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A new and efficient synthesis of (L)-(trimethylsilyl)alanine (TMSAla) with suitable protection for use in Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) has been accomplished starting from glycine tert-butyl ester and using hydroxypinanone as chiral inductor. The silylated side chain was introduced by alkylation of the Schiff base intermediate with iodomethyl(trimethylsilane) at ?78 °C. Among the different synthetic routes that were tested including several chiral inductors and different Schiff bases, this strategy was selected and afforded (L)-TMSAla in good chemical overall yield with 98 % ee.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) affects millions of persons worldwide. Earlier detection and/or diagnosis of AD would permit earlier intervention, which conceivably could delay progression of this dementing disorder. In order to accomplish this goal, reliable and specific biomarkers are needed. Biomarkers are multidimensional and have the potential to aid in various facets of AD such as diagnostic prediction, assessment of disease stage, discrimination from normally cognitive controls as well as other forms of dementia, and therapeutic efficacy of AD drugs. To date, biomarker research has focused on plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), two bodily fluids believed to contain the richest source of biomarkers for AD. CSF is the fluid surrounding the central nervous system (CNS), and is the most indicative obtainable fluid of brain pathology. Blood plasma contains proteins that affect brain processes from the periphery, as well as proteins/peptides exported from the brain; this fluid would be ideal for biomarker discovery due to the ease and non-invasive process of sample collection. However, it seems reasonable that biomarker discovery will result in combinations of CSF, plasma, and other fluids such as urine, to serve the aforementioned purposes. This review focuses on proteins and peptides identified from CSF, plasma, and urine that may serve as biomarkers in AD.  相似文献   
[目的]产肠毒素大肠杆菌(Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli,ETEC)是引起仔猪腹泻的重要病原菌,本研究通过调查苏北地区规模化猪场ETEC的流行情况,分析其生物学特性,研制具有免疫保护效果的优势血清型菌株的灭活疫苗,以期对苏北地区ETEC的防控提供参考。[方法]从苏北地区规模化猪场采集3-30日龄的仔猪新鲜粪样、肛拭子及小肠组织样,分离出ETEC,对分离菌株进行血清型鉴定、耐药性测定、小鼠致病力测定;最后通过动物免疫试验研究优势血清型菌株灭活疫苗对小鼠的免疫保护效果。[结果]从21个规模化猪场采集病料562份,通过PCR鉴定及测序得到141株ETEC;血清凝集试验鉴定出85株菌的O抗原血清型,其中08、0101和0128为优势血清型,占定型菌株的61.2%(52/85),其他血清型包括09、03、020、0148、0149等;分析141株ETEC对14种常见抗生素的耐药情况,得出分离株对新霉素、红霉素、四环素、庆大霉素、强力霉素、阿莫西林、甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲恶唑高度耐药,耐药率均高达80%以上;对恩诺沙星敏感性较高,敏感率达50.4%(71/141);对多粘菌素B和头孢噻肟中介耐药,占比分别为66%(93/141)和51.8%(73/141);多重耐药现象严重,其中10重耐药的菌株占比最大,为19%(27/141);小鼠攻毒试验测得08血清型强毒株YC-6的半数致死量(median lethal dose,LD50)为1.4×10^7 CFU/只,最低致死量(minimum lethal dose,MLD)为3×10^7 CFU/只;08血清型强毒株YC-6和0101血清型强毒株LYG-3制备的单价灭活疫苗对小鼠的保护率均达到100%,因此利用08血清型强毒株YC-6和0101血清型强毒株LYG-3研制二价灭活疫苗,结果显示该二价疫苗对感染不同血清型ETEC小鼠的保护率在83%以上。[结论]本研究通过对苏北地区ETEC的流行病学调查,得出其优势血清型,并研制出针对对优势血清型免疫保护效果较好的二价灭活疫苗,给临床ETEC的监测和防控提供参考。  相似文献   
沙门菌对酸压力的应答及其与毒力的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙门菌(Salmonella spp.)作为肠道细菌,必须克服胃中酸性环境,才能进一步入侵宿主肠道上皮细胞。已有的研究表明,沙门菌通过进化出多种应答机制,增强自身在酸性环境下的生存。本文回顾了沙门菌的耐酸特性,阐述了抵御酸压力时的几种应答机理,包括胞内pH的维持、调控酸激蛋白的时序表达以及细胞膜特性的改变。这些研究对人类了解和控制沙门菌的感染具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   


Enterovirus (EV) infection has been a serious health issue in Asia-Pacific region. It has been indicated that the occurrence of fatal hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) cases following EV71 infection is mainly attributed to pulmonary edema. However, the development of pulmonary disorders after EV71 infection remains largely unknown. To establish an EV71-infected animal model and further explore the underlying association of central nervous system (CNS) invasion with pulmonary edema, we isolated a clinical source EV71 strain (ZZ1350) from a severe case in Henan Province.


We evaluated the cytotoxicity of ZZ1350 strain and the susceptibility in 3-day-old BALB/c mice with intraperitoneal, intracerebral and intramuscular inoculation. Various histopathological and immunohistochemical techniques were applied to determine the target organs or tissue damage after infection. Correlation analysis was used to identify the relationship between CNS injury and pulmonary disorders.


Our experimental results suggested that ZZ1350 (C4 subtype) had high cytotoxicity against African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells and human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells and neonatal BALB/c mice were highly susceptible to the infection with ZZ1350 through three different inoculation routes (2?×?106 pfu/mouse) exhibiting severe neurological and respiratory symptoms that were similar to clinical observation. Viral replication was found in brain, spinal cord, skeletal muscle, lung, spleen, liver, heart of infected mice and these sections also showed histopathological changes. We found that brain histology score was positive correlated with lung histology score in total experimental mice and mice under the three inoculation routes (P?<?0.05). At the same time, there were positive correlations between spinal cord score and lung score in total experimental mice and mice with intracerebral inoculation (P?<?0.05).


ZZ1350 strain is effective to establish animal model of EV71 infection with severe neurological and respiratory symptoms. The development of pulmonary disorders after EV71 infection is associated with severity of CNS damage.
探讨鸟氨酸脱羧酶(ornithine decarboxylase,ODC)反义RNA是否对人淋巴瘤细胞Jurkat的生长具有抑制作用。含反义RNA的真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(+)/Rodc用脂质体转染Jurkat细胞,G418筛选ODC表达抑制的细胞株,MTS法分析细胞增殖,Western blotting检测细胞中ODC蛋白表达水平,半定量RT-PCR检测细胞中ODC mRNA含量,流式细胞术检测细胞周期的变化,DNA片段化分析细胞凋亡。结果显示,成功获得ODC表达抑制的淋巴瘤细胞株J/o,ODC反义RNA转染细胞后,引起Jurkat细胞生长缓慢和S/G2细胞周期停滞,细胞对抗癌药物DFMO敏感性显著增加。由此证明,ODC反义RNA能抑制人T淋巴瘤Jurkat细胞的生长,具有治疗人白血病的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   
鹤山南亚热带草坡生态系统的热量平衡   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以广东鹤山丘陵综合试验站草坡为研究对象,分析了鹤山南亚热带草坡的能量平衡特征,主要结果如下:1.辐射平衡的各分量中,蒸发散耗热占净辐射的74.7%,其年变化幅度较大;湍流热通量占净辐射的21.2%,其月变化没有明显的规律,波动较大,土壤热通量与其它分量相比,其比重要小得多。2.虽然鹤山年幅射量和降雨量较多,但水热条件有几个月配合欠佳,使得草坡的净辐射能有90%以上用于地面以上植被和空气湍流交换所消耗,小气候条件较差,影响了这一生态系统的生产潜力的发挥。3.太阳辐射透过大气层以后,仅有4775.2MJm-2a-1左右的辐射能到达草坡,草坡反射了822.5MJm-2a-1,其净幅射收人为2915.6MJm-2a-1,净辐射收人中又有2077.8MJm-2a-1用于蒸散作用,618.1MJm-2a-1用于湍流热交换,87.5MJm-2a-1用于土壤热交换,植被贮热约38.8MJm-2a-1;用于净光合作用耗热93.4MJm-2a-1。  相似文献   
Short-term assays have suggested that RNA interference (RNAi) may be a powerful new method for intracellular immunization against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. However, RNAi has not yet been shown to protect cells against HIV-1 in long-term virus replication assays. We stably introduced vectors expressing small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) directed against the HIV-1 genome into human T cells by retroviral transduction. We report here that an siRNA directed against the viral Nef gene (siRNA-Nef) confers resistance to HIV-1 replication. This block in replication is not absolute, and HIV-1 escape variants that were no longer inhibited by siRNA-Nef appeared after several weeks of culture. These RNAi-resistant viruses contained nucleotide substitutions or deletions in the Nef gene that modified or deleted the siRNA-Nef target sequence. These results demonstrate that efficient inhibition of HIV-1 replication through RNAi is possible in stably transduced cells. Therefore, RNAi could become a realistic gene therapy approach with which to overcome the devastating effect of HIV-1 on the immune system. However, as is known for antiviral drug therapy against HIV-1, antiviral approaches involving RNAi should be used in a combined fashion to prevent the emergence of resistant viruses.  相似文献   
Presence of a Fas-Fas ligand (FasL) system defines the immune-privileged status of certain tissues such as placenta. This study examined the fluids and tissue(s) of the bovine oviduct, where both spermatozoa and early embryos escape elimination by the female immune system, for the presence and the distribution of Fas and FasL, which might provide an explanation for the immune-privileged site of this organ. In the present study, the immunolocalisation of FasL and Fas, as well as the gene expression of FasL, were determined in the uterotubal junction (UTJ), isthmic (I) and ampullar (A) segments of the oviduct during oestrus and the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle. The degree of apoptosis of oviductal epithelium was examined by the TUNEL method. Oviductal fluid (ODF), collected chronically via indwelling catheters from the I or A segments during both non-luteal and luteal phases of the cycle, was analysed for the presence of FasL. The Fas immunostaining was scattered along the epithelium of all regions of the oviduct and cycle stages investigated, whereas FasL immunolabelling was more conspicuous in oestrous samples. This staining disappeared during the luteal phase, which was particularly evident in the sperm reservoir (UTJ and I). There were fewer TUNEL-positive cells than Fas- or FasL-positive cells in the oviductal epithelium, suggesting that tubal Fas and FasL are not directly involved in epithelial apoptosis. Western blot analyses detected FasL in ODF collected from both I and A, most conspicuously as a 24-27kDa band but also at a 40-45kDa band level. FasL mRNA was expressed in the epithelial cells from the sperm reservoir and A during both non-luteal and luteal phases. However, the level of expression differed significantly between segments during the luteal phase. The results provide novel evidence that the Fas-FasL system is present in the bovine oviduct and could be involved in mediating survival of spermatozoa and early embryos.  相似文献   
There is a growing need for successful bone tissue engineering strategies and advanced biomaterials that mimic the structure and function of native tissues carry great promise. Successful bone repair approaches may include an osteoconductive scaffold, osteoinductive growth factors, cells with an osteogenic potential and capacity for graft vascularisation. To increase osteoinductivity of biomaterials, the local combination and delivery of growth factors has been developed. In the present study we investigated the osteogenic effects of calcium phosphate (CaP)-coated nanofiber mesh tube-mediated delivery of BMP-7 from a PRP matrix for the regeneration of critical sized segmental bone defects in a small animal model. Bilateral full-thickness diaphyseal segmental defects were created in twelve male Lewis rats and nanofiber mesh tubes were placed around the defect. Defects received either treatment with a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube (n?=?6), an un-coated nanofiber mesh tube (n=6) a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube with PRP (n=6) or a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube in combination with 5?μg?BMP-7 and PRP (n?=?6). After 12?weeks, bone volume and biomechanical properties were evaluated using radiography, microCT, biomechanical testing and histology. The results demonstrated significantly higher biomechanical properties and bone volume for the BMP group compared to the control groups. These results were supported by the histological evaluations, where BMP group showed the highest rate of bone regeneration within the defect. In conclusion, BMP-7 delivery via PRP enhanced functional bone defect regeneration, and together these data support the use of BMP-7 in the treatment of critical sized defects.  相似文献   
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