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A data set of complete mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rDNA sequences is presented here for 17 representatives of Artiodactyla and Cetacea, together with potential outgroups (two Perissodactyla, two Carnivora, two Tethytheria, four Rodentia, and two Marsupialia). We include seven sequences not previously published from Hippopotamidae (Ancodonta) and Camelidae (Tylopoda), yielding a total of nearly 2.1 kb for both genes combined. Distance and parsimony analyses of each gene indicate that 11 clades are well supported, including the artiodactyl taxa Pecora, Ruminantia (with low 12S rRNA support), Tylopoda, Suina, and Ancodonta, as well as Cetacea, Perissodactyla, Carnivora, Tethytheria, Muridae, and Caviomorpha. Neither the cytochrome b nor the 12S rDNA genes resolve the relationships between these major clades. The combined analysis of the two genes suggests a monophyletic Cetacea +Artiodactyla clade (defined as "Cetartiodactyla"), whereas Perissodactyla, Carnivora, and Tethytheria fall outside this clade. Perissodactyla could represent the sister taxon of Cetartiodactyla, as deduced from resampling studies among outgroup lineages. Cetartiodactyla includes five major lineages: Ruminantia, Tylopoda, Suina, Ancodonta, and Cetacea, among which the phylogenetic relationships are not resolved. Thus, Suiformes do not appear to be monophyletic, justifying their split into the Suina and Ancodonta infraorders. An association between Cetacea and Hippopotamidae is supported by the cytochrome b gene but not by the 12S rRNA gene. Calculation of divergence dates suggests that the Cetartiodactyla could have diverged from other Ferungulata about 60 MYA.   相似文献   
The semi-arid Caatinga is the fourth largest biome of Brazil, which biota still remains one of the most poorly known, especially with regard to invertebrate groups. In this study, a ground-foraging ant assemblage was surveyed during one year and the effect of rainfall on pitfall trapping was assessed. The study was performed in an area located in the municipality of Pentecoste (3 degrees 48' S - 39 degrees 20' W), in the State of Ceará. A 200m transect with 20 equidistant sampling points was established. Transect sampling was performed once a month during 12 months, over the period August 2008-August 2009. At each sampling point, a pitfall trap partially filled with a mixture of ethanol and monoethylene glycol was placed at the beginning of each month and remained in the field for seven days. 39 species belonging to six subfamilies and 19 genera, plus two unidentified species, were collected, with Pheidole (10 spp.) and Camponotus (8 spp.) being the taxa with the most species. 23 species were frequent, being found in more than 50% of the 12 transect samplings. Five species had an intermediate frequency (25 to 50%), while 13 were relatively infrequent (less than 25%). Most of the species (22) showed low occurrence, being found in less than 10% of the 240 samples (20 samples each month, during 12 months). Only five species were collected in more than 50% of the samples, those species being also responsible for most of the total abundance (number of captured individuals of all species) observed each month. The species-accumulation curves (observed and estimated) indicated that sampling sufficiency was attained, and that about 92% of the estimated ground-foraging ant fauna had been collected. 40 and 29 species were collected in the dry and rainy season, respectively, with monthly species richness ranging from 13 to 28. The total ant abundance showed a drastic decrease during the rainy season, and a negative linear correlation was found between rainfall and total ant abundance (R2 = 0.68). A similar negative linear correlation was found for species occurrences against rainfall (R2 = 0.71), and for mean number of species per pitfall trap against rainfall (R2 = 0.71). However, some species showed equal abundance, occurrence and mean number of individuals per pitfall trap in both seasons, while others showed a much higher abundance and occurrence during the rainy season. Pitfall trapping as a method to sample ground-foraging ant assemblage of the Caatinga biome and potential factors responsible for lower pitfall trap performance during rainy season are discussed.  相似文献   
The inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by nitric oxide (.NO) at cytochrome c oxidase level has been established as a physiological regulatory mechanism of mitochondrial function. Given, on the one hand, the potential involvement of .NO and dopamine metabolism in mitochondrial dysfunction associated with neurodegeneration and, on the other hand, the reported interaction of .NO with dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), a major mitochondrial-associated dopamine metabolite, we examined the combined effects of .NO and DOPAC on the respiratory chain of isolated rat brain mitochondria. Whereas dopamine or DOPAC induced no measurable effects on the mitochondrial respiration rate, a mixture of .NO with DOPAC inhibited the rate in a way stronger than that exerted by .NO. This effect was noticed with actively respiring (state 3) and resting (state 4) mitochondria. At variance with DOPAC, dopamine failed to potentiate .NO inhibitory effects. The inhibition was dependent on the concentration of both compounds, .NO and DOPAC, and exhibited characteristics similar to those exerted by .NO, namely: it was reversible and dependent on the concentration of oxygen. Analysis of respiratory enzymatic activities demonstrated a selective inhibition at the level of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV). Insights into the chemical mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effect were inferred from experiments using metmyoglobin (a ligand for .NO and derived species, such as nitroxyl anion) and ferrocyanide (a reductant of .NO, producing nitroxyl anion). Whereas metmyoglobin decreased the inhibition, ferrocyanide potentiated the inhibition. Moreover, a mixture of ferrocyanide with .NO reproduced the effects exerted by the mixture of .NO with DOPAC. The results are consistent with the notion of a reaction of .NO with DOPAC producing a nitric oxide-derived compound(s), which inhibit O2 uptake at the cytochrome oxidase level. Although the mechanism in question remains to be clearly elucidated it is suggested that the .NO/DOPAC-dependent inhibition of cytochrome oxidase may involve nitroxyl anion. The significance of these observations for mitochondrial dysfunction inherent in Parkinson's disease is discussed.  相似文献   
Organisms tend to exhibit phenotypes that can be shaped by climate, commonly demonstrating clinal variations along latitudinal gradients. In vertebrates, air temperature plays a major role in shaping body size in both ectothermic and endothermic animals. However, additional small‐scale environmental factors can also act as selection pressures in the marine ecosystem (e.g. primary productivity), evidencing multi‐scale processes acting on marine organisms. In this study, we tested Bergmann's rule in a widely distributed seabird, the brown booby Sula leucogaster, in addition to evaluating the relationship of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll α with phenotypes. We used traits from a morphometric dataset (culmen, wing chord, and tarsus length) and body mass of 276 brown boobies distributed on six breeding sites along a latitudinal gradient in the South Atlantic Ocean (0–27°S). We found significant differentiation among colonies, but phenotypic similarities were observed between colonies located at the extremes of the latitudinal gradient. As the colony nearest to the Equator, Saint Peter and Saint Paul archipelago, had the largest and heaviest individuals, the model containing only air temperature explained < 5% of the allometric variation, providing no substantial support for Bergmann's rule. However, when we added the interaction of chlorophyll α and sea surface temperature the deviance explained rose to over 80%. Primary productivity and sea surface temperature do not follow a latitudinal gradient in the ocean and, therefore, the role of small‐scale oceanographic processes in shaping body size and the importance of considering additional environmental variables when testing Bergmann's rule in marine organisms are evident.  相似文献   
Plastics have quickly become one of the major pollutants in aquatic environments worldwide and solving the plastic pollution crisis is considered a central goal of modern society. In this study, 10 different plastic samples, including high- and low-density polyethylene and polypropylene, were collected from a deeply polluted urban estuary in Brazil. By employing different isolation and analysis approaches to investigate plastic-associated bacteria, a predominance of potentially pathogenic bacteria such as Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, and Vibrio was observed throughout all plastic samples. Bacteria typically found in the aquatic environment harboured clinically relevant genes encoding resistance to carbapenems (blaKPC) and colistin (such as mcr-3 and mcr-4), along with genetic determinants associated with potentially active gene mobilization. Whole genome sequencing and annotation of three plastic-associated Vibrio strains further demonstrated the carriage of mobile genetic elements and antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes. On the other hand, bacteria isolated from the same samples were also able to produce esterases, lipases, and bioemulsifiers, thus highlighting that the plastisphere could also be of special interest from a biotechnological perspective.  相似文献   
To explain photoperiodic induction of diapause in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae a new theoretical model was developed which took into account both the hourglass and rhythmic elements shown to be present in the photoperiodic reaction of these mites. It is emphasized that photoperiodic induction is the result of time measurement as well as the summation and integration of a number of successive photoperiodic cycles: the model, therefore, consists of separate ‘clock’ and ‘counter’ mechanisms. In current views involvement of the circadian system in photoperiodism is interpreted in terms of the hypothesis that the photoperiodic clock itself is based on one or more circadian oscillators. Here a different approach has been chosen as regards the role of the circadian system in photoperiodism: the possibility, previously put forward by other authors, that some aspect of the photoperiodic induction mechanism other than the clock is controlled by the circadian system was investigated by assuming a circadian influence on the photoperiodic counter mechanism. The derivation of this ‘hourglass timer oscillator counter’ model of photoperiodic induction in T. urticae is described and its operation demonstrated on the basis of a number of diel and nondiel photoperiods, with and without light interruptions.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze the association between the copy number variation regions (CNVRs) and fatty acid profile phenotypes for saturated (SFA), monosaturated (MUFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA), ω6 and ω3 fatty acids, PUFA/SFA and ω6/ω3 ratios, as well as for their sums, in Nellore cattle (Bos primigenius indicus). A total of 963 males were finished in feedlot and slaughtered with approximately 2 years of age. Animals were genotyped with the BovineHD BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). The copy number variation (CNV) detection was performed using the PennCNV algorithm. Log R ratio (LRR) and allele B frequency (BAF) were used to estimate the CNVs. The association analyses were done using the CNVRuler software and applying a logistic regression model. The phenotype was adjusted using a linear model considering the fixed effects of contemporary group and the animal age at slaughter. The fatty acid profile was analyzed on samples of longissimus thoracis muscle using gas chromatography with a 100-m capillary column. For the association analysis, the adjusted phenotypic values were considered for the traits, while the data was adjusted for the effects of the farm and year of birth, management groups at birth, weaning, and superannuation. A total of 186 CNVRs were significant for SFA (43), MUFA (42), PUFA (66), and omega fatty acid (35) groups, totaling 278 known genes. On the basis of the results, several genes were associated with several fatty acids of different saturations. Olfactory receptor genes were associated with C12:0, C14:0, and C18:0 fatty acids. The SAMD8 and BSCL2 genes, both related to lipid metabolic process, were associated with C12:0. The RAPGEF6 gene was found to be associated with C18:2 cis-9 cis-12 n-6, and its function is related to regulation of GTPase activity. Among the results, we highlighted the olfactory receptor activity (GO:0004984), G-protein-coupled receptor activity (GO:0004930), potassium:proton antiporter activity (GO:0015386), sodium:proton antiporter activity (GO:0015385), and odorant-binding (GO:0005549) molecular functions. A large number of genes associated with fatty acid profile within the CNVRs were identified in this study. These findings must contribute to better elucidate the genetic mechanism underlying the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat in Nellore cattle.  相似文献   
Summary The cDNAs of mammalian amino acid transporters already identified could be grouped into four families. One of these protein families is composed of the protein rBAT and the heavy chain of the cell surface antigen 4F2 (4F2hc). The cRNAs of rBAT and 4F2hc induce amino acid transport activity via systems b0,+ -like and y+L -like inXenopus oocytes respectively. Surprisingly, neither rBAT nor 4F2hc is very hydrophobic, and they seem to be unable to form a pore in the plasma membrane. This prompted the hypothesis that rBAT and 4F2hc are subunits or modulators of the corresponding amino acid transporters. The association of rBAT with a light subunit of ~40kDa has been suggested, and such an association has been demonstrated for 4F2hc.The b0,+-like system expressed in oocytes by rBAT cRNA transports L-cystine, L-dibasic and L-neutral amino acids with high-affinity. This transport system shows exchange of amino acids through the plasma membrane ofXenopus oocytes, suggesting a tertiary active transport mechanism. The rBAT gene is mainly expressed in the outer stripe of the outer medulla of the kidney and in the mucosa of the small intestine. The protein localizes to the microvilli of the proximal straight tubules (S3 segment) of the nephron and the mucosa of the small intestine. All this suggested the participation of rBAT in a high-affinity reabsorption system of cystine and dibasic amino acids in kidney and intestine, and indicated rBAT (named SLC3A1 in Gene Data Bank) as a good candidate gene for cystinuria. This is an inherited aminoaciduria due to defective renal and intestinal reabsorption of cystine and dibasic amino acids. The poor solubility of cystine causes the formation of renal cystine calculi. Mutational analysis of the rBAT gene of patients with cystinuria is revealing a growing number (~20) of cystinuria-specific mutations, including missense, nonsense, deletions and insertions. Mutations M467T (substitution of methionine 467 residue for threonine) and R270X (stop codon at arginine residue 270) represent approximately half of the cystinuric chromosomes where mutations have been found. Mutation M467T reduces transport activity of rBAT in oocytes. All this demonstrates that mutations in the rBAT gene cause cystinuria.Three types of cystinuria (types, I, II and III) have been described on the basis of the genetic, biochemical and clinical manifestations of the disease. Type I cystinuria has a complete recessive inheritance; type I heterozygotes are totally silent. In contrast, type II and III heterozygotes show, respectively, high or moderate hyperaminoaciduria of cystine and dibasic amino acids. Type III homozygotes show moderate, if any, alteration of intestinal absorption of cystine and dibasic amino acids; type II homozygotes clearly show defective intestinal absorption of these amino acids. To date, all the rBAT cystinuria-specific mutations we have found are associated with type I cystinuria (~70% of the chromosomes studied) but not to types II or III. This strongly suggests genetic heterogeneity for cystinuria. Genetic linkage analysis with markers of the genomic region of rBAT in chromosome 2 (G band 2p16.3) and intragenic markers of rBAT have demonstrated genetic heterogeneity for cystinuria; the rBAT gene is linked to type I cystinuria, but not to type III. Biochemical, genetic and clinical studies are needed to identify the additional cystinuria genes; a low-affinity cystine reabsortion system and the putative light subunit of rBAT are additional candidate genes for cystinuria.  相似文献   
Alopoglossidae is a family of Neotropical lizards composed of 23 species allocated in two genera (Alopoglossus and Ptychoglossus). There is a lack of knowledge about the phylogenetic relationships and systematics of this family. Published phylogenies that include alopoglossid species have very low taxon coverage within the family, and are usually based on limited character sampling. Considering these shortcomings, we infer the phylogenetic relationships of Alopoglossidae—including all but one species in the family—based on the combined analyses of DNA sequences and morphological characters. We use four loci (the mitochondrial 12S, 16S and ND4; the nuclear C-mos) and a matrix of 143 phenotypic characters from scutellation, tongue morphology, hemipenis morphology, and osteology. The dataset is analyzed with Maximum Parsimony, with four alternative weighting schemes: three under Extended Implied Weighting, and one with equal weighting. The respective resulting topologies are compared in a sensitivity analysis framework. Our analyses support the paraphyly of Ptychoglossus, with Alopoglossus nested within it. We provide an updated classification for the family, where Ptychoglossus Boulenger, 1890 is considered a junior synonym of Alopoglossus Boulenger, 1885.  相似文献   
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