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Macropora is a distinctive genus of anascan cheilostomes. All species have large zooids with an extensive cryptocystal frontal shield perforated by numerous pores through which parietal muscle strands pass. Also characteristic of Macropora are the calcified opercula closing the d -shaped orifice, avicularia resembling autozooids but having slightly enlarged, typically crenulated opercula/mandibles, and large ovicells that are often costate. This mostly Australasian genus has a documented fossil record stretching back to the Eocene. Here we revise the generic diagnosis of Macropora and describe eight new species from New Zealand (three Recent: M. nodulosa sp. nov. , M. filifera sp. nov. and M. carlosi sp. nov. ; five fossil: M. septispinosa sp. nov. , M. similis sp. nov. , M. pittensis sp. nov. , M. leeae sp. nov. and M. bullata sp. nov. ) and one new species from Japan ( M. mawatariorum sp. nov. ), the only species known with certainty to occur in the northern hemisphere. New observations are given for some previously described species, several of which are illustrated using SEM for the first time. The northern hemisphere Upper Cretaceous species Monoporella exsculpta (Marsson), showing features allowing it to be placed tentatively in the stem-group of Macropora , is redescribed. Attempts to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of species within Macropora were hampered by the relatively few morphological characters compared with the number of species, and it proved impossible to obtain a phylogeny robust to slight changes in taxon and/or character inclusion. The favoured cladogram has poor bootstrap and Bremer support, and its stratigraphical and biogeographical congruences are low.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 153 , 115–146.  相似文献   
Dryopteris katangaensis , a new species endemic to the Katango–Zambian centre of endemism (Congo-Zambezi watershed) in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo is described and illustrated. The morphological differences between the new species and D. schimperiana are discussed, and the ferns endemic to the Katango–Zambian Centre are reviewed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 237–242.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships among nine genera and 28 species of the southern African tribe Podalyrieae were estimated from sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA as well as morphological and chemical data. Morphological and ITS sequence data produced cladograms with similar topologies, both supporting the monophyly of Podalyrieae (excluding Hypocalyptus ). The combined data sets indicate that subtribe Xiphothecinae are monophyletic, but embedded within Podalyriinae. The high degree of congruence between previous taxonomic hypotheses and those based on DNA data provides further evidence for the utility of ITS sequences in studying phylogeny.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 159–170.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic analysis of plastid rbcL DNA sequences for 20 species of Vitaceae s.l. (including Leeaceae) and eight outgroups from Dilleniaceae and Santalales is presented. Patterns of floral and vegetative morphology and ontogeny within the family are compared to the phylogenetic trees produced. Despite the limited sampling of large and variable genera, there is a good correspondence with hypothesized floral and vegetative ontogenetic trends, with Leea and Ampelopsis ancestral, Cissus and Ampelocissus intermediate and Vitis most derived. A clade containing Parthenocissus , Tetrastigma , Cyphostemma and Vitis is found in all shortest trees. Cyphostemma and Parthenocissus are shown to be closely related to Vitis , to which clade Tetrastigma and Cayratia comprise the sister clade. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 421–432.  相似文献   
Cladistic analyses were conducted using morphological and ITS sequence data to examine phylogenetic relationships within the Schisandraceae. The most parsimonious trees obtained from the morphological data consistently show a dichotomy, with clades corresponding with the two currently accepted genera, Kadsura and Schisandra . In the ITS trees S. propinqua consistently groups with the Kadsura clade, and the position of S. glabra is uncertain. The trees resulting from the analysis of combined data are polytomous, due to the variable positions of K. scandens, K. coccinea and S. propinqua . The monophyletic status of Kadsura subgen. Kadsura sect. Kadsura and Schisandra subgen. Pleiostema are strongly supported, although the monophyly of other supraspecific taxa is unclear. Further studies are required before an unambiguous phylogeny is achieved for the family.  相似文献   
While researching Cardamine (Brassicaceae) in the Pyrenees, putative hybrid plants were found at two natural sites. Pollen grain viability, AFLP, and multivariate morphometric analyses were performed in order to assess the plants' presumed hybrid origin, establishing that natural hybridization between the diploids C. crassifolia and C. amara ssp. pyrenaea had occurred. A new diploid nothospecies, C. × enriquei (2 n = 2x = 16), is described. Examination of 18 morphological characters showed the intermediacy of the hybrid between the parental taxa in most characters. AFLP analyses of C. amara ssp. amara , ssp. austriaca , ssp. olotensis and C. raphanifolia , demonstrated the close position of the hybrid to C. crassifolia , and revealed that the highest number of markers were shared with the parents. Polymorphism found in the AFLP pattern of the hybrid suggested recurrent origin, segregation and/or backcrosses, although assessment of pollen viability indicated high male sterility. The hybridization event reported here represents the second documented case between the C. pratensis group and C. amara . An account of the nomenclature of C. crassifolia is also presented, including lectotypification of relevant names.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 275–294.  相似文献   
We report on and name two new taxa of basal crocodylomorph archosaurs from the Lower Jurassic, Litargosuchus leptorhynchus gen. et sp. nov. , from the upper Elliot Formation (Stormberg Group) of South Africa, and Kayentasuchus walkeri gen. et sp. nov. , from the Kayenta Formation (Glen Canyon Group) of Arizona, USA. Examination of this material led to a reconsideration of basal crocodylomorph interrelationships. A phylogenetic analysis found no support for the monophyly of Sphenosuchia.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 136 , 77–95.  相似文献   
Quantitative and qualitative data are given for samples of mature wood of all eight species of woody Asteraceae, representing three tribes, of St Helena I. The quantitative features of all except one species are clearly mesomorphic, corresponding to their mesic central ridge habitats. Commidendrum rugosum has more xeromorphic wood features and occurs in dry lowland sites. Commidendrum species are alike in their small vessel pits and abundant axial parenchyma. Melanodendrum agrees with Commidendrum in having fibre dimorphism and homogeneous type II rays. The short fibres in both genera are storied and transitional to axial parenchyma. Elongate crystals occur in ray cells of only two species of Commidendrum , suggesting that they are closely related. Wood of Commidendrum and Melanodendrum is similar to that of the shrubby genus Felicia , thought closely related to Commidendrum on molecular bases. Commidendrum and Melanodendrum have probably increased in woodiness on St Helena, but are derived from shrubby ancestors like today's species of Felicia. Petrobium wood is paedomorphic and indistinguishable from that of Bidens , from which Petrobium is likely derived. The two senecionid species (Senecio leucadendron = Pladaroxylon leucadendron; and Senecio redivivus = Lachanodes arborea , formerly Lachanodes prenanthiflord) also show paedomorphic wood. Wood of the various St Helena Asteraceae is consonant with relationship to African or South American ancestors that reached St Helena via long distance dispersal. Derivation from genera of Pacific islands or Austromalesian regions is considered less likely. However, DNA evidence is needed to clarify origins, times of colonization on St Helena and divergence from closest relatives, and the nature of evolutionary patterns.  相似文献   
We investigated intraspecific phylogenetic relationships in the natricine snake, Rhabdophis tigrinus. A partial sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (990 bp) was sequenced for 220 individuals from 112 populations. The phylogeny indicated monophyly of the Japanese populations against the continental and Taiwanese populations, sister relationships of the Japanese and continental populations, and monophyly of the whole species. The results strongly suggested substantial genetic divergences among population assemblages from those three regions. We thus consider both lateralis from the continent, which is often synonymized to R. tigrinus, and formosanus from Taiwan, which is usually regarded as a subspecies of the latter, as distinct full species based on the evolutionary species concept. In the Japanese populations, haplotypes were classified to in two major clades (I and II) that were parapatric to each other. Clade I consisted of three distinct subclades (I‐A, I‐B, and I‐C), of which the former two were parapatric with each other, whereas the latter was sympatric with each of the former two subclades. The geographical haplotype structure exhibited by the Japanese populations is likely to have resulted from a series of allopatric differentiations with rapid range extensions of resultant lineages, leading to secondary contact or further admixture of mitochondrial haplotype clades and subclades. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 395–408.  相似文献   
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