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Many fundamental cellular and extracellular processes in the body are mediated by enzymes. At the single molecule level, enzyme activity is influenced by mechanical forces. However, the effects of mechanical forces on the kinetics of enzymatic reactions in complex tissues with intact extracellular matrix (ECM) have not been identified. Here we report that physiologically relevant macroscopic mechanical forces modify enzyme activity at the molecular level in the ECM of the lung parenchyma. Porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE), which binds to and digests elastin, was fluorescently conjugated (f-PPE) and fluorescent recovery after photobleach was used to evaluate the binding kinetics of f-PPE in the alveolar walls of normal mouse lungs. Fluorescent recovery after photobleach indicated that the dissociation rate constant (koff) for f-PPE was significantly larger in stretched than in relaxed alveolar walls with a linear relation between koff and macroscopic strain. Using a network model of the parenchyma, a linear relation was also found between koff and microscopic strain on elastin fibers. Further, the binding pattern of f-PPE suggested that binding sites on elastin unfold with strain. The increased overall reaction rate also resulted in stronger structural breakdown at the level of alveolar walls, as well as accelerated decay of stiffness and decreased failure stress of the ECM at the macroscopic scale. These results suggest an important role for the coupling between mechanical forces and enzyme activity in ECM breakdown and remodeling in development, and during diseases such as pulmonary emphysema or vascular aneurysm. Our findings may also have broader implications because in vivo, enzyme activity in nearly all cellular and extracellular processes takes place in the presence of mechanical forces.  相似文献   
Enzymatic transesterification of waste cooking oil, comprising fats, oil and grease (FOG), to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) i.e. biodiesel, was investigated using a novel strain of the fungus Aspergillus niger, immobilized as a whole‐cell biocatalyst. Response surface methodology (RSM), with a five‐level‐three‐factor central composite rotatable design, was used to optimize the reaction and analyze the relationship of reaction variables and their coinfluent on the response i.e. FAME yield. Independent variables that affect the transesterification reaction include temperature, feedstock water content and enzyme amount. Using RSM, a second‐order polynomial equation was derived for FAME yield using multiple regression analysis. The second‐order polynomial regression model was highly significant (P<0.001) in predicting the actual relationship between the response and the variables, where a linear relationship was apparent between observed and predicted values (R2=0.9651). In addition, the predicted determination coefficient q2 i.e. 0.7723, also proved that the model has a high predictive ability. The validation experiments, under optimized conditions, showed that the predicted value of maximum FAME yield (i.e. 91.3%) was in close agreement with the experimental value (i.e. 91.8%).  相似文献   
Several extended-release methylphenidate medications are available for treatment of children with ADHD. Pharmacokinetic investigations suggest that the serum levels of methylphenidate are partially altered when the medication is taken without breakfast. Clinical data comparing different breakfast situations are missing. In this study, different breakfast compositions and their influence on treatment with Ritalin LA are investigated. A total of 150 patients were enrolled in a rater-blinded, randomized crossover trial that compared a minimal breakfast with a standard breakfast in patients under stable treatment with Ritalin LA. Ratings for clinical efficacy were carried out after 1 week by teachers and parents (FBB-ADHS), as well as physicians (CGI). Additionally, a math test was administered to the patients. Of the total patients, 144 finished the trial with a breakfast compliance of 93%. All of the clinical rating scales showed consistently no difference between the two breakfast conditions. Non-inferiority of minimal breakfast versus standard breakfast was shown to be statistically significant (FBB-AHDS(Teacher): 0.97 with minimal breakfast, 1.01 with standard breakfast, P < 0.0001). The clinical efficacy of Ritalin LA is not influenced by breakfast and works independently of food intake.  相似文献   
Building a mathematical model of population dynamics of pathogens within their host involves considerations of factors similar to those in ecology, as pathogens can prey on cells in the host. But within the multicellular host, attacked cell types are integrated with other cellular systems, which in turn intervene in the infection. For example, immune responses attempt to sense and then eliminate or contain pathogens, and homeostatic mechanisms try to compensate for cell loss. This review focuses on modeling applied to malarias, diseases caused by single-cell eukaryote parasites that infect red blood cells, with special concern given to vivax malaria, a disease often thought to be benign (if sometimes incapacitating) because the parasite only attacks a small proportion of red blood cells, the very youngest ones. However, I will use mathematical modeling to argue that depletion of this pool of red blood cells can be disastrous to the host if growth of the parasite is not vigorously check by host immune responses. Also, modeling can elucidate aspects of new field observations that indicate that vivax malaria is more dangerous than previously thought.  相似文献   
Dominant competitors govern resource use in many communities, leading to predictions of local exclusion and lower species diversity where dominant species are abundant. However, subordinate and dominant species frequently co‐occur. One mechanism that could facilitate resource sharing and co‐occurrence of dominant and subordinate competitors is fine‐scale resource dispersion. Here, we distributed 6 g of a food resource into 1, 2, 8, 32 or 64 units in small 0.40 m2 areas centred on nests of the dominant ant Monomorium sydneyense. We tested three hypotheses. First, we hypothesized that the species richness and abundance of foraging ants would increase with increasing resource dispersion. Accordingly, species richness doubled and total ant abundance was two orders of magnitude higher in high resource dispersion treatments. Secondly, we hypothesized that increasing resource dispersion would reduce competitive interactions such as resource turnover events and lower the probability of food resources being occupied. Substantial support for this hypothesis was observed. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that the foraging time of each species would be proportional to the relative abundance of each species solely in high resource dispersion treatments. Expected and observed foraging times were statistically similar for only the dominant ant M. sydneyense. The subdominant Pheidole rugosula increased its foraging time much more than was expected, while two subordinate ants showed no relationship between observed and expected times. Thus, while increasing resource dispersion significantly increased overall species richness, this increase in co‐occurrence did not correlate with a significant increase in foraging time for the two subordinate species. Rather, changes in resource dispersion appeared to benefit only the subdominant species. Inter‐site variation appeared more important for other subordinate species indetermining co‐occurrence and foraging time. Multiple mechanisms facilitate co‐occurrence and resource sharing in this community, and probably in most other communities.  相似文献   
The number of genetically distinct individuals within a community is a key component of biodiversity and yet its impact at different trophic levels, especially upon the diversity of functionally important soil microorganisms is poorly understood. Here, we test the hypothesis that plant communities that are genetically impoverished will support fewer species of root-associated fungi. We used established grassland mesocosms comprising non-sterile natural soil supporting defined communities of 11 clonally-propagated plant species. Half of the mesocosms contained one genotype per species and half 16 genotypes per species. After 8 years growth, we sampled roots from the mesocosms and measured root-associated fungal richness and diversity using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that the roots of genetically impoverished communities contained more species of fungi and had greater diversity compared to genetically rich communities. Analysis of the plant species composition of the mesocosm communities indicated that genotypic diversity affects root-fungal diversity indirectly through its influence upon plant species diversity. Our findings highlight the need to include feedbacks with plant intraspecific diversity into existing models describing the maintenance of soil biodiversity.  相似文献   
Quantitative lineage tracing reveals stem cell fate in?vivo. A new study in a recent issue of Cell shows intestinal crypt stem cells are functionally equivalent, with equal odds of differentiation. Differentiating stem cells are replaced by the symmetric division of adjacent stem cells.  相似文献   
Our recent studies have mechanistically implicated a loss of stromal Cav-1 expression and HIF1α-activation in driving the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype, through the paracrine production of nutrients via autophagy and aerobic glycolysis. However, it remains unknown if HIF1α-activation is sufficient to confer the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype. To test this hypothesis directly, we stably-expressed activated HIF1α in fibroblasts and then examined their ability to promote tumor growth using a xenograft model employing human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231). Fibroblasts harboring activated HIF1α showed a dramatic reduction in Cav-1 levels and a shift towards aerobic glycolysis, as evidenced by a loss of mitochondrial activity, and an increase in lactate production. Activated HIF1α also induced BNIP3 and BNIP3L expression, markers for the autophagic destruction of mitochondria. Most importantly, fibroblasts expressing activated HIF1α increased tumor mass by ∼2-fold and tumor volume by ∼3-fold, without a significant increase in tumor angiogenesis. In this context, HIF1α also induced an increase in the lymph node metastasis of cancer cells. Similar results were obtained by driving NFκB activation in fibroblasts, another inducer of autophagy. Thus, activated HIF1α is sufficient to functionally confer the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype. It is also known that HIF1α expression is required for the induction of autophagy in cancer cells. As such, we next directly expressed activated HIF1α in MDA-MB-231 cells and assessed its effect on tumor growth via xenograft analysis. Surprisingly, activated HIF1α in cancer cells dramatically suppressed tumor growth, resulting in a 2-fold reduction in tumor mass and a three-fold reduction in tumor volume. We conclude that HIF1α activation in different cell types can either promote or repress tumorigenesis. Based on these studies, we suggest that autophagy in cancer-associated fibroblasts promotes tumor growth via the paracrine production of recycled nutrients, which can directly “feed” cancer cells. Conversely, autophagy in cancer cells represses tumor growth via their “self-digestion.” Thus, we should consider that the activities of various known oncogenes and tumor-suppressors may be compartment and cell-type specific, and are not necessarily an intrinsic property of the molecule itself. As such, other “classic” oncogenes and tumor suppressors will have to be re-evaluated to determine their compartment specific effects on tumor growth and metastasis. Lastly, our results provide direct experimental support for the recently proposed “autophagic tumor stroma model of cancer.”Key words: caveolin-1, autophagy, mitophagy, the Warburg effect, tumor stroma, hypoxia, HIF1A, NFκB, compartment-specific oncogenesis, cancer-associated fibroblasts  相似文献   
为探究恒频-调频蝙蝠下丘神经元恢复周期特点及其对声脉冲跟随率的影响,实验采用模拟的大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)自然状态下的恒频-调频发声信号为声刺激,在5只听力正常的大蹄蝠上记录了下丘神经元的声反应和恢复周期(n = 93).结果发现,根据神经元恢复率达50%时的双声刺激间隔(inter pulse interval,IPI),可将其分为长时恢复型(long recovery,LR;47.4%)、中等时间恢复型(moderate recovery,MR;35.1%)和短时恢复型(short recovery,SR;17.5%).每种类型依据其恢复率随IPI增加而呈现的不同变化又可进一步分为单IPI反应区神经元,多IPI反应区神经元,以及单调IPI反应神经元.LR,MR和SR型神经元恢复率达50%时的平均IPI分别为(64.0 ± 24.8),(19.6 ± 5.8)和(7.1 ± 2.4) ms (P < 0.001),相对应的平均理论每秒声脉冲数分别为(18.2 ± 7.0),(55.4 ± 15.7)和(171.3 ± 102.9) Hz (P < 0.001).结果提示,单IPI和多IPI反应区神经元具有特殊IPI反应特性,能对蝙蝠捕食和巡航期间所处的时相做出准确判断,而单调IPI反应神经元对IPI变化的敏感性较强,但时相判断性较差.另外LR,MR和SR型神经元恢复周期和理论脉冲跟随率的平均结果均能与这种蝙蝠回声定位期间3个时相的发声行为相匹配,且神经元恢复周期参与决定声脉冲跟随率,满足了蝙蝠巡航、捕食的行为学需要.  相似文献   
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