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Evolution of male longevity bias in nematodes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
McCulloch D  Gems D 《Aging cell》2003,2(3):165-173
Many animal species exhibit sex differences in aging. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, under conditions that minimize mortality, males are the longer-lived sex. In a survey of 12 independent C. elegans isolates, we find that this is a species-typical character. To test the hypothesis that the C. elegans male longevity bias evolved as a consequence of androdioecy (having males and hermaphrodites), we compared sex-specific survival in four androdioecious and four dioecious (males and females) nematode species. Contrary to expectation, in all but C. briggsae (androdioecious), males were the longer-lived sex, and this difference was greatest among dioecious species. Moreover, male lifespan was reduced in androdioecious species relative to dioecious species. The evolutionary theory of aging predicts the evolution of a shorter lifespan in the sex with the greater rate of extrinsic mortality. We demonstrate that in each of eight species early adult mortality is elevated in females/hermaphrodites in the absence of food as the consequence of internal hatching of larvae (matricide). This age-independent mortality risk can favour the evolution of rapid aging in females and hermaphrodites relative to males.  相似文献   
Three monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised against pathogenic yellow head virus (YHV) from Thailand were tested against tissues of shrimp from Thailand, Australia, Ecuador and India that were purported to be infected with yellow head complex viruses. MAbs V-3-2B and Y-18 were specific to gp116 and gp64 envelope proteins, respectively, while Y-19 was specific to a 20 kDa putative nucleoprotein p20. As a preliminary step, the site of reactivity of the 3 MAbs in YHV was determined by immuno-electron microscopy using ultra-thin sections of YHV-infected shrimp tissue and negatively stained, semi-purified YHV particles. As expected, MAb Y-19 reacted with viral nucleocapsids in ultra-thin sections but not with negatively stained, whole virions; MAb V-3-2B did react with negatively stained, whole virions, but not with virions or nucleocapsids in ultra-thin sections. Unexpectedly, MAb Y-18 did not react with whole or sectioned virions. By immunohistochemistry, MAbs Y-19 and Y-18 reacted with Penaeus monodon tissues infected with either YHV or with gill-associated virus (GAV) from Australia, while MAb V-3-2B reacted with YHV only. In addition, all the YHV and GAV tissue samples gave positive in situ hybridization reactions with a cDNA probe specific to the ORF1b gene of YHV. They also gave expected differential RT-PCR results for YHV and GAV. By contrast, 2 natural Thai shrimp specimens with no gross signs of disease gave similar immunohistochemical reactions and RT-PCR reactions to GAV. However, sequencing of their RT-PCR products showed that they shared 92.7% identity with GAV, but only 79.0% identity with YHV. Although specimens from Ecuador and India displayed histopathology suggestive of YHV infection, they gave negative immunohistochemical reactions with all 3 Mabs, and negative in situ hybridization results. Additional work is required to determine whether a virus from the yellow head complex was responsible for their observed histopathology. These data show that the 3 YHV MAbs could be used in diagnostic situations to differentiate some viruses in the yellow head virus complex.  相似文献   
The interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor colocalizes with focal adhesion complexes (FACs), actin-enriched structures involved in cell adhesion and signaling in fibroblasts and chondrocytes. The colocalization of FACs and IL-1 receptors has been implicated in the restriction of IL-1 signaling transduction to ERK; however, the mechanism of this restriction and the requirement of IL-1 receptor-associated proteins have not been characterized. We determined if the association kinetics of the interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) colocalizes with FACs and the requirement for IRAK in IL-1-dependent ERK activation. Human gingival fibroblasts were incubated with collagen-coated beads to induce the assembly of FACs at sites of cell-bead contact. Immunoblot analysis of bead-isolated FACs showed a time-dependent assembly of the focal adhesion proteins beta-actin, vinculin, and talin, which was blocked by the actin monomer sequestering toxin latrunculin B. Although no IRAK was isolated with FACs from unstimulated cells, phosphorylated IRAK was transiently associated with FACs isolated from IL-1beta-stimulated fibroblasts. Fibroblasts plated on tissue culture plastic (which permitted the formation of focal adhesions) showed phosphorylation of ERK, JNK, and p38. Cells plated on poly-l-lysine (to prevent the formation of focal adhesions) showed activation only of JNK and p38. ERK activation was partially restored by incubating cells plated on poly-l-lysine with collagen-coated beads before IL-1 stimulation. Cells treated with latrunculin B or swinholide A, which caused a progressive depolymerization of actin filaments, showed a reduction or elimination of IL-1-induced ERK activation, respectively. Fibroblasts electroinjected with a mouse monoclonal anti-IRAK antibody to block the recruitment of IRAK into FACs failed to activate ERK after IL-1 treatment, indicating that FAC-associated IRAK is required for the activation of ERK. These data indicate that the integrity of actin filament arrays and the recruitment of IRAK into focal adhesions are involved in the restriction of IL-1 signaling to ERK.  相似文献   
Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted glycoprotein with mineral- and cell-binding properties that can regulate cell activities through integrin receptors. Previously, we identified an intracellular form of osteopontin with a perimembranous distribution in migrating fetal fibroblasts (Zohar et al., J Cell Physiol 170:88-98, 1997). Since OPN and CD44 expression are increased in migrating cells, we analyzed the relationship of these proteins with immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. A distinct co-localization of perimembranous OPN and cell-surface CD44 was observed in fetal fibroblasts, periodontal ligament cells, activated macrophages, and metastatic breast cancer cells. The co-localization of OPN and CD44 was prominent at the leading edge of migrating fibroblasts, where OPN also co-localized with the ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) protein ezrin, as well as in cell processes and at attachment sites of hyaluronan-coated beads. The subcortical location of OPN in these cells was verified by cell-surface biotinylation experiments in which biotinylated CD44 and non-biotinylated OPN were isolated from complexes formed with hyaluronan-coated beads and identified with immunoblotting. That perimembranous OPN represents secreted protein internalized by endocytosis or phagocytosis appeared to be unlikely since exogenous OPN that was added to cell cultures could not be detected inside the cells. A physical association with OPN, CD44, and ERM, but not with vinculin or alpha-actin, was indicated by immunoadsorption and immunoblotting of cell proteins in complexes extracted from hyaluronan-coated beads. The functional significance of OPN in this complex was demonstrated using OPN-/- and CD-/- mouse fibroblasts which displayed impaired migration and a reduced attachment to hyaluronan-coated beads. These studies indicate that OPN exists as an integral component of a hyaluronan-CD44-ERM attachment complex that is involved in the migration of embryonic fibroblasts, activated macrophages, and metastatic cells.  相似文献   
Theoretical considerations and observations of residual stress suggest that geometric remodeling in the heart may also alter residual stress and strain. We investigated whether changes in left ventricular geometry during physiologic growth were associated with corresponding changes in myocardial residual strain. In anesthetized rats from eight age groups ranging from 2-25+ weeks, the heart was arrested and isolated, and equatorial slices were obtained. The geometry of the intact, unloaded state was recorded, as well as the "opening angle" of the stress-free configuration after radial resection of the tissue slice. The tissue was fixed and embedded for histological examination of collagen area fraction. Heart weight increased 10-fold with age and unloaded internal radius increased almost 4-fold. However, wall thickness increased only 66 percent, so that the ratio of wall thickness to internal radius decreased significantly from 2.22 +/- 0.29 (mean +/- SD) at 2 weeks to 0.81 +/- 0.47 at 25 weeks. Opening angle of the stress-free slice decreased significantly from 87 +/- 16 deg at 2 weeks to 51 +/- 16 deg, and correlated linearly with wall thickness/radius ratio. Collagen area fraction increased with age. Hence physiologic ventricular remodeling in rats decreases myocardial residual strain in proportion to the relative reduction in wall thickness-radius ratio.  相似文献   
Reaching device efficiencies that can rival those of polymer‐fullerene Bulk Heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells (>10%) remains challenging with the “All‐Small‐Molecule” (All‐SM) approach, in part because of (i) the morphological limitations that prevail in the absence of polymer and (ii) the difficulty to raise and balance out carrier mobilities across the active layer. In this report, the authors show that blends of the SM donor DR3TBDTT (DR3) and the nonfullerene SM acceptor O‐IDTBR are conducive to “All‐SM” BHJ solar cells with high open‐circuit voltages (VOC) >1.1 V and PCEs as high as 6.4% (avg. 6.1%) when the active layers are subjected to a post‐processing solvent vapor‐annealing (SVA) step with dimethyl disulfide (DMDS). Combining electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) analyses and systematic carrier recombination examinations, the authors show that SVA treatments with DMDS play a determining role in improving charge transport and reducing non‐geminate recombination for the DR3:O‐IDTBR system. Correlating the experimental results and device simulations, it is found that substantially higher BHJ solar cell efficiencies of >12% can be achieved if the IQE and carrier mobilities of the active layer are increased to >85% and >10?4 cm2 V?1 s?1, respectively, while suppressing the recombination rate constant k to <10?12 cm3 s?1.  相似文献   
Mouse bone marrow cells in suspension were separated into a number of fractions on the basis of cell density by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation, or on the basis of cell size by velocity sedimentation. After each type of separation, the cells from the various fractions were assayed for their ability to form macroscopic spleen colonies in irradiated recipient mice, and for their ability to form colonies in a cell culture system. The results from either separation technique demonstrate that cells in some fractions formed more colonies in vivo than in the culture system, while cells in other fractions formed more colonies in culture than in the spleen. The results of control experiments indicate that this separation of the two types of colony-forming cells was not an artifact of the separation procedures. From these experiments it was concluded that the population of cells which form colonies in culture under the conditions used is not identical to the population of cells detected by the spleen colony assay.  相似文献   
The durations and temporal relationships of electromyographic activity from the submental complex, superior pharyngeal constrictor, cricopharyngeus, thyroarytenoid, and interarytenoid muscles were examined during swallowing of saliva and of 5- and 10-ml water boluses. Bipolar, hooked-wire electrodes were inserted into all muscles except for the submental complex, which was studied with bipolar surface electrodes. Eight healthy, normal, subjects produced five swallows of each of three bolus volumes for a total of 120 swallows. The total duration of electromyographic activity during the pharyngeal stage of the swallow did not alter with bolus condition; however, specific muscles did show a volume-dependent change in electromyograph duration and time of firing. Submental muscle activity was longest for saliva swallows. The interarytenoid muscle showed a significant difference in duration between the saliva and 10-ml water bolus. Finally, the interval between the onset of laryngeal muscle activity (thyroarytenoid, interarytenoid) and of pharyngeal muscle firing patterns (superior pharyngeal constrictor onset, cricopharyngeus offset) decreased as bolus volume increased. The pattern of muscle activity associated with the swallow showed a high level of intrasubject agreement; the presence of somewhat different patterns among subjects indicated a degree of population variance.  相似文献   
Nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) is the major mammalian DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway of DSBs induced by DNA damaging agents. NHEJ is initiated by the recognition of DSBs by the DNA end-binding heterodimer, Ku, and the final step of DNA end-joining is accomplished by the XRCC4-DNA ligase IV complex. We demonstrate that Aprataxin and PNK-like factor (APLF), an endo/exonuclease with an FHA domain and unique zinc fingers (ZFs), interacts with both Ku and XRCC4-DNA ligase IV in human cells. The interaction of APLF with XRCC4-DNA ligase IV is FHA- and phospho-dependent, and is mediated by CK2 phosphorylation of XRCC4 in vitro. In contrast, APLF associates with Ku independently of the FHA and ZF domains, and APLF complexes with Ku at DNA ends. APLF undergoes ionizing radiation (IR) induced ATM-dependent hyperphosphorylation at serine residue 116, which is highly conserved across mammalian APLF homologues. We demonstrate further that depletion of APLF in human cells by siRNA is associated with impaired NHEJ. Collectively, these results suggest that APLF is an ATM target that is involved in NHEJ and facilitates DSB repair, likely via interactions with Ku and XRCC4-DNA ligase IV.  相似文献   
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