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Naiara Pinto  Timothy H. Keitt 《Oikos》2008,117(11):1725-1731
Despite vast evidence of species turnover displayed by Neotropical bat communities in response to forest fragmentation, the exact shape of the relationship between fragment area and abundance for individual bat species is still unclear. Bats’ ample variation in diet, morphology, and movement behaviour can potentially influence species’ perception of the landscape. Thus, studies describing fragment area at a single spatial scale may fail to capture the amount of forest available from the perspective of individual bat species. In the present paper, we study the influence of forest cover on bats inhabiting a fragmented forest in Mexico, focusing on some of the most common frugivore species: Artibeus jamaicensis, Carollia spp. (C. brevicauda/C. perspicillata) and Sturnira spp. (S. lilium/S. ludovici). We quantified forest cover at scales ranging from 50 to 2000 m, and measured the influence of forest cover on bat capture success, a surrogate for abundance. The three species displayed positive and significant scale‐dependent associations with forest cover. Abundance of A. jamaicensis increased with forest cover measured at scales ranging between 500 and 2000 m, while Carollia spp. responded more strongly to variation in forest cover measured at scales 100–500 m. For Sturnira spp., abundance was a function of presence of creeks near mist‐netting sites, and amount of secondary forest present at a 200 m scale. The observed variation in responses to forest cover can be explained in light of interspecific differences in diet, home range, and body size. Our results illustrate a method for measuring the effect of forest fragmentation on mobile species and suggest that changes in abundance in fragmented landscapes emerge from the interaction between species’ traits and landscape structure.  相似文献   
This study aimed at using eXtended finite element method (XFEM) to characterize crack growth through bone’s intra-cortical pores. Two techniques were compared using Abaqus: (1) void material properties were assigned to pores; (2) multiple enrichment regions with independent crack-growth possibilities were employed. Both were applied to 2D models of transverse images of mouse bone with differing porous structures. Results revealed that assigning multiple enrichment regions allows for multiple cracks to be initiated progressively, which cannot be captured when the voids are filled. Therefore, filling pores with one enrichment region in the model will not create realistic fracture patterns in Abaqus-XFEM.  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - Rudgea viburnoides (Cham.) Benth. is an aluminum (Al) hyperaccumulator species native to the Brazilian Cerrado and can be found on soils with different fertilities and Al...  相似文献   
Bacterial genomes encode several families of protein paralogs. Discrimination between functional divergence and redundancy among paralogs is challenging due to their sequence conservation. Here, we investigated whether the amino acid differences present in the cold shock protein (CSP) paralogs of Staphylococcus aureus were responsible for functional specificity. Since deletion of cspA reduces the synthesis of staphyloxanthin (STX), we used it as an in vivo reporter of CSP functionality. Complementation of a ΔcspA strain with the different S. aureus CSP variants showed that only CspA could specifically restore STX production by controlling the activity of the stress-associated sigma B factor (σB). To determine the amino acid residues responsible for CspA specificity, we created several chimeric CSPs that interchanged the amino acid differences between CspA and CspC, which shared the highest identity. We demonstrated that CspA Pro58 was responsible for the specific control of σB activity and its associated phenotypes. Interestingly, CspC gained the biological function of CspA when the E58P substitution was introduced. This study highlights how just one evolutionarily selected amino acid change may be sufficient to modify the specific functionality of CSP paralogs.  相似文献   
Current methods for monitoring marine fish (including bony fishes and elasmobranchs) diversity mostly rely on trawling surveys, which are invasive, costly, and time‐consuming. Moreover, these methods are selective, targeting a subset of species at the time, and can be inaccessible to certain areas. Here, we used environmental DNA (eDNA), the DNA present in the water column as part of shed cells, tissues, or mucus, to provide comprehensive information about fish diversity in a large marine area. Further, eDNA results were compared to the fish diversity obtained in pelagic trawls. A total of 44 5 L‐water samples were collected onboard a wide‐scale oceanographic survey covering about 120,000 square kilometers in Northeast Atlantic Ocean. A short region of the 12S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced through metabarcoding generating almost 3.5 million quality‐filtered reads. Trawl and eDNA samples resulted in the same most abundant species (European anchovy, European pilchard, Atlantic mackerel, and blue whiting), but eDNA metabarcoding resulted in more detected bony fish and elasmobranch species (116) than trawling (16). Although an overall correlation between fishes biomass and number of reads was observed, some species deviated from the common trend, which could be explained by inherent biases of each of the methods. Species distribution patterns inferred from eDNA metabarcoding data coincided with current ecological knowledge of the species, suggesting that eDNA has the potential to draw sound ecological conclusions that can contribute to fish surveillance programs. Our results support eDNA metabarcoding for broad‐scale marine fish diversity monitoring in the context of Directives such as the Common Fisheries Policy or the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.  相似文献   
Prolyl endopeptidase and pyroglutamyl peptidase I are enzymes which participate in the degradation of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), a hormone which is thought to play an important role in the development of organs and tissues. Here, we have characterized the ontogeny of TRH degrading enzyme activity in the brain cortex, lung, heart, kidney and liver. Overall, prolyl endopeptidase activity was found to be 2 to 5 fold higher in newborn vs. adult rat tissues, with the exception of the soluble form in the liver and the particulate form in the lung. In contrast, the developmental profile of pyroglutamyl peptidase I activity was found to be more variable and tissue dependent. These results corroborate the idea that both enzymes play important, tissue-specific roles during the development and maturation of rat organs.  相似文献   
Little is known about the digestive tube (DT) morphology of the fish Pterodoras granulosus. Therefore, macro‐, meso‐ and microscopic aspects of 15 P. granulosus DTs were analysed. The muscular layer was composed of striated skeletal muscle in the oesophagus and smooth muscle in the other segments. The epithelium progressed from a stratified pavement in the oesophagus to a simple column in the other segments, with a flat striated border in the intestine. A large number of mucus‐secreting periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS)‐positive cells were observed in the oesophagus. In the stomach, the number of glands in the region decreased towards the cardiac–fundic region, and none were found in the pylorus. The intestine showed an epithelium with absorption cells and an increasing number of PAS‐positive caliciform cells towards the distal region. Tests showed that the oesophagus is adapted for passing and preparing food for the chemical digestion that occurs in the stomach, which also has storage functions without grinding action. The proximal intestinal region was consistent with fat absorption, and the medium region, with the absorption of other nutrients. The distal region was short and consistent with a role in absorption for osmoregulation as well as in the formation, storage and disposal of faeces.  相似文献   
The infection of human fibroblasts by poliovirus leads to a notable increase in the intracellular calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, measured by microfluorimetry or by flow cytometry. [Ca2+]i increases from 2 to 3 h postinfection, and by the fifth hour there is a 5- to 10-fold increase in [Ca2+]i. At this time postinfection there is active viral protein synthesis. The modifications in [Ca2+]i are not observed in the presence of cycloheximide, guanidine, or Ro 09-0179, indicating that virus gene expression is required for the increase in [Ca2+]i. Attempts to identify the source of the intracellular Ca2+ by using different inhibitors of calcium fluxes suggest that calcium enters from the culture medium through voltage-sensitive calcium channels.  相似文献   
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