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From the anthracological study of considerable quantities of charcoal recovered from the excavation of the settlement at Los Castillejos de Montefrío, a synthesis was made of the vegetation dynamics during Recent Prehistory of the area, from the middle of the sixth millennium bc to the beginning of the second millennium bc. The vegetation dynamics mark four anthracological phases over this sequence. From the Late Neolithic (end of the fifth millennium bc) the influence of different activities such as livestock raising, burning and agriculture become evident in the development of the natural vegetation, altering species composition and appearance frequency. The last anthracological phase, MF4, spanning the second half of the third millennium bc, saw the regeneration of the tree vegetation as certain former activities ceased, indicating the environmental singularity of this enclave within the context of the southern Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   
The annual variation of the phytoplankton assemblage of deep (64.6 m), hyposaline (8.5 g l–1) Lake Alchichica, central Mexico (19 ° N, 97° W), was analyzed in relation to thermal regime, and nutrients concentrations. Lake Alchichica is warm monomictic with a 3-month circulation period during the dry, cold season. During the stratified period in the warm, wet season, the hypolimnion became anoxic. N–NH3 ranged between non detectable (n.d.) and 0.98 mg l–1, N–NO2 between n.d. and 0.007 mg l–1, N–NO3 from 0.1 to 1.0 mg l–1 and P–PO4 from n.d. to 0.54 mg l–1. Highest nutrient concentrations were found in the circulation period. Chlorophyll a varied from <1 to 19.8 g l–1 but most values were <5 g l–1. The euphotic zone (>1% PAR) usually comprised the top 15–20 m. Nineteen algae species were identified, most of them are typical inhabitants of salt lakes. Diatoms showed the highest species number (10) but the small chlorophyte Monoraphidium minutum, the single-cell cyanobacteria, Synechocystis aquatilis, and the colonial chlorophyte, Oocystis parva, were the numerical dominant species over the annual cycle. Chlorophytes, small cyanobacteria and diatoms dominated in the circulation period producing a bloom comparable to the spring bloom in temperate lakes. At the end of the circulation and at the beginning of stratification periods, the presence of a bloom of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, N. spumigena, indicated nitrogen-deficit conditions. The well-stratified season was characterized by low epilimnetic nutrients levels and the dominance of small single-cell cyanobacteria and colonial chlorophytes. Phytoplankton dynamics in tropical Lake Alchichica is similar to the pattern observed in some deep, hyposaline, North American temperate lakes.  相似文献   
To attain its native conformation, the cytoskeletal protein tubulin needs the concourse of several molecular chaperones, among others the cytosolic chaperonin CCT. It has been previously described that denatured tubulin interacts with CCT in a quasi-folded conformation using several loops located throughout its sequence. These loops are also involved in microtubule formation and are absent in its prokaryote homologue FtsZ, which in vitro folds by itself and does not interact with CCT. Several FtsZ/tubulin chimeric proteins were generated by inserting consecutively one, two or three of the CCT-binding domains of tubulin into the corresponding sequence of FtsZ from Methanococccus jannaschii. The insertion of any of the CCT-binding loops generates in the FtsZ/tubulin chimeras the ability to interact with CCT. The accumulation of CCT-binding loops induces in the FtsZ/tubulin chimeras unfolding and refolding properties that are more similar to tubulin than to its prokaryote counterpart. Finally, the insertion of some of these loops generates in the FtsZ/tubulin chimeras more complex polymeric structures than those found for FtsZ. These results reinforce the notion that CCT has coevolved with tubulin to deal with the folding problems encountered by the eukaryotic protein with the appearance of the new sequences involved in microtubule formation.  相似文献   
Drugs metabolised by cytochrome P450 (CYP) such as analgesics may induce acute attacks in patients with hepatic porphyrias. In recent years, preclinical and clinical studies have suggested that cannabinoid pharmaceutical preparations may be potentially useful in the treatment of pain. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of CP-55,940, a cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist, on the hepatic heme metabolism in mice. To this end, hepatic activities of aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALAS), heme oxygenase (HO) and CYP levels were determined in mice treated with CP-55,940 (0.5 mg/kg/day; i.p.; 5 or 24 days). Results showed that treatment with CP-55,940 decreased CYP concentrations by 80% and increased HO activity by 158%. However, ALAS activity also decreased by 37%, suggesting that regulatory free heme pool was not modified. Our findings indicate that CP-55,940 and its metabolites do not behave as porphyrinogenic drugs and may potentially be safe for treating pain in patients with acute porphyrias.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Given that association and dissociation of protein molecules is crucial in most biological processes several in silico methods have been recently developed to predict protein-protein interactions. Structural evidence has shown that usually interacting pairs of close homologs (interologs) physically interact in the same way. Moreover, conservation of an interaction depends on the conservation of the interface between interacting partners. In this article we make use of both, structural similarities among domains of known interacting proteins found in the Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP) and conservation of pairs of sequence patches involved in protein-protein interfaces to predict putative protein interaction pairs. RESULTS: We have obtained a large amount of putative protein-protein interaction (approximately 130,000). The list is independent from other techniques both experimental and theoretical. We separated the list of predictions into three sets according to their relationship with known interacting proteins found in DIP. For each set, only a small fraction of the predicted protein pairs could be independently validated by cross checking with the Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD). The fraction of validated protein pairs was always larger than that expected by using random protein pairs. Furthermore, a correlation map of interacting protein pairs was calculated with respect to molecular function, as defined in the Gene Ontology database. It shows good consistency of the predicted interactions with data in the HPRD database. The intersection between the lists of interactions of other methods and ours produces a network of potentially high-confidence interactions.  相似文献   
Substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) have been found in the perichondrium and within the cartilage canals. It is still unknown whether they exert a direct effect on chondrocytes during joint development. We processed 28 knees of newborn Wistar rats in 7 different fashions to perform histology and immunohistochemistry studies. Positive immunoreactivity against CGRP and SP was found in the inner aspect of the perichondrium in a close contact with chondrocytes. The presence of CGRP and SP indicates the presence of nerves fibers, and precedes the development of cartilage canals. Nerve fibers may play a role in the development of synovial joints before and during the presence of cartilage canals. The presence of CGRP and SP in the cartilage at birth may be involved in the early postnatal maturation of synovial joints. It remains to be determined whether autonomic innervation is later involved in age-related degenerative joint disease.  相似文献   
Envenomation by arachnids of the genus Loxosceles can induce a variety of biological effects, including dermonecrosis and hemolysis. We have previously identified in L. intermedia venom two highly homologous proteins with sphingomyelinase activity, termed P1 and P2, responsible for all these pathological events, and also an inactive isoform P3. The toxins P1 and P2 displayed 85% identity with each other at the amino acid level and showed a 57% identity with SMase I, an active toxin from L. laeta venom. Circular dichroism was used to determine and compare the solution structure of the active and inactive isoforms. Effects of pH and temperature change on the CD spectra of the toxins were investigated and correlated with the biological activities. This study sheds new light on the structure-function relationship of homologous proteins with distinct biological properties and represents the first report on the structure-function relationship of Loxosceles sphingomyelinases D.  相似文献   
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