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Electron probe microanalysis of transverse sections was used to provide semiquantitative estimates of Al and other cations in the leaf tissues of some Al-accumulating plants of the cerrado vegetation of central Brazil. Concentrations of Al were generally higher than those of other cations in the phloem elements of these plants growing on dystrophic as well as fertile acid soils. When one of the Al-accumulating species,Vochysia thyrsoidea, was grown in a calcareous soil, the concentration of Al in the phloem elements of leaves was lower than that of Ca and K though the cotyledons showed higher concentrations of Al than those of other cations.  相似文献   
Immature seeds of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) were fed the native gibberellin A5 (GA5) as 1- and 1,2-[3H]GA5 (5.3 Curies per millimole to 16 milliCuries per millimole) at doses (42 nanograms to 10.6 micrograms per seed) 2 to 530 times the expected endogenous level. After 4 days of incubation, seeds were extracted and free [3H]GA-like metabolites were separated from the highly H2O-soluble [3H]metabolites. For high specific activity feeds the retention times (Rts) of radioactive peaks were compared with Rts of authentic GAs on sequential gradient-eluted → isocratic eluted reversed-phase C18 high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) -radiocounting (RC). From high substrate feeds (530 and 230 × expected endogenous levels) HPLC-RC peak groupings were subjected to capillary gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM), usually six characteristic ions. The major free GA metabolites of [3H] GA5 were identified as GA1, GA3, and GA6 by GC-SIM. The major highly water soluble metabolite of [3H]GA5 at all levels of substrate GA5 had chromatographic characteristics similar to authentic GA1-glucosyl ester. Expressed as a percentage of recovered radioactivity, low substrate [3H]GA5 feeds (2 × expected endogenous level) yielded a broad spectrum of metabolites eluting at the Rts where GA1, GA3, GA5 methyl ester, GA6, GA22, GA29 (17, 14, 1.6, 7, 1.1, 0.5%, respectively) and GA glucosyl conjugates of GA1, GA3, GA5, and GA8 (33, 11, 1, 0.1%, respectively) elute. Metabolites were also present at Rts where GA glucosyl conjugates of GA6 and GA29 would be expected to elute (8 and 0.1%, respectively). Only 5% of the radioactivity remained as GA5. Increasing substrate GA5 levels increased the proportion of metabolites with HPLC Rts similar to GA1, GA6, and especially GA1 glucosyl ester, primarily at the expense of metabolites with HPLC Rts similar to GA3, GA3-glucosyl ester, and a postulated conjugate of GA6. There was evidence that high doses of substrate GA5 induced new metabolites which often, but not always, differed from GA1, GA3, and GA6 in HPLC Rt. These same metabolites, when analyzed by GC-SIM yielded m/e ions the same as the M+ and other characteristic m/e ions of the above GAs, albeit at differing GC Rt and relative intensities.  相似文献   
The interaction between Leishmania promastigotes and their vertebrate host's complement system results not only in parasite lysis but also, due to surface-bound complement components, in increased macrophage binding potential. In this study we demonstrate, with the use of isolated complement components, that activation is via the alternative complement pathway, initiated by direct deposition of C3 onto the parasite surface. The predominant C3 acceptor site on the promastigotes was initially identified as the glycoprotein gp63 by anti-C3 antibody immunoprecipitation of radioiodinated promastigotes following incubation in the alternative pathway initiators C3, and factors B and D. The C3-binding properties of gp63 were confirmed and quantified, in relation to other surface antigens, by incubating parasites in iodinated C3 and immunoprecipitating bound C3 with antibodies directed against different promastigote surface antigens. The other abundant surface antigen, the glycolipid 'excreted factor', did not show any C3-binding activity. Further demonstration was provided by incubating liposomes containing either gp63 or excreted factor in iodinated C3 and factors B and D. Only gp63-containing liposomes bound C3. Considering that both gp63 and the excreted factor have recently been implicated in attachment and uptake by macrophage, these findings may have considerable bearing in the determination of which of the macrophage surface receptors identify which parasite ligand.  相似文献   
Price  J. H.  Pettitt  J. M.  Russell  S. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,149(1):213-220
Lead mining in Wales originated before the Roman Occupation. The main active period was from 1750–1900 when zinc and copper were also mined and during this period only simple and inefficient ore processing methods were available. Consequently large amounts of copper, lead and zinc compounds were lost to the environment and have since become incorporated in sediments and soils. Locally, pollution may still occur from drainage from abandoned mines and by mobilization of mine tailings. This paper describes the present state of Welsh rivers and reviews the distribution of contaminants in sediments and soils. The uptake of heavy metals by plants and the consequences for human health are alto discussed.  相似文献   
Intact S49 mouse lymphoma cells were used as a model system to study the effects of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and its analogs on the phosphorylation of regulatory (R) subunit of type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of R subunit was negligible in mutants deficient in adenylate cyclase; low levels of cAMP analogs, however, stimulated R subunit phosphorylation in these cells to rates comparable to those in wild-type cells. In both wild-type and adenylate cyclase-deficient cells, R subunit phosphorylation was inhibited by a variety of N6-substituted derivatives of cAMP; C-8-substituted derivatives were generally poor inhibitors. Two derivatives that were inactive as kinase activators (N6-carbamoylmethyl-5'-AMP and 2'-deoxy-N6-monobutyryl-cAMP) were also ineffective as inhibitors of R subunit phosphorylation. Preferential inhibition by N6-modified cAMP analogs could not be ascribed simply to selectivity for the more aminoterminal (site I) of the two cAMP-binding sites in R subunit: Analog concentrations required for inhibition of R subunit phosphorylation were always higher than those required for activation of endogenous kinase; 8-piperidino-cAMP, a C-8-substituted derivative that is selective for cAMP-binding site I, was relatively ineffective as in inhibitor; and, although thresholds for activation of endogenous kinase by site I-selective analogs could be reduced markedly by coincubation with low levels of site II-selective analogs, no such synergism was observed for the inhibitory effect. The uncoupling of cyclic nucleotide effects on R subunit phosphorylation from activation of endogenous protein kinase suggests that, in intact cells, activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase requires more than one and fewer than four molecules of cyclic nucleotide.  相似文献   
Studies of unidirectional Cl-, Na+, and K+ effluxes were performed on isolated, internally dialyzed squid giant axons. The studies were designed to determine whether the coupled Na/K/Cl co-transporter previously identified as mediating influxes (Russell. 1983. Journal of General Physiology. 81:909-925) could also mediate the reverse fluxes (effluxes). We found that 10 microM bumetanide blocked 7-8 pmol/cm2 X s of Cl- efflux from axons containing ATP, Na+, and K+. However, if any one of these solutes was removed from the internal dialysis fluid, Cl- efflux was reduced by 7-8 pmol/cm2 X s and the remainder was insensitive to bumetanide. About 5 pmol/cm2 X s of Na+ efflux was inhibited by 10 microM bumetanide in the continuous presence of 10(-5) M ouabain and 10(-7) M tetrodotoxin if Cl-, K+, and ATP were all present in the internal dialysis fluid. However, the omission of Cl- or K+ or ATP reduced the Na+ efflux, leaving it bumetanide insensitive. K+ efflux had to be studied under voltage-clamp conditions with the membrane potential held at -90 mV because the dominant pathway for K+ efflux (the delayed rectifier) has a high degree of voltage sensitivity. Under this voltage-clamped condition, 1.8 pmol/cm2 X s of K+ efflux could be inhibited by 10 microM bumetanide. All of these results are consistent with a tightly coupled Na/K/Cl co-transporting efflux mechanism. Furthermore, the requirements for cis-side co-ions and intracellular ATP are exactly like those previously described for the coupled Na/K/Cl influx process. We propose that the same transporter mediates both influx and efflux, hence demonstrating "reversibility," a necessary property for an ion-gradient-driven transport process.  相似文献   
The dielectric constant in the active site cleft of subtilisin from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been probed by mutating charged residues on the rim and measuring the effect on the pKa value of the active site histidine (His64) by kinetics. Mutation of a negatively charged surface residue, which is 12 to 13 A from His64, to an uncharged one Asp----Ser99) lowers the pKa of the histidine by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength (0.005 to 0.01 M). This corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50 between Asp99 and His64. The mutation is in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine at position 99 from homologies with subtilisins from other bacilli. The environment between His64 and Asp99 is predominantly protein. Another charged residue that is at a similar distance from His64 (14 to 15 A) and is also in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine residue is Glu156, at the opposite side of the active site. There is only water in a direct line between His64 and Glu156. Mutation of Glu----Ser156 also lowers the pKa of His64 by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength. This change again corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50. The pKa values were determined from the pH dependence of kcat/KM for the hydrolysis of peptide substrates, with a precision of typically +/- 0.02 unit. The following suggests that the changes in pKa are real and not artefacts of experimental conditions: Hill plots of the data for pKa determination have gradients (h) of -1.00(+/- 0.02), showing that there are negligible systematic deviations from theoretical ionization curves involving a monobasic acid: the pH dependence for the hydrolysis of two different substrates (succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanyl p-nitroanilide and benzoyl-L-valyl-L-glycyl-L-arginyl p-nitroanilide) gives identical results so that the pKa is independent of substrate; the pH dependence is unaffected by changing the concentration of enzyme, so that aggregation is not affecting the results; the shift in pKa is masked by high ionic strength, as expected qualitatively for ionic shielding of electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   
Sequences are reported for portions of two mitochondrial genes from a domestic horse and a plains zebra and compared to those published for a quagga and a mountain zebra. The extinct quagga and plains zebra sequences are identical at all silent sites, whereas the horse sequence differs from both of them by 11 silent substitutions. Postmortem changes in quagga DNA may account for the two coding substitutions between the quagga and plains zebra sequences. The hypothesis that the closest relative of the quagga is the domestic horse receives no support from these data. From the extent of sequence divergence between horse and zebra mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs), as well as from information about the fossil record, we estimate that the mean rate of mtDNA divergence in Equus is similar to that in other mammals, i.e., roughly 2% per million years.  相似文献   
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