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Red land crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) are both abundant and widespread in intact rainforest on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, occurring at densities of ~ 1 crab m–2. We used an on-going exclusion experiment to test the hypothesis that through their activities as seed predators and soil disturbers, these omnivores are important determinants of the density and relative species abundance of seeds in the soil seed bank of undisturbed primary rainforest. After 6.5 y of continuous crab exclusion, there was no significant difference in the density of seeds in the top 3 cm of soil between the control (3671 ± 517 seeds/0.19 m2) and exclusion plots (3285 ± 801 seeds/0.19 m2), nor was there any significant treatment difference in relative species composition. There were also no significant treatment differences when Muntingia calabura, which accounted for 91.9% of all seeds in the seed bank, was excluded from the analyses. We attribute the lack of a significant impact of red crabs to their probable inability to handle the very small seeds which occurred in the seed bank, and the low level of soil disturbance at the study site. We conclude that the observed impact of red crabs on the abundance and diversity of successional species in natural light gaps on Christmas Island is due to their impact on germinating seedlings alone, rather than any additional impact on the soil seed bank.  相似文献   


Non-productive binding of enzymes to lignin is thought to impede the saccharification efficiency of pretreated lignocellulosic biomass to fermentable sugars. Due to a lack of suitable analytical techniques that track binding of individual enzymes within complex protein mixtures and the difficulty in distinguishing the contribution of productive (binding to specific glycans) versus non-productive (binding to lignin) binding of cellulases to lignocellulose, there is currently a poor understanding of individual enzyme adsorption to lignin during the time course of pretreated biomass saccharification.


In this study, we have utilized an FPLC (fast protein liquid chromatography)-based methodology to quantify free Trichoderma reesei cellulases (namely CBH I, CBH II, and EG I) concentration within a complex hydrolyzate mixture during the varying time course of biomass saccharification. Three pretreated corn stover (CS) samples were included in this study: Ammonia Fiber Expansiona (AFEX?-CS), dilute acid (DA-CS), and ionic liquid (IL-CS) pretreatments. The relative fraction of bound individual cellulases varied depending not only on the pretreated biomass type (and lignin abundance) but also on the type of cellulase. Acid pretreated biomass had the highest levels of non-recoverable cellulases, while ionic liquid pretreated biomass had the highest overall cellulase recovery. CBH II has the lowest thermal stability among the three T. reesei cellulases tested. By preparing recombinant family 1 carbohydrate binding module (CBM) fusion proteins, we have shown that family 1 CBMs are highly implicated in the non-productive binding of full-length T. reesei cellulases to lignin.


Our findings aid in further understanding the complex mechanisms of non-productive binding of cellulases to pretreated lignocellulosic biomass. Developing optimized pretreatment processes with reduced or modified lignin content to minimize non-productive enzyme binding or engineering pretreatment-specific, low-lignin binding cellulases will improve enzyme specific activity, facilitate enzyme recycling, and thereby permit production of cheaper biofuels.
The ecology of two intermittent streams in Victoria, Australia   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
1. We compared aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage composition within and between habitats (pools and riffles) at four sites on two intermittent streams in Victoria, Australia during a drought year followed by a wetter year to see how different spatial and temporal scales influenced patterns of community structure detected by multivariate techniques of ordination and classification. We also examined the fit between faunal groups and ‘flow phases’ characterized by multivariate analyses of physicochemical variables in an earlier paper. 2. Pools contained more taxa and individuals than riffles. At the more temporary site, there was considerable overlap between the faunal composition of pools and riffles, whereas habitat-specific assemblages consistently occurred at the more permanent sites. Most taxa were either tolerant, permanent stream forms able to persist in streams that dry briefly, or facultative species that occur in lotic or lentic habitats. Few species appeared specifically adapted to temporary waters. 3. Within habitats, there were some matches between faunal groups and flow phases, especially with the onset of the ‘diminishing flow’ phase, characterized by rising water temperature and conductivity, and declining pH and dissolved oxygen. However, disjunctions among faunal groups were less marked than those between flow phases, and were absent at an intermediate scale when habitats were pooled within sites. At the broadest scale of analysis (within habitats between sites and years), historical events (e.g. whether pools upstream dried completely during the previous summer) apparently influenced community composition as much as site-specific abiotic differences.  相似文献   
In cranio-maxillofacial surgery planning and implant design, it is important to know the elastic response of the mandible to load forces as they occur, e.g., in biting. The goal of the present study is to provide a method for a quantitative determination of material parameters for the human jaw bone, whose values can, e.g., be used to devise a prototype plastic model for the mandible. Non-destructive load experiments are performed on a cadaveric mandible using a specially designed test bed. The identical physiological situation is simulated in a computer program. The underlying mathematical model is based on a two component, linear elastic material law. The numerical realization of the model, difficult due to the complex geometry and morphology of the mandible, is via the finite element (FE) method. Combining the validated simulation with the results of the tests, an inverse problem for the determination of Young's modulus and the Poisson ratio of both cortical and cancellous bone can then be solved.  相似文献   
1. Increases in spatial heterogeneity may provide more food, create new resources or interfere with the foraging activities of a herbivore. 2. Three colonization experiments were performed in an upland stream to investigate the effects of one type of spatial heterogeneity (grooves on the substratum) on the relationship between an abundant herbivore, Agapetus monticolus (Banks, Trichoptera), and the epilithon on which it feeds. 3. The results indicate that grooves do not provide any different resources or interfere with the foraging activities of A. monticolus, but may increase food abundance, although the effect of grooves on food abundance appears to vary temporally. 4. Temporal variation in the effects of microspatial complexity raises the possibility that its importance to the community may be over- or underestimated unless experiments are designed to incorporate this temporal variation.  相似文献   
Abstract There have been few comparative studies of the fauna in the two major types of freshwater systems, lakes and streams, in the one locality. This study compared the faunal assemblages at two times of the year (summer and winter) on stones in three locations: the littoral zone of two shores in Lake Purrumbete (one wave-exposed and one sheltered) and riffles in the Curdies River, which flows out of the lake. The lake fauna was dominated by crustaceans, gastropods and planarians, whereas the stream fauna was dominated by insects. The most abundant lake taxa were also present, but much less abundant, in the stream. The total number of species and individuals and densities of some common species varied between the three locations and between seasons. However, no consistent pattern reflecting a difference between the two lake shores was evident. Interpretation of MDS ordinations of the lake fauna was dependent on the data standardizations applied, with increased separation of the season-location combinations when species were standardized to equal total abundances; the seasonal difference was always greatest for the exposed (cliff) shore. In contrast, MDS on the stream fauna showed seasonal differences under all standardizations. This was consistent with the high seasonal turnover of species in the stream compared with the lake. These results demonstrate that, even within a local area with similar geology and connected water bodies, lake and stream fauna from the same substratum (stones) can be markedly different. Taxa that occurred in both were more abundant in the lake, whereas seasonal differences in abundance were much greater in the stream.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Recolonization rates of benthic invertebrates were estimated at five sites in the catchment of the Acheron River, in spring (October) and in summer (January), The sites ranged from those that experience short floods and high shear stress at the streambed (upstream sites) to those that experience prolonged floods and low shear stress (downstream sites). We hypothesized that these differences should affect recolonization rate.
2. In October, absolute rates of recolonization of taxa (number of taxa 0.05 m−2 d−1) onto 1-m2 patches of substratum, which had been raked to remove fauna, did not vary between the three sites studied, nor did the relative rates of recolonization of taxa (absolute rate/mean number of taxa in control samples, which were taken from adjacent undisturbed patches of substratum). Absolute rates of recolonization of individuals (number of individuals 0.05 m−2 d−1) were proportional to the mean number of individuals in control samples; relative rates of recolonization of individuals (absolute rate/mean number of individuals in control samples) did not vary between sites.
3. In January, absolute rates of recolonization either of taxa or individuals were positively correlated with the mean densities of taxa or individuals in control samples; relative rates did not vary between the four sites studied.
4. We conclude that the benthic invertebrate communities at the various sites do not adapt to variations in flooding regime by altering relative recolonization rates. Absolute recolonization rates are directly proportional to the prevailing number of taxa or individuals at a site.  相似文献   
Differential gas analysers for use in photosynthesis experimentscan be calibrated with the same accuracy as that specified forthe single standard gas mixture that is required. With the useof only one gas mixing pump, the composition of a mixture canbe specified to better than ±1 per cent, compared with±5 per cent usually offered by commercial gas suppliers.  相似文献   
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