNA hybridizing to probe generated from the hexose transport locus HXT6. Further analysis of the evolved strain reveals the existence of multiple tandem duplications involving two highly similar, high- affinity hexose transport loci, HXT6 and HXT7. Selection appears to have favored changes that result in the formation of more than three chimeric genes derived from the upstream promoter of the HXT7 gene and the coding sequence of HXT6. We propose a genetic mechanism to account for these changes and speculate as to their adaptive significance in the context of gene duplication as a common response of microorganisms to nutrient limitation.   相似文献   
Translocations for conservation often involve species limited to relict distributions. However, uncertainty can exist regarding the ability of source individuals to acclimatise following a shift to a distant location. We investigated the ability of captive-reared juvenile tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) of Cook Strait stock (41°S) to adjust to outdoor, predator-protected pens within Orokonui Ecosanctuary (45 °S). We examined potential basking and within burrow temperatures, the influence of temperature on emergence, and growth rates in comparison with other locations. Tuatara at Orokonui reached their preferred temperature when basking over summer, and burrows provided protection from freezing over winter. Emergence was temperature-dependent and essentially ceased during winter. Growth rates of Orokonui-held juveniles were within the range for four other captive-rearing facilities and faster than for wild juveniles from a Cook Strait population. As all Orokonui-held juveniles have survived and grown we conclude that the climate at this southern location is suitable to consider a free-release.  相似文献   
This study is one of the first to show that invasive plant-induced changes in the soil microbial community can negatively impact native plant performance. This greenhouse experiment tested whether soil microbial communities specific to the rhizospheres of an invasive grass (Aegilops triuncialis) and two native plants (Lasthenia californica and Plantago erecta) affected invasive and/or native plant performance. Each of these species were grown in separate pots for 2 months to prime the soils with plant-specific rhizosphere microbial communities. Each plant species was then planted in native- and invasive-primed soil, and effects on plant performance were monitored. At 5 months, differences in microbial biomarker fatty acids between invaded and native soils mirrored previous differences found in field-collected soil. L. californica performance was significantly reduced when grown in invaded soil compared to native soil (flowering date was delayed, aboveground biomass decreased, specific root length increased, and root mass ratio increased). In contrast, P. erecta and A. triuncialis performance were unaffected when grown in invaded vs native soil. These results suggest that in some cases, invasion-induced changes in the soil microbial community may contribute to a positive feedback loop, leading to the increased dominance of invasive species in an ecosystem.  相似文献   
In polluted soil or ground water, inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen may be limiting, so that Monod kinetics for carbon limitation may not describe microbial growth and contaminant biodegradation rates. To test this hypothesis we measured14CO2 evolved by a pure culture ofAcinetobacter johnsonii degrading 120 µg14C-phenol per ml in saturated sand with molar carbon:nitrogen (CN) ratios ranging from 1.5 to 560. We fit kinetics models to the data using non-linear least squares regression. Phenol disappearance and population growth were also measured at CN1.5 and CN560.After a 5- to 10-hour lag period, most of the14CO2 evolution curves at all CN ratios displayed a sigmoidal shape, suggesting that the microbial populations grew. As CN ratio increased, the initial rate of14CO2 evolution decreased. Cell growth and phenol consumption occurred at both CN1.5 and CN560, and showed the same trends as the14CO2 data. A kinetics model assuming population growth limited by a single substrate best fit the14CO2 evolution data for CN1.5. At intermediate to high CN ratios, the data were best fit by a model originally formulated to describe no-growth metabolism of one substrate coupled with microbial growth on a second substrate. We suggest that this dual-substrate model describes linear growth on phenol while nitrogen is available and first-order metabolism of phenol without growth after nitrogen is depleted.  相似文献   
The Auxin-Binding Protein 1 (ABP1) was identified over 30 years ago thanks to it''s high affinity for active auxins. ABP1 plays an essential role in plant life yet to this day, its function remains ‘enigmatic.’ A recent study by our laboratory shows that ABP1 is critical for regulation of the cell cycle, acting both in G1 and at the G2/M transition. We showed that ABP1 is likely to mediate the permissive auxin signal for entry into the cell cycle. These data were obtained by studying a conditional functional knock-out of ABP1 generated by cellular immunization in the model tobacco cell line, Bright Yellow 2.Key Words: auxin responses, auxin-binding protein 1, immunomodulation, cellular immunisation  相似文献   
A mouse genomic clone containing a lactate dehydrogenase-A (LDH-A) processed pseudogene and a B1 repetitive element was isolated, and a nucleotide sequence of approximately 3 kb was determined. The pseudogene and B1 element are flanked by perfect 13-bp repeats, and the B1 sequence starts at 14 nucleotides 3' to the presumptive polyadenylation signal of the pseudogene. The nucleotide sequences of the LDH-A genes and processed pseudogenes from mouse, rat, and human were compared, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. The rate and pattern of nucleotide substitutions in the LDH-A pseudogenes are similar to previously reported results (Li et al. 1984). The average rate of nucleotide substitutions in the LDH-A pseudogenes is 4.3 X 10(- 9)/site/year. The substitutions of C----T and G----A are most frequent, and A----G substitutions are relatively high. The rate of synonymous substitutions in the LDH-A genes is 5.3 X 10(-9), which is not significantly higher than the average rate of 4.7 X 10(-9) for 35 mammalian genes. The rate of nonsynonymous substitutions in the LDH-A genes is 0.20 X 10(-9), which is considerably lower than the average rate of 0.88 X 10(-9) for 35 mammalian genes. Thus, the mammalian LDH-A gene appears to be highly conserved in evolution.   相似文献   
The glucose transport system of the extremely thermophilic anaerobic bacterium Thermotoga neapolitana was studied with the nonmetabolizable glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DOG). T. neapolitana accumulated 2-DOG against a concentration gradient in an intracellular free sugar pool that was exchangeable with external source of energy, such as pyruvate, and was inhibited by arsenate and gramicidin D. There was no phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphorylation of glucose, 2-DOG, or fructose by cell extracts or toluene-treated cells, indicating the absence of a phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system. These data indicate that D-glucose is taken up by T. neapolitana via an active transport system that is energized by an ion gradient generated by ATP, derived from substrate-level phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Snetselaar, K. M., Bolker, M., and Kahmann, R. 1996. Ustilago maydis mating hyphae orient their growth toward pheromone sources. Fungal Genetics and Biology 20, 299-312. When small drops of Ustilago maydis sporidia were placed 100-200 μm apart on agar surfaces and covered with paraffin oil, sporidia from one drop formed thin hyphae that grew in a zig-zag fashion toward the other drop if it contained sporidia making the appropriate pheromone. For example, a2b2 mating hyphae grew toward a1b1 and a1b2 mating hyphae, and the filaments eventually fused tip to tip. Time-lapse photography indicated that the mating hyphae can rapidly change orientation in response to nearby compatible sporidia. When exposed to pheromone produced by cells in an adjacent drop, haploid sporidia with the a2 allele began elongating before sporidia with the a1 allele. Sporidia without functional pheromone genes responded to pheromone although they did not induce a response, and sporidia without pheromone receptors induced formation of mating hyphae although they did not form mating hyphae. Diploid sporidia heterozygous at b but not at a formed straight, rigid, aerial filaments when exposed to pheromone produced by the appropriate haploid sporidia. Again, the a2a2b1b2 strain formed filaments more quickly than the a1a1b1b2 strain. Taken together, these results suggest that the a2 pheromone diffuses less readily or is degraded more quickly than the a1 pheromone.  相似文献   
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