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We recently reported that a strain of the non-pathogenic bacterial species Pseudomonas chlororaphis was capable of producing the biosurfactant molecule, rhamnolipids. Previous to this report the organisms known to produce rhamnolipids were almost exclusively pathogens. The newly described P. chlororaphis strain produced rhamnolipids at room temperature in static minimal media, as opposed to previous reports of rhamnolipid production which occurred at elevated temperatures with mechanical agitation. The non-pathogenic nature and energy conserving production conditions make the P. chlororaphis strain an attractive candidate for commercial rhamnolipid production. However, little characterization of molecular/biochemical processes in P. chlororaphis have been reported. In order to achieve a greater understanding of the process by which P. chlororaphis produces rhamnolipids, a survey of proteins differentially expressed during rhamnolipid production was performed. Separation and measurement of the bacteria’s proteome was achieved using Beckman Coulter’s Proteome Lab PF2D packed column-based protein fractionation system. Statistical analysis of the data identified differentially expressed proteins and known orthologues of those proteins were identified using an AB 4700 Proteomics Analyzer mass spectrometer system. A list of proteins differentially expressed by P. chlororaphis strain NRRL B-30761 during rhamnolipid production was generated, and confirmed through a repetition of the entire separation process.Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   
Histocompatibility Gene Organization and Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TRANSFORMATION of allogenic lymphocytes in mixed cultures depends chiefly on an incompatibility between the lymphocyte donors at the major histocompatibility locus in man (HL-A), mouse (H-2) and rat (H-l)1. Although the mouse H-2 locus can be divided into several regions each of which controls one or more antigenic specificities2 and two or more subloci control HL-A antigens in man3, it is not known whether all parts of the major histocompatibility locus are equally important in eliciting transformation in mixed lymphocyte cultures. We now show that capacity to elicit lymphocyte transformation is different for different parts of the mouse H-2 locus.  相似文献   
We conducted studies on mosquitoes and West Nile virus (WNV) along a riparian corridor following the South Platte River and Big Thompson River in northeastern Colorado and extending from an elevation of 1,215 m in the prairie landscape of the eastern Colorado plains to 1,840 m in low montane areas at the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains in the central part of the state. Mosquito collection during June‐September 2007 in 20 sites along this riparian corridor yielded a total of 199,833 identifiable mosquitoes of 17 species. The most commonly collected mosquitoes were, in descending order: Aedes vexans, Culex tarsalis, Ae. dorsalis, Ae. trivittatus, Ae. melanimon, Cx. pipiens, and Culiseta inornata. Species richness was higher in the plains than in foothills‐montane areas, and abundances of several individual species, including the WNV vectors Cx. tarsalis and Cx. pipiens and the nuisance‐biter and potential secondary WNV vector Ae. vexans, decreased dramatically from the plains (1,215‐1,487 m) to foothills‐montane areas (1,524‐1,840 m). Ae. vexans and Cx. tarsalis had a striking pattern of uniformly high abundances between 1,200‐1,450 m followed by a gradual decrease in abundance above 1,450 m to reach very low numbers above 1,550 m. Culex species were commonly infected with WNV in the plains portion of the riparian corridor in 2007, with 14 of 16 sites yielding WNV‐infected Cx. tarsalis and infection rates for Cx. tarsalis females exceeding 2.0 per 1,000 individuals in ten of the sites. The Vector Index for abundance of WNV‐infected Cx. tarsalis females during June‐September exceeded 0.5 in six plains sites along the South Platte River but was uniformly low (0–0.1) in plains, foothills and montane sites above 1,500 m along the Big Thompson River. A population genetic analysis of Cx. tarsalis revealed that all collections from the ≈190 km riparian transect in northeastern Colorado were genetically uniform but that these collections were genetically distinct from collections from Delta County on the western slope of the Continental Divide. This suggests that major waterways in the Great Plains serve as important dispersal corridors for Cx. tarsalis but that the Continental Divide is a formidable barrier to this WNV vector.  相似文献   
Hsp90 chaperones contain an N-terminal ATP binding site that has been effectively targeted by competitive inhibitors. Despite the myriad of inhibitors, none to date have been designed to bind specifically to just one of the four mammalian Hsp90 paralogs, which are cytoplasmic Hsp90α and β, endoplasmic reticulum GRP94, and mitochondrial Trap-1. Given that each of the Hsp90 paralogs is responsible for chaperoning a distinct set of client proteins, specific targeting of one Hsp90 paralog may result in higher efficacy and therapeutic control. Specific inhibitors may also help elucidate the biochemical roles of each Hsp90 paralog. Here, we present side-by-side comparisons of the structures of yeast Hsp90 and mammalian GRP94, bound to the pan-Hsp90 inhibitors geldanamycin (Gdm) and radamide. These structures reveal paralog-specific differences in the Hsp90 and GRP94 conformations in response to Gdm binding. We also report significant variation in the pose and disparate binding affinities for the Gdm-radicicol chimera radamide when bound to the two paralogs, which may be exploited in the design of paralog-specific inhibitors.  相似文献   
This study explored consumer liking and perception of pork patties with an added functional health ingredient: shiitake (Lentinus edodes P.) mushroom powder. In addition, patties with and without sodium tripolyphosphate were tested. Both native Korean and U.S. consumers evaluated the products. Pork patties made with both phosphate and mushroom powder were found to be acceptable by Korean consumers, but increases in mushroom powder in patties with phosphate decreased acceptability for U.S. consumers. However, addition of mushroom powder to patties without phosphate increased acceptability for U.S. consumers, perhaps because it tended to increase texture acceptance and juiciness. Thus, addition of mushroom powder as a functional ingredient in pork patties, while possible, would require different formula modifications to appeal to consumers of differing nationalities.  相似文献   
Evaluation of bladder wall mechanical behavior is important in understanding the functional changes that occur in response to pathologic processes such as partial bladder outlet obstruction (pBOO). In the murine model, the traditional approach of cystometry to describe bladder compliance can prove difficult secondary to small bladder capacity and surgical exposure of the bladder. Here, we explore an alternative technique to characterize murine mechanical properties by applying biaxial mechanical stretch to murine bladders that had undergone pBOO. 5–6 week old female C57/Bl6 mice were ovariectomized and subjected to pBOO via an open surgical urethral ligation and sacrificed after 4 weeks (n=12). Age matched controls (n=6) were also analyzed. Bladders were separated based on phenotype of fibrotic (n=6) or distended (n=6) at the time of harvest. Biaxial testing was performed in modified Kreb's solution at 37 °C. Tissue was preconditioned to 10 cycles and mechanical response was evaluated by comparing axial strain at 50 kPa. The normal murine bladders exhibited anisotropy and were stiffer in the longitudinal direction. All mice showed a loss of anisotropy after 4 weeks of pBOO. The two phenotypes observed after pBOO, fibrotic and distended, exhibited less and more extensibility, respectively. These proof-of-principle data demonstrate that pBOO creates quantifiable changes in the mechanics of the murine bladder that can be effectively quantified with biaxial testing.  相似文献   
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