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生态系统供给服务评估及经济价值测算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前生态系统产品供给服务评估中缺乏空间表达、未考虑产品可获得性等不足,基于ArcGIS9.2,综合考虑生态系统产品的供、需两方面因素,构建了生态系统供给服务物质量和价值量的空间表达技术方法和评估模型,并对2000年丽江老君山地区的木材产品提供进行了分析.结果表明:2000年,老君山地区实际木材产品年供给服务总量为11.12×104m3.a-1,仅为年总蓄积增加量的3.2%;木材产品供给服务总价值为6669.27万元,其中以针叶林为主(90.41%).由于研究区东部人口及道路较密集,部分区域位于保护区外,且森林植被分布零散,供给服务物质量的空间分布呈"东高西低"格局.  相似文献   
用RFLP标记剖析水稻穗颈维管束及穗部性状的遗传基础   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用籼、粳亚种间杂种F1(圭630×02428)花药培养获得的DH群体,对水稻穗颈大、小维管束数和倒数第2节间大、小维管束数等4个维管束性状,以及一、二次枝梗数,每穗颖花数3个穗部性状进行QTL分析,共检测到16个QTLs,其中有7个QTLs的加性效应较大,单个QTL的贡献率在20%以上。发现有4个QTLs成簇分布于第1染色体从RZ776到C11的大约35cM的区段上,来源于亲本"圭630"的这一染色体区段对穗颈大维管束、第2节间大维管束、第2节间小维管束和二次枝梗数4个性状的表达均具有增效作用。还讨论了利用分子标记辅助选择聚合增效QTLs、实现穗颈维管束性状遗传改良的策略。  相似文献   
石油降解细菌的表型特性和系统发育分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从3种不同土壤中分离和纯化得到10个石油降解细菌菌株,分离菌株均为好氧菌、革兰氏阴性菌、不形成芽孢的杆菌,10个菌株均能利用中等链长的烷烃、柴油和原油作为碳源,而不能以单环芳烃和多环芳烃为碳源。根据其生理生化性状和16SrDNA序列分析结果表明,分离菌株EVA5,EVA6,EVA7,EVA8和EVA9为假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spp.),EVA10、EVA11、EVA12、EVA13和EVA14为不动杆菌(Acinetobacter spp.),均属于Proteobac-teria的γ亚群。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONHepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the mostcommon viral infection in humans especially inChina and East Asia. At present, the most effi-cient method to control the disease is vaccinationof new-borns. Both blood derived vaccine and re-combinant vaccine are hepatitis B surface alltigen(HBsAg)-based and useful in the prevention of thedisease[1-3]. HBsAg could evoke protective humoralimmune response in vivo, but the immune memoryonly last for 5 years or so[3, 4]. How to des…  相似文献   
陈建  李枢强 《蛛形学报》1995,4(2):137-139
记述采自我国云南省勐腊的盖蛛属1新纪录种-鹤嘴盖蛛Nerienemacella(Thorell.1898)。  相似文献   
AMPA受体的内化不仅仅是结束它们的活性状态,受体的许多重要信号功能是与活性依赖的内化密切相关的。突触功能调节中,存在2种形式AMPA受体的内化:组构性内化和活性依赖的内化。现就AMPA受体内化的分类、过程和意义,以及活性依赖的内化的诱发因素、调节因素和内化后的去向进行综述。  相似文献   
Stem cells are capable of long-term self-renewal and differentiation into specialised cell types, making them an ideal candidate for a cell source for regenerative medicine. The control of stem cell fate has become a major area of interest in the field of regenerative medicine and therapeutic intervention. Conventional methods of chemically inducing stem cells into specific lineages is being challenged by the advances in biomaterial technology, with evidence highlighting that material properties are capable of driving stem cell fate. Materials are being designed to mimic the clues stem cells receive in their in vivo stem cell niche including topographical and chemical instructions. Nanotopographical clues that mimic the extracellular matrix(ECM) in vivo have shown to regulate stem cell differentiation. The delivery of ECM components on biomaterials in the form of short peptides sequences has also proved successful in directing stem cell lineage. Growth factors responsible for controlling stem cell fate in vivo have also been delivered via biomaterials to provide clues to determine stem cell differentiation. An alternative approach to guide stem cells fate is to provide genetic clues including delivering DNA plasmids and small interfering RNAs via scaffolds. This review, aims to provide an overview of the topographical, chemical and molecular clues that biomaterials can provide to guide stem cell fate. The promising features and challenges of such approaches will be highlighted, to provide directions for future advancements in this exciting area of stem cell translation for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   
疾病状态下生物膜表面蛋白质分子标记的表达量和修饰状态会发生改变。但由于其低丰度和不易溶解等特性,制约了膜蛋白质组学的研究,同时也制约了相关药物靶标的设计。近年来,为克服这些困难,学者们提出了"鸟枪法"的膜蛋白质组学研究策略。基于此,本文论述了"鸟枪法"的蛋白质组学分析的基本过程及其后续的部分改进工作。随着新的策略不断被采用,更多膜蛋白质的拓扑学特征和功能的相关研究一定会走上新的台阶。  相似文献   
In the wild, primate foraging behaviors are related to the diversity and nutritional properties of food, which are affected by seasonal variation. The goal of environmental enrichment is to stimulate captive animals to exhibit similar foraging behavior of their wild counterparts, e.g. To extend foraging time. We conducted a 12-month study on the foraging behavior of Japanese macaques in a semi-naturally forested enclosure to understand how they use both provisioned foods and naturally available plant foods and what are the nutritional criteria of their consumption of natural plants. We recorded time spent feeding on provisioned and natural plant foods and collected the plant parts ingested of their major plant food species monthly, when available.We conducted nutritional analysis (crude protein, crude lipid, neutral detergent fiber-'NDF', ash) and calculated total non-slructural carbohydrate - 'TNC' and total energy of those food items. Monkeys spent 47% of their feeding time foraging on natural plant species. The consumption of plant parts varied significantly across seasons. We found that leaf items were consumed in months when crude protein, crude protein-to-NDF ratio, TNC and total energy were significantly higher and NDF was significantly lower, fruit/nut items in months when crude protein and TNC were significantly higher and crude lipid content was significantly lower, and bark items in months when TNC and total energy were higher and crude lipid content was lower. This preliminary investigation showed that the forested enclosure allowed troop members to more fully express their species typical flexible behavior by challenging them to adjust their foraging behavior to seasonal changes of plant item diversity and nutritional content, also providing the possibility for individuals to nutritionally enhance their diet.  相似文献   
环境光对哺乳动物昼夜节律和大脑功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昼夜循环对人类和其他动物的生理和行为有着巨大的影响。光照条件能影响动物的视觉成像,并通过向大脑中的生物钟中心发送信号来调整生理和行为的节律。环境光向生物钟传递信号的系统包含了一个复杂的神经递质复合体-受体-第二信使系统。在夜间曝光能迅速启动下丘脑视交叉上核中大量相关的早期基因。此外,许多白天活动的物种,通常都是在光照条件下获得认知。本文综述了环境光对哺乳动物睡眠、生物节律、大脑认知能力和基因表达等生理和行为方面的影响。  相似文献   
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