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In situ and isolated fluid-filled rabbit lungs were used to study the transport of indicators between the air space and vascular compartments. These indicators were placed in either the perfusate or air spaces and samples were collected from the perfusate at intervals during a 1-h perfusion period. At the end of the hour, fluid was pumped out of the air space compartment into serial tubes and indicator concentrations were determined in both the air space and perfusion fluids. One hour after introducing the indicators into the air space, the relative decreases in solute concentration were (arranged from the greatest to the least decline): [14C]urea greater than 36Cl- = 125I- greater than 22Na+ greater than [3H]mannitol. The relative rates at which the indicators appeared in the perfusate were similar. When the indicators were placed in the perfusate, a similar relationship was observed in the increase in air space concentrations, but the loss of 22Na+ from the perfusate was similar to those of 36Cl- and 125I-. Losses of all indicators from the perfusate were two or more times those from the air spaces, and although the loss of [3H]mannitol from the perfusate was similar to that of 22Na+ for about 30 min, subsequent loss was much slower. Very little 125I-albumin traversed the tissue barrier, and the small changes in the concentrations of 125I-albumin in the air spaces suggested that little fluid movement had occurred. These studies suggest that the epithelium is less permeable to solutes than the endothelium and permits passage of anions at a faster rate than 22Na+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The role of different factors contributing to red cell filterability in the Hemorheometre has been investigated. Although the original method uses a small volume of suspension to determine red cell filterability, the present experiments showed that the results obtained are still significantly affected by filter clogging. Consequently a change in filterability could be due to a change in filter clogging possibly by residual leucocytes. An adaptation of filter chamber and filling method is described, resulting in a simpler and faster measuring procedure. The inaccuracy in measuring low haematocrits contributes significantly to experimental errors. Therefore a definition of red cell filterability based on the red cell count (instead of haematocrit) of the suspension is suggested.  相似文献   
P L Weber  G Drobny  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1985,24(17):4549-4552
Two-dimensional relayed coherence transfer NMR spectroscopy (RELAY) has been used to corroborate side chain spin system identities in crowded regions of the 1H NMR spectrum of the lambda cro repressor protein. The mixing time in the RELAY experiments was optimized for specific preselected spin systems by using recently developed methods [Bax, A., & Drobny, G. (1985) J. Magn. Reson, 61, 306-320], which utilize the transverse relaxation time (T2) of the molecule and relevant J couplings for the defined spin system. We demonstrate that a mixing time of 26 ms gives rise to strong C alpha H-C gamma H3 RELAY cross peaks for all valine, threonine, and isoleucine residues, while RELAY cross peaks for other spin systems are weak or are not observed. This allows for rapid and unambiguous identification of the side chain resonances for valine, isoleucine, threonine, and alanine (by elimination). The use of optimized RELAY for analyzing and identifying spin systems in complex spectra is discussed.  相似文献   
P L Weber  D E Wemmer  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1985,24(17):4553-4562
The cro repressor protein from bacteriophage lambda has been studied in solution by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2D NMR). Following the approach of Wüthrich and co-workers [Wüthrich, K., Wider, G., Wagner, G., & Braun, W. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 155, 311-319], individual spin systems were identified by J-correlated spectroscopy (COSY) supplemented, where necessary, by relayed coherence transfer spectroscopy (RELAY). Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) was used to obtain sequence-specific assignments. From the two-dimensional spectra, the peptide backbone resonances (NH and C alpha H) for 65 of the 66 amino acids were assigned, as well as most of the side chain resonances. The chemical shifts for the assigned protons are reported at 35 degrees C in 10 mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.8, and in 10 mM potassium phosphate, pH 4.6, 0.2 M KCl, and 0.1 mM EDTA. Small shifts were observed for some resonances upon addition of salt, but no major changes in the spectrum were seen, indicating that no global structural change occurs between these ionic strengths. NOE patterns characteristic of alpha-helices, beta-strands, and turns are seen in various regions of the primary sequence. From the location of these regions the secondary structure of cro in solution appears to be virtually identical with the crystal structure [Anderson, W. F., Ohlendorf, D. H., Takeda, Y., & Matthews, B. W. (1981) Nature (London) 290, 754-758]. Missing assignments include the Pro-59 resonances and the peripheral protons of the eight lysine, the three arginine, and three of the five isoleucine residues.  相似文献   
Summary The zone of endosperm breakdown in the germinated date seed (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is a narrow area immediately adjacent to the surface of the enlarging cotyledon, or haustorium. The zone width is correlated with the amount of cell division in the adjacent region of the haustorium. The sequence of endosperm breakdown is: 1. protein bodies vacuolate, 2. storage cell walls become electron-transparent immediately adjacent to the protoplast of each endosperm cell, 3. all remaining cytoplasm and lipid bodies disappear, and 4. the remaining cell walls become electron-transparent and collapse against the haustorium surface. Two cell wall hydrolases are present—endo-mannanase (EC3.2.1.78) and -mannosidase (EC3.2.1.25). -mannosidase is detectable in the endosperm before germination. At germination, the major portion of activity is found in the softened endosperm. -mannanase is only detectable from germination and there is always hundreds of fold greater activity in the softened endosperm than elsewhere. Proteinase is detectable in trace amounts at germination in the softened endosperm but is also found in the haustorium at later stages. Isolated haustoria, incubated in extracted ivory nut (Phytelephas macrocarpa) mannan in buffer, cause no mannan breakdown. Haustoria, incubated in a solution of locust bean galactomannan, cause no decrease in galactomannan viscosity. Our observations suggest that although haustoria probably regulate mannan breakdown in the endosperm, they do not seem to secrete the hydrolytic enzymes concerned.  相似文献   
A fluorescent antibody technique has been devised to assess specifically the adherence of Escherichia coli in vitro to uroepithelial cells from healthy women and bacterial adherence in vivo to cells from women with symptomatic urinary tract infection. Similar values can be obtained using methylene blue as the bacterial stain, but this depends on the experience of the observer. The results indicate that E. coli adherence to uroepithelial cells is a factor in the infection process. We suggest that uroepithelial cells from patients with symptoms of a urinary tract infection whose urine has a low bacterial count (less than 10(3) cells/ml) could be examined for the presence of adherent uropathogens, which may be indicative of an infection. Although the fluorescent staining technique possibly would be expensive, the results would be specific and reliable. Other diagnostic and research applications suggest themselves as in studies of bacterial colonization of mucosal tissues or plastic catheters, where conventional light microscopy and radiolabelling methods are not effective.  相似文献   
The glycinebetaine content of plants can be determined by simple isocratic high performance liquid chromatography. The method is applicable to extracts from a wide range of species and, in most cases, is suitably rapid and specific to be preferable to other methods of analysis. The chromatographic system employed permits accurate and sensitive ultraviolet detection, free of most interferences. Because the principle plant carbohydrates elute well before glycine betaine, preparative ion exchange procedures can be simplified. Twenty-seven species, mostly inland halophytes, were screened by these methods and 13 were found to be glycinebetaine accumulators. On a dry weight basis, the glycinebetaine content of Salicornia europaea L. actually declined with exposure to progressively higher levels of NaCl. When expressed as a proportion of plant organic matter, however, patterns were more typical (up to 7.7% at higher salt concentrations).  相似文献   
Although a considerable amount of information is available regarding the remodeling and growth of the pulmonary arterial circulation, relatively little is known regarding postnatal development of the pulmonary microcirculation. We hypothesized that the maximal velocity (Vmax) of pulmonary angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, measured from indicator-dilution outflow curves using a synthetic substrate, 3H-labeled benzoyl-phenylalanyl-alanyl-proline (BPAP), is directly related to the capillary endothelial cell surface area in the lungs of developing lambs. Accordingly we measured apparent kinetics of pulmonary ACE activity in 22 anesthetized ventilated lambs (2-171 days old) and compared our functional assessment to simultaneous in vivo determinations of CO diffusing capacity (DLCO) and postmortem structural assessment of alveolar septal dimensions using stereology and electron microscopy. There was a progressive increase in Vmax of ACE in this age group, with little change in apparent affinity for BPAP. Similar functional manifestation of growth was noted by an age-dependent increase in DLCO. Neither Vmax nor DLCO was significantly affected by an increase in left atrial pressure to 19 Torr (via inflation of a balloon in the left atrium), suggesting little recruitment of vessels under conditions of the present protocol. A close correlation was observed when either Vmax for ACE activity or DLCO was plotted vs. capillary endothelial cell surface area. Double logarithmic transformation of capillary endothelial cell surface area, Vmax-ACE and DLCO vs. lung volume revealed power functions with slopes all greater than that predicted from isotropic growth, suggesting selective differential postnatal development of the endothelium of the alveolar septum in lambs from 2-171 days of age.  相似文献   
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