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Selection of B cells subjected to hypermutation in germinal centres (GC) during T cell-dependent (TD) antibody responses yields memory cells and long-lived plasma cells that produce high affinity antibodies biased to foreign antigens rather than self-antigens. GC also form in T-independent (TI) responses to polysaccharide antigens but failed selection results in GC involution and memory cells are not generated. To date there are no markers that allow phenotypic distinction of T-dependent and TI germinal centre B cells. We compared the global gene expression of GC B cells purified from mice immunized with either TD or TI antigens and identified eighty genes that are differentially expressed in TD GC. Significantly, the largest cluster comprises genes involved in growth and guidance of neuron axons such as Plexin B2, Basp1, Nelf, Shh, Sc4mol and Sult4alpha. This is consistent with formation of long neurite (axon and dendrite)-like structures by mouse and human GC B cells, which may facilitate T:B cell interactions within GC, affinity maturation and B cell memory formation. Expression of BASP1 and PLEXIN B2 protein is very low or undetectable in resting and TI GC B cells, but markedly upregulated in GC B cells induced in the presence of T cell help. Finally we show some of the axon growth genes upregulated in TD-GC B cells including Basp1, Shh, Sult4alpha, Sc4mol are also preferentially expressed in post-GC B cell neoplasms.  相似文献   
This review focuses on the mechanisms of stress response in the synovial tissue of rheumatoid arthritis. The major stress factors, such as heat stress, shear stress, proinflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress, are discussed and reviewed, focusing on their potential to induce a stress response in the synovial tissue. Several pathways of stress signalling molecules are found to be activated in the synovial membrane of rheumatoid arthritis; of these the most important examples are heat shock proteins, mitogen-activated protein kinases, stress-activated protein kinases and molecules involved in the oxidative stress pathways. The expression of these pathways in vitro and in vivo as well as the consequences of stress signalling in the rheumatoid synovium are discussed. Stress signalling is part of a cellular response to potentially harmful stimuli and thus is essentially involved in the process of synovitis. Stress signalling pathways are therefore new and promising targets of future anti-rheumatic therapies.  相似文献   


Over the last ten years, genomic selection has developed enormously. Simulations and results on real data suggest that breeding values can be predicted with high accuracy using genetic markers alone. However, to reach high accuracies, large reference populations are needed. In many livestock populations or even species, such populations cannot be established when traits are difficult or expensive to record, or when the population size is small. The value of genomic selection is then questionable.


In this study, we compare traditional breeding schemes based on own performance or progeny information to genomic selection schemes, for which the number of phenotypic records is limiting. Deterministic simulations were performed using selection index theory. Our focus was on the equilibrium response obtained after a few generations of selection. Therefore, we first investigated the magnitude of the Bulmer effect with genomic selection.


Results showed that the reduction in response due to the Bulmer effect is the same for genomic selection as for selection based on traditional BLUP estimated breeding values, and is independent of the accuracy of selection. The reduction in response with genomic selection is greater than with selection based directly on phenotypes without the use of pedigree information, such as mass selection. To maximize the accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values when the number of phenotypic records is limiting, the same individuals should be phenotyped and genotyped, rather than genotyping parents and phenotyping their progeny. When the generation interval cannot be reduced with genomic selection, large reference populations are required to obtain a similar response to that with selection based on BLUP estimated breeding values based on own performance or progeny information. However, when a genomic selection scheme has a moderate decrease in generation interval, relatively small reference population sizes are needed to obtain a similar response to that with selection on traditional BLUP estimated breeding values.


When the trait of interest cannot be recorded on the selection candidate, genomic selection schemes are very attractive even when the number of phenotypic records is limited, because traditional breeding requires progeny testing schemes with long generation intervals in those cases.  相似文献   
Metaphycus angustifrons Compere has recently been found to be the most abundant parasitoid of brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum L., in southern California. In laboratory experiments we examined several biological parameters of this species. M. angustifrons both oviposits and host feeds in brown soft scale and is a facultatively gregarious endoparasitoid of this soft scale insect. In contrast with other Metaphycus spp., M. angustifrons is a koinobiont parasitoid, allowing its host to grow up to 40% beyond its size at parasitism. Despite its high abundance on brown soft scale in the field, in the laboratory, high rates of parasitoid egg encapsulation are observed; about half of parasitized hosts failed to issue parasitoids. Furthermore, host scales that encapsulated parasitoids eggs showed significant reduction in development. Increased scale size at oviposition influences the size of emerging females but not the size of males. Female M. angustifrons are synovigenic. They emerge from their hosts without mature eggs and begin maturing eggs after they are provided a carbohydrate source. Carbohydrates prolong the life span of both female and male M. angustifrons. The size of female wasps influences egg load but not longevity. Finally, based on laboratory observations, M. angustifrons uses citricola scale almost exclusively for host feeding and not for oviposition. These results suggest that the role of this species in citricola scale’s decline in southern California in the 1950s–1960s was negligible.  相似文献   
The hydrolysis of starch to low-molecular-weight products (normally characterised by their dextrose equivalent (DE), which is directly related to the number-average molecular mass) was studied at different temperatures. Amylopectin potato starch, lacking amylose, was selected because of its low tendency towards retrogradation at lower temperatures. Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase was added to 10% [w/w] gelatinised starch solutions. The hydrolysis experiments were done at 50, 70, and 90 degrees C. Samples were taken at defined DE values and these were analysed with respect to their saccharide composition. At the same DE the oligosaccharide composition depended on the hydrolysis temperature. This implies that at the same net number of bonds hydrolysed by the enzyme, the saccharide composition was different. The hydrolysis temperature also influenced the initial overall molecular-weight distribution. Higher temperatures led to a more homogenous molecular weight distribution. Similar effects were observed for alpha-amylases from other microbial sources such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus stearothermophilus. Varying the pH (5.1, 6.2, and 7.6) at 70 degrees C did not significantly influence the saccharide composition obtained during B. licheniformis alpha-amylase hydrolysis. The underlying mechanisms for B. licheniformis alpha-amylase were studied using pure linear oligosaccharides, ranging from maltotriose to maltoheptaose as substrates. Activation energies for the hydrolysis of individual oligosaccharides were calculated from Arrhenius plots at 60, 70, 80, and 90 degrees C. Oligosaccharides with a degree of polymerisation exceeding that of the substrate could be detected. The contribution of these oligosaccharides increased as the degree of polymerisation of the substrate decreased and the temperature of hydrolysis increased. The product specificity decreased with increasing temperature of hydrolysis, which led to a more equal distribution between the possible products formed. Calculations with the subsite map as determined for the closely related alpha-amylase from B. amyloliquefaciens reconfirmed this finding of a decreased substrate specificity with increased temperature of hydrolysis. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Glucose Metabolism in Neisseria gonorrhoeae   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
The metabolism of glucose was examined in several clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Radiorespirometric studies revealed that growing cells metabolized glucose by a combination on the Entner-Doudoroff and pentose phosphate pathways. A portion of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate formed via the Entner-Doudoroff pathway was recycled by conversion to glucose-6-phosphate. Subsequent catabolism of this glucose-6-phosphate by either the Entner-Doudoroff or pentose phosphate pathways yielded CO(2) from the original C6 of glucose. Enzyme analyses confirmed the presence of all enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff, pentose phosphate, and Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathways. There was always a high specific activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC relative to that of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase utilized either nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide as electron acceptor. Acetate was the only detectable nongaseous end product of glucose metabolism. Following the disappearance of glucose, acetate was metabolized by the tricarboxylic acid cycle as evidenced by the preferential oxidation of [1-(14)C]acetate over that of [2-(14)C]acetate. When an aerobically grown log-phase culture was subjected to anaerobic conditions, lactate and acetate were formed from glucose. Radiorespirometric studies showed that under these conditions, glucose was dissimilated entirely by the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. Further studies determined that this anaerobic dissimilation of glucose was not growth dependent.  相似文献   
Plant functional traits capture important variation in plant strategy and function. Recent literature has revealed that within-species variation in traits is greater than previously supposed. However, we still have a poor understanding of how intraspecific variation is coordinated among different traits, and how it is driven by environment. We quantified intraspecific variation in wood density and five leaf traits underpinning the leaf economics spectrum (leaf dry matter content, leaf mass per unit area, size, thickness and density) within and among four widespread Nothofagus tree species in southern New Zealand. We tested whether intraspecific relationships between wood density and leaf traits followed widely reported interspecific relationships, and whether variation in these traits was coordinated through shared responses to environmental factors. Sample sites varied widely in environmental variables, including soil fertility (25–900 mg kg–1 total P), precipitation (668–4875 mm yr–1), temperature (5.2–12.4 °C mean annual temperature) and latitude (41–46 °S). Leaf traits were strongly correlated with one another within species, but not with wood density. There was some evidence for a positive relationship between wood density and leaf tissue density and dry matter content, but no evidence that leaf mass or leaf size were correlated with wood density; this highlights that leaf mass per unit area cannot be used as a surrogate for component leaf traits such as tissue density. Trait variation was predicted by environmental factors, but not consistently among different traits; e.g., only leaf thickness and leaf density responded to the same environmental cues as wood density. We conclude that although intraspecific variation in wood density and leaf traits is strongly driven by environmental factors, these responses are not strongly coordinated among functional traits even across co-occurring, closely-related plant species.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The impacts of four pesticides used for control of citrus thrips, Scirtothrips citri (Moulton), were evaluated in both field and laboratory populations of a predaceous mite, Euseius tularensis Congdon. Abamectin and chlorfenapyr had the least impact of pesticides evaluated on a field population of E. tularensis and predaceous mite levels mirrored those observed in the untreated control but at a slightly depressed level. Spinosad reduced predaceous mites somewhat but they recovered to 50% of the level in the untreated control by the end of the trial. Mite populations were low throughout the trial in plots treated with cyfluthrin. As an overall summary statistic, cumulative predator mite-days ranged from 73.6% of the level observed in the untreated control with abamectin to 67.1% with chlorfenapyr, 36.8% with spinosad and 11.7% with cyfluthrin. Three additional field trials confirmed abamectin's minimal impact. In laboratory studies of adult female mite mortality on field-weathered, pesticide-treated leaves, cyfluthrin caused high mortality on day 1 after treatment and all mites that were not killed were driven off leaf discs until day 21. When mites were placed on leaf discs 1 day after treatment with abamectin, spinosad, or chlorfenapyr, 67.5% of the mites died on chlorfenapyr discs. By 7 days after treatment, no material but cyfluthrin showed a significant impact. Implications to citrus integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   
Insects in the sap-sucking hemipteran suborder Sternorrhyncha typically harbor maternally transmitted bacteria housed in a specialized organ, the bacteriome. In three of the four superfamilies of Sternorrhyncha (Aphidoidea, Aleyrodoidea, Psylloidea), the bacteriome-associated (primary) bacterial lineage is from the class Gammaproteobacteria (phylum Proteobacteria). The fourth superfamily, Coccoidea (scale insects), has a diverse array of bacterial endosymbionts whose affinities are largely unexplored. We have amplified fragments of two bacterial ribosomal genes from each of 68 species of armored scale insects (Diaspididae). In spite of initially using primers designed for Gammaproteobacteria, we consistently amplified sequences from a different bacterial phylum: Bacteroidetes. We use these sequences (16S and 23S, 2105 total base pairs), along with previously published sequences from the armored scale hosts (elongation factor 1alpha and 28S rDNA) to investigate phylogenetic congruence between the two clades. The Bayesian tree for the bacteria is roughly congruent with that of the hosts, with 67% of nodes identical. Partition homogeneity tests found no significant difference between the host and bacterial data sets. Of thirteen Shimodaira-Hasegawa tests, comparing the original Bayesian bacterial tree to bacterial trees with incongruent clades forced to match the host tree, 12 found no significant difference. A significant difference in topology was found only when the entire host tree was compared with the entire bacterial tree. For the bacterial data set, the treelengths of the most parsimonious host trees are only 1.8-2.4% longer than that of the most parsimonious bacterial trees. The high level of congruence between the topologies indicates that these Bacteroidetes are the primary endosymbionts of armored scale insects. To investigate the phylogenetic affinities of these endosymbionts, we aligned some of their 16S rDNA sequences with other known Bacteroidetes endosymbionts and with other similar sequences identified by BLAST searches. Although the endosymbionts of armored scales are only distantly related to the endosymbionts of the other sternorrhynchan insects, they are closely related to bacteria associated with eriococcid and margarodid scale insects, to cockroach and auchenorrynchan endosymbionts (Blattabacterium and Sulcia), and to male-killing endosymbionts of ladybird beetles. We propose the name "Candidatus Uzinura diaspidicola" for the primary endosymbionts of armored scale insects.  相似文献   
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