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Cytokinins are plant hormones that may play essential and crucial roles in various aspects of plant growth and development. Although the functional significance of exogenous cytokinins as to the proliferation and differentiation of cells has been well documented, the biological roles of endogenous cytokinins have remained largely unknown. The recent discovery of the Arabidopsis Histidine Kinase 4 (AHK4)/CRE1/WOL cytokinin receptor in Arabidopsis thaliana strongly suggested that the cellular response to cytokinins involves a two-component signal transduction system. However, the lack of an apparent phenotype in the mutant, presumably because of genetic redundancy, prevented us from determining the in planta roles of the cytokinin receptor. To gain insight into the molecular functions of the three AHK genes AHK2, AHK3, and AHK4 in this study, we identified mutational alleles of the AHK2 and AHK3 genes, both of which encode sensor histidine kinases closely related to AHK4, and constructed a set of multiple ahk mutants. Application of exogenous cytokinins to the resultant strains revealed that both AHK2 and AHK3 function as positive regulators for cytokinin signaling similar to AHK4. The ahk2 ahk4 and ahk3 ahk4 double mutants and the ahk single mutants grew normally, whereas the ahk2 ahk3 double mutants exhibited a semidwarf phenotype as to shoots, such as a reduced leaf size and a reduced influorescence stem length. The growth and development of the ahk2 ahk3 ahk4 triple mutant were markedly inhibited in various tissues and organs, including the roots and leaves in the vegetative growth phase and the influorescence meristem in the reproductive phase. We showed that the inhibition of growth is associated with reduced meristematic activity of cells. Expression analysis involving AHK:beta-glucuronidase fusion genes suggested that the AHK genes are expressed ubiquitously in various tissues during postembryonic growth and development. Our results thus strongly suggest that the primary functions of AHK genes, and those of endogenous cytokinins, are triggering of the cell division and maintenance of the meristematic competence of cells to prevent subsequent differentiation until a sufficient number of cells has accumulated during organogenesis.  相似文献   
Since personal and verbal reporting of alcohol use is not necessarily accurate, objective markers to assess alcohol consumption are required. The currently available markers, however, are limited in sensitivity and specificity for screening of excessive alcohol drinkers. Therefore, searches for novel markers are warranted. Recently, surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) has been successfully used to detect disease-associated proteins in complex biological specimens. We used the ProteinChip SELDI technology to generate comparative protein profiles of the consecutive serum samples obtained during abstinence from a total of 16 chronic alcoholic patients hospitalized for a rehabilitation program. We recognized two peaks (5.9 and 7.8 kDa), both of which had been downregulated on admission, the expression level of which significantly increased after a one-week abstinence. These changes were also seen in nonresponders of gamma-glutamyltransferase. These two proteins were partially purified and subjected to amino acid sequencing. The 5.9 kDa protein was identified as a fragment of fibrinogen alphaE chain and the 7.8 kDa was a fragment of apoprotein A-II. These novel protein fragments may be promising biomarkers for excessive alcohol drinking.  相似文献   
Potential mechanisms were investigated whereby CYP2B18, a cytochrome P450 gene exhibiting high constitutive expression but only low levels of phenobarbital-inducibility in the guinea pig liver, may be differentially regulated versus the highly inducible rat CYP2B2 gene. To comparatively assess potential regulatory sequences associated with CYP2B18, a guinea pig genomic library was screened enabling isolation of the CYP2B18 gene. The genomic screening process resulted in the identification of at least four closely-related CYP2B18 genes, designated here as CYP2B18A-D. Of these isolates, CYP2B18A exhibited sequence identical to that of the CYP2B18 cDNA. Further, the deduced amino acid sequence of the CYP2B18 cDNA was identical to that of N-terminal and internally-derived peptide sequences obtained in this investigation from CYP2B18 protein isolated from guinea pig liver. Genomic structural sequences were derived for CYP2B18A, together with the respective 5'-upstream and intronic regions of the gene. Comparison of the CYP2B18A and CYP2B2 gene sequences revealed the lack of repetitive LINE gene sequences in CYP2B18A, putative silencing elements that effect neighboring genes, although these sequences were present in both 5'-upstream and 3'-downstream regions of CYP2B2. We determined that the phenobarbital-responsive enhancer module was absent from the 5'-upstream region as well as the intronic regions of CYP2B18A gene. We hypothesize that the compromised phenobarbital inducibility of CYP2B18A stems from its lack of a functional phenobarbital responsive enhancer module.  相似文献   
(-)-epicatechin is one of the most potent antioxidants present in the human diet. Particularly high levels are found in black tea, apples, and chocolate. High intake of catechins has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. There have been several reports concerning the bioavailability of catechins, however, the chemical structure of (-)-epicatechin metabolites in blood, tissues, and urine remains unclear. In the present study, we purified and elucidated the chemical structure of (-)-epicatechin metabolites in human and rat urine after oral administration. Three metabolites were purified from human urine including (-)-epicatechin-3'-O-glucuronide, 4'-O-methyl-(-)-epicatechin-3'-O-glucuronide, and 4'-O-methyl-(-)-epicatechin-5 or 7-O-glucuronide, according to 1H- and 13C-NMR, HMBC, and LC-MS analyses. The metabolites purified from rat urine were 3'-O-methyl-(-)-epicatechin, (-)-epicatechin-7-O-glucuronide, and 3'-O-methyl-(-)-epicatechin-7-O-glucuronide. These compounds were also detected in the blood of humans and rats by LC-MS. The presence of these metabolites in blood and urine suggests that catechins are metabolized and circulated in the body after administration of catechin-containing foods.  相似文献   
Human membrane cofactor protein (MCP, CD46) is a ubiquitously expressed protein known to protect cells from complement attack. Interestingly, when we examined the expression of mouse CD46, which we recently cloned, the message was found only in testis and the protein was found on the inner acrosomal membrane of sperm. In order to elucidate the function of CD46, we produced mice carrying a null mutation in the CD46 gene by using homologous recombination. Despite the absence of CD46, the mice were healthy and both sexes were fertile. However, to our surprise, the fertilizing ability of males appeared to be facilitated by disruption of the CD46 gene, as the average number of pups born from CD46(-/-) males was significantly greater than that of wild-type males. It was also revealed that the incidence of the spontaneous acrosome reaction doubled in CD46(-/-) sperm compared to that in wild-type sperm. It was assumed that this increase caused the heightened fertilizing ability found in CD46(-/-) sperm. These data suggest that CD46 may have some role in regulating sperm acrosome reaction.  相似文献   
Crossing experiments were made among various brown frog species and populations collected from Japan, China, Russia and Taiwan. The main purpose of these experiments was to confirm the existence of reproductive isolating mechanisms among Rana pirica from Japan, R. chensinensis from China and R. chensinensis from Russia, and between these three taxa and the other brown frogs distributed in the Palearctic and Oriental regions. It was found that there was no or a slight gametic isolation among the three taxa. While there was a nearly equal number of male and female offspring in the control groups, the hybrid frogs were all males, and completely sterile upon attaining sexual maturity. Thus, each of the Japanese R. pirica and the Russian R. chensinensis is a valid species, distinct from the Chinese R. chensinensis. The phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequence data from the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes of the Palearctic and Oriental brown frogs showed that the three taxa are included in a cluster together with the other species with 2n=24 chromosomes. The present crossing experiments and molecular data support the hypothesis that each of them is a separate but closely related species.  相似文献   
We established a classical conditioning procedure for the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, by which odors were associated with reward or punishment. Cockroaches underwent differential conditioning trials in which peppermint odor was associated with sucrose solution and vanilla odor was associated with saline solution. Odor preference of cockroaches was tested by allowing them to choose between peppermint and vanilla sources. Cockroaches that had undergone one set of differential conditioning trials exhibited a significantly greater preference for peppermint odor than did untrained cockroaches. Memory formed by three sets of differential conditioning trials, with an inter-trial interval of 5 min, was retained at least 4 days after conditioning. This conditioning procedure was effective even for cockroaches that had been harnessed in plastic tubes. This study shows, for the first time in hemimetaborous insects, that both freely moving and harnessed insects are capable of forming olfactory memory by classical conditioning procedure. This procedure may be useful for future electrophysiological and pharmacological studies aimed at elucidation of neural mechanisms underlying olfactory learning and memory.  相似文献   
Guanidino compounds of guanidinoethanesulfonic acid, guanidinoacetic acid, guanidinosuccinic acid, N-acetylarginine, -guanidinopropionic acid, creatinine, -guanidinobutyric acid, arginine, guanidine, methylguanidine, homoarginine and -guanidinoglutaric acid are present in the mammalian brain. These guanidino compounds except for arginine and guanidine induce seizures and convulsions in rat, rabbit and cat by intracisternal injection.Hirudonine, audonine, -keto--guanidinovaleric acid, N,N-dibenzoylguanidine and phenylethylguanidine are also convulsants. Levels of creatinine, guanidinoethanesulfonic acid, creatinine, guanidinoacetic acid and methylguanidine in animal brain were changed at pre- and during convulsions induced by pentylentetrazol, amygdala kindling, iron-induced epileptogenesis and so on. These convulsions are thought to be due to depressed functions of serotonergic neurons and accumulated free radicals.Arginine is a substrate of nitric oxide production by nitric oxide synthase. -Guanidinoglutaric acid is a generator of superoxide, hydroxyl radicals and nitric oxide, and induced C6 glial cell death. On the other hand, aminoguanidine is a free radical scavenger. Energy formation by creatine metabolism may inhibit apoptosis induced by pathogenesis. Free radical generation/reaction and energy generation by guanidino compounds must be important key role in the brain.  相似文献   
Ohashi J  Tokunaga K 《Genetics》2000,155(2):921-927
The sojourn times until fixation of an overdominant allele were investigated based on the diffusion equation. Furthermore, the rate of accumulation of mutations, or the substitution rate, was predicted from the mean extinction time of a common overdominant allele. The substitution rate calculated theoretically agreed well with that determined by computer simulation. Overdominant selection enhances the polymorphism at linked loci, while its effect on the sojourn times and the substitution rate at linked loci has not been studied yet. To solve these problems, a model that assumed two linked loci, each with infinite alleles, was examined by computer simulation. A decrease in the recombination rate between two loci markedly changed the distribution of sojourn times of a neutral allele. Although overdominant selection obviously increased the sojourn times and the polymorphism at a linked locus, the rate of nucleotide substitution at the neutral locus was not influenced significantly even if complete linkage was assumed. These results suggest that, in regions containing overdominant genes, linked neutral loci will exhibit elevated levels of polymorphism, but their rate of molecular evolution remains that predicted by neutral theory.  相似文献   
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