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The work described in this paper was carried out to define the chemical function a new member of the isocitrate lyase enzyme family derived from the flowering plant Dianthus caryophyllus. This protein (Swiss-Prot entry Q05957) is synthesized in the senescent flower petals and is named the "petal death protein" or "PDP". On the basis of an analysis of the structural contexts of sequence markers common to the C-C bond lyases of the isocitrate lyase/phosphoenolpyruvate mutase superfamily, a substrate screen that employed a (2R)-malate core structure was designed. Accordingly, stereochemically defined C(2)- and C(3)-substituted malates were synthesized and tested as substrates for PDP-catalyzed cleavage of the C(2)-C(3) bond. The screen identified (2R)-ethyl, (3S)-methylmalate, and oxaloacetate [likely to bind as the hydrate, C(2)(OH)(2) gem-diol] as the most active substrates (for each, k(cat)/K(m) = 2 x 10(4) M(-)(1) s(-)(1)). In contrast to the stringent substrate specificities previously observed for the Escherichia coli isocitrate and 2-methylisocitrate lyases, the PDP tolerated hydrogen, methyl, and to a much lesser extent acetate substituents at the C(3) position (S configuration only) and hydoxyl, methyl, ethyl, propyl, and to a much lesser extent isobutyl substituents at C(2) (R configuration only). It is hypothesized that PDP functions in oxalate production in Ca(2+) sequestering and/or in carbon scavenging from alpha-hydroxycarboxylate catabolites during the biochemical transition accompanying petal senescence.  相似文献   
Bacteria and nutrients were determined in upper soil samples collected underneath and between canopies of the dominant perennial in each of three sites along a steep precipitation gradient ranging from the Negev desert in the south of Israel to a Mediterranean forest in the north. Bacterial abundance, monitored by phospholipid fatty acid analysis, was significantly higher under the shrub canopy (compared to barren soils) in the arid and semi-arid sites but not in the Mediterranean soils. Bacterial community composition, determined using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clone libraries, differed according to the sample’s origin. Closer examination revealed that in the arid and semi-arid sites, α-Proteobacteria are more abundant under the shrub canopy, while barren soils are characterized by a higher abundance of Actinobacteria. The bacterial communities in the Mediterranean soils were similar in both patch types. These results correspond to the hypothesis of “resource islands”, suggesting that shrub canopies provide a resource haven in low-resource landscapes. Yet, a survey of the physicochemical parameters of inter- and under-shrub soils could not attribute the changes in bacterial diversity to soil moisture, organic matter, or essential macronutrients. We suggest that in the nutrient-poor soils of the arid and semi-arid sites, bacteria occupying the soil under the shrub canopy may have longer growth periods under favorable conditions, resulting in their increased biomass and altered community composition.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that brief access to cocaine yields an increase in D2 receptor binding in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but that extended access to cocaine results in normalized binding of D2 receptors (i.e. the D2 binding returned to control levels). Extended-access conditions have also been shown to produce increased expression of the NR2 subunit of the N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor in the mPFC. These results implicate disrupted glutamate and dopamine function within this area. Therefore, in the present study, we monitored glutamate and dopamine content within the mPFC during, or 24 hours after, cocaine self-administration in animals that experienced various amounts of exposure to the drug. Na?ve subjects showed decreased glutamate and increased dopamine levels within the mPFC during cocaine self-administration. Exposure to seven 1-hour daily cocaine self-administration sessions did not alter the response to self-administered cocaine, but resulted in decreased basal dopamine levels. While exposure to 17 1-hour sessions also resulted in reduced basal dopamine levels, these animals showed increased dopaminergic, but completely diminished glutamatergic, response to self-administered cocaine. Finally, exposure to 17 cocaine self-administration sessions, the last 10 of which being 6-hour sessions, resulted in diminished glutamatergic response to self-administered cocaine and reduced basal glutamate levels within the mPFC while normalizing (i.e. causing a return to control levels) both the dopaminergic response to self-administered cocaine as well as basal dopamine levels within this area. These data demonstrate directly that the transition to escalated cocaine use involves progressive changes in dopamine and glutamate function within the mPFC.  相似文献   


We set out to solve two inherent problems in the study of animal spatial cognition (i) What is a “place”?; and (ii) whether behaviors that are not revealed as differing by one methodology could be revealed as different when analyzed using a different approach.


We applied network analysis to scrutinize spatial behavior of rats tested in either a symmetrical or asymmetrical layout of 4, 8, or 12 objects placed along the perimeter of a round arena. We considered locations as the units of the network (nodes), and passes between locations as the links within the network.

Principal Findings

While there were only minor activity differences between rats tested in the symmetrical or asymmetrical object layouts, network analysis revealed substantial differences. Viewing ‘location’ as a cluster of stopping coordinates, the key locations (large clusters of stopping coordinates) were at the objects in both layouts with 4 objects. However, in the asymmetrical layout with 4 objects, additional key locations were spaced by the rats between the objects, forming symmetry among the key locations. It was as if the rats had behaviorally imposed symmetry on the physically asymmetrical environment. Based on a previous finding that wayfinding is easier in symmetrical environments, we suggest that when the physical attributes of the environment were not symmetrical, the rats established a symmetric layout of key locations, thereby acquiring a more legible environment despite its complex physical structure.

Conclusions and Significance

The present study adds a behavioral definition for “location”, a term that so far has been mostly discussed according to its physical attributes or neurobiological correlates (e.g. - place and grid neurons). Moreover, network analysis enabled the assessment of the importance of a location, even when that location did not display any distinctive physical properties.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of HI0827 from Haemophilus influenzae Rd KW20, initially annotated "hypothetical protein" in sequence databases, exhibits an acyl-coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) thioesterase "hot dog" fold with a trimer of dimers oligomeric association, a novel assembly for this enzyme family. In studies described in the preceding paper [Zhuang, Z., Song, F., Zhao, H., Li, L., Cao, J., Eisenstein, E., Herzberg, O., and Dunaway-Mariano, D. (2008) Biochemistry 47, 2789-2796], HI0827 is shown to be an acyl-CoA thioesterase that acts on a wide range of acyl-CoA compounds. Two substrate binding sites are located across the dimer interface. The binding sites are occupied by two CoA molecules, one with full occupancy and the second only partially occupied. The CoA molecules, acquired from HI0827-expressing Escherichia coli cells, remained tightly bound to the enzyme through the protein purification steps. The difference in CoA occupancies indicates a different substrate affinity for each of the binding sites, which in turn implies that the enzyme might be subject to allosteric regulation. Mutagenesis studies have shown that the replacement of the putative catalytic carboxylate Asp44 with an alanine residue abolishes activity. The impact of this mutation is seen in the crystal structure of D44A HI0827. Whereas the overall fold and assembly of the mutant protein are the same as those of the wild-type enzyme, the CoA ligands are absent. The dimer interface is perturbed, and the channel that accommodates the thioester acyl chain is more open and wider than that observed in the wild-type enzyme. A model of intact substrate bound to wild-type HI0827 provides a structural rationale for the broad substrate range.  相似文献   
Crystals of pyruvate phosphate dikinase in complex with a substrate analogue inhibitor, phosphonopyruvate (K(i) = 3 microM), have been obtained in the presence of Mg(2+). The structure has been determined and refined at 2.2 A resolution, revealing that the Mg(2+)-bound phosphonopyruvate binds in the alpha/beta-barrel's central channel, at the C-termini of the beta-strands. The mode of binding resembles closely the previously proposed PEP substrate binding mode, inferred by the homology of the structure (but not sequence homology) to pyruvate kinase. Kinetic analysis of site-directed mutants, probing residues involved in inhibitor binding, showed that all mutations resulted in inactivation, confirming the key role that these residues play in catalysis. Comparison between the structure of the PPDK-phosphonopyruvate complex and the structures of two complexes of pyruvate kinase, one with Mg(2+)-bound phospholactate and the other with Mg(2+)-oxalate and ATP, revealed that the two enzymes share some key features that facilitate common modes of substrate binding. There are also important structural differences; most notably, the machinery for acid/base catalysis is different.  相似文献   
Lim K  Read RJ  Chen CC  Tempczyk A  Wei M  Ye D  Wu C  Dunaway-Mariano D  Herzberg O 《Biochemistry》2007,46(51):14845-14853
Pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK) catalyzes the reversible conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), AMP, and Pi to pyruvate and ATP. The enzyme contains two remotely located reaction centers: the nucleotide partial reaction takes place at the N-terminal domain, and the PEP/pyruvate partial reaction takes place at the C-terminal domain. A central domain, tethered to the N- and C-terminal domains by two closely associated linkers, contains a phosphorylatable histidine residue (His455). The molecular architecture suggests a swiveling domain mechanism that shuttles a phosphoryl group between the two reaction centers. In an early structure of PPDK from Clostridium symbiosum, the His445-containing domain (His domain) was positioned close to the nucleotide binding domain and did not contact the PEP/pyruvate-binding domain. Here, we present the crystal structure of a second conformational state of C. symbiosum PPDK with the His domain adjacent to the PEP-binding domain. The structure was obtained by producing a three-residue mutant protein (R219E/E271R/S262D) that introduces repulsion between the His and nucleotide-binding domains but preserves viable interactions with the PEP/pyruvate-binding domain. Accordingly, the mutant enzyme is competent in catalyzing the PEP/pyruvate half-reaction but the overall activity is abolished. The new structure confirms the swivel motion of the His domain. In addition, upon detachment from the His domain, the two nucleotide-binding subdomains undergo a hinge motion that opens the active-site cleft. A similar hinge motion is expected to accompany nucleotide binding (cleft closure) and release (cleft opening). A model of the coupled swivel and cleft opening motions was generated by interpolation between two end conformations, each with His455 positioned for phosphoryl group transfer from/to one of the substrates. The trajectory of the His domain avoids major clashes with the partner domains while preserving the association of the two linker segments.  相似文献   
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