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NADPH-cytochrome c (P-450) reductase from liver microsomes of phenobarbital-treated rats has been purified in a single step by affinity chromatography on agarose-hexane-adenosine 2',5'-diphosphate. As determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, enzyme assay, and radioimmunoassay the protein obtained by this single step procedure is as pure as that isolated by multicolumn procedures.  相似文献   
A new imaging device, termed a "cryomacroscope", is presented in this report. This device is designed to assist in exploring thermal and mechanical effects associated with large-scale vitrification and crystallization, with the current setup aimed at the range of 50 μm to 2 cm. The cryomacroscope is not intended as a substitute for the cryomicroscope, but as a complementary tool for the cryobiologist. A combination of cryomacroscopy and cryomicroscopy is suggested as a basis for multi-scale cryobiology studies. This report presents initial results on vitrification, crystallization, and fracture formation in the cryoprotectant cocktails DP6 and VS55. These results show some inconsistency in the tendency to form crystals, based on critical cooling and rewarming rates measured by means of a differential scanning calorimetric device (DSC) in parallel studies. This research is in its early stages, and comparative studies on biological materials are currently underway. Part II of this report (the companion paper) presents results for fracture formation in the cryoprotectant and discusses the mechanical stresses which promote these fractures. In conjunction with these reports, additional photos of cryomacroscopy of vitrification, crystallization, and fracture formation are available at http://www.me.cmu.edu/faculty1/rabin/CryomacroscopyImages01.htm.  相似文献   
In recent years, ice-free cryopreservation by vitrification has been demonstrated to provide superior preservation of tissues compared with conventional freezing methods. To date, this has been accomplished almost exclusively for small model systems, whereas cryopreservation of large tissue samples-of a clinically useful size-continues to be hampered by thermomechanical effects that compromise the structure and function of the tissue. Reduction of mechanical stress is an integral condition of successful cryopreservation of large specimens. The current study focuses on the impact of sample size on both the physical events, observed by cryomacroscopy, and on the outcome on tissue function. To this end, the current study sought to address the question of functional recovery of vitrified carotid artery segments, processed as either artery rings (3-4 mm long) or segments (25 mm long) as selected models; the latter model represents a significant increase in sample size for evaluating the effects of vitrification. Tissue vitrification using an 8.4 M cryoprotectant cocktail solution (VS55) was achieved in 1-ml samples by imposing either a high (50-70 °C/min) or a low (2-3 °C/min) cooling rate, between -40°C and -100°C, and a high rewarming rate between -100°C and -40°C. Following cryoprotectant removal, the artery segments were cut into 3 to 4-mm rings for function testing on a contractility apparatus by measuring isometric responses to four agonist and antagonists (norepinephrine, phenylepinephrine, calcium ionophore, and sodium nitroprusside). In addition, nonspecific metabolic function of the vessel rings was determined using the REDOX indicator alamarBlue. Contractile function in response to the agonists norepinephrine and phenylepinephrine was maintained at the same level (350%) for the segments as for the rings, when compared with noncryopreserved control samples. Relaxation in response to the antagonists calcium ionophore and sodium nitroprusside was maintained at between 75% and 100% of control levels, irrespective of cooling rate or sample size. No evidence of macroscopic crystallization or fractures was observed by cryomacroscopy at the above rates in any of the samples. In conclusion, this study verifies that the rate of cooling and warming can be reduced from our baseline vitrification technique such that the function of larger tissue samples is not significantly different from that of smaller blood vessel rings. This represents a step toward the goal of achieving vitreous cryopreservation of large tissue samples without the destructive effect of thermal stresses.  相似文献   
As a part of an ongoing effort to study the continuum mechanics effects associated with cryopreservation, the current report focuses on fracture formation in vitrified thin films of cryoprotective agents. The current study combines experimental observations with continuum mechanics analysis. Experimental results have been developed using a new imaging device, termed a "cryomacroscope", which has been recently presented by the current research team. A newly developed liquid nitrogen-based cooling stage is presented in this paper. The samples under investigation are 0.5 ml droplets of cryoprotective agents, having a characteristic diameter of 20 mm and a characteristic thickness of 1.5 mm. Tested samples included dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in a concentration range from 6 to 8.4M, and the cryoprotectant cocktails VS55 and DP6. Some samples contained small bovine muscle segments, having a characteristic dimension of 1mm, in order to study stress concentration effects. Experimental results show that the onset of fracturing in vitrified films of cryoprotectants is very consistent, occurring over a small temperature range. Fracture pattern, however, was affected by the cooling rate. The presence of tissue segments did not affect the onset temperature of fracture, but affected the fracture pattern. The continuum mechanics analysis solidified the hypothesis that fracture is driven by thermal stress, not by temperature per se, and allowed fracture strain to be inferred from observed fracture temperature. In conjunction with the current report, additional photos of fracture formation in thin films are available at .  相似文献   
As biotechnology advances, the day may soon come for the creation of a self-aware, human-nonhuman chimera. The USPTO has ruled on whether a patent may issue on such an organism, but Congress must still legislate a dividing line between human and non-human patentable subject matter.  相似文献   
The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a monolayer of cells underlying and supporting the neural retina. It begins as a plastic tissue, capable, in some species, of generating lens and retina, but differentiates early in development and remains normally nonproliferative throughout life. Here we show that a subpopulation of adult human RPE cells can be activated in vitro to a self-renewing cell, the retinal pigment epithelial stem cell (RPESC) that loses RPE markers, proliferates extensively, and can redifferentiate into stable cobblestone RPE monolayers. Clonal studies demonstrate that RPESCs are multipotent and in defined conditions can generate both neural and mesenchymal progeny. This plasticity may explain human pathologies in which mesenchymal fates are seen in the eye, for example in proliferative vitroretinopathy (PVR) and phthisis bulbi. This study establishes the RPESC as an accessible, human CNS-derived multipotent stem cell, useful for the study of fate choice, replacement therapy, and disease modeling.  相似文献   
As part of an ongoing effort to study the continuum mechanics effects associated with cryopreservation, the current report focuses on the prediction of fracture formation in cryoprotective agents. Fractures had been previously observed in 1 ml samples of the cryoprotective agent cocktail DP6, contained in a standard 15 ml glass vial, and subjected to various cooling rates. These experimental observations were obtained by means of a cryomacroscope, which has been recently presented by the current research team. High and low cooling rates were found to produce very distinct patterns of cracking. The current study seeks to explain the observed patterns on the basis of stresses predicted from finite element analysis, which relies on a simple viscoelastic constitutive model and on estimates of the critical stress for cracking. The current study demonstrates that the stress, which results in instantaneous fracture at low cooling rates, is consistent with the stress to initiate fracture at high cooling rate. This consistency supports the credibility of the proposed constitutive model and analysis, and the unified criterion for fracturing, that is, a critical stress threshold.  相似文献   
The present experiments were carried out to determine the effects of energy deposition from energetic iron (56Fe particles, an important component of cosmic rays) on motor behavioral performance and to determine if the observed deficits were caused by alterations in the neostriatum (an important motor control area). Neostriatal function was assessed with two correlated parameters, i.e., motor behavioral performance (wire suspension task), and oxotremorine-enhanced K(+)-evoked release of dopamine from perifused striatal slices. Rats were exposed to one of several doses of 56Fe-particle irradiation (0.10-1.0 Gy) and tested on a wire suspension task at 3-180 days postirradiation. Results indicated that profound decrements occurred in both of these indices. The effects on K(+)-evoked release of dopamine were evident for as long as 180 days after irradiation, and a subsequent experiment indicated that these effects appeared as early as 12 h postirradiation. Since similar findings have been observed in aged rats, the results are discussed in terms of these particles producing a possible accelerated striatal aging effect.  相似文献   
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