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To evaluate whether the median eminence (ME) is a site of action of CRF (corticotropin releasing factor) on GH secretion and to determine the possible role of estradiol and progesterone in modifying theses secretion, we injected CRF (0.25, 0.75, 1, and 1.5 nmol of peptide dissolved in 1 μl of water) directly into the ME in three experimental groups of rats: Long-term ovariectomized (OVX); OVX primed by estradiol (OVX±E) and OVX primed by estradiol plus progesterone (OVX±EP). Blood was collected to determine GH (30, 60, 90, and 120 min postinjection) Serum T3, T4, and glucose levels were measured in OVX±E rats 30 min postinjection. CRF at all doses studied significantly decreased serum GH levels in the three experimental groups. Serum T3, T4, and glucose levels were unchanged after CRF administration. The results suggest that: CRF inhibits “per se” GH secretion, at least in part, by a central action in the ME. The inhibitory effect of CRF on GH is independent of the estrogen/progesterone status of the animal. CRF at ME levels may participate in a variety of stress-related responses, including growth inhibition, through GH suppression.  相似文献   
The effect of B chromosomes (Bs) on various components of vigour and fertility inAegilops speltoides was studied. We designed three types of synthetic populations. In the first type we compared plants from the localities Haifa (which has Bs in nature) and Ashkelon (which has not). Non significant differences were found between the plants from both populations, and between B carriers and non carriers among Haifa individuals. In the second synthetic population we compared 0B, 1B, 2B, 3B and 5B plants from Haifa. We found that vigour variables were not affected by the presence of Bs, while fertility variables were significantly correlated with B number, in such a way that 1B plants produce more grains per plant than any other constitution, while 5Bs produce a remarkable deleterious effect. In the third type of synthetic populations we compared plants with 0B and 1B, 0B and 2B, 0B and 3B, and 0B and 5B. In this case we also found that 1B plants were the most fertile, but the variation of reproductive fitness was higher from plot to plot within the same B class than among B classes. We conclude that the effect of B chromosomes on the fitness variables that we have estimated is close to neutrality in this species. We discuss the relation between the strength of the mechanism of accumulation and the deleterious effects of B chromosomes.  相似文献   
The invasion of alien species is an important cause of biodiversity loss worldwide, and many mammals are considered successful invaders outside their former range, with recognized detrimental effects to native ecosystems. Our aim was to review the current literature on alien mammals that have established feral populations in Brazil and to systematize the existing knowledge. Furthermore, we evaluated the current distributions of all invasion mammals and discuss different management actions, including eradication techniques for island populations. We found 17 species of alien mammals living in the wild in Brazil. Based on the current literature and databases regarding invasive species, Lepus europaeus and Sus scrofa had the largest distributions in the Brazilian territory and seem to continue expanding their geographic distributions. Feral dogs and cats were the main alien predators threatening wildlife conservation, especially in protected areas. Further, we call attention to the invasion of Bubalus bubalis, a large species that currently thrives in isolated populations but seems to be quickly expanding its distribution. In conclusion, alien mammals are widespread in Southern and Southeastern Brazil, but at least four ungulate species (Indian sambar, horse, goat, and axis deer) still have small and isolated populations. Finally, future efforts need to evaluate the impacts of alien mammals in Brazil and techniques for their control.  相似文献   
The herbicide 2,4‐dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4‐D) causes uncontrolled cell division and malformed growth in plants, giving rise to leaf epinasty and stem curvature. In this study, mechanisms involved in the regulation of leaf epinasty induced by 2,4‐D were studied using different chemicals involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation (diphenyleniodonium, butylated hydroxyanisole, EDTA, allopurinol), calcium channels (LaCl3), protein phosphorylation (cantharidin, wortmannin) and ethylene emission/perception (aminoethoxyvinyl glycine, AgNO3). The effect of these compounds on the epinasty induced by 2,4‐D was analysed in shoots and leaf strips from pea plants. For further insight into the effect of 2,4‐D, studies were also made in Arabidopsis mutants deficient in ROS production (rbohD, rbohF, xdh), ethylene (ein 3‐1, ctr 1‐1, etr 1‐1), abscisic acid (aba 3.1), and jasmonic acid (coi 1.1, jar 1.1, opr 3) pathways. The results suggest that ROS production, mainly ·OH, is essential in the development of epinasty triggered by 2,4‐D. Epinasty was also found to be regulated by Ca2+, protein phosphorylation and ethylene, although all these factors act downstream of ROS production. The use of Arabidopsis mutants appears to indicate that abscisic and jasmonic acid are not involved in regulating epinasty, although they could be involved in other symptoms induced by 2,4‐D.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the flow in vertical slot fishways depend mainly on the specific pool design, i.e., the geometry of the pool. This paper presents the results of a study on sixteen different designs of vertical slot fishways with two different slopes. The flow field is studied using both a physical-scale model and a numerical model which solves the 2D depth-averaged shallow water equations coupled with a k? turbulence model. Several hydraulic parameters, such as the average velocity in the slot or the water depth, are considered in order to evaluate their biological efficiency. Based on the results, it appears that the length of the pool is the main geometric dimension that affects the flow in the fishway. The numerical and experimental agreement is very satisfactory.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations increase with age. However, the number of cells with predominantly mutated mtDNA is small in old animals. Here a new hypothesis is proposed: mtDNA fragments may insert into nuclear DNA contributing to aging and related diseases by alterations in the nucleus. Real-time PCR quantification shows that sequences of cytochrome oxidase III and 16S rRNA from mtDNA are present in highly purified nuclei from liver and brain in young and old rats. The sequences of these insertions revealed that they contain single nucleotide polymorphisms identical to those present in mtDNA of the same animal. Interestingly, the amount of mitochondrial sequences in nuclear DNA increases with age in both tissues. In situ hybridization of mtDNA to nuclear DNA confirms the presence of mtDNA sequences inside nuclear DNA in rat hepatocytes. Bone marrow metaphase cells from both young and old rats show mtDNA at centromeric regions in 20 out of the 2n = 40 chromosomes. Consequently, mitochondria can be a major trigger of aging but the final target could also be the nucleus.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential antigen-presenting cells for the induction of immunity against pathogens. However, HIV-1 spread is strongly enhanced in clusters of DCs and CD4+ T cells. Uninfected DCs capture HIV-1 and mediate viral transfer to bystander CD4+ T cells through a process termed trans-infection. Initial studies identified the C-type lectin DC-SIGN as the HIV-1 binding factor on DCs, which interacts with the viral envelope glycoproteins. Upon DC maturation, however, DC-SIGN is down-regulated, while HIV-1 capture and trans-infection is strongly enhanced via a glycoprotein-independent capture pathway that recognizes sialyllactose-containing membrane gangliosides. Here we show that the sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 1 (Siglec-1, CD169), which is highly expressed on mature DCs, specifically binds HIV-1 and vesicles carrying sialyllactose. Furthermore, Siglec-1 is essential for trans-infection by mature DCs. These findings identify Siglec-1 as a key factor for HIV-1 spread via infectious DC/T-cell synapses, highlighting a novel mechanism that mediates HIV-1 dissemination in activated tissues.  相似文献   
Metallocarboxypeptidase inhibitors are proteins with possible applications in biomedicine given their properties as anticoagulant and antitumoral factors. They are small, eukaryotic polypeptides comprising several disulfide bridges, which makes them hard to express in inexpensive bacterial hosts. In this work, three of them were produced in high-cell-density cultures of Escherichia coli: PCI (39 residues and three bridges), LCI (66 residues and four bridges) and TCI (75 residues and six bridges). The genes coding for the mentioned inhibitors were cloned in an arabinose-inducible plasmid fused to the signal peptide of DsbA in order to have them secreted and grant the formation of the bridges. The trigger-factor defective strain KTD101 was used as the expression host. The resulting recombinant strains were cultured in fed-batch mode employing minimal media and an exponential feed profile, keeping the specific growth rate at μ = 0.1 h−1 by limitation of the fed carbon source (glycerol). Between 380 and 540 mg l−1 of active inhibitors were obtained in both the periplasmic extracts and extracellular media of the cultures. Later on, excretion was enhanced using a cell permeabilization treatment, allowing the recovery of over 80% of the products from the extracellular fraction. Protein yields were found to be inversely proportional to cysteine content of the inhibitor, whereas protein excretion rates were inversely proportional to the protein size. Overall, these results offer insight into the secretory production of active disulfide-bridged proteins in high-cell-density cultures of E. coli.  相似文献   
Rye terminal neocentromeres were analyzed in various aspects. Plants with and without neocentromeres were crossed to determine the possible genetic control on their formation. The segregation obtained in our work is consistent with the hypothesis of two trans-acting genes determining neocentric activity in such a way that individuals with no neocentromeres at all would carry all non-activating alleles, whereas one activating allele might permit the activation of a few neocentromeres. Individuals with four activating alleles would show the maximum frequency of neocentromeres per cell. Anti-tubulin immunolabelling was used to visualize the interaction between the neocentromeres and the microtubules. In most cases an end-on interaction between neocentromeres and microtubules was observed, but a few neocentromeres were observed free of them. Spikes were irradiated at early meiosis to determine whether acentric fragments carrying subtelomeric heterochromatin were able to behave as neocentromeres. In no case were acentric fragments observed to form an extension polewards as they did in whole chromosomes. Broken chromosomes joined by a thin thread of chromatin to the centromeric region  相似文献   
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