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The mesencephalic dopaminergic (mDA) cell system is composed of two major groups of projecting cells in the Substantia Nigra (SN) (A9 neurons) and the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) (A10 cells). Selective degeneration of A9 neurons occurs in Parkinson’s disease (PD) while abnormal function of A10 cells has been linked to schizophrenia, attention deficit and addiction. The molecular basis that underlies selective vulnerability of A9 and A10 neurons is presently unknown.


By taking advantage of transgenic labeling, laser capture microdissection coupled to nano Cap-Analysis of Gene Expression (nanoCAGE) technology on isolated A9 and A10 cells, we found that a subset of Olfactory Receptors (OR)s is expressed in mDA neurons. Gene expression analysis was integrated with the FANTOM5 Helicos CAGE sequencing datasets, showing the presence of these ORs in selected tissues and brain areas outside of the olfactory epithelium. OR expression in the mesencephalon was validated by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. By screening 16 potential ligands on 5 mDA ORs recombinantly expressed in an heterologous in vitro system, we identified carvone enantiomers as agonists at Olfr287 and able to evoke an intracellular Ca2+ increase in solitary mDA neurons. ORs were found expressed in human SN and down-regulated in PD post mortem brains.


Our study indicates that mDA neurons express ORs and respond to odor-like molecules providing new opportunities for pharmacological intervention in disease.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-729) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction: role of ion channels.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Acute hypoxia induces pulmonary vasoconstriction and chronic hypoxia causes structural changes of the pulmonary vasculature including arterial medial hypertrophy. Electro- and pharmacomechanical mechanisms are involved in regulating pulmonary vasomotor tone, whereas intracellular Ca(2+) serves as an important signal in regulating contraction and proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Herein, we provide a basic overview of the cellular mechanisms involved in the development of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Our discussion focuses on the roles of ion channels permeable to K(+) and Ca(2+), membrane potential, and cytoplasmic Ca(2+) in the development of acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and chronic hypoxia-mediated pulmonary vascular remodeling.  相似文献   
A patient with psychomotor retardation secondary to delayed treatment of cretinism developed abnormal dystonic movements in the absence of other signs of toxicity during levothyroxine replacement therapy at a serum thyroxine level of 16 μg./100 ml. The dystonic movements disappeared when the serum thyroxine level fell. The abnormal movements were considered to be related to high thyroxine levels in this patient with pre-existing central nervous system dysfunction.  相似文献   


The mechanism of action of levonorgestrel (LNG) as emergency contraception (EC) remains a subject of debate and its effect on sperm function has been only partially explained. The aim of this study was to assess whether LNG at a similar dose to those found in serum following oral intake for EC could affect spermatozoa when exposed to human fallopian tubes in vitro.  相似文献   


MicroRNAs are modifiers of gene expression, acting to reduce translation through either translational repression or mRNA cleavage. Recently, it has been shown that some microRNAs can act to promote or suppress cell transformation, with miR-17-92 described as the first oncogenic microRNA. The association of miR-17-92 encoded microRNAs with a surprisingly broad range of cancers not only underlines the clinical significance of this locus, but also suggests that miR-17-92 may regulate fundamental biological processes, and for these reasons miR-17-92 has been considered as a therapeutic target.


In this study, we show that miR-17-92 is a cell cycle regulated locus, and ectopic expression of a single microRNA (miR-17-5p) is sufficient to drive a proliferative signal in HEK293T cells. For the first time, we reveal the mechanism behind this response - miR-17-5p acts specifically at the G1/S-phase cell cycle boundary, by targeting more than 20 genes involved in the transition between these phases. While both pro- and anti-proliferative genes are targeted by miR-17-5p, pro-proliferative mRNAs are specifically up-regulated by secondary and/or tertiary effects in HEK293T cells.


The miR-17-5p microRNA is able to act as both an oncogene and a tumor suppressor in different cellular contexts; our model of competing positive and negative signals can explain both of these activities. The coordinated suppression of proliferation-inhibitors allows miR-17-5p to efficiently de-couple negative regulators of the MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase) signaling cascade, promoting growth in HEK293T cells. Additionally, we have demonstrated the utility of a systems biology approach as a unique and rapid approach to uncover microRNA function.  相似文献   
Cell shrinkageis an early prerequisite in programmed cell death, and cytoplasmicK+ is a dominant cation that controls intracellular ionhomeostasis and cell volume. Blockade of K+ channelsinhibits apoptotic cell shrinkage and attenuates apoptosis. We examined whether apoptotic repressor with caspase recruitment domain (ARC), an antiapoptotic protein, inhibits cardiomyocyte apoptosis by reducing K+ efflux throughvoltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels. In heart-derived H9c2cells, whole cell Kv currents (IK(V)) wereisolated by using Ca2+-free extracellular (bath) solutionand including 5 mM ATP and 10 mM EGTA in the intracellular (pipette)solution. Extracellular application of 5 mM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), ablocker of Kv channels, reversibly reduced IK(V)by 50-60% in H9c2 cells. The remaining currents during 4-APtreatment may be generated by K+ efflux through4-AP-insensitive K+ channels. Overexpression of ARC inheart-derived H9c2 cells significantly decreasedIK(V), whereas treatment with staurosporine, apotent apoptosis inducer, enhanced IK(V)in wild-type cells. The staurosporine-induced increase inIK(V) was significantly suppressed and thestaurosporine-mediated apoptosis was markedly inhibited incells overexpressing ARC compared with cells transfected with thecontrol neomycin vector. These results suggest that theantiapoptotic effect of ARC is, in part, due to inhibition of Kvchannels in cardiomyocytes.

The effect of nerve growth factor (NGF), a substance that promotes the differentiation and maintenance of certain neurons, was studied via scanning electron microscopy utilizing the PC12 clonal NGF-responsive pheochromocytoma cell line. After 2-4 d of exposure to NGF, these cells acquire many of the properties of normal sympathic neurons. However, by phase microscopy, no changes are discernible within the first 12-18 h. Since the primary NGF receptor appears to be a membrane receptor, it seemed likely that some of the initial responses to the factor may be surface related. PC12 cells maintained without NGF are round to ovoid and have numerous microvilli and small blebs. After the addition of NGF, there is a rapidly initiated sequential change in the cell surface. Ruffles appear over the dorsal surface of the cells with 1 min, become prominent by 3 min, and almost disappear by 7 min. Microvilli, conversely, disappear as the dorsal ruffles become prominent. Ruffles are seen at the the periphery of cell at 3 min, are prominent on most of the cells by 7 min and are gone by 15 min. The surface remains smooth from 15 min until 45 min when large blebs appear. The large blebs are present on most cells at 2 h and are gone by 4 h. The surface remains relatively smooth until 6-7 h of NGF treatment, when microvilli reappear as small knobs. These microvilli increase in both number and length to cover the cell surface by 10 h. These changes were not observed with other basic proteins, with α-bungarotoxin (which binds specifically to PC12 membranes), and were not affected by an RNA synthesis inhibitor that blocks initiation of neurite outgrowth. Changes in the cell surface architecture appear to be among the earlist NGF responses yet detected and may represent or reflect primary events in the mechanism of the factor’s action.  相似文献   
Acute hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction in part by inhibiting voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channel activity in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC). The hypoxia-mediated decrease in Kv currents [IK(V)] is selective to PASMC; hypoxia has little effect on IK(V) in mesenteric artery smooth muscle cells (MASMC). Functional Kv channels are homo- and/or heterotetramers of pore-forming -subunits and regulatory -subunits. KCNA5 is a Kv channel -subunit that forms functional Kv channels in PASMC and regulates resting membrane potential. We have shown that acute hypoxia selectively inhibits IK(V) through KCNA5 channels in PASMC. Overexpression of the human KCNA5 gene increased IK(V) and caused membrane hyperpolarization in HEK-293, COS-7, and rat MASMC and PASMC. Acute hypoxia did not affect IK(V) in KCNA5-transfected HEK-293 and COS-7 cells. However, overexpression of KCNA5 in PASMC conferred its sensitivity to hypoxia. Reduction of PO2 from 145 to 35 mmHg reduced IK(V) by 40% in rat PASMC transfected with human KCNA5 but had no effect on IK(V) in KCNA5-transfected rat MASMC (or HEK and COS cells). These results indicate that KCNA5 is an important Kv channel that regulates resting membrane potential and that acute hypoxia selectively reduces KCNA5 channel activity in PASMC relative to MASMC and other cell types. Because Kv channels (including KCNA5) are ubiquitously expressed in PASMC and MASMC, the observation from this study indicates that a hypoxia-sensitive mechanism essential for inhibiting KCNA5 channel activity is exclusively present in PASMC. The divergent effect of hypoxia on IK(V) in PASMC and MASMC also may be due to different expression levels of KCNA5 channels. membrane potential; potassium channels; vascular smooth muscle  相似文献   
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