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The mucin-type carbohydrate Tn cryptantigen (GalNAc1-O-Ser/Thr,where GalNAc is N-acetyl-D-galactosamine) is expressed in manycarcinomas, in haemopoietic disorders including the Tn syndrome,and on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coat glycoproteins,but is not expressed on normal, differentiated cells becauseof the expression of a Tn-processing galactosyltransferase.Using Jurkat T leukaemic cells which express high levels ofTn antigen due to deficient Tn galactosylation, we have establishedthe Tn antigen-mediated gene transfer and demonstrate the considerableefficiency of this approach. We used poly(L-lysine) conjugatesof the monoclonal antibody 1E3 directed against the Tn antigento deliver the luciferase and ß-galactosidase reportergenes to Jurkat cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Additionof unconjugated 1E3 reduced transfection efficiency in a concentration-dependentmanner and incubation with free GalNAc abolished DNA transfercompletely, indicating that gene delivery is indeed mediatedby the Tn antigen. Pre-treatment of Jurkat cells with Vibriocholerae sialidase, which uncovers additional Tn antigens, resultedin an improvement of gene transfection. Both human and chickenadenovirus particles attached to the DNA/polylysine complexstrongly augmented transgene expression. When the ß-galactosidase(lacZ) gene was delivered to Jurkat cells by Tn-mediated endocytosis,up to 60% of the cells were positive in the cytochemical stainusing 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-ß-D-galactopyranoside(X-gal) as a chromogenic substrate. The efficiency of the transferrinreceptor-mediated DNA uptake into Jurkat cells was comparativelylow, although these cells were shown to express considerableamounts of transferrin receptor. We show here that a mucin-typecarbohydrate antigen mediates highly efficient DNA uptake byendocytosis into Jurkat T cells. This method represents a 50-foldimprovement of Jurkat cell transfection efficiency over otherphysical gene transfer techniques. Specific gene delivery toprimary cancer cells exhibiting Tn epitopes may especially bedesirable in immunotherapy protocols. adenovirus endocytosis gene transfer T cell Tn antigen  相似文献   
We have assigned the human histamine H1-receptor gene to chromosome 3 by Southern blot analysis of a chromosome mapping panel constructed from humanhamster somatic cell hybrids. This assignment was confirmed by in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes and involved bands 3p14–p21.  相似文献   
We describe here a new type of X-linked liver glycogen storage disease. The main symptoms include liver enlargement and growth retardation. The clinical and biochemical abnormalities of this glycogenosis are similar to those of classical X-linked liver glycogenosis due to phosphorylase kinase deficiency (XLG). However, in contrast to patients with XLG, the patients described here have no reduced phosphorylase kinase activity in erythrocytes and leukocytes, and no enzyme deficiency could be found. Linkage analysis of four families with this X-linked type of liver glycogenosis assigned the disease gene to Xp22. Lod scores obtained with the markers DXS987, DXS207, and DXS999 were 3.97, 2.71, and 2.40, respectively, all at 0% recombination. Multipoint linkage analysis localized the disease gene between DXS143 and DXS989 with a maximum lod score of 4.70 at θ = 0, relative to DXS987. As both the classical XLG gene and the liver α-subunit of PHK (PHKA2) are also located in Xp22, this variant type of XLG may be allelic to classical XLG, and both diseases may be caused by mutations in PHKA2. Therefore, we propose to classify XLG as XLG type I (the classical type of XLG) and XLG type II (the variant type of XLG).  相似文献   
At altitudes between 1300 m to 2100 m in the Etna massif (Sicily), an endemic species of theBetula genus,Betula aetnensis Rafin, grows in a well-defined microclimatical context. Aboveground biomass and nutrient content studies within one stand revealed no significant differences from the otherBetula species, normally found in colder more temperate climate regions.Throughout the studied sites, biomass production, nutrient cycling and various structural or physiological characteristics (leaf area index) varied very little.Other researches indicate that the originality ofBetula aetnensis lies more in the histological or anatomical characteristics of its water conducting system which enables the species to adapt to Mediterranean-climate summer droughts in the Etna massif.
Riassunto Sull'Etna, tra 1300 e 2100 m d'altitudine, in una zona microclimaticamente ben definita del versante nordorientale, si rinviene laBetula aetnensis Rafin.Dallo studio della fitomassa e della mineralomassa aerea del bosco di Monte Baracca, è emerso che non vi sono differenze notevoli con le altre specie indagate del genereBetula, più caratteristiche dei climi temperati e freddi.La produzione di biomassa, cosi come la gestione degli elementi nutritivi, è molto simile ai diversi popolamenti già indagati, cosi come certe caratteistiche strutturali e fisiologiche (leaf area index).L'originalità dellaBetula aetnensis è da ricercarsi nel vantaggio che ne ricava, a livello endogeno, sfruttando le caratteristiche istologiche ed anatomiche del suo apparato conduttore, che le consentono un efficace ed eccellente adattamento alle condizioni di siccità estive particolari del clima mediterraneo del vulcano.
The temporal changes in extracellular enzyme activities in freshwater microbial biofilms were examined in two contrasting river sites in North Wales over a 12 month period. Sites were a first order, unshaded oligotrophic upland stream (Nant Waen) and a fourth order, mildly eutrophic river with riparian tree cover (River Clywedog). When algal populations were low, biofilms of the more eutrophic site supported greater enzyme activities and higher population densities than the oligotrophic site. Composition, concentration and origin of substrates available to the respective biofilm communities influenced extracellular processing patterns. Reduction in algal populations depressed total and extracellular activities in biofilms from the first order site, suggesting that biofilm communities here were maintained by in situ primary production. Biofilms from Nant Waen were often found to contain higher extracellular activities per cell than the more eutrophic River Clywedog biofilms, which might represent the enhanced ability of an oligotrophic biofilm to accumulate extracellular enzymes. In contrast, light and darkgrown River Clywedog biofilms were not enzymatically distinct, inferring a less important role for biofilm phototrophs. Some evidence was found for increased reliance on allochthonous substrates in the River Clywedog for biofilm maintenance.  相似文献   
Abstract The putative chaperone-like protein ClpE, required for biogenesis of the Escherichia coli capsule-like antigen CS31A, was compared with ten known periplasmic chaperones from E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bordetella pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae and Yersinia pestis . The amino acid sequence alignment was superimposed onto the three-dimensional structure of the PapD chaperone of uropathogenic E. coli , and amino acid residues involved in maintaining the structure integrity of the suggested binding site were found identical in most of the 11 chaperones. Construction of a phylogenetic tree to investigate the relationship within the chaperone family has revealed interesting degrees of relatedness between the different proteins.  相似文献   
The effects of long term exposure to suboptimal growth temperature on the photosynthetic apparatus of Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were investigated using carbon fixation rate versus irradiance curves and the variable fluorescence induction method. Carbon fixation rates per unite chlorophyll a at saturating (pBm) and subsaturating (αB) irradiances were 55% and 39% lower, respectively, at 12° C than at 20° C. Chlorophyll a quotas and the spectrally averaged in vivo absorption cross section normalized to chlorophyll a (a*) were not significantly different at these two temperatures. Analysis of the fluorescence kinetics revealed 1) no significant variations of the amount of PSII photoactive reaction centers per unit chlorophyll a, 2) a 14% decrease of the PSII quantum yield(+) and 3) a 29% decrease of the energy transfer efficiency between the light harvesting chlorophyll a pigment bed and the PSII reaction centers. The decrease in energy transfer efficiency between the antennae and the PSII reaction centers at 12° C was interpreted as a mechanism to avoid photoinhibition.  相似文献   
Evolution of reproductive systems in the genus Silene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genus Silene contains both hermaphrodite, gynodioecious and dioecious species, dioecy being represented in three sections of the genus. To locate the events of change of reproductive systems, we compared ITS sequences of 22 species of Silene chosen throughout the whole genus, and four putative outgroup species. Gynodioecy, which is the most common reproductive system within the genus Silene and in closely related genera such as Saponaria and Dianthus, is proposed to be ancestral in the genus. Dioecy has evolved at least twice: once in the section containing S. latifolia, and once in the clade containing S. otites and S. acaulis ssp. bryoides. Evolution towards hermaphroditism, associated with evolution of selfing has also occurred at least twice, in S. gallica and S. comica.  相似文献   
Berger T 《Theriogenology》1995,43(4):769-775
This study was designed to evaluate the proportion of males with spermatozoa detectably less fertile than the spermatozoa from other males. Previously unpublished and published data from heterospermic trials involving insemination with equal numbers of spermatozoa and resulting in at least 11 offspring from each pair of males were analyzed. The proportion of pairs in which the males sired equivalent numbers of offspring were 0.42, 0.18, 0.33 and 0.09 for trials with fresh boar semen, liquid-stored boar semen, frozen bull semen and fresh rabbit semen, respectively. The calculated proportion of males with less fertile spermatozoa were 0.36, 0.57, 0.42 and 0.70, respectively. Although these differences in fertility would not be apparent in some management systems, a high proportion of ejaculates had spermatozoa that were detectably less fertile.  相似文献   
Abstract: The α subunit of Gzz) harbors two N-terminal serine residues (at positions 16 and 27) that serve as protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation sites. The cognate residues in the α subunit of Gt1 provide binding surfaces for the β1 subunit. We used three serine-to-alanine mutants of αz to investigate the functional importance of the two N-terminal serine residues. Wild-type or mutant αz was transiently coexpressed with different receptors and adenylyl cyclase isozymes in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and agonist-dependent regulation of cyclic AMP accumulation was examined in a setting where all endogenous α subunits of Gi were inactivated by pertussis toxin. Replacement of one or both serine residues by alanine did not alter the ability of αz to interact with δ-opioid, dopamine D2, or adenosine A1 receptors. Its capacity to inhibit endogenous and type VI adenylyl cyclases was also unaffected. Functional release of βγ subunits from the mutant αz subunits was not impaired because they transduced βγ-mediated stimulation of type II adenylyl cyclase. Constitutively active mutants of all four αz subunits were constructed by the introduction of a Q205L mutation. The activated mutants showed differential abilities to inhibit human choriogonadotropin-mediated cyclic AMP accumulation in luteinizing hormone receptor-transfected cells. Loss of both serine residues, but not either one alone, impaired the receptor-independent inhibition of adenylyl cyclase by the GTPase-deficient mutant. Thus, replacement of the amino-terminal serine residues of αz has no apparent effect on receptor-mediated responses, but these serine residues may be essential for ensuring transition of αz into the active conformation.  相似文献   
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