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In four species of salt-tolerant eucalypts (Eucalyptus raveretiana, E. spathulata, E. sargentii and E. loxophleba), we found substantial concentrations of quercitol – a cyclitol known for its accumulation in seeds of Quercus. Quercitol was absent in old foliage of E. globulus, a species noted for greater susceptibility to salinity, and also absent in the moderately tolerant E. camaldulensis, but, relative to other species, both had higher foliar concentrations of inositol. Simple sugars and cyclitols accumulated to osmotically significant concentrations in all species. The osmotic potential of expressed sap was always less than that of the external ‘soil’ solution and increasing salinity produced predictable reductions in growth and increases in ion concentrations in foliage of saplings of four eucalypt species. The more salt-tolerant species, E. spathulata, E. loxophleba and E. sargentii, were able to maintain well-regulated leaf Na+ concentrations even at 300 mol m−3 NaCl. These more salt-tolerant species also showed an apparent increase in net selectivity for K+ over Na+ as salinity increased, irrespective of the Na+ : Ca2+ ratio of the external medium (range 25 : 1 to 75 : 1; Ca2+ always ≥ 4.0 mol m−3). By contrast, E. globulus was unable to exclude Na+ when exposed to higher NaCl concentrations (e.g. 200 and 300 mol m−3). Carbon isotope signatures of foliage reflected imposed salinity but were not strongly enough correlated with growth to support previous suggestions that isotope discrimination be a means of evaluating salt tolerance. On the other hand, patterns of sugar and cyclitol accumulation should be further explored in eucalypts as traits contributing to salt tolerance, and with potential use as markers in breeding programmes.  相似文献   
In commercial growth of horticultural plants in greenhouses,high financial losses are being suffered due to the so-calledthick root syndrome (TRS), a phenomenon characterized by severedeterioration of the root system. The early symptoms of TRSin cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) are strongly curving rootsthat are swollen and superficially damaged. Research focusedon ethylene, as both the culture practice of cucumber and theknown effects of ethylene on root growth point to a possiblerole for this phytohormone in TRS. Ethylene induced root curvatureand swelling as well as damage of the epidermal layer and outercortex of roots of cucumber plants similar to TRS symptoms.Formation of root hairs was stimulated and root elongation wasalso severely inhibited by exogenous ethylene. However, basedon experiments with the ethylene inhibitor  相似文献   
The skull of the mixosaurid species Contectopalatus atavus (Quenstedt, 1851-52) is the most bizarre of any known ichthyosaur. It possesses a very high sagittal crest formed by the nasal, frontal and parietal bones which grows higher during ontogeny. This skull structure - found to a lesser extent in the other mixosaurid genera Mixosaurus and Phalarodon - is a synapomorphy of the family Mixosauridae. It is here interpreted as correlated with a unique arrangement of the jaw adductor musculature among tetrapods, with the internal jaw adductors extending over most of the skull roof up to the external narial opening. This reconstruction would increase the biting force considerably and the hypothesis is supported by peculiarities of the dentition and jaws of Contectopalatus. Contectopalatus probably reached a length of about 5 meters. It is therefore the largest known mixosaurid and one of the largest Triassic ichthyosaurs. The general text-book picture of mixosaurs as small, rather unspecialized, primitive ichthyosaurs is incorrect. Mixosaurs were a highly specialized, uniquely adapted and very diverse ichthyosaur family, some members of which rank among the marine top predators of their time.  相似文献   
Non-invasive and rapid determination of plant biomass would be beneficial for a number of research aims. Here, we present a novel device to non-invasively determine plant water content as a proxy for plant biomass. It is based on changes of dielectric properties inside a microwave cavity resonator induced by inserted plant material. The water content of inserted shoots leads to a discrete shift in the centre frequency of the resonator. Calibration measurements with pure water showed good spatial homogeneity in the detection volume of the microwave resonators and clear correlations between water content and centre frequency shift. For cut tomato and tobacco shoots, linear correlations between fresh weight and centre frequency shift were established. These correlations were used to continuously monitor diel growth patterns of intact plants and to determine biomass increase over several days. Interferences from soil and root water were excluded by shielding pots with copper. The presented proof of principle shows that microwave resonators are promising tools to quantitatively detect the water content of plants and to determine plant biomass. As the method is non-invasive, integrative and fast, it provides the opportunity for detailed, dynamic analyses of plant growth, water status and phenotype.  相似文献   
Treeline shifts in the Ural mountains affect soil organic matter dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Historical photographs document that during the last century, forests have expanded upwards by 60–80 m into former tundra of the pristine Ural mountains. We assessed how the shift of the high‐altitude treeline ecotone might affect soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. On the gentle slopes of Mali Iremel in the Southern Urals, we (1) determined the differences in SOM stocks and properties from the tundra at 1360 m above sea level (a.s.l.) to the subalpine forest at 1260 m a.s.l., and (2) measured carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization from tundra and forest soils at 7 and 20 °C in a 6‐month incubation experiment. C stocks of organic layers were 3.6±0.3 kg C m?2 in the tundra and 1.9±0.2 kg C m?2 in the forest. Mineral soils down to the bedrock stored significantly more C in the forest, and thus, total soil C stocks were slightly but insignificantly greater in the forest (+3 kg C m?2). Assuming a space for time approach based on tree ages suggests that the soil C sink due to the forest expansion during the last century was at most 30 g C m?2 yr?1. Diffuse reflective infrared spectroscopy and scanning calorimetry revealed that SOM under forest was less humified in both organic and mineral horizons and, therefore, contained more available substrate. Consistent with this result, C mineralization rates of organic layers and A horizons of the forest were two to four times greater than those of tundra soils. This difference was similar in magnitude to the effect of increasing the incubation temperature from 7 to 20 °C. Hence, indirect climate change effects through an upward expansion of forests can be much larger than direct warming effects (Δ0.3 K across the treeline). Net N mineralization was 2.5 to six times greater in forest than in tundra soils, suggesting that an advancing treeline likely increases N availability. This may provide a nutritional basis for the fivefold increase in plant biomass and a tripling in productivity from the tundra to the forest. In summary, our results suggest that an upward expansion of forest has small net effects on C storage in soils but leads to changes in SOM quality, accelerates C cycling and increases net N mineralization, which in turn might stimulate plant growth and thus C sequestration in tree biomass.  相似文献   
Increased plant productivity under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations might increase soil carbon (C) inputs and storage, which would constitute an important negative feedback on the ongoing atmospheric CO2 rise. However, elevated CO2 often also leads to increased soil moisture, which could accelerate the decomposition of soil organic matter, thus counteracting the positive effects via C cycling. We investigated soil C sequestration responses to 5 years of elevated CO2 treatment in a temperate spring wheat agroecosystem. The application of 13C‐depleted CO2 to the elevated CO2 plots enabled us to partition soil C into recently fixed C (Cnew) and pre‐experimental C (Cold) by 13C/12C mass balance. Gross C inputs to soils associated with Cnew accumulation and the decomposition of Cold were then simulated using the Rothamsted C model ‘RothC.’ We also ran simulations with a modified RothC version that was driven directly by measured soil moisture and temperature data instead of the original water balance equation that required potential evaporation and precipitation as input. The model accurately reproduced the measured Cnew in bulk soil and microbial biomass C. Assuming equal soil moisture in both ambient and elevated CO2, simulation results indicated that elevated CO2 soils accumulated an extra ~40–50 g C m?2 relative to ambient CO2 soils over the 5 year treatment period. However, when accounting for the increased soil moisture under elevated CO2 that we observed, a faster decomposition of Cold resulted; this extra C loss under elevated CO2 resulted in a negative net effect on total soil C of ~30 g C m?2 relative to ambient conditions. The present study therefore demonstrates that positive effects of elevated CO2 on soil C due to extra soil C inputs can be more than compensated by negative effects of elevated CO2 via the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   
Growth responses of Rumex species in relation to submergence and ethylene   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Abstract. Submergence stimulates growth of the petioles of Rumex palustris and Rumex crispus under field, greenhouse and laboratory conditions. Growth of Rumex acetosa petioles was hardly influenced by submergence. These growth responses under flooded conditions can be partially mimicked by exposing non-submerged Rumex plants to ethylene-air mixtures. Submergence of intact plants in a solution of AgNO3 inhibited the elongation of all petioles of R. palustris and the youngest petiole of R. crispus and stimulated growth of the youngest petiole of R. acetosa , The ethylene-air mixture experiments, the effect of AgNO3 and observed increase of the endogenous ethylene concentration during submergence suggest that ethylene plays a regulatory role in the growth responses of these Rumex species under submerged conditions. The three Rumex species showed a gradient in elongation responses to submergence, which correlates with the field distribution of the three species in a flooding gradient.  相似文献   
Plants of Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh., R. crispus L. and R.maritimus L., which are zoned along a gradient of elevationin a river foreland ecosystem, and differ in their flood-tolerance,were subjected to different flooding levels. Under conditionsof soil flooding, the growth rates of the flood-tolerant R.crispus and R. maritimus were as high as under drained conditions,but that of the flood-intolerant R. thyrsiflorus was halved.Upon submergence, the low elevation species R. maritimus showedrapid shoot elongation; when elongation resulted in a protrusionof leaves above the water surface, the plants survived. Alternatively,underwater photosynthesis also led to a 100% survival of submergedR. maritimus plants, provided that enough inorganic carbon wasmade available in the water. This could be attributed in partto the use of photosynthetically-derived oxygen for root respiration;in a hydroculture experiment, with 5.0 mM CO2 in the water inthe shoot environment, photosynthetically-derived oxygen contributedmore than 50% to root oxygen consumption at low oxygen concentrationsin the root environment. The intermediately elevated species R. crispus appeared to bemuch more tolerant towards conditions of prolonged total submergence:older plants survived eight weeks submergence in the dark. Thisresponse was explicable in terms of a dormancy-strategy, whichis characterized by a slow consumption of carbohydrates storedin the tap-root. The differential responses of R. maritimusand R. crispus to total submergence reveal the limitations offlood-tolerance and reflect the different life-histories ofthe species. Key words: Photosynthesis, Rumex, submergence, carbohydrates, growth rate, shoot elongation  相似文献   
The decoupling of trophic interactions is potentially one of the most severe consequences of climate warming. In lakes and oceans the timing of phytoplankton blooms affects competition within the plankton community as well as food–web interactions with zooplankton and fish. Using Upper Lake Constance as an example, we present a model‐based analysis that predicts that in a future warmer climate, the onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom will occur earlier in the year than it does at present. This is a result of the earlier occurrence of the transition from strong to weak vertical mixing in spring, and of the associated earlier onset of stratification. According to our simulations a shift in the timing of phytoplankton growth resulting from a consistently warmer climate will exceed that resulting from a single unusually warm year. The numerical simulations are complemented by a statistical analysis of long‐term data from Upper Lake Constance which demonstrates that oligotrophication has a negligible effect on the timing of phytoplankton growth in spring and that an early onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom is associated with high air temperatures and low wind speeds.  相似文献   
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