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For efficient DNA hydrolysis, Type III restriction endonuclease EcoP15I interacts with two inversely oriented recognition sites in an ATP-dependent process. EcoP15I consists of two methylation (Mod) subunits and a single restriction (Res) subunit yielding a multifunctional enzyme complex able to methylate or to hydrolyse DNA. Comprehensive sequence alignments, limited proteolysis and mass spectroscopy suggested that the Res subunit is a fusion of a motor or translocase (Tr) domain of superfamily II helicases and an endonuclease domain with a catalytic PD…EXK motif. In the Tr domain, seven predicted helicase motifs (I, Ia, II–VI), a recently discovered Q-tip motif and three additional regions (IIIa, IVa, Va) conserved among Type III restriction enzymes have been identified that are predicted to be involved in DNA binding and ATP hydrolysis. Because DNA unwinding activity for EcoP15I (as for bona fide helicases) has never been found and EcoP15I ATPase rates are only low, the functional importance of the helicase motifs and regions was questionable and has never been probed systematically. Therefore, we mutated all helicase motifs and conserved regions predicted in Type III restriction enzyme EcoP15I and examined the functional consequences on EcoP15I enzyme activity and the structural integrity of the variants by CD spectroscopy. The resulting eleven enzyme variants all, except variant IVa, are properly folded showing the same secondary structure distribution as the wild-type enzyme. Classical helicase motifs I–VI are important for ATP and DNA cleavage by EcoP15I and mutations therein led to complete loss of ATPase and cleavage activity. Among the catalytically inactive enzyme variants three preserved the ability to bind ATP. In contrast, newly assigned motifs Q-tip, Ia and Va are not essential for EcoP15I activity and the corresponding enzyme variants were still catalytically active. DNA binding was only marginally reduced (2–7 fold) in all enzyme variants tested.  相似文献   
Sorghum with its remarkable adaptability to drought and high temperature provides a model system for grass genomics and resource for gene discovery especially for abiotic stress tolerance. Group 3 LEA genes from barley and rice have been shown to play crucial role in abiotic stress tolerance. Here, we present a genome-wide analysis of LEA3 genes in sorghum. We identified four genes encoding LEA3 proteins in the sorghum genome and further classified them into LEA3A and LEA3B subgroups based on the conservation of LEA3 specific motifs. Further, expression pattern of these genes were analyzed in seeds during development and vegetative tissues under abiotic stresses. SbLEA3A group genes showed expression at early stage of seed development and increased significantly at maturity, while SbLEA3B group genes expressed only in matured seeds. Expression of SbLEA3 genes in response to abiotic stresses such as soil moisture deficit (drought), osmotic, salt, and temperature stresses, and exogenous ABA treatments was also studied in the leaves of 2-weeks-old seedlings. ABA and drought induced the expression of all LEA3 genes, while cold and heat stress induced none of them. Promoter analysis revealed the presence of multiple ABRE core cis-elements and a few low temperature response (LTRE)/drought responsive (DRE) cis-elements. This study suggests non-redundant function of LEA3 genes in seed development and stress tolerance in sorghum.  相似文献   
Lithium (Li) is a trace element that is essential in the human diet due to its importance for health and proper functioning of an organism. However, the biological activity of this metal in crop plants, which are the primary dietary sources of Li, is still poorly understood. The aim of the presented study was to comparatively analyse two Li chemical forms on the growth, as well as the l-ascorbic acid content, the Li accumulation and translocation in butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) cv. Justyna. The plants were grown in a nutrient solution enriched with Li in the form of LiCl or LiOH at the following concentrations: 0, 2.5, 20, 50 or 100 mg?Li?dm?3. The obtained results indicate that the presence of Li+ ions in the root environment reduced the yield of edible parts of the lettuce if the Li concentration in a nutrient solution had reached 20 mg?Li?dm?3. However, a yield reduction under these conditions was found to be significant only for LiOH. In plants exposed to 50 mg?Li?dm?3, both shoot and root fresh weights (FW) significantly decreased, regardless of the supplied Li chemical form. On the other hand, under the lowest LiOH dose, a significant increase in the root FW was noted, suggesting beneficial effects of Li on the growth of lettuce plants. However, applied Li concentrations and forms did not affect the l-ascorbic acid content in the lettuce leaves. Regardless of which Li form was used, Li accumulated mainly in the root tissues. An exception was the higher concentration of this metal in the shoots than in the roots of plants supplied with 100 mg?Li?dm?3 in LiCl, and there were almost the same Li concentrations in both examined organs of plants supplied with 100 mg?Li?dm?3 in LiOH. The effectiveness of Li translocation from roots to shoots rose with increasing Li concentrations in the growth medium, and this suggests a relatively ready translocation of this metal throughout the plant. Moreover, these results suggest that Li toxicity in lettuce plants is related to a high accumulation of this element in the root and shoot tissues, causing a drastic reduction in the yield, in the presence either of LiCl or LiOH, but not affecting the l-ascorbic acid accumulation in the leaves.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the metabolic and physiological changes in rats fed a diet high in fat, fructose, and salt, and with excess iron level. Mineral status was also estimated. Wistar rats were assigned to groups fed either a standard control diet (C) or a diet high in fat, fructose, and salt. The noncontrol diets contained either normal (M) or high level (MFe) of iron. After 6 weeks, the length and weight of the rats were measured, and the animals were euthanized. The kidneys and gonads were collected, and blood samples were taken. Serum levels of insulin, nitric oxide, and iron were measured. The iron, zinc, copper, and calcium concentrations of tissues were determined. It was found that the M diet led to a significant increase in the relative kidney mass of the rats compared with the control group. Among the rats fed the M diet, markedly higher serum level of iron and lower levels of zinc and copper were observed in tissues, while significantly higher calcium levels were found in the gonads. The MFe diet resulted in decreased obesity index, insulin level, and nitric oxide serum concentration in the rats, when compared with both the M and C diets. The high iron level in the modified diet increased the relative mass of the gonads. The excess iron level in the diet disturbed the zinc, copper, and calcium status of tissues. The decrease in insulin and nitric oxide in rats fed the diet high in iron, fat, fructose, and salt was associated with disorders of zinc, copper, and calcium status, as well as with an increase in the relative mass of the gonads.  相似文献   
N-Linked glycosylation is an essential post-translational protein modification in the eukaryotic cell. The initial transfer of an oligosaccharide from a lipid carrier onto asparagine residues within a consensus sequon is catalyzed by oligosaccharyltransferase (OST). The first X-ray structure of a complete bacterial OST enzyme, Campylobacter lari PglB, was recently determined. To understand the mechanism of PglB, we have quantified sequon binding and glycosylation turnover in vitro using purified enzyme and fluorescently labeled, synthetic peptide substrates. Using fluorescence anisotropy, we determined a dissociation constant of 1.0 μm and a strict requirement for divalent metal ions for consensus (DQNAT) sequon binding. Using in-gel fluorescence detection, we quantified exceedingly low glycosylation rates that remained undetected using in vivo assays. We found that an alanine in the −2 sequon position, converting the bacterial sequon to a eukaryotic one, resulted in strongly lowered sequon binding, with in vitro turnover reduced 50,000-fold. A threonine is preferred over serine in the +2 sequon position, reflected by a 4-fold higher affinity and a 1.2-fold higher glycosylation rate. The interaction of the +2 sequon position with PglB is modulated by isoleucine 572. Our study demonstrates an intricate interplay of peptide and metal binding as the first step of protein N-glycosylation.  相似文献   
Cicer anatolicum, a perennial species, has ascochyta blight resistance superior to that found in the cultivated chickpea. However, hybridization barriers during early stages of embryo development curtail access to this trait. Since hormones play an essential role in early embryo development, we have determined the hormone profiles of 4-, 8-, and 12-day old seeds from a Canadian chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cv. CDC Xena, from Indian cvs. Swetha and Bharati, and from a perennial accession of C. anatolicum (PI 383626). Indole-3-acetic acid content peaked on day 4 in CDC Xena, on day 8 in both Indian cultivars but only on day 12 in C. anatolicum. The cytokinins, isopentenyladenosine (iPA) and trans zeatin riboside (tZR) were predominant in CDC Xena and Swetha seeds on day 4, whereas cis zeatin riboside was the major component in Bharati. In C. anatolicum, iPA maxed out on day 4 and tZR on day 12. The bioactive gibberellin GA1 spiked on day 4 in CDC Xena and Bharati, on day 8 in Swetha but only on day 12 in C. anatolicum. Eight-day old seeds had the highest abscisic acid content in the cultivars but spiked on day 12 in the perennial species. The hormone profiles of the perennial species showed delayed spikes in all four hormone groups indicating that there is a mismatch in the hormone requirements of the different embryos. Improving synchronization of early seed hormone profiles of cultivated and perennial chickpea should improve interspecific hybrid production.  相似文献   
A mixed culture from an anaerobic biowaste digester was enriched on propionate and used to investigate interspecies hydrogen transfer in dependence of spatial distances between propionate degraders and methanogens. From 20.3 mM propionate, 20.8 mM acetate and 15.5 mM methane were formed. Maximum specific propionate oxidation and methane formation rates were 49 and 23 mmol?mg?1?day?1, respectively. Propionate oxidation was inhibited by only 20 mM acetate by about 50 %. Intermediate formate formation during inhibited methanogensis was observed. The spatial distribution and the biovolume fraction of propionate degraders and of methanogens in relation to the total population during aggregate formation were determined. Measurements of interbacterial distances were conducted with fluorescence in situ hybridization by application of group-specific 16S rRNA-targeted probes and 3D image analyses. With increasing incubation time, floc formation and growth up to 54 μm were observed. Propionate degraders and methanogens were distributed randomly in the flocs. The methanogenic biovolume fraction was high at the beginning and remained constant over 42 days, whereas the fraction of propionate degraders increased with time during propionate feeding. Interbacterial distances between propionate degraders and methanogens decreased with time from 5.30 to 0.29 μm, causing an increase of the maximum possible hydrogen flux from 1.1 to 10.3 nmol?ml?1?min?1. The maximum possible hydrogen flux was always higher than the hydrogen formation and consumption rate, indicating that reducing the interspecies distance by aggregation is advantageous in complex ecosystems.  相似文献   
Despite improved treatment options, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) remains the most aggressive brain tumour with the shortest post-diagnostic survival. Arsenite (As2O3) is already being used in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), yet its effects on GBM have not been evaluated in detail. In U87MG cell monolayers, we have previously shown that arsenite cytotoxicity significantly increases upon transient inhibition of lysosomal protease Cathepsin L (CatL). As multicellular spheroids more closely represent in vivo tumours, we aimed to evaluate the impact of permanent CatL silencing on arsenite treatment in U87MG spheroids. CatL was stably silenced using shRNA expression plasmid packed lentiviruses. By using metabolic- and cell viability assays, we demonstrated that long-term CatL silencing significantly increased arsenite cytotoxicity in U87MG spheroids. Silenced CatL also increased arsenite-mediated apoptosis in spheroids via elevated p53 expression, Bax/Bcl2 ratio and caspase 3/7 activity, though with lower efficacy than in monolayers. Arsenite cytotoxicity was enhanced by lower CatL activity, since similar cytotoxicity increase was also observed using the novel CatL inhibitor AT094. The results have significant translational impact, since stable CatL silencing would enable the application of lower systemic doses of arsenite to achieve the desired cytotoxic effects on GBMs in vivo.  相似文献   


The most common application of imputation is to infer genotypes of a high-density panel of markers on animals that are genotyped for a low-density panel. However, the increase in accuracy of genomic predictions resulting from an increase in the number of markers tends to reach a plateau beyond a certain density. Another application of imputation is to increase the size of the training set with un-genotyped animals. This strategy can be particularly successful when a set of closely related individuals are genotyped.


Imputation on completely un-genotyped dams was performed using known genotypes from the sire of each dam, one offspring and the offspring’s sire. Two methods were applied based on either allele or haplotype frequencies to infer genotypes at ambiguous loci. Results of these methods and of two available software packages were compared. Quality of imputation under different population structures was assessed. The impact of using imputed dams to enlarge training sets on the accuracy of genomic predictions was evaluated for different populations, heritabilities and sizes of training sets.


Imputation accuracy ranged from 0.52 to 0.93 depending on the population structure and the method used. The method that used allele frequencies performed better than the method based on haplotype frequencies. Accuracy of imputation was higher for populations with higher levels of linkage disequilibrium and with larger proportions of markers with more extreme allele frequencies. Inclusion of imputed dams in the training set increased the accuracy of genomic predictions. Gains in accuracy ranged from close to zero to 37.14%, depending on the simulated scenario. Generally, the larger the accuracy already obtained with the genotyped training set, the lower the increase in accuracy achieved by adding imputed dams.


Whenever a reference population resembling the family configuration considered here is available, imputation can be used to achieve an extra increase in accuracy of genomic predictions by enlarging the training set with completely un-genotyped dams. This strategy was shown to be particularly useful for populations with lower levels of linkage disequilibrium, for genomic selection on traits with low heritability, and for species or breeds for which the size of the reference population is limited.  相似文献   
Secondary amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis is an important complication of some chronic inflammatory diseases, primarily rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It is a serious, potentially life‐threatening disorder caused by the deposition of AA fibrils, which are derived from the circulatory, acute‐phase‐reactant, serum amyloid A protein (SAA). Recently, a specific interaction between SAA and the ubiquitous inhibitor of cysteine proteases—human cystatin C (hCC)—has been proved. Using a combination of selective proteolytic excision and high‐resolution mass spectrometry, the binding sites in the SAA and hCC sequences were assessed as SAA(86–104) and hCC(96–102), respectively. Here, we report further details concerning the hCC–SAA interaction. With the use of affinity tests and florescent ELISA‐like assays, the amino acid residues crucial for the protein interaction were determined. It was shown that all amino acid residues in the SAA sequence, essential for the formation of the protein complex, are basic ones, which suggests an electrostatic interaction character. The idea is corroborated by the fact that the most important residues in the hCC sequence are Ser‐98 and Tyr‐102; these residues are able to form hydrogen bonds via their hydroxyl groups. The molecular details of hCC–SAA complex formation might be helpful for the design of new compounds modulating the biological role of both proteins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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